Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 627 The supervisor can testify for me

Mendosa Morgo would like to invite us to dinner tonight.

The next afternoon, Lu Xiang told Song Lan the shocking news.

Mandoza's purpose was very clear, and Song Lan's name was specifically written on the invitation list.

When she heard the news, she was stunned for a long time.

After planning a sniper attack and burning the family's bicycle, Mendoza acted as if nothing had happened and invited them to dinner the next day.

The name is that they brought chefs from the Morgo family and wanted them to taste the food from their hometown.

Of course, even the most obtuse person can realize that this is a Hongmen Banquet.

Lao Sa and the others missed the mark. Mendoza should have brought the elites of the Morgo family...and the person who contacted me was Mayor Aureliano. His voice on the phone sounded like he was being raped by Morgo. The Ge family members are under control.

If you think about it carefully, the Morgo family will not let the new mayor go easily.

A series of policies after he took office have reduced the company's profits, and with the strong promotion of his new policies, the illegal drug market in District 17 has suffered a devastating blow.

Now that the Morgo family wants to take over District 17, they will follow the way the Foster family did in the past and replace it from top to bottom with people they can trust.

Lu Xiang felt that Captain Doug was right in his analysis. Feren Morgo was just a trigger. The Morgo family might have wanted to attack District 17 a long time ago.

This made her realize another possibility, The real purpose of those worms is not to get rid of you, but to provoke a war between the Morgo family and District 17.

Everyone knows that once the Morgo family takes action, war will be inevitable.

Song Lan, you...

Lao Lu, I'm hungry. When are we going to eat?

Song Lan, who was sitting silently on the sofa, suddenly spoke. Uncharacteristically, he did not watch a movie throughout the morning, but remained sitting on the sofa in a daze.

You can leave now.



The hover car slowly parked in the rooftop parking lot of Sea-Land Energy Company. Feren Morgo personally welcomed the two of them. The middle-aged man who had just applied for personal protection clauses from the Morgo family had a rosy complexion and was not at all worried. There was no sign of fear.

He nodded cordially to Lu Xiang, as if the rumors outside did not come from his mouth.

The private banquet hall was packed, but they were all strangers they had never met before. Lu Xiang looked around the private banquet hall and did not find Mayor Aureliano in it. This made her feel sorry for their city. I sweat a lot.

As the host, Mendoza had been waiting in the private banquet hall early in the morning. He was half lying on a chair, with his legs raised high on the table.

The dinner seemed to have been served before their arrival.

There was only one dinner plate on the huge table, which was covered by a white porcelain opaque lid, but as soon as they entered the door, they smelled the vague smell of blood in the air.

Welcome, my friends. It's a pity that Mayor Aureliano is temporarily busy and I'm afraid he won't be able to attend our dinner today.

Although he said so, there was no sign of welcome from Mendoza's actions. He did not stand up and motioned Song Lan and Lu Xiang to sit in the innermost seats with contemptuous eyes.

Feren Morgo, who was standing at the door, greeted the people inside and went out to lock the door of the private banquet hall to ensure that no one could come out of this door before the dinner officially ended.

How brave. I thought you would bring your followers, but you don't know these friends of mine yet, right? They are all people I trust. I met them in the 17th District and the 'outside world' Any troublesome issues will be left to them to handle. This is a rare trip back to District 17, so I called them up by the way.

Lu Xiang could naturally hear the deeper meaning in Mandoza's words.

He used a tactful way to introduce them to the elite killers secretly trained by the Morgo family.

She noticed that one of them was shirtless and had a snake-shaped tattoo all the way to his left face. The bald man looked at her with particularly intense eyes. When their eyes met, the bald man was still secretly making a gesture of pulling the gun bolt towards her. .

Sniper last night.

Before Lao Sa and his men arrived, the bald head disappeared without a trace under the cover of night.

Lu Xiang also noticed that there were traces of prosthetic splicing on the bald arm, which showed that the degree of implantation of his prosthetic body was definitely not low. However, for the Morgo family who is engaged in the illegal drug business, the most important thing they do not lack is money. .

The illegal drugs they produce are probably more efficient than the money printing press.

The main reason we came here this time is...

Wait a minute.

Mandoza interrupted Lu Xiang directly. He glanced at the family assassin closest to him and said, Now that everyone is here, the dinner can officially begin.

The family killer understood this, and he sneered and opened the lid of the dinner plate in front of the two of them.

What was served in the exquisite vessel was not the matching delicacies, but two severed fingers. The two severed fingers looked like they had been cut off not long ago, and they were still dripping with bright red blood.

Lu Xiang guessed that this might have something to do with Mayor Aureliano's sudden incident.

This is the hometown dish carefully prepared for them by the chefs of the Morgo family, but now it seems like the slang of gang members.

It's still fresh, let's try it?

Mendoza showed his signature creepy smile again, and set an example by standing up, picking up one of the index fingers on the plate, and holding it in his mouth as if tasting delicious food.

We are here mainly to clarify the misunderstanding. The news that we are going to murder Faerun Morgo are all malicious rumors.

But my uncle told me this himself.

Mandoza frowned and shook his head. He was obviously not satisfied with Lu Xiang's explanation, My uncle is an honest and trustworthy man. He watched me grow up. I understand his personality and he will never Maliciously slandering or falsely accusing others without any reason.

This is real.

Song Lan intervened in the conversation between the two, We understand your way of doing things, but you know nothing about us.

Oh? Then you can tell me.

Mandoza seemed to be interested and looked Song Lan up and down with his eyes.

Their informants learned a lot about Song Lan. A few months ago, he was just an inconspicuous clerk in the logistics department. Later, because Lu Xiang was listed on the list, he gradually reached where he is today. s position.

What made him even more funny was that the law enforcement department of District 17 actually published an electronic novel based on him and Lu Xiang to promote their image.

Mendoza felt that a minor character like Song Lan might not have even heard of the name of the Morgo family, and he probably had no idea how the dinner would end.

But what is certain is that this person can really stimulate Lu Xiang.

He couldn't help but lick his lips, his tongue was stained with blood from the severed finger, and the blood stained the corners of his mouth red.

Looking at Song Lan's serious expression, Mandoza couldn't help but think of many torture methods in his mind. He was an expert among experts in this field.

We adhere to the principle of honesty and trustworthiness in our work, and treating people sincerely is our consistent purpose.

Be honest……?

Mandoza couldn't help laughing. He stared and tried not to laugh in front of Song Lan.

Yes, if we are going to take action against Mr. Feren Morgo, we will definitely notify him.

For a moment, their eyes converged.

Mendoza looked a little confused.

Song Lan's reaction was much calmer than he expected. In this situation, shouldn't such a small character be so scared that he wets his pants?

Just like now.

Song Lan continued, We will also inform you first.


Mendoza's voice stopped at this moment forever.

He felt that his head suddenly became so light that it was like a balloon leaving his body.

The splashing blood beads stagnated in the air, forming a beautiful picture.

In the chaos and trance, he heard something fall to the ground and roll away for a long distance.

The private banquet hall was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Even Lu Xiang was frightened by this sudden scene. Without any warning, Mandoza and the family killers he brought turned into a bloody flower at the same time.

Director, you should be able to testify for me.

The smell of blood soon filled the whole room. Song Lan picked up the tablecloth and wiped away the blood stains that splashed on her face. I was talking all the time. The corpse exploded suddenly.

I originally planned to take a day off from the second watch today, but I insisted on the third watch.

Small theater ninety-five:

Tuesday afternoon on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year.

As soon as Lu Xiang got off work that day, he found Hannah sitting at the door of their apartment like a stray cat. When she heard Lu Xiang's footsteps, Hannah immediately raised her head and looked at her with eyes full of hope.

First of all, don't tell me that you were kicked out by your family.

Lu Xiang sighed, but still invited Hannah in.

Don't worry, I won't disturb you for too long today. I have encountered difficulties and want to consult you.

What difficulties do you have that no one in the family can solve for you?

The Troubles of Love.

Are you in love? Lu Xiang was surprised, Did the family arrange it for you?

We are in free love, and like you, we live together.

Isn't that great?

But he has started to dislike me recently.

Why do you dislike you?

I think I'm lazy, so I just lie on the sofa all day and turn on the TV and do nothing.

Her boyfriend's complaints made Hannah confused. Isn't her life style exactly the same as Song Lan's? But Lu Xiang never cared about this. Instead, he liked the relaxed and lazy feeling when he was with Song Lan.

It's not like he doesn't do anything. He cooks every day. Can you cook?


Then what are your specialties?

Kill people.

What's so great about this? Song Lan can do it too.

Song Lan, who was lying on the sofa thinking about life, couldn't stand listening. He immediately sat up straight and intervened in the conversation between the two of them sternly, Don't talk nonsense, I won't kill anyone!

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