Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 623 Illegal Drug Tycoon

That night, the office of the regional director of Hailu Energy Branch.

A middle-aged man in his 40s was sitting at his desk. After an unknown amount of time, the cell phone on the table rang.

The man answered the phone immediately.

Our man was captured.

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, the man immediately reported the recent events in District 17.

The last time they heard from them, they were planning to replace the head of the law enforcement department of the 17th District and turn this key position into theirs. There is information about Lu Xiang in his office now, and it will be available at any time. He was ready to give up his current identity and replace Lu Xiang.

In District 17, the head of the law enforcement department is much more useful than the regional director of an energy company.

But just after they carried out the action, they disappeared from the world.

I suspect our opponents this time are not law enforcers.

The man hesitated for a while and said, But I don't understand why you suddenly changed your plan to get rid of that person named Song Lan?

Their original goal was to rob the Southeast Bank. The plan went very smoothly. When the company reacted, the money had already been transferred to their accounts. According to the original plan, they should have reintegrated into human society and continued to hibernate. Get up and wait for the next order.

But on the day of the bank robbery, his superiors suddenly changed their plans.

If there is anything you need to know, I will tell you directly. Since I haven't told you, it means you don't need to know it.

Then what should I do next? We are almost out of manpower in District 17.

I know, and you will be exposed soon.

I don't understand. I didn't leave any holes.

They will get rid of you, but before they get rid of you, you can still make a final contribution to the tribe - submit a personal protection clause to the company headquarters, and we will find a way to help you pass this clause.

I see.


δ's work efficiency was very high. The next morning, she told Song Lan the news she had investigated.

Regional Director of Sea and Land Energy.

A middle-aged man named Feren Morgo.

When Lu Xiang heard this name, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

Faerun Morgo, what's his origin?

Song Lan noticed the change in Lu Xiang's expression and asked curiously.

He is from the Morgo family... This matter is getting a little troublesome.

The Morgo family? Are they famous?

Ordinary people have rarely heard of them, but in core cities, even the Company, Foster, and the Iris Consortium are unwilling to offend them. They are rare radical neutrals.

The Morgo family's neutral approach seems incompatible with most neutral factions.

They have always adhered to the spirit of retribution. No matter who offended them was a company or a big family, they would bite off a piece of flesh from the other party. Because of this, many people in the core city privately called the Morgo family A bunch of crazy dogs.

People with status are never willing to fight with mad dogs.

When I was still in school, one of the practical training courses was to protect an informant who had offended the Morgo family and extradite him from the outside world to the core city. In order to retaliate against him, the Morgo family almost razed the entire city. The killers they sent followed them all the way to the coalition government territory.

While speaking, Lu Xiang subconsciously covered his left arm.

This detail did not escape Song Lan's eyes. He frowned, Were you injured at that time?

Not seriously injured.

Lu Xiang shook his head, The point is, as long as they offend them, no matter the company or the family, even the foreign troops of the coalition government will become their targets.

At that time, she thought that the Morgo family must be crazy, and they openly attacked the foreign troops for an insignificant informant. However, what happened next was once again beyond her expectation.

Although the journey was extremely dangerous, their team finally managed to hand over the informant to the counter-intelligence department with great efforts. However, the day after the informant was returned to the intelligence department, he was torn into pieces in his cell. And the attack on the government's foreign troops was dropped.

After returning to school, I checked some things about them privately. It is said that before the third war, they originally started by selling illegal drugs and had private armed forces in the local area. Later, they laundered their subordinates through the war. Most industries have kept up with the trend of the times and formed companies. On the surface, their business is a new energy company facing the 'outside', but behind the scenes, they are currently the largest illegal drug group.

Perhaps because of their origins as warlords, the Morgo family has maintained a strong family consciousness to this day.

Once the core members of the family are offended, they will retaliate with crazy means that ordinary people can't imagine.

Lao Lu, do you know what I thought of?

What comes to mind?

I think about when I was a child and heard stories about gangster tycoons, I couldn't tell whether they were true or false. I was so scared by them that I was afraid of being targeted by gangsters when I went home at night.

What I said is true. Feren Morgo is a big trouble. He is the regional director of Sealand Energy. This means that all the illegal drug sales in District 17 are handled by him. He is definitely Moore. A core member of the Ge family.

As a result, they will have to consider changing their plans.

Originally, they planned to kidnap the target provided by δ directly, but if Feren Morgo disappeared in District 17, the Morgo family would have to turn the city upside down.

Wait a minute, does this mean that this Feren Morgo is still a dealer in illegal drugs?

To be precise, all illicit drug dealers in District 17 and the border trade line have to act based on his face.

This is not like your style, Lao Lu.

my style?

I have never heard of this person in District 17 before. Since he has committed so many things, isn't there a reason to invite him to the bureau for tea?

Are you serious? Are you going to invite Feren Morgo to the bureau for tea?

Lu Xiang was in a daze. She always felt that her and Song Lan's roles had been reversed.

In the past, she decided to invite someone to the bureau for tea, and Song Lan always played the role of peacemaker and persuaded her to do more rather than do less.

Didn't you say that the Morgo family will not let anyone offend them? What do you think they would think if they knew that the core members of their family had been plotted by the worm a long time ago?

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