Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 666 There are many people as strong as me

what on earth is it?

Colin Capello felt that his head was dizzy. From just now, he had been feeling that something was not right.

He sat on his knees and looked at his right hand, which was subconsciously resting on the floor.

There is no tactility whatsoever.

What made him feel even more creepy was that his forearm passed through the leg armor of one of the knights, but the knight in front of him didn't seem to know anything about it.

Could it be that all his subordinates were killed by the CP0 agent named Rob Lucci?

But then, another ominous premonition took over his heart.

When this thought emerged in his mind, all the strange things that happened just now seemed to have a reasonable explanation, and this thought plunged him into unprecedented fear, leaving him unable to do anything but maintain the status quo and not want to take any further steps. action.

Colin didn't know how long he had stayed in this world that seemed to have stopped.

The rain has stopped.

The entrance to the consortium hospital was deserted.

Finally, he mustered up his last strength and turned back.

His eyes passed through the crowd of knights and saw the figure still standing in the same place - that was himself. From just now, he had done nothing but stayed in place like these knights. land.

When Colin looked back, time seemed to have stopped flowing again.

He saw that his body seemed to be moving.

It's just that it was not the result of being driven by the brain, but falling backwards in an unconscious state.

His body was broken from the waist, just like the houses that were cut off just now. The Scarlet Lord was in the same state as him. At the moment when time tended to stand still, he also put on an offensive posture, with that high-spirited look. There is still no time to converge.

The sight that greeted me was not bloody.

The broken body dissipates into dust before blood or guts can splatter.

Then, Colin saw a whirlpool appear behind him, and the irresistible force drew him into the whirlpool. His consciousness gradually merged with the residue and dust that was drawn into it, and the scene in front of him was fading away. He goes away.

He, Colin Capello, died like this?

Colin never got the answer to this question.

Because at the end of the whirlpool, it seems to be a world where even thoughts are isolated.

you you……

But in the real world, Isabel looked at Song Lan with a pale face, Did you kill Colin Capello?

She never thought that an agent of MI7 would actually dare to take action against the heirs of the consortium. No, perhaps more accurately, the Iris Consortium no longer exists, and all the castles that recorded their glory and pride Turned into nothingness.

I deeply regret this.

This sounded sincere, because Isabel noticed that even the vulture standing on Song Lan's shoulder seemed to feel the emotions of its owner. The searchlight-like pupils dimmed and became watery, as if at any time Two lines of tears can be shed.

But the coalition government has given us the power of life and death, and that's what we do.

Hearing this, the knights who had just woken up from a dream touched their bodies with their hands. What they touched was the cold temperature of the exoskeleton armor, but it was also proof that they were still alive at this moment.

The joy of surviving the disaster was mixed with the confusion about the future.

Master Colin Capello is dead.

They also had no lord to lead them.

They should have fought the enemy in front of them until the last moment, but when they looked back, even the consortium they needed to defend with their lives no longer existed.

Continuing to fight seems to be an empty and meaningless act. It has no effect except losing lives in vain.

What is the purpose of CP0...are you trying to stop this civil war, or to eliminate all potential threats?

The head maid stood in front of Isabel.

Just now, she experienced the biggest ups and downs in her life, but at the same time, she also experienced the process of broken trust. The person she trusted and wanted to entrust Isabel to was actually MI7. As an agent inserted into the castle, she made a wrong decision that shamed her identity and the entire Gilvis family.

When the head maid asked this question, Isabel and Song Lan looked away from each other.

She knew why the head maid asked.

If the purpose of CP0 is to eradicate the Iris Consortium, then as the successor of the Gilvis family, her ending will be no different from Colin Capello.


Song Lan shook her head and said, According to the information we have received, your father, Mr. Richard Gilvis, was murdered many years ago. The person you have been with day and night over the years has always been a substitute.

Not only Isabel and the head maid, but all members of the Scarlet Knights present also heard this shocking fact.

The coalition government has been in turmoil for a long time. Now is definitely not the time for a civil war to break out. Please stop here.

This time, Song Lan did not ask anyone present to give him a favor.

After a long period of experiments, he realized that he was not a user with the face fruit ability. Except for those death crabs living in the sand, few people could really look at his face and get back.

So, he decided to take another approach.

This is the best result I can get for you. This is your last consideration before my companions come down from upstairs.

Song Lan said in a solemn tone, My companion is at least five times stronger than me. If she attacks you, you will have no chance of survival.

Upon hearing this, the knights of the Scarlet Knights immediately set an example.

They unarmed themselves in unison and stepped out of the exoskeleton armor.

...Thank you, Mr. Lucci.

After leaving an almost inaudible gratitude, the head maid was finally overwhelmed and fell into a coma.

At this moment, Jasmine's shocked eyes fell on Lu Xiang.

She witnessed the whole process. She had never heard of the organization CP0, but this man named Rob Luqi was so powerful that it exceeded her knowledge. She could only vaguely perceive that the other party was a As for the psychic ability, she was not able to sense what his abilities were and how terrifying his psychic strength was.

But when considering the existence of prisoners like δ, Jasmine felt that this was very consistent with the coalition government's code of conduct.

MI7 does not belong to any family or company. They only obey orders directly conveyed by the Senate, and CP0 must be the highest operational department established under the instruction of the Senate President.

But when she finally figured out the relationship, Song Lan revealed another piece of news that she didn't expect.

The CP0 agent next to her who was disguised as a new recruit was actually more than five times more powerful than Rob Lucci!

Based on her experience as a six-star rescuer, she could not imagine the limits of Mo Lian's strength for a while.

Destroy a city, or even a small country, at your fingertips?

Where did MI7 find these horrific characters?

Moreover, Song Lan also revealed a piece of news in a subtle way - his companion seemed to be a cold and cruel person, and once she took action, she would take action with the aim of getting rid of everyone.

Miss Mo Lian...is what he said true?

Jasmine's cautious inquiry left Lu Xiang speechless for a moment.

She originally wanted to watch the excitement, but she didn't expect that she would suddenly become a character more than five times more powerful than CP0 agent Rob Lucci - that stupid bird had never discussed this with her before. Something!

But facing Jasmine's probing eyes, Lu Xiang finally gritted his teeth and resigned, Yes.


The vigorous civil war of the Iris Consortium is coming to an end.

There are no winners in this civil war.

The Monk family was completely wiped out, leaving only Frantin. After Colin Capello died, the members of the Capello family who started the civil war fled the Second District one after another, leaving behind the Gilvis family. The members had to face the castle being dismantled into ruins, and with the disappearance of the current head of the family, Richard Gilvis, their future could only be described as uncertain.

Even if they could muster their strength, rebuilding the castle would hardly restore it to its past glory.

Their place among the conservatives would soon be taken over, and within a short time there would be no more Councilors in the family.

Song Lan did not relax because the civil war was over. Before dawn, they searched every corner of the castle, but could not find Colin's personal maid.

Based on δ's understanding of Domination in the past, she would probably use psychic bombs to attack Song Lan or others. However, after a whole night of searching, δ finally discovered to her chagrin that Domination had changed.

It actually chose to escape.

It must have been the ritual magic circle that caused trouble. It and Richard were also dragged into the magic circle before and disappeared.

δ took the initiative to report the results of its investigation. In name, it has now become a friend of the devil.

At least, that's how the devil defines it.

Thank you for your hard work. We will meet you again sooner or later. You should go and rest first.

δ couldn’t believe his ears.

The devil actually said Thank you for your hard work and allowed it to rest first?

The consortium hospital has become the only complete building in the castle. They are now on the platform on the roof of the hospital. In the distance, the sun is about to rise.

When I was in the underground maze before...

δ did not leave. It felt that its fear of the devil was no longer as strong as when it first met. In other words, even the devil could sit down and talk to people calmly, so it planned to destroy another person when the devil decided to destroy it again. Before the city, he told the other party his guess, I suspect that the target of those worms is the six-star rescuer.

This matter related to Jasmine's safety, so δ was also very concerned about it.

How to say?

They seem to want to complete some kind of ritual. Through this ritual, they can transform those six-star rescuers into what they want to see. Domination mentioned that in addition to it, there are many similar people who have taken refuge in the aggregation of consciousness. body, they regard the collective consciousness as the new god.

But in δ's view, the so-called consciousness aggregate is just a poor substitute for whispering.

I think this may be the real purpose of those worms to replace the top leaders of the company or family. They hope to get the authority to mobilize six-star rescuers.

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