Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 644 There is a vicious dog inside

While being escorted for interrogation, Song Lan reflected on himself carefully and considered all the reasons that might have led the consortium's guards to find him. However, no matter how he thought, he could not think of the reason why he was summoned by the knights.

Since his arrival at the castle he had cooked only one meal and then gone to bed.

Could it be that this also violates family taboo?

Although he has never heard of the title of Scarlet Lord, according to the job description within the consortium, those who can be awarded the title of lord are all the elite among the elite. Even the important officials of the consortium will treat them with courtesy. .

Especially in these troubled times, every family is secretly wooing the leaders of these knights.

Song Lan was blindfolded again. Almost as soon as he was pushed into the interrogation room, a pungent fishy smell rushed towards him.

Then, he heard the roar of the beast and the harsh noise of its claws rubbing against the cage.

The Scarlet Lord personally took off his blindfold, allowing him to clearly see the huge creature imprisoned in a cage only ten meters away from him.

This monster looks like a wolfdog, but it has two heads and is several meters long. The first time she saw it, Song Lan wondered if this wolfdog was an extra hired from the Resident Evil studio next door. What kind of aesthetic person would keep it as a pet?

The pungent fishy smell emanated from the dog's mouth, and its fangs seemed to have shredded meat of unknown composition adhered to it.

After fixing Song Lan on the seat in the interrogation room, the Scarlet Lord gave him a meaningful look and left the room.

The two-headed vicious dog seemed to have received some kind of signal and excitedly scratched the cage with its paws.

The whole cage was crumbling, as if it might break free from the cage at any time and break away from the shackles of the cage.

Not long after, the Scarlet Lord's face, as ugly as a vicious dog, appeared opposite him in the form of a holographic image.

I ask again, what have you been doing all night.


I urge you to think about it carefully.

The Scarlet Lord whistled, and the vicious dog scratched the cage more violently.

I was literally sleeping.

Then let me remind you, when was the last time you saw the head maid?

About two hours ago, she briefed me on how to use each area of ​​the room and left.

So you don't deny that you were the last person to see her.

Wait a minute, you mean something happened to the head maid?

Someone attacked her and she was seriously injured. Her life or death is now uncertain.

The Scarlet Lord briefly and concisely described the state of the maid at the moment, but he seemed not to care about the seriously injured maid, but was eager to advance the interrogation to the next stage, What did she say to you before she left? You need Tell me every word she said, this is your only chance to save yourself.

After learning about the attack on the head maid, Song Lan was stunned for a while.

Based on his experience as a combat power measurer on the Internet for many years, he was basically convinced that the maid's combat power should be higher than that of ordinary Guards knights. She also carried five throwing knives with her. Isn't the person who attacked her afraid of him? Got stabbed?

It's really not me. By the way, there are surveillance cameras installed in the attic. You should be able to see that I have never left that building.

I know, if it weren't for this, you wouldn't be sitting here now, but would be staying in the belly of the two-headed dog. You can carefully appreciate its appearance. Before you, many spies have been eaten by it. My stomach is full.


Song Lan admitted that the Scarlet Lord was right. He was indeed a spy with ulterior motives, but this was definitely a scam. He had not done anything suspicious so far.

As you mentioned just now, the head maid has arranged work for you tomorrow.

The Scarlet Lord waited patiently for a moment, letting Song Lan enjoy the time alone with the two-headed dog. He knew that the fear of being torn apart by the monster that broke out of the cage at any time was tormenting Song Lan's heart. For a chef from a neutral country who has seen the world, every second he spent in the interrogation room was torture.

And this is exactly their purpose.

Completely disintegrate Song Lan's psychological defense, and then throw him a life-saving straw at the right time.

This method has been tried and tested, You just mentioned that the head maid said that Mrs. Kalida is willing to give you another chance and let you be in charge of her and the eldest lady's lunch.

That's what she said.

I tentatively believed you, so I decided to give you a chance to redeem yourself.

The scarlet lord followed the path of kindness.

Of course they knew what the head maid said to Song Lan when they were in the kitchen. They also knew that the head maid made a special trip to Mrs. Kalida's residence in order to keep the neutral chef.

Because of this, they discovered an unprecedented opportunity.

I heard that the eldest lady has been in poor physical and mental condition since that ridiculous trial. She has been unable to eat recently. Hey, did you see what is on the table?

That's a pill bottle.

There was no explanatory text on it, and it was filled with white granular pills.

Only at this moment did Song Lan understand the real reason why she was invited to drink tea.

I have been worried about the health of the eldest lady. These are the pills that I managed to find thanks to my relationship. They will be good for the eldest lady's body. I need you to take these pills when preparing lunch for the eldest lady and madam tomorrow. The pills were ground into powder and put into their food.”

But why don't you give them the pills yourself?

You don't need to know why.

The Scarlet Lord whistled again.

After receiving the signal, the two-headed dog became even more excited. Its roar became louder and louder, and the frequency of scratching the iron cage also increased, and its eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light.

And at this moment...

There was a sound of breaking from the iron cage.

This sound made the two-headed dog freeze in place, because this was not in line with the usual procedure - its owner had not yet given him an order to tear the prey into pieces.

Just when it raised its head in confusion, it happened to meet Song Lan's eyes.

In an instant, an unprecedented fear surged into his heart, making all the hair on his body stand on end.

Instinct drives it to escape from this place as soon as possible.

do not move.

The voice that emerged in its mind suppressed its behavior. It clearly saw that Song Lan had not spoken, but the voice was conveyed to its mind.

This cage will be destroyed by you in a while, and when the time comes, you have to pounce on the first person who approaches you.

The voice was giving it an order, Otherwise, I will never forgive you.

At the same time, Song Lan faced the scarlet lord's projection and said, I understand. I will grind these pills into powder tomorrow and put them into the lunch of the madam and the eldest lady.

Don't try to play tricks on me.

A satisfied smile appeared on the face of the Scarlet Lord, and everything was developing in the direction he wanted to see, If you break your promise, I will find you. If you fall into my hands again, then But you will suffer.

Small Theater One Hundred and Two:

Wednesday morning on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year.

Early this morning, Lu Xiang received good news.

Hannah's boyfriend is discharged from the hospital.

After the doctor's active rescue, her boyfriend finally came out of the shadow of food poisoning.

You're right, there was no rift in their relationship.

She couldn't wait to share the news with Song Lan, Her boyfriend took this opportunity to undergo an operation and replaced his entire stomach with a bionic stomach that can filter toxins.

But it's not a long-term solution.

Song Lan couldn't help but mourn for the unlucky guy he had never met before. He misjudged Hannah's talent and handed over a dark cooking master. Are the top students in Daystar not good at cooking?

Lu Xiang has never cooked for him, and he doesn't want to delve into the other person's true level.

The sentence Ye Lu won't eat already explained everything, and the explanation given by Lu Xiang was that she felt sorry for Song Lan and didn't want to send him to the prosthetic hospital.

Therefore, Song Lan suspected that in the field of cooking, the only difference between Lu Xiang and Hannah was that she was self-aware.

We actually also had cooking interest courses.

Lu Xiang said shyly, At that time, the school even invited an executive chef from a high-end restaurant to guide us.

Actually, she has not always been self-aware.

When Yelu refused to take a second bite of the dinner she cooked, Lu Xiang understood everything.

It didn't go smoothly, I guess.

Well, there was an emergency in the teacher's restaurant, so the class was cancelled.

Lu Xiang added, Just after eating the food I cooked.

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