Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 634 The Hometown of Knights

This is also Lu Xiang’s first trip to District 2.

As a large city second only to the First District in terms of economy, politics and area, the Second District is a place that countless people dream of.

According to statistics, the Second District has won the award for the city with the lowest crime rate in the past few years. It is two extremes from the Seventeenth District before Lu Xiang arrived.

The planes they took were both printed with the Iris Consortium's logo, and the flight attendants also had corresponding patterns on their chests. In the second district, everything from food, clothing, housing, transportation to business and politics were under the control of the Iris Consortium.

The flight from District 17 to District 2 was empty, with only a few company people here and there.

Lu Xiang flipped through the electronic brochure provided to passengers on the flight. Although the brochure did not directly promote the greatness of the Iris Foundation, you could read the information between the lines.

When we were in school, District 2 was the most popular place among students, but only 1% of the top students could get the opportunity to work in District 2.

This electronic brochure reminded her of many past events. Almost every one of her former roommates had collected an electronic brochure for District 2. Unfortunately, their grades were not good enough, so they could only pin their hopes on the mainland. On Xiang.

They called Lu Xiang the hope of the whole dormitory. According to his academic performance, as long as Lu Xiang proposed the idea of ​​being assigned to work in the second district after graduation, he would be very likely to get an invitation, and he might even directly work for Iris. Consortium work.

These trivial memories brought a smile to her face inadvertently. It was her second year at Daystar College, and it was a very fulfilling and happy time. They heard that I was going to be transferred to District 17. While I was working, I was stunned.”

Of course, in addition to being surprised, many people also laughed at her behind her back.

So what if I get good grades?

Wasn't he transferred to a border city in the end?

You've never thought about going to District 2?

Song Lan was flipping through the electronic manual. From an objective point of view, there was nothing wrong with this city.

I thought about it, but then I didn't get along well with Isabel, so I gave up.

Have you ever had any conflicts?

That's not true. She invited me when she entered school, but I refused. I really can't stand the tradition of their family. Hey, do you know what someone who swears allegiance to their family will do?

have no idea.

Kissing their boots, I don't know who came up with that.

When Lu Xiang heard about the Iris family tradition, he immediately rejected Isabel's unreasonable request. She thought it was insulting, but later she found that many people seemed to enjoy it.

This was also the reason why Isabel was able to control the sky with one hand in Morning Star.

She is the legitimate daughter of the Iris Consortium and one of the legal heirs of the future consortium. As long as she opens her mouth, she can give any student the opportunity to work in the Second District.

They call this etiquette the tradition of knights. I heard that those who are recognized by Isabel will receive the title of knight. This is proof that they swear allegiance to the Iris Consortium, but I have not studied their red tape carefully.

Lu Xiang shrugged.

It's more than that. Knight is an official job in District 2, equivalent to being a soldier of the Iris Consortium.

A familiar voice came from behind the two of them.

When Song Lan turned around, she saw the iconic white coat and nano-tight combat uniform.

At this time, Jasmine put a hand on the back of their chair, wearing a mask on her mouth, and a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of her nose to hide her face, What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here.

Her gaze deliberately stayed on Song Lan for a long time, I'm so glad you're still alive. It seems that those who wanted to plot against you failed again.

This is all thanks to our heroic supervisors, who nip evil in the bud every time.

Hearing this, Lu Xiang smiled politely at Jasmine and gently placed her hand on Song Lan's thigh. She did not exert any force or make any threatening movements, but her thigh The touching sensation made Song Lan's heart tighten, and a chill filled her heart.

So he immediately asked for help from the sidelines, Do you know the second area very well?

That's right. I've had a lot of dealings with them because of work issues.

Jasmine saw that there was no one in the back seat of Lu Xiang and Song Lan, so she sat down behind them.

In the past, δ always made annoying noises in her ears, but recently, after she suddenly became weak, Jasmine was not used to it.

When δ accidentally heard the recent news and learned that most of the top leaders of the Morgo family had been assassinated, he suddenly became like a frost-beaten eggplant. He didn't even say much. Even if he spoke, it was all Softly spoken.

This made Jasmine wonder if there was some friendship between her and the Morgo family.

There is no law enforcement department in the Second District, and there are no garrisons assigned by the coalition government. All law and order maintenance is carried out by the Knights of Iris. They are proud to be a knight.

As expected of a nobleman.

Song Lan sighed in her heart and asked curiously, Then do they know how to ride horses when they are on duty?

That's not true, but the Iris Consortium has created a series of customized armaments for their knights.

Jasmine gestured to Song Lan to turn back a dozen pages of the electronic brochure. There was a special page about the Knights of the Glorious Iris Consortium.

Song Lan quickly saw the cars of the knights in 2167.

The silver-white body, striking styling, and sophisticated and complex equipment introduction take up two pages.

The armor of the knights is also customized. It refers to the concept of knight armor and uses exoskeleton armor technology on this basis.

Everyone who becomes a knight of the Iris Consortium can obtain this set of equipment on the first day of taking office.

There is also a strict hierarchy within the knights. When they are promoted to a certain level, the Iris Consortium will also tailor a set of exoskeleton armor for them based on their combat characteristics. I have also heard that those at the core of the consortium will The cost of a suit of armor guarded by members can be worth the cost of a small town in the 'outside world'.

Jasmine lowered her voice.

Now she doesn't look like a six-star rescuer at all, but more like a girl gossiping with her friends, You just said that Isabel has been looking for you. She probably wants to train you to be her personal guard.

In addition to ability, the Iris Consortium values ​​loyalty very much.

That's why they send the children of their core members to Daystar Academy, which is also a process of establishing their power for them.

Isabel never imagined that you would refuse her. In her opinion, this is a great favor to the common people.

Jasmine said, How can these purdah ladies who were born with silver spoons in their mouths really understand other people's thoughts?

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