Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 661 Dancing with Thunder

This night, Ye Heron was well prepared. She had her friends ambush outside the door of Richard Gilvis' study early. She only waited for her order to record everything that happened inside. .

But this time, they missed the mark.

Rose did not come as promised.

Even Richard Gilvis himself was missing. When she asked about the exotic animals in the courtyard, she finally heard that the last time they saw the rose was half an hour ago, when she was She followed Colin Capello's personal maid with a complicated expression.

She immediately reported the news to Song Lan and Lu Xiang.

Colin Capello's personal maid? Why did she come to Yue Ji?

Lu Xiang frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart. With the Capello family and the Gilvis family in dire straits, there was absolutely no reason for them to meet at this time.

Unless something happens that temporarily puts family interests and consortium civil war behind them.

The last news given by those rare beasts was that Yue Ji followed Colin's maid to the wax museum inside the consortium.

The wax museum was the work of the previous consortium leader. He was keen on collecting all kinds of wax figures and spent a lot of money to leave a mark that would forever belong to him in the castle.

In addition, the exotic beasts also witnessed Jasmine sneaking in not long after Yueji entered the wax museum.

There must be something fishy about this matter.

Song Lan agreed.

This sudden change forced them to abandon their original plan and decided to go to the wax museum of the consortium immediately. They made a temporary dummy out of pillows and bedding, and placed it on the bed to pretend that they were already lying on the bed and falling asleep.

This is a technique Lu Xiang learned from prison inmates. Prisoners who try to escape often use this method to deceive the patrols of prison guards.

Comrade Yelu was also assigned an important job. In order to ensure that the doctor on duty would not break into the ward and find the dummy on the bed, she needed to guard the ward overnight, knock out anyone who broke into the ward and throw them into the grass downstairs. go.

After getting everything ready, the two hurried to the wax museum.

Even if they took immediate action, the process was far from smooth.

Since the previous head of the family abdicated, the wax museum has been on hold. Except for the staff responsible for cleaning and maintaining the wax statues, almost no one comes to this ghost place - especially at night.

The wax figures inside were all handcrafted by masters, and each of them was lifelike. After entering the door, Song Lan felt as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at her.

Not surprisingly, they did not find Rose, the maid or Richard in the wax museum.

The huge exhibition hall was eerily quiet, not a single sound could be heard, but the exotic animals were convinced that Yue Ji and others had never appeared again after entering the wax museum.

There is a secret passage here.

Lu Xiang quickly came to the conclusion that this is undoubtedly the most suitable place to install a secret passage, This time I can only rely on you to come up with a solution.

If she wants to find the entrance to the secret passage in a short time, she can only rely on Song Lan's almighty spiritual power. Therefore, she must emphasize that Song Lan is definitely a must-have for home travel and murder. Even in a completely unfamiliar environment, he It can also save you most of the trouble.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

After walking through a deep and dark corridor, Yueji finally saw a bright room.

The Iris Consortium hides too many unknown secrets. She has lived in the castle for so long, but she never knew that there was such a place hidden under the wax museum.

When he entered, Richard Gilvis was already waiting inside.

How is it? You must have just learned that there is such a magnificent underground maze hidden under the castle.

Today's Richard is very different from usual. He is wearing a black robe and his head is covered in the robe's hood. Compared with the leader of the Iris Consortium, he now looks more like some kind of dark wizard who engages in cult sacrifices. .

Even more anomalous than Richard was the floor of the stall.

An unknown paint pen was used to draw a magic circle on the ground similar to that in a magic-themed game. The bright red outline of the magic circle was emitting a strange light.

My uncle spent nearly ten years building this place. The original purpose of this place was for him to realize his ambition to secretly control the Iris Consortium after he abdicated.

And now, the former consortium leader is here.

He sat on the throne built for him, looking down proudly at everyone who came here - this is what he looked like when he died.

Even though the flesh on his body had long since rotted away, and every inch of his body had turned into withered bones, he still maintained the aloof posture of a nobleman. Those empty holes without eyes were facing everyone, silently witnessing the coming of this place. everything that happened.

In the Gilvez family tree, the previous person in power ended in a plane crash, a terrible accident.

He and his personal guards disappeared forever on the vacation plane. People later salvaged the wreckage of the plane and some mutilated bodies from the sea.

What...are we doing here?

Yueji asked uneasily. Her right hand involuntarily held the knight's sword at her waist, but even this could not bring her much sense of security.

In order for you to reveal your heart to me, Yueji, all this is for you.

Richard's answer gave her goosebumps. He opened his arms towards Yueji and said, Now, you should have made the decision to confess to me, right? Tell me, what happened with your sister in the hospital? What did you say?


Yueji's eyes were distracted and she walked towards Richard obediently.

Unconditional allegiance to the Gilvis family had been ingrained in her brain since childhood.

She could imagine Richard's reaction when he found out the truth, but maybe...

Jasmine was mistaken.

Or is he still willing to abide by the agreement and forgive their suspicions?

Such thoughts flashed through her mind.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, as if if Yue Ji took one more step forward, Richard would be able to hold her in his arms.

However, this time, what approached Richard earlier than Rose was a dark blue arc of electricity.

Even the scarlet light bursting out from the sacrificial array was half a beat slower than the thunder. When the sound of electric current reached Richard's ears, the rose in front of him had long disappeared. The beam of the array failed to restrain her in it. There are still cracks left on the solid wall of light.

Richard's eyes were spinning, and a head turned in the air more than ten times before landing in the corner of the room.

The ink-colored viscous liquid splashed everywhere, but was quickly evaporated the moment it touched the arc.

This was the result of her discussion with Jasmine in the ward.

The real Richard Gilvis would never stay with the Capello family and call her to a place like this late at night.

It turns out that Jasmine's worries were correct.

The person she was serving now was no longer the real Richard, but a puppet that had been replaced by worms. The ink that kept spraying from its broken neck was enough to explain everything.

The thunder didn't stop there.

Seeing this, the maid's eyes widened in surprise, and the manic and disorderly roar echoed in her ears. Not to mention the naked eye, even her already deployed spiritual energy could not keep up with Yue Ji's speed. The other party was clearly right there. room, but the speed was so fast that it seemed to disappear out of thin air.

As expected of the consortium's cherished guardian, you are much better than the six-star rescuers I have encountered before.

Rose did not speak.

The maid heard the sound of electric current passing through, but she still couldn't catch the figure of the other party with her sight or spiritual energy. All she could do was to use the shadow to catch Richard like Richard when his sight deviated from its original trajectory. The head flew into the air like Germany.

The head ultimately failed to return to its original place.

More and more cuts appeared, and she clearly saw the dark blue arc flowing out of her body. The energy that seemed to be able to destroy everything was surging in her body. Almost in the blink of an eye, she His body was torn apart by the arc.

The human body was completely abandoned, and the dark energy surging inside was raging.

Suddenly, Yue Ji seemed to see something other than spiritual power.

Those impurities made this energy no longer pure, and whispers from nowhere poured into her brain almost all at once.

The strong mental shock caused her actions to pause for half a second, and the black energy body also seized the gap. Countless tentacles grew out of its body, rejoining the scattered human body parts.

The maid once again returned to Yue Ji in a weird and terrifying posture, with a scary smile on her face.

Yue Ji stretched out her right hand and placed it on the maid's heart without flinching at all.

In an instant, dark blue lines appeared on her silver-white light armor.

The destructive psychic power finally made the maid change her expression slightly. She seemed to want to turn sideways, but the energy spurting out from her palms engulfed her first.

The dark blue spiritual energy fluctuations did not stop there. It broke through the door like a beam of light, annihilating everything in front of it. When it dissipated, there was only an unknown path left in front of Yueji. The end of the ravine was beyond her field of vision, and the burst of light broke through the surface, making the entire second area seem to have skipped the night and returned to daylight.

Yueji began to pant violently.

Jasmine also told her many things, making her realize that she must never hold back against such an enemy.

The intense spiritual energy consumption made her look pale. Fortunately, both the maid and the shadow hidden in her body disappeared under the baptism of the beam.

Then, she heard footsteps approaching from far away.

A familiar figure in a white coat is rushing here desperately.

But before she saw the owner of the footsteps, there was another voice in the air.

Ethereal, yet everywhere.

I am very satisfied with your performance, and it is not in vain that we have spent so much effort on you.

The voice deliberately paused for a moment, It's a pity that if you want to destroy me, you need to at least trigger a psychic storm.

Thanks to DaShopee for the 4234 starting coins!

Small theater its one hundred and ten:

A certain day of a certain year, a certain day, a Saturday, in the morning.

The disengaged atmosphere on the starship continues to ferment, with more and more entertainment activities and less and less time for work. Even the counterintelligence department cannot rekindle people's enthusiasm.

The salty fish virus is not as scary as aliens or alien creatures. Now the entire starship has become a breeding ground for viruses. Lu Xiang feels that even if aliens board the spacecraft, they will be infected by the virus.

But there are no alien civilizations in the galaxy at all!

A young girl spoke out the crew's thoughts. The boring life of galaxy exploration had almost exhausted their enthusiasm. They sailed all the way without seeing even a single life form other than human beings.

What are you doing?

Lu Xiang raised his eyebrows.

Looking at plum blossoms to quench thirst.

The girl holding the tablet said plausibly, There are no aliens in the galaxy. I can only find them in movies. And do you know, Minister Lu, Su Li acted in this movie? That's Su Li!

I know him.

Lu Xiang said lightly that Su Li is not what he used to be. He has become a national-level actor. The relationship between them and Su Li can be traced back to the crew's visit to District 17 to film Enthusiastic Citizen: The Mystery of Chai Ke when.

The girl asked cautiously, while staring at Lu Xiang with gossipy eyes, Minister Lu, are you also chasing stars?


Lu Xiang nodded.

Huh? Minister Lu also chased stars? What happened next? What happened next?

The girl pressed the pause button excitedly and asked again and again.

Caught up.


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