Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 657 Sisters

The moment the explosion sounded, δ turned into an afterimage and jumped towards the third floor of the hospital. Song Lan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he was unable to activate his ability.

The scene on the third floor of the hospital at this moment was extremely strange.

The psychic bomb, which was clearly enough to level the entire consortium hospital, did not cause any ripples. Jasmine stood in front of the hospital bed, witnessing Kane's body torn apart by the explosion.

The moment the roar of the explosion came, she finally knew who was the person who turned Kane into this state.


The psychic collection manual calls it the most vicious terrorist the coalition government has ever faced, and the harm it has caused far exceeds that of any resistance leader.

Are you OK?

An urgent inquiry came from behind.

The breeze lifted the corners of Jasmine's white coat. She lowered her eyes and stared at Kane's remains for a long time, wondering what she was thinking.


Jasmine said calmly.

δ then remembered that she had been with Jasmine for such a long time and had never seen her use her abilities. She was more accustomed to using the characteristics of support-type psychic powers.

For some reason, δ vaguely felt that Jasmine seemed to be deliberately avoiding the use of her abilities.

But faced with the psychic bomb that was so close at hand, she had to use her abilities to minimize the damage. δ carefully observed the ward, but could not find any clues that could point to Jasmine's ability. The shocking sound just now The roar seemed to be just a fireworks display and failed to cause any waves.

Things are getting troublesome.

Jasmine muttered. Among the many prisoners recorded in the manual, Domination was the one she least wanted to encounter, because he was a complete madman with no possibility of communication. Every time he appeared, he was accompanied by Destruction and the death of many innocent people.

The coalition government paid an extremely heavy price to escort it back to the cell.

Not only did they directly damage one six-star rescuer, but the other six-star rescuer was almost useless afterwards, because at the end of that battle, Domination was so crazy that he transformed himself into a bomb, and the explosion caused The psychic storm caused instantly enveloped everyone. The six-star rescuer who survived by chance also relied on his companions to sacrifice themselves to create an opportunity.

Yes, if we push the time forward a few decades, the six-star rescuer is the most dangerous profession in the coalition government. The candidate system was formed during that period because of the pursuit of criminals such as Domination or δ. , they may be sacrificed at any time.

That seemed to be the period when psychic abilities were most flourishing. With the disappearance of these prisoners, the seats of the six-star rescuers gradually solidified. Before Desolate Bones and Sound Wave were seriously injured, the six-star rescuers had not changed for nearly ten years. A series of recent events gave Jasmine an ominous premonition.

Void, aberration structures, war, and now parasitic worms, they are returning to the chaotic and turbulent era of the past.

But now, she must deal with a more pressing problem. It must be found as soon as possible, otherwise more and more people will be turned into psychic bombs by it.

The duel with Domination will never end well.

Perhaps in the near future, the magnificent castle of the Iris Consortium will be reduced to ruins by explosions and psychic storms like the last war recorded in the manual.

It's too late.

δ shook his head and said, The bomb has already been planted by the time you realize it exists.

If we think about the worst, maybe Domination has placed time bombs around every important member of the consortium. It is waiting for a suitable opportunity to use a large-scale psychic fireworks show in this city at the core of the coalition government. to announce his return.

Domination is both crazy and very ritual-oriented.

But for the remaining words, it couldn't tell Jasmine directly.

Because the other party's real purpose was probably to take revenge on that devil. For this reason, Domination did not hesitate to make a deal with the consciousness aggregate.

Its capabilities evolved.

Before he finished speaking, a domineering and oppressive psychic energy entered the ward. Wherever the psychic energy passed, objects cracked and collapsed, and the windows of the ward were shattered by the psychic energy.

The dark blue stream of light arrived in front of δ in the blink of an eye.

It's like the physical spiritual energy divides the surrounding space into two completely different worlds, blue and white.

The crackling current caused the remains of the items to float in the air in an eerie way.

Before the psychic energy could tear everything apart, Jasmine stood between the two of them, Sister, stop, it's a friend.


Yue Ji looked at δ with cold eyes. As the chief knight of the Iris Consortium, she naturally heard about what happened in District 7. It was δ's ability that caused Isabel to be seriously injured at that time.

But she never expected that δ would dare to break into the castle openly after doing what he did.

It's a long story, but you have to believe me, now is not the time for internal strife!

Jasmine emphasized her tone. In her opinion, even if the three of them gathered their strength, the consortium might not be able to get through this crisis unscathed. She now suspected that the reason why Domination was able to sneak into the consortium silently was Most likely someone helped it hide its tracks.

Sister, I need 10 minutes of free presentation time without interruption.

You'd better give me a reasonable explanation.

When the tripartite meeting was held on the third floor of the hospital, Lu Xiang was not idle either.

While there was no one around, she inserted the chip that Dr. Bai Zhu had given her before leaving into the hospital's data center. This center was connected to all the internal databases of the entire consortium. As long as they could overcome the consortium's firewall, they would be able to learn about this. The deepest secrets of the nobles.

This is not difficult for Bai Zhu, who has mastered the deep web technology.

The progress bar of the holographic projection kept advancing, and Song Lan had to temporarily act as a lookout.

His current mission is to knock out any unlucky guy who stumbles upon the crime scene.

Unfortunately, the Scarlet Lord once again had the misfortune to play the role of the unlucky guy.

The roar caused by the explosion made him recover from the drug. After hesitating for a long time, he finally walked out of the ward and walked toward the first floor of the consortium hospital alone.

In fact, the moment he stepped out of the ward door, interference psychic energy captured his figure. Song Lan had more than ten ways to keep the Lord in the ward, but he let him stay in the corridor. Wandered around and went all the way down the stairs.

The Scarlet Lord saw Song Lan wandering on the first floor at first sight.

He was about to step forward to ask about the situation, but as soon as he took a step, his feet fell into the air and he rolled down the stairs.

It stands to reason that for a well-trained knight, a fall is not a big deal at all. However, the lord is also unlucky today. In the process of rolling down the stairs, there is a mysterious force manipulating a blunt weapon to violently hit him. It hit him on the back of the head. The blow was so severe that he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Lu Xiang poked her head out of the room when she heard the noise. When she saw the Scarlet Lord lying on the edge of the stairs in a manner that was almost performance art, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Song Lan.

Even though this silly bird may seem amiable at ordinary times, he is actually a very vindictive person.

But in most cases, the revenge he took was avenged on the spot. People like the Scarlet Lord who lived for two more days after making harsh words were undoubtedly a special case.

Lu Xiang felt that Chai Ke and Dorago Saffron must be envious of him.

Dr. Bai Zhu found some interesting information related to Jasmine and her sister.

This information was dug out from the most confidential documents of the Gilvis family. These secrets are probably known only to the current head of the family, Richard Gilvis.

Do you still remember Princess Lieyang?

Of course, she is our biggest sponsor, how can we forget this?

In order to thank Princess Lieyang for her outstanding contribution to District 17, they now include Lieyang's name in the special sponsorship on the last page of each issue of the Law Enforcer's Handbook and Love Story electronic manuals.

Both of them, like Lieyang, are users of concept weapons. Not long after they could remember, they were sent to the research institute of concept weapons by Richard Gilvis. Yueji's suitability for prosthetic body implantation Very good, since she was sent there, she has been the focus of the agency's care; Jasmine's prosthetic fit is very low, and she lost control four times in the first year after the concept weapon was transplanted.

Lu Xiang carefully read the information in the database. These seemed to be original documents sent directly to Richard by the research institution, which recorded the growth trajectory of the two sisters in detail.

Hey, what kind of ability is this?

She originally thought that Jasmine's loss of control would cause a large number of casualties, but judging from the content recorded in the original document, all the people attacked by Jasmine's loss of control were not injured, and something weirder than injuries happened to them.

It says that the attacked can be seen and heard, but everything they do will deviate from what others see.

This conclusion seems a bit obscure, so the researcher who sent the original document also cited cases that occurred at that time.

The researcher who was attacked was thirsty and drank a cup of coffee that afternoon.

But everyone in the office witnessed her drinking an entire bottle of chemicals.

During their years at the agency, they had countless discussions about Jasmine's abilities and conducted countless experiments. However, until she was taken back to the consortium, the researchers at the agency had no conclusion.

Some people think that her ability is related to space, while others think that it is the result of visual deviation.

Lu Xiang guessed that the explosion just now failed to cause any waves in the hospital, probably because of Jasmine's ability.

The original document also mentioned that her nano-combat suit was a conceptual weapon.

Compared with these, I only have one question now.

Song Lan's expression turned serious.


Both of them have also been transplanted with concept weapons. Why did Jasmine and Yue Ji become six-star rescuers, but why did they fall out of the way when they arrived at Princess Lieyang?

Although they have a good relationship with Princess Lieyang, from an objective point of view, there is still a gap between Lieyang and the six-star rescuers.

He felt that Lieyang should reflect on himself more.

I didn't mention her just so you could criticize her.

Lu Xiang frowned and said, I want to tell you that maybe like Princess Lieyang, the designer left a backdoor in their prosthetic body.

Thanks to the Great Demon King for the 1234 starting coins!

Small theater one hundred and eight:

A certain day, a certain year, a certain day, a Saturday, afternoon.

After living on the starship for a few days, Song Lan suddenly discovered that this job was unexpectedly suitable for him. You know, in the past, he had to apply for leave and report to the department if he wanted to fish, but now, he goes directly to the department every day. He could sit on the sofa in the common room and watch movies all day without anyone talking about him in his ears.

Even better is Lu Xiang.

She seems to have figured out the knack of contrast. She wears the boring black suit from the counter-intelligence department every day, but what she wears under the suit is very interesting.

However, after lying on the sofa in the lounge for a long time, even Song Lan inevitably thought about life.

His colleagues who were busy working every day were in sharp contrast to him.

Lao Lu, seriously, what kind of job do I do?

Head of security.

She helped Song Lan apply for this position. She clearly remembered that the judges all looked incredulously when they heard Song Lan took the initiative to apply.

What exactly does this position do?

Sack job.

Security issues sound like a heavy responsibility, but this is the starship of the Ragus Foundation, and those who can board here are staff from various departments. The crime problem is almost negligible, Unless...


Unless we encounter an alien civilization, or facehuggers infiltrate the spacecraft and we need you to take action, other times you just need to be a good mascot.

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