Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 677 The Second Side

Archon kept a steady pace, he was prepared and ready for the attack at any moment.

At this moment, the attacker had already set a trap at the end of the blood trail, but even so, as a six-star candidate, he had to go.

After walking for about ten minutes, the smell of blood in the air became heavier and heavier, and the structure on both sides of the sewer seemed to have changed subtly. At first, he thought the patterns on the walls were just vines of unknown plants, but when he walked As I got closer and closer, I realized that the dry matter was not the branches and buds of plants, but more like some kind of biological tissue.

What appeared in his sight was a passage that did not exist on the map.

At least the holographic map installed by the company in his mobile phone did not mark this passage that led to nowhere.

The blood flows along the stairs covered with biological tissue, leading into the dark depths.

The space under the stairs does not look like it is man-made, but rather natural - the result of long-term corrosion by this unknown substance.

The entrance to the passage is covered with tooth-like bone spurs.

All this gave Yacon the absurd idea that the corridor in front of him might be alive.

Before taking action, he carefully photographed the scene at the entrance and reported it to the company.

There is such a weird place in the underground waterway of District 1?

Yakong felt that this discovery was enough to attract the attention of the Council, and almost at the same time that the text message was sent, the company conveyed new instructions to him.

Go in.

Find out where this passage leads.

They will report these findings to the Council, and a support team will arrive shortly.

Then, Akon heard a woman's scream.

The scream came from deep in the passage. The sound was full of helplessness and fear, and seemed to be mixed with great pain.

Almost without thinking, Yakon used his spiritual energy to block the bone spurs blocking the way at the door. These seemingly sharp objects could not hinder his pace. He went down the sticky stairs all the way, in the absolutely dark space. Here, the lighting of his mobile phone became his only reliance.

He didn't know how long he had been walking through the passage. In the relatively open space at the end of the passage, he finally discovered the screaming woman with the faint light.

Due to excessive blood loss, the woman's face was pale. She was still wearing the uniform of the maintenance team, but in her current state, she could not move at all. She could only watch as she fell into coma again due to the slow blood loss, until she died.

What entangled her and bound her tightly were objects like tree roots.

This is……


Yakon had never seen such a weird plant before, and as he was on the road, countless speculations about the attackers came to his mind.

A daring outlaw, a psychic, or a crazed cybermaniac.

But he never expected that what was waiting for him at the end of the blood trail was not a human being at all, but some kind of weird creature that he couldn't even name.

The only thing that is certain is that the woman's injuries were serious. Her arms and abdomen seemed to have been scratched by sharp vents while being dragged. If she was not sent to a prosthetic hospital for treatment immediately, she would be in danger.

The scream just now seemed to have used up all her strength. She could no longer make any sound, and could only stare at Yacon with pleading eyes.

Her body was slowly sinking under the squeeze of those branches and buds. This weird plant seemed to want to absorb her into its belly as nutrients in this way.

Just wait, I'll come to rescue you right now.

However, these words seemed to anger the creatures in the sewer. Those black branches that were originally moving as slowly as earthworms found their targets at the same time. They jumped up from the ground like poisonous snakes eyeing their prey, and bit at the same time. null.

Yakong's eyes did not stay on the dense tree roots for more than a second. He quickly ran towards the woman who was about to be swallowed up, and all the tree roots that rushed towards him bounced towards him at a faster speed the moment they were about to contact him. In the opposite direction, scattered tree roots penetrated into the walls covered with unknown biomass, leaving holes in them.

Perhaps out of pain, the beast-like scream echoed in the sewer for a long time.

The vines binding the woman were also much looser, and Yakong made a chopping motion with his hands.

The vine blocking the two people broke with an instant, and the invisible blade cut it into several sections. The woman who lost her support fell straight into his arms.

She seemed unable to move. Yakong glanced at the holes that were being healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and immediately understood that this weird plant had the same strong self-healing ability as a mutated creature, and what he wanted to do now Rather than staying here to fight with unknown monsters, the team sent by the council will arrive here soon.

Facing several six-star candidates, or even real six-star rescuers, no matter how strong the self-healing ability is, it will be of no use.

Don't get in the way, I'm going to take her out of here now.

Yakon carried the seriously injured woman and ran all the way in a way that was close to a princess hug.

The plant didn't respond.

It didn't even seem to be intelligent. After suffering a loss, it did not choose to observe, but once again manipulated those snake-like roots in the same way to launch an offensive towards Asia. Therefore, not surprisingly, The tree roots were bounced back again, piercing the wall that had not yet had time to fully heal.

The screams became more intense, and even the ground seemed to begin to shake violently.

Yakong had to quicken his pace, because the bone spurs growing in the passage were connected together, and it seemed that the road to the future was going to be completely closed.

He felt like he was racing against time.

He is not a rescuer transformed by a prosthetic body. He cannot run like a Terminator while holding a person in his arms, and his fighting instinct makes him realize that if the road in front of him is completely closed, he will be in a considerable disadvantage. situation.

Hold on tight.

He had no time to care whether the woman still had the energy to communicate, and said in a hurried tone, Put your hands around my waist.

The woman did so.

Almost at the same time, an invisible force pressed against Yakon's back, ejecting him completely.

He looked solemn and tried his best to maintain his body balance during the flight.

This is a way to use his ability that has not yet been fully developed. In his rather limited experiments, the way he landed every time seemed a bit awkward.

The light at the entrance is getting closer and closer, the exit is right in front of you!

The actual combat seemed to have stimulated his potential. The moment he rushed out of the entrance, he twisted his body in mid-air and completed a difficult action that only a prosthetic implanter or a body transformer could complete. There were several Within seconds, he dragged the woman with one arm, and with a stroke of his free left hand, he completed the downward movement.

The invisible barrier forever blocked the tree roots and the monster's screams from the other side.

When he landed, dense bone spurs completely sealed the entrance to the passage, and the unknown creatures also disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If they were one step too late, they would probably be trapped in a situation where they would be attacked from both sides under the dense passages and pursuing tree roots.



Escorting the hostages to escape the trap at the critical moment is what a superhero should do!

Yakong had some unreal feelings, because he thought that with his unlucky fate, he was destined to fall to the ground like a dog chewing mud, and he might even have to drink a mouthful of sewage from the sewer.

It seems that fortune tellers sometimes make mistakes.

He thought of the scenes in those movies, lowered his head, and softened his voice, Beautiful lady, are you okay?

The woman who was held in his arms like a princess was looking up at him at the moment. Her hands were wrapped around Akon's waist, giving him a tingling feeling.

Thick blood was flowing down her wrist, and the front half of her right hand had been completely embedded in Akon's body, leaving a shocking wound on his skin.

The woman's expression was extremely strange.

Half of her face was extremely frightened, with tears streaming down her eyes; while the other half was smiling ferociously.

Yes, I'm sorry, my body is out of control.

You're careless, Archon.

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, two voices came out at the same time.

And at this moment, Yakong finally understood a detail that he had ignored.

The brief encounter just now proved that those plants were not intelligent, and it was impossible for them to think of a plan to lure investigators to themselves through blood stains.

From the beginning, it was the woman herself who orchestrated the attack.


The purpose is to get close to him as a victim and bypass the defense barrier!

This attack was directed at him from the beginning!

The other party has long known the secret of his ability!

Immediately afterwards, an even more frightening thought emerged - why was the other party so sure that the person who came to investigate this matter must be him?

Time did not stop because of Ya Kong's thinking. He saw the woman's hand embedded in his abdomen move out of his body, and blood suddenly spurted out like a bursting dam.

The numbing feeling also turned into severe pain in an instant.

The face that seemed to belong to two people was still staring at him, and half of it was crying and apologizing to him.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on!

You're possessed.

Yacon's voice was unexpectedly calm. He slowly placed the woman on the ground, There are dominating psychics in this world. They can control your body against your will.

As he spoke, he slowly sat on the ground while holding his bleeding abdomen.

Am I... going to die?

No, Yacon said, Keep on holding on, support will be here soon.

I-I don't want to die.

At this moment, another voice jumped out. Her voice was playful and sarcastic, imitating the sound of an explosion, Boom!

This sound seemed to trigger some mechanism.

The woman no longer violently attacked Yacon. Instead, her eyes widened under his gaze, and she collapsed and twisted into a ball.

The next moment, an explosion of pure psychic energy overwhelmed everything he saw.

One hundred and eighteen of the small theater:

A certain day, a certain day, a certain year, a Friday, in the morning.

Another week has passed.

Members of the counter-intelligence department found that things seemed to be getting weirder and weirder. Ever since they asked Song Lan to help with the investigation, the minister's attendance time had stabilized - it was just that he was more than an hour later than before every day. Quite stable.

The hard-working minister who worked from dawn to dusk seems to be gone forever.

But they also observed that the minister was in a good mood every day recently, and she was even occasionally seen smiling in the office.

In almost everyone's impression, Lu Xiang is an unsmiling person.

It was noticed that the minister's face was rosy and he looked radiant.

Finally, a warrior from the counter-intelligence department could no longer suppress his curiosity and knocked on the door of Lu Xiang's office during the lunch break.

Minister...have you encountered any happy events recently?


Lu Xiang nodded, noncommittal.

Everyone is very concerned about your current situation, so they want me to ask you.

Have you ever heard of Iron Tree Flower?

This sudden question made the questioner hesitate for a long time before shaking his head.

This is a plant that is difficult to bloom. I have one at home and I finally saw it blooming recently.

At the same time, a good employee who cared about the minister knocked on the door of Song Lan's office.

Minister Song!

After entering the door, his subordinates who had been admiring him looked at Song Lan who was obviously haggard with concern, and their concern was palpable, Is your health okay?

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