Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 682 Dove

In the records of the coalition government, time and space psychics are the rarest. These are areas that have not yet been touched by the current level of technology. Between the two, the only recorded time type The ability user is studying at Wisteria Academy.

Although this young man's ability development is still at a very immature stage and can only slow down time in an area, both the Council and the psychic research institution have high hopes for him.

They believe that when this young man fully develops his abilities, he may be able to stop time in the zone completely.

Even if it only lasts for a few seconds, it is enough to be called invincible.

However, just last night, the Psychic Research Institute received a video captured by a surveillance camera. This video, which only lasted for 10 seconds, made everyone excited all night, because it made them realize that what they were facing It is likely that he is a psychic who has fully developed his time-based abilities.

Their strong curiosity makes them eager to learn everything about each other.

Before dawn, the council held an emergency meeting.

Since the end of the Dark Ages, they have not held an emergency meeting specifically for a psychic in more than ten years.

In addition to representatives from the psionic agency, they also summoned all six-star psionic beings currently in Sector One.

Long time no see, Jasmine.

As soon as Jasmine arrived, a familiar figure seemed to have been waiting in the conference room.

It was an old man with a severe hunchback. He was wearing a white coat, and his wrists, neck and other exposed parts had needles inserted into them. The needles contained nutrient solution used to maintain basic signs of life.

Age spots cover every corner of the old man's face, making his face look gloomy and ugly.

This is a meeting among six-star relievers.

Jasmine's face darkened, not hiding her disgust for the old man at all. The moment she saw the old man, the δ that had been hidden in the wall began to sway violently. The violent psychic energy almost enveloped the old man several times, but in After considering the situation between himself and Jasmine, he restrained his strong murderous intention.

I know, but you need an expert to advise you.

The old man didn't take Jasmine's disgust to heart. He smiled slightly and sat in the chair of the meeting.

The atmosphere in the conference room dropped to freezing point. It was not until Yue Ji entered the conference room that the deathly silence was finally broken. When she saw the old man on the chair, she was stunned for a moment, and then there was a flash in her eyes. She was disgusted with the passing of time, but she didn't show it as obviously as Jasmine.

Out of politeness, she just nodded slightly to the old man as a greeting, and then sat next to Jasmine.

When Jasmine saw her sister coming, she immediately started whispering to her. She looked exactly like students ganging up to bully their classmates.

However, the old man just looked at them with kind eyes.

It was getting closer and closer to the start of the meeting, but there were only three people in the conference room. Just when Jasmine thought that this meeting was just her and her sister, two more familiar figures appeared at the door.

Mr. Lu Qi, Miss Mo Lian!

Before the old man could speak, she waved to the two of them and called them to sit down in the seats next to her. The seats were far away from the chairman's seat, and the sense of isolation was clearly evident.

I've heard about both of you, especially you, Mr. Lu Qi. What you did in District 2 left a deep impression on me.

The moment Song Lan entered the door, the old man's eyes emitted a light blue light, and his expression was exactly the same as that of Ye Lu, who saw the city dweller with thin skin and tender flesh. He made no secret of scanning Song Lan with his prosthetic eyes. Your psychic power is the strongest among the people I have ever seen. I wonder if you have time after the meeting. I would like to invite you to come to my place.

……Who are you?

Song Lan didn't like the feeling of being spied on.

You can call me Jiu like everyone else. I am the dean of the Psychic Research Institute. We can help you develop your abilities more effectively.

Don't believe him.

Jasmine said in a cold voice without mercy, If you go there, you will be treated as a guinea pig... Also, please don't discuss topics that have nothing to do with the meeting.

This was the first time Song Lan had seen Jasmine showing strong hostility towards someone in the long time she had known her.

And Lu Xiang's speculation came true.

When they received the emergency meeting notice at short notice, she guessed that the dean of the psychic research institution was likely to attend the meeting. They represented an institution that was as famous as Wisteria in the coalition government. On their way here , Lu Xiang also gave him extra lessons about dove-related information.

This 170-year-old man had a glorious and splendid life. He had experienced the Third War, participated in the founding of the coalition government, and also established a psychic research institution. He was one of the true elders of the coalition government. , it is said that in order to allow him to continue research, the Council will try its best every year to extend the life of the old man through biopharmaceutical technology.

All psionic development projects you can think of, including stimulating experiments and conceptual weapons, are all led by him.

In a sense, Jiu is also equivalent to Jasmine and Rose's teacher.

Okay, then let's go back to the meeting itself. This time we are facing an unprecedented time-type psychic.

Jiu opened the video again.

He has played these ten seconds countless times, and every detail in the picture is firmly imprinted in the depths of his mind.

Song Lan was greatly disappointed by the content of the meeting.

He thought that in this troubled time, the people with lofty ideals in the coalition government finally realized the threat lurking in the sewers and decided to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the source of those man-eating plants and how to eliminate the feeders hidden in the high-rise one by one. find out.

As a result, he didn't sleep all night and rushed to the meeting with dark circles under his eyes. The content of the meeting was actually to discuss his ability?

It can only be said that this is once again in line with his impression of the top leaders of the coalition government.

My house was almost stolen, but I was still planning to fight among myself.

He was already regretting coming to this meeting.

Jiu, who was in the chair, was still talking eloquently, Between the 6th and 7th seconds, time jumped. For the creatures within the scope of their abilities, the process of their actions was also skipped as time disappeared. passed, thereby directly achieving the result...The side effect is that there is a brief blank in their consciousness, some people will subconsciously continue the actions before the time disappeared, and some will have emergency reactions due to panic.

This time, Jasmine did not continue to confront Jiu.

Because she clearly realized that this ability was far more terrifying than the content in the video.

Even leaving aside the erasure of time itself, the several-second blank period of consciousness is fatal.

The reason why there were no casualties last night was because it was late at night and there were few pedestrians on the streets and roads. But if it were a bustling neighborhood, even if the other party did nothing after jumping the time, it would cause several casualties in an instant. Ten or even hundreds of casualties.

The blank period caused when the ability is activated is enough to turn most items that can be seen everywhere in daily life into tools for killing.

The atmosphere of the meeting made Song Lan increasingly uncomfortable.

what happened?

Why did the atmosphere at the meeting make him look like a cold-blooded serial killer?

Didn't any careful people point out that he saved Yakon and the former MI7 agent?

But that doesn't mean it doesn't have weaknesses.

Jiu continued, This is the information of a student of the same type at Wisteria Academy. The range when the ability is activated, the length of time it is deleted, and the inability to activate the ability continuously will be the key to restraining him. As long as you can master his ability to activate The rules that need to be met can break this seemingly invincible ability... Jasmine, Yueji, do you still remember the knowledge I once taught you? The more powerful the ability, the more stringent the rules for activation. This is the human subconscious mind. The limitations you set yourself are why we have to create conceptual weapons to assist you.

Jasmine didn't answer.

Yue Ji's eyes were observing Song Lan vaguely from beginning to end.

Perhaps because they were too focused on the ability itself, Jiu and the Council ignored some of the more obvious clues.

Before Yacon was rescued, MI7 commissioned Rob Lucci to go to the scene to investigate. According to the description of the enforcer captain, Mr. Lucci walked alone into the depths of the sewer and never came back.

Coincidentally, just ten minutes later, Yacon, who had been missing for a whole day, was rescued.

She thought of the scene when she asked Song Lan about his abilities not long ago. Perhaps the other party had no intention of hiding his abilities from the beginning.

Yue Ji also observed that Song Lan's expression seemed to become more and more impatient as Jiu told her story.

The information we have now is really too little, so I need your help, Jasmine, Yueji, if it's you, maybe you can reveal the true nature of this ability.

Jiu looked at Jasmine and Yueji with blazing eyes, and he revealed the real purpose of his suggestion to summon a few people.

Before the meeting began, he had come up with a brilliant plan.

The key to everything lies in Jasmine's ability.

They must take advantage of the information gap brought about by Jasmine's abilities.

Your ability is the key to ensuring that you can survive the time when you are disappeared.

No matter what attack methods the other party adopts during that period of disappearance, they cannot touch Jasmine and Rose who do not exist in this world. And how to spend the blank period of consciousness becomes the key. We can train you to adapt to your thinking. The process of jumping is to shorten this time as much as possible to...

I want to go back.

Song Lan interrupted Jiu's eloquent speech, and he understood why Jasmine and Yue Ji hated Jiu so much.

In his theoretical model, Jasmine and Rose still play the same role as guinea pigs. If any link in this theory is wrong, Rose and Jasmine may be killed on the spot.

But compared to the lives of the two of them, this fanatical old man seemed to care more about uncovering the true face of the unknown ability.

A wrong theoretical basis will only lead to failure.

Song Lan stood up. Instead of listening to an old man chattering here, it would be better to go back and catch up on his sleep.

I don't deny it. Jiu said, But this is the path we have been taking. Through countless failed experiences, we exchange for a chance of success. You cannot understand the value of that ability. As long as you deeply understand it, Research may help us understand the secrets of time!”

After stimulating experiments and conceptual armament, he once again saw the possibility of technological leaps.

Since you want to know the answer to this question so much, let me tell you.

Jiu's pupils shrank, and Song Lan had disappeared from his sight. When the voice came again, it had already arrived behind him. It sounded like a devil's whisper, The moment you see the result, it means that I What was wanted to be done has been accomplished.”

Even after training all night, the blank period of consciousness still lasted for nearly two seconds.

Jiu suddenly turned around, only to find that there was no one behind him.

From the corner of his eye, he saw that the disposable water cup on the table had fallen to the ground at some point and had rolled a considerable distance away.

After another moment, a wet feeling spread throughout his body.

Someone poured water on him.

But it wasn't until seconds passed that he realized he was wet.

The impact of the blank period of consciousness was completely different from what he imagined, and more importantly...

The opponent activated his ability twice in a row within these few seconds.

But then, he discovered another fact that shocked him even more - not everyone fell into a blank period of consciousness.

When the time leap process was completed, Lu Xiang, who was traveling with Song Lan, disappeared.

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