Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 618 Another ethnic group

Song Lan's soul question was answered that night.

After a whole day of research, Medel made an astonishing discovery. She summoned all the top leaders of the swarm to the garbage dump and told everyone the astonishing news - what they were facing was a kind of... An unprecedented new creature, its body is a worm, and its way of survival is to parasitize in the human body.

They do not always need to kill the host. The parasitized host will be affected by the worms, and they will secretly lay new eggs through marriage, thus giving birth to more worms.

According to Medel's speculation, these worms that turned into bank robbers are probably just a small part of their group. Their duties are somewhat similar to that of worker bees, collecting large amounts of property through criminal means, which may eventually go to the leader of the group. hands, and this exactly explains why all the transferred wealth disappeared without a trace.

It is very likely that the worms have parasitized into the company, the big family, and there may even be their spies in the council.

My preliminary inference is that there are three ways for them to become humans.

Medel said, The first is to directly parasitize the host's body and guide their behavior through thought control; the second is to eat up all the nutrients in the host's body after parasitism and extract their genetic sequence. The host will die after the worm leaves the body, leaving only a skin; the third type is camouflaged through incomplete cells and gene sequences. They seem to only need a hair to become exactly the same as each other, but The disadvantages of this change method are obvious, they cannot completely simulate the behavior of the disguised object.

Medel put all the worm protozoa in transparent containers and placed them on the table in the lounge. As long as they could not come into contact with human tissue, they could only maintain the appearance of worms.

Song Lan picked up one of the utensils and placed it in front of him to observe.

The worms inside were extremely unfriendly, grinning in his face, and hitting the edge of the vessel with their heads from time to time.

They are very weak in their worm state. They are trapped in the vessel and cannot come out.

Why are they pretending to be me?

I guess this has something to do with this trip to the third neutral country.

Dr. Bai Zhu answered.

While Medel was busy studying worms, she was not idle either. She arranged the 23 bank robberies in chronological order. 16 of the robberies occurred before the Great Recruitment. This shows that this group has long been It has infiltrated into human society, and only in the recent Southeast Bank robbery in District 17, did a figure similar to you appear. It is likely that the top leaders of this group noticed your existence and hoped to use it to corrupt Your reputation can even be eliminated directly.

However, for the entire worm group, getting rid of Song Lan was just a small episode in their growth process.

Their real purpose is to penetrate into humans through imperceptible means such as parasitism.

This is horrifying to think about.

Because the first form of parasitism is difficult to detect, we don't know how many senior members of the coalition government have been parasitized.

Bai Zhu even suspects that the increasingly fierce factional struggles are the result of the manipulation of these worms behind the scenes. Their strategies are very smart. They never compete with humans head-on, but use humans' own power to deal with themselves.

The worm only needs to occupy the body of a key person to quickly expand the scope of its parasitism through a cocktail party.

The real enemy is not a few bank robbers, but the entire group behind them.

To make matters worse, the leaders of this ethnic group are very likely to have become important members of the coalition government. They can introduce a series of policies that are not beneficial to the 17th District at any time.

This is much more difficult than arranging a few criminals to disrupt public order in the city. After all, a border city like District 17 has no status at all in the eyes of the Council. This city has never seen any politician who can join the Council. .

In addition to verifying the wound, is there any way to identify the parasitized people?

Lu Xiang asked.

Not yet. Madele shook her head. She glanced pityingly at Song Lan's gauze-wrapped palm, And this method is actually useless, because the self-healing process is actively controlled by the worm. , but what makes me wonder is why you think this method can work? Those parasitized government officials can even use this detection method to clear their suspicions.

I'll report it. This was Lao Sa's first suggestion!

Song Lan sold Lao Sa without hesitation.

It is obvious that there are many people with such ideas, and England is one of them.

When we met today, he insisted on scratching his palm with a knife, otherwise he would not be allowed in.

Samuel was stunned for a moment. When he saw that the person who called out his name was Song Lan, he coughed lightly and started a three-minute self-examination very cooperatively.

Actually, I made a discovery.

When the discussion reached an impasse, Graves, who had remained silent, raised his hand and took the lead in making a wave of disclaimers, But I can't guarantee that this theory is completely correct.

You tell me first.

I feel like these worms don't seem to like people whose prosthetic implants are too high. I later studied the list compiled by Bai Zhu and found that almost none of the people suspected of being parasitized had been transplanted with military-grade prosthetics.

This is also the main reason why their individual combat capabilities are not strong.

you sure?

Well... I have conducted some experiments on them in private. The results of the experiment can confirm my guess. You can understand that the higher the degree of implantation of the host's prosthetic body, the more difficult it will be for them to parasitize, and What is certain is that they will never be able to parasitize the body of an android.

No wonder, Inglie had been parasitized before, but the worms in his body were quickly taken out.

It would be a bit arbitrary to draw any conclusions now.

Even if Graves is right, we need to understand why, Medel said.

The discussion at this meeting lasted until late at night, but when it came to political content, Song Lan did not listen carefully. He had to deal with the bombardment of text messages from Guan Lili.

When the company found out about her private meeting with Inglie, Guan Lili angrily yelled at Inglie in a text message, once again describing him as useless.

After angrily criticizing Inglie, she also began to inquire about the progress of the Southeast Bank robbery.

The filming team believed that this was a God-given opportunity. Solving a high-profile robbery would be much better than defeating the leader of the speeding gang.

After she calmed down, she briefly described the company's next arrangements.

After the Southeast Bank robbery broke out, the company contacted a real big shot. They are currently trying their best to get in touch with that big shot. If the two parties can reach a cooperative relationship, this will greatly promote the future development of War Heroes .

After Song Lan's clever insinuations and her assurance that she would cut off all contact with Ingrid, Guan Lili finally revealed some details to him.

In the near future, it is likely that a six-star reliever will be heading to District 17.

Ninety-two of the small theaters:

A certain day of a certain year, a certain day, a Tuesday, in the evening.

Recently, the extrajudicial gangster Song has become the subject of heated discussions among various departments. This is a dangerous person who haunts various murder scenes and has committed countless shocking crimes. If a bounty is to be set for this criminal legend If so, I'm afraid he will become the only criminal in the history of the coalition government whose bounty exceeds one billion watts.

As a direct victim of public opinion, Song Lan always felt that his colleagues and subordinates looked at him more and more strangely.

There are always comments around him that say It's not fake, I suggest strict investigation.

It wasn't until Song Lan delivered meals to Lu Xiang one day and sat in the last row to listen to Lu Xiang's class that he realized the seriousness of the problem.

Comrade Lu Xiang!

After the two got on the hover car, Song Lan slapped her hand on the leather sofa in the car, Can you explain to me what the criminal suspect Song means?

I just gave examples to facilitate their understanding.

Is there any such example?

In just one class, Song was already charged with enough crimes to be shot 10 times. Because Lu Xiang's class was different from general law education, she only taught criminal investigation cases, and she chose the most minor cases. They are all serial murders.

...Isn't this what you taught me before? If the real name and case information cannot be involved, use a unified personal pronoun instead.

Then why does the suspect have the last name Song?

because I like you.

Lu Xiang blinked at Song Lan innocently, I want to integrate you into the course content.

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