Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 689 The real killer

In the end, the Senate President did not go back, and the High Council's proposal passed smoothly. Both the conservatives and the reformists seemed to be satisfied with the changes in the Senate.

The new high-level parliament was formed by people from three factions. Most people in the first district are wondering what changes the high-level parliament will bring and the future direction of the coalition government.

There are also some people who are worried about the psychic storm that swept through a third of the city not long ago. Although this storm did not cause any substantial damage, it made the members really feel the threat. After the establishment of the High-Level Council, The first formal meeting was thus launched.

With the help of conservatives, the secrets of MI7 have become the target of public criticism. Executive Officer Rob Lucci has become the main target of suspicion because there is sufficient evidence that he has committed similar behavior in Area 2 not long ago. A psychic storm destroyed the Iris Consortium's castle, leaving them still rebuilding to this day.

The High Council unanimously agreed to keep this dangerous man under strict supervision until the day when the case comes to light.

As for when the case will be resolved and how it will be resolved in the end, it is not a question they need to care about. For the staff of the high-level parliament, the death of the chairman of the review has created this opportunity for them, and now they only This needs to be dealt with properly.

This is the beauty of indefinite detention.

This also happened to be an opportunity for them to express their daily dissatisfaction. In order to check and balance them, the Chairman of the Council had MI7 and the counter-intelligence department conduct secret investigations on them, and he had a lot of dirty information in his hands.

Everyone knows the importance of this department, so it is even more important to keep it firmly in hand.

After Rob Lucci was detained, it was the turn of the current ministers of these two departments. They were all confidants personally selected by the chairman of the review committee. They had to find a way to get them out of this position.

The meeting lasted until evening.

The congressmen held a detailed discussion on how to deal with the details of the MI7 and counterintelligence departments. In the spirit of the first cooperation, the conservatives and the reformists divided the command authority of the counterintelligence department and MI7 respectively, while The Secretary-General came up with a brilliant idea when it came to dealing with Rob Lucci.

Considering that he was a dangerous person, he proposed that he be captured by the six-star rescuers who were about to come to the city.

As a subject of high-level parliamentary detention, Song Lan listened to the entire meeting outside the window. He shook his head while listening to the discussions of the members. It turned out that the chairman of the Senate knew them very well, and even the direction and final result of the meeting were as he predicted. almost the same.

According to the results of the meeting discussion, in a short while, the High Council will issue an ultimatum to MI7, cancel the top operations department, and let everyone including Rob Luqi, Mo Lian, Yue Ji and Jasmine be captured. Be investigated.

Song Lan just sat in on the meeting, his main purpose was to get the list.

The chairman of the review revealed that the secretary-general kept a complete list of six-star rescuers, with all arrival times and details of the meeting noted on it.

He showed enough patience to wait until the meeting was over, and then followed the Secretary-General back to the Secretariat floor.

Even without the chairman of the jury, this department is still operating in an orderly manner.

The Secretary-General announced to the staff of the Secretariat that the high-level meeting had passed the bill, and asked them to write the document and stamp it as soon as possible, and then use this document to go to MI7 to ask for people.

After explaining the work content, he returned to his office and locked the door.

As expected, he made a phone call.

“The meeting went well and everything went exactly the way we envisioned it.”

As he spoke, the false smile on his face disappeared and turned into a cold and expressionless look. Even Song Lan could see the sudden change in his expression.

δ said that the secret to identifying worms is to detect their mood swings.

The only unexpected thing was that he thought the secretary-general was the leader of all worms, but he didn't expect that there would be someone on the phone who was at the same level as him or higher than him.

The plants in the sewer made Song Lan realize that worms seemed to be just one of the branches spawned by the collective consciousness. Besides them, there were many other groups that they had never heard of.

The call was still going on, and he could only make out a female voice on the other end of the phone. She sounded a little older, and her words were full of authority.

Yes, we haven't found the whereabouts of the speaker yet.

The next content is nothing more than urging them to work hard and find the chairman of the review as soon as possible to avoid future troubles.

The secretary-general gave the assurance to the person on the other end of the phone.

Song Lan waited politely for him to finish his last sentence, hung up the phone, and then asked curiously, Who did you call? Was it the leader of a certain consortium or the boss of the company?

How did you get in!?

The secretary-general turned around suddenly, but did not find any figure where the sound came from.

He stood up anxiously and walked quickly towards the office door. When he took the second step, he seemed to see something passing through his body.

The broken spine made his whole body go limp.

From the beginning to the end, he could not see the other party's appearance clearly, but in the moment of time leap, he understood the identity of this uninvited guest.

You've been working hard for a whole day of meetings, so you can have a good rest.

The secretary-general saw the hand slowly withdrawing from his body. He lost his support and fell straight to the ground. His brain controlled by the worm was spinning rapidly, but for some reason, no matter how hard he tried, he could not repair his body. The damaged part, the vacant part seemed to no longer belong to his body.

With blurred vision, he saw the figure rummaging for materials at his desk, and the cell phone he dialed fell into the hands of the other party at some point.

And he still can't figure out how the other party escaped the sight of security personnel and surveillance cameras and appeared in his office.

found it.

According to the information provided by the chairman of the review, he quickly found the meeting schedule of the six-star rescuers from a pile of documents.

The secretary-general watched helplessly as the other party walked toward him. He couldn't raise his head. He could only see the legs stopping beside him, and then, the raised right foot moved towards his head.

In an instant, the worm sensed the danger signal.

It emerged from the secretary-general's open mouth like lightning, and rushed straight to the gap under the sofa. This process did not last long, and the other party did not seem to intend to leave him any hope of escape. The darkness swept over him in an instant. It annihilates.


This evening, people in the coalition government heard another shocking news.

A few hours after the Senate President died in the bombing, the body of the Secretary-General who was killed in the attack was found in the office of the Senate Secretariat.

The cause of death was a hole in the chest.

The spine was broken and the heart was completely destroyed. From one end, one could clearly see the scenery at the other end.

What really chilled everyone was the location where the attack took place.

The Council is one of the most heavily guarded places in the world. However, neither the surveillance nor the staff who were only a door away from the Secretary-General at the time of the incident captured the perpetrator. It was like he appeared out of thin air. Appeared in the Secretary General's office.

According to an investigation by security personnel, the Secretary-General did not make any noise when he was attacked.

The first person to discover the body was the staff member who had written the documents. When she entered the door, the body on the ground had no vital signs. Judging from the results of the forensic examination, the deceased should have died on the spot.

Who is the real killer?

The evening news actually gave Jasmine goosebumps. It was hard for her to imagine how the murderer had circumvented the strict security. His actions were in extremely sharp contrast with the bombings in the morning. The gap was like that between a professional killer and a street fighter. Just like a gangster.

The fake killer arranged a massive explosion, which not only affected innocent passers-by, but also allowed the target to escape under his nose.

A real professional killer kills with one blow, leaving no chance of survival.

It seems that their 'god' is not that omnipotent and cannot help him predict the future of death.

δ was sneering at the evening news, knowing that this was the inevitable outcome.

Hogg Foster also saw this news. The defeat of District 17 made him ineligible to enter the High Council. His most familiar friend Richard Gilvis is now missing. He was also charged with murdering his uncle. He spent the whole afternoon in a state of despair, staying alone in the living room of the mansion and getting drunk.

Until, by chance, the TV that was not turned off woke him up, allowing him to see the description of the secretary-general's body being penetrated.

This immediately made him sober up.

Suddenly, many names came to his mind.

Chaiko, Dominus, and the spies he installed in District 17 all died in the same way.

He was killed on the spot, so completely that they were unable to leave any information about the attacker.

After a brief hesitation, he struggled to get up from the sofa.

Quick, prepare a private jet for me, I'm going to the first area!

He gave orders eagerly to the servants at home.

He has mastered some important secrets, which are the information that his informants transmitted back to District 6 before they died. Perhaps that will be the key to revealing the other party's identity!

And he was able to enter the door of the High Council with this important information.

Unfortunately, the Secretary-General was attacked and killed.

Although this is sad news, the vacant position must be filled by someone. This is the same as the high-level council for the chairman of the review.

Thinking of this, he called an acquaintance.

I'm Hogg Foster.

The moment the call was connected, he announced his home address and said, I'm on my way to the first district now. I have some information that you are interested in.

One hundred and twenty-four of the small theater:

A certain day, a certain year, a certain day, a Saturday, afternoon.

Everyone has secrets.

For example, Song Lan knew that Lu Xiang had been hiding a palm-sized notebook.

Finally one day, he couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked, What is written in this notebook?


Can you tell me something?



The decisive answer made Song Lan stunned for a moment, Is it true or false?

As long as you can provide enough chips to interest me.

Lu Xiang smiled slightly and looked like she was bargaining. She knew exactly how to arouse Song Lan's interest, such as deliberately hiding her notebook in the drawer when he came in.

Then you have to tell me where it is first, right?

The diary contains some of your hidden secrets.

It's impossible. I, Song Lan, have always had a clear conscience and have never hidden anything.

you sure?


Okay. Lu Xiang turned the notebook to a certain page, One night, you secretly typed in the word Invincible in the Universe on your phone in my office...


Lu Xiang was well prepared for Song Lan who rushed towards her. In battles without the use of psychic powers, she always had an advantage. She used the close combat skills she had learned to immobilize the opponent first. He wanted to cover her mouth with his hands, This trick is useless. If you don't think of other ways, I will tell you, Yu, Zhou——

Their bodies were almost touching, but she was staring directly at Song Lan's lips, indicating that her intention was very obvious.


His mouth was finally blocked, but Lu Xiang showed a smile that seemed to have succeeded.

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