Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 636 The highest level of sneaking

MI7 developed a very detailed infiltration plan for them. They were obviously aware of the threat worms posed to the coalition government, especially since even the Iris Consortium had been infiltrated by them.

During the conversation, Song Lan vaguely understood the purpose of the consciousness aggregate.

The mission given to these worms is to allow them to disintegrate the power of the coalition government from within. Now the increasingly fierce battle between the reformists and conservatives has given them more room to operate. He even suspected that the dispute between the two groups was intensifying. It is most likely the result of worms instigating it.

The death of Faerûn-Morgo was not enough to disrupt their plans.

Ivan began to tell Song Lan about the role of medicinal powder, This medicinal powder can interfere with the taster's taste system. As long as you mix some in the food, even if it is difficult to swallow, the taste buds will transmit it to their brains. 'Delicious' message.

This medicine goes beyond the taste itself.

No matter you like any taste from sour, sweet, salty or spicy, medicinal powder can convey the same level of deliciousness to you.

But be sure not to overdose, as these powders are addictive.

Isn't this the same as illegal drugs?

Yes. Ivan wondered why Song Lan would ask such a question. During their missions, the use of illegal drugs was commonplace. The only thing they needed to ensure was to complete the mission in the fastest and most accurate way, and It leaves no traces, but unlike common illegal drugs, its residual substances in the human body cannot be detected.

MI7 has its own research team, and all the results developed enjoy the highest level of confidentiality measures of the coalition government.

We have a high-end restaurant in District 2, and people from the Iris Foundation often visit there. From now on, your identity is the chef hired by the restaurant from a neutral country at a high price.

Ivan continued to introduce Song Lan's next identity, then took out a disguise kit and handed it to him.

Disguise is the basic skill of MI7 agents. No matter what environment they are in, they can blend in perfectly. However, considering that Song Lan may be a novice in this field, he also prepared an electronic manual for the other party, I have detailed instructions on how to use various props in the manual, so even a fool can learn it.

With that said, Ivan glanced at Night Heron again.

Since just now, this little girl has been looking around in the basement, and when she encounters something she is interested in, she will put it in her mouth and take a bite.

My suggestion is that you can leave her here with me and don't take her with you when you sneak into the castle.

The Iris Consortium's personal guards are very important. Even if MI7 agents fall into their hands, they can pry out some information.

Judging from Ye Heron's curious appearance, she might be invited to tea by the knights of the Guard not long after she entered the castle.

Look down on people, I'm also good at pretending.

Ye Lu heard Ivan talking about him and immediately retorted unconvinced.

Since following the two of them back to District 17, she has firmly believed that she can eat meat if she follows Song Lan, so wherever Song Lan goes, she will go.

When Mendoza Morgo invited them to a dinner party, she relaxed and stayed at home. As a result, a dozen chicken legs were wasted in one go!

You can also disguise? That's great. There are props here. Come and show me.

Ivan blows his beard and glares at Night Heron. He is still bitter about the fact that he swallowed an entire bottle of vodka. Moreover, he has always felt that Night Heron is a little unusual. Now he can see what this little girl is capable of. It was a good opportunity. Based on his knowledge of Lu Xiang and Song Lan, for such an important matter as sneaking into the castle, they would not bring a spoiler that could expose the entire action plan at any time.

I don't need these props!

Ye Heron puffed out his chest and said proudly.

Yes, but the ugly words come first. I am very strict. As long as there is the slightest loophole...

Suddenly, all the words Ivan wanted to say were stuck in his throat. He opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen a ghost - because he clearly saw the night heron curled up in front of him, with a long tail behind her. A pair of bat-like wings appeared, and then her shape also changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Black feathers sprouted from the bare wings, and the two legs turned into bird talons, as well as a sharp beak, and a sharp gaze like an eagle.

Immediately afterwards, this bird that looked like an eagle and a vulture flew onto Song Lan's shoulder and stood firmly on it.

How about it? This is called real disguise!

As soon as the black bird opened its mouth, the triumphant voice of the night heron could be heard.

As the death angels of the church, disguise is an innate ability for them. When hunting down traitors, they can lurk into the Barossa Group or the rebel barracks in this form. Who knows? Execute those hateful traitors without anyone noticing.

Everything is according to Night Heron's plan.

When the time came, she would stand on Song Lan's shoulders, and he could even feed her openly in front of everyone.

After all, there is nothing suspicious about feeding pets.

Ivan didn't answer.

Because the scene in front of him obviously went beyond his knowledge of the art of disguise.

A master-level disguiser can transform himself into another person at any time to avoid detection. However, Ye Heron has completely transformed from a human into another creature, even shrinking in size to the point where he can stand on Song Lan's shoulders. Degree!

Ivan, don't worry, Ye Lu has her own clever plan.

Song Lan saw that the atmosphere in the secret room was a bit stiff, so he accepted the tool kit handed to him and smoothed things over.

I understand, it's up to you to take charge of this matter.

Ivan calmed down and decided not to worry about the strange abilities displayed by Night Heron. This world is full of wonders. All he had to do was to solve the problem at hand, You have two days to adapt to your new identity. , because Isabel’s mother has made a reservation with the restaurant for the night in three days’ time, and I hope you can arouse her interest by then, otherwise, we will have to find other ways.”


I still have something to talk to him about.

Lu Xiang, who was observing, intervened in the conversation. Although she had never doubted Song Lan's cooking skills, she had not taught Song Lan his infiltration skills before, and all the clues so far showed that Song Lan was in the field of infiltration. is the school of fighting nationalities.

In other words, as long as all witnesses are eliminated, the infiltration will be successful.

But this school of thought is obviously not applicable in the headquarters of the Iris Consortium.

You just have to remember one point.

Lu Xiang didn't have time to teach from scratch, so she told the other party the essentials she had summarized based on the courses at Daystar Academy, From now on, you have to forget about worms, missions and all infiltration plans. You are the restaurant hiring people from neutral countries at high prices. Chef, you have only one purpose in coming to District 2 - to earn enough pension money and then settle down in this city.

When you say that, I completely understand.

Song Lan's eyes lit up. He felt that Lu Xiang was indeed a genius. Even his teaching was so concise and concise.

He really doesn't know how to sneak into school.

But he is very confident. There are probably few people in the world who know how to make money for retirement better than him.

Thanks to Mikasa Ackerman for the 500 starting coins!

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