Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 691 Inner Demon

People in this world are cold, and only strong alcohol can make you feel some warmth.

This was the advertising slogan of the bar, but late tonight, Hogg-Foster had a deeper understanding of this sentence.

The life in the bar is as deserted as ever. Company people prefer to stay in the office and use coffee to moisten their throats if they are thirsty. They do not have time to get drunk in the bar and then pile up the workload of the whole night. Finish it the next day.

The bar owner knows his customers very well and knows that those who come here to drink are either company executives who can freely waste their time, or losers who have lost their jobs and are about to be expelled from the first district and have fallen into the trough of life, so he often I will leave some chicken soup copywriting I copied from the Internet on the electronic sign at the door of the bar.

For pure business people, both types of customers have one thing in common.

Be generous and willing to spend money.

The former is in a high position and does not care about money, while the latter will often squander the savings he has accumulated over the years before leaving the first district.

The escort girls also understand this.

As soon as Hogg-Foster entered the bar, they surrounded him with bright eyes.

An old man who looks like he is lost and lost fits the definition of a big fat sheep in each of their minds. This kind of people are much easier to deal with than young people with strong blood. They often become drunk and unconscious after a few glasses of wine, at least. Just give them a few glasses of wine and a lot of gold coins will pop out.

The first time he walked into the bar, the pleasant smell of perfume surrounded Hogg. The gorgeous girls dazzled him, but it also made him feel valued again.

They seem to know what their potential customers want.

Soon, a bartender recognized Hogg-Foster.

After all, the Foster family is considered a prestigious family in the coalition government. Hogg used to be a regular customer of this store, but when he came to the store before, he was accompanied by someone and had a bodyguard by his side. They had no one to blame. Take advantage of the opportunity.

As for now,

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

The stamina of the alcohol and the soft words of the girls in his ears soothed Hogg's tense nerves. He smiled to himself. As the actual person in charge of the Foster family, he would one day be the leader of the Foster family. He took comfort from the barmaids - in the past, he would not have given these people a second glance.

Spirits quickly filled the table, and people's words overlapped each other. In the noisy and warm atmosphere, his consciousness began to drift, and finally he became a mechanized drinker. He saw the girls laughing happily. Trembling, maybe they really want to make themselves happy, or they are just cheering inwardly because they can get a huge commission from these drinks.

But Hogg no longer wants to delve into that.

At least, the atmosphere in the bar became lively due to his arrival, and everyone seemed to be immersed in a happy atmosphere at least on the surface.

He seems to have some understanding of the younger generation in his family who spend a lot of money in bars.

Sometimes happiness seems to be much simpler than he imagined. He no longer needs to think carefully, and he no longer needs to be cautious in his words and deeds to achieve the ultimate goal. He only needs to scatter money like rain in this place, and he can make many people happy. crazy.

This is the first time Hogg has done this.

In the past, as the manager of the coalition government's judicial system, he had to always consider his image. But now, knowing that there is no hope of being elected to the High Council, he just wants to drink.

Under the cheers and encouragement of the people, he drank all the famous wines piled up like a hill in front of him, even if he never woke up again.

In the mouths of these people, he became a wise man.

No one called him a clown. Even though he became slurred under the influence of alcohol, even he didn't know what he was talking about but he still got applause from others.

Hogg's ears were still filled with people's cheers until he fell asleep.

Later, the sound of the whole world left him, and alcohol finally made him fall into a deep sleep.

Hogg didn't know how long he had been in a coma. When he woke up, the headache caused by the hangover inevitably enveloped him. The whole world became quiet, and the things that were shouting in his ears just a second ago Everyone was gone, the empty wine bottles on the table were lying crookedly, and the scene could only be described as a mess.

In the free space and on his pants, there were some electronic business cards in the palm of his hand. On them were photos of those girls. They left their most beautiful and sexy sides on the electronic business cards. They almost made it clear that they hoped to meet Hogg. .

Hogg entered a strange state.

A headache and fatigue washed over him, making his vision hazy.

And an uninvited guest appeared on the seat next to him.

Wearing formal clothes, which was incompatible with the atmosphere of the bar, the man was crossing his arms with his chest, not bothering him, but patiently waiting for him to wake up.

Then, Hogg saw a familiar face.

Enthusiastic citizens.

Or to be more precise, it was the appearance of the enthusiastic citizen in his imagination. They had never seen it, but Hogg imagined what the other party looked like through the process of thinking and analyzing again and again.

It was from that moment on that enthusiastic citizen appeared in his life.

When he was drunk, when he was stabbed in the back by his friends, and kicked out of the office like a loser, when every time he encountered bad luck, he seemed to find enthusiastic citizens around him shadow.

Hogg suspected that he had been attacked by someone with interference-type abilities, but some people in the family believed that he was possessed by a demon.

Ha, don't try to deceive me again. In fact, you are not here at all!

This was the first time he took the initiative to talk to enthusiastic citizens. In the past, they always passed each other, but this time they were very close, close enough to hear each other's voices.

Yeah, I'm not here.

The other party responded in the affirmative, But you need to know why you are here.

Because I want to find out your true identity, and I will make you pay for everything you have done!

But that's not the direct cause.

The enthusiastic citizen beside him shook his head, If you really think so, you should never appear here. Now you should do everything you can to get the vacant spot in the high-level council for yourself. Only those who have lost their fighting spirit will Only losers use alcohol to numb themselves.

Hogg was stunned, and he was speechless for a moment.

He felt as if the enthusiastic citizens had entered his heart and saw through the facts that he tried to deny, but this also made them more convinced of their judgment.

Perhaps the family members were right. He was ill, so severe that he could talk to his inner shadow. According to psychiatrists, this was a sign of schizophrenia.

What about you? What will you do?

Hogg never thought that he would seek the opinions of his enemies. He really didn't want to miss this opportunity to talk to his enemy.

Understand why things are like this. Your friends have changed, but Mr. Hogg, why did Jock become like this?

Because I misjudged him. He is a treacherous villain.

No, that's not right.

The enthusiastic citizen shook his head, You know this is not the real reason. Think about it carefully, what exactly did you miss?

The atmosphere around the table fell into silence again.

At the other party's reminder, Hogg actually patted his head to stop himself from being groggy, trying to think about this issue while staying awake.

Since the enthusiastic citizen is the shadow that exists in his heart, then what he said must be particularly meaningful.

Jock was indeed different from before.

Not only the attitude towards him, but also some details of life have changed.


Jock seemed to have redecorated his office and cleared out many things that he once valued. Hogg noticed these details when he walked into the office. He originally intended to use these to advance the topic, but Jock did not. He was not given a chance to play freely.

He seemed to have known the reason for his visit and gave a direct reply of rejection.

...It's the club. We had a dispute about the club.

Some memories he had neglected were constantly revived by the reminders of enthusiastic citizens.

Jock and Richard once enthusiastically invited him to become a member of a certain club, but when he heard that there were also innovative company executives in that club, he flatly rejected their proposal and tried his best to Trying to convince them to quit the club.

In Hogg-Foster's view, there must be no compromise in this factional war, and he believes Jock and Richard are on the wrong track.

The conversation ended on bad terms. He failed to convince either of them, and they failed to change his mind.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the relationship between him and Jock began to crack at that time.

But at the time, he didn't expect that their long-standing friendship would break down over something as trivial as whether to join the club, and he himself didn't take the dispute between friends to heart at all.

After the enthusiastic citizen mentioned it, Hogg suddenly realized that the High Council seemed to be a product of this kind.

Reformist congressmen and conservative congressmen can sit in a conference room and hold meetings calmly, and even reach consensus on a major issue in a very short period of time.

This is a bit too incredible.

Actually, the facts have been right in front of you all along, Mr. Hogg.

The enthusiastic citizen spoke at the right time, It's just that you were blinded by some insignificant things, thus ignoring the things that are happening around you.

...What exactly do you want to say?

Hogg had a vague premonition in his heart, and the horror made him sober up.

The identities of high-ranking members, they all have a common characteristic. It is not difficult for you to confirm.

Hogg was wide awake.

And at this moment, the enthusiastic citizens in his eyes really disappeared without a trace in his eyes like an inner demon.

The seat next to me was empty, as if no one had ever been there.

It's morning now and the bar staff are cleaning up the mess.

Hogg suddenly stood up from his chair. Although his steps were still vague, he had a clear direction in his heart. He faced the bartender and took out his wallet.

This is your bill for yesterday's consumption, a total of 172,150 watts.

The bartender said, You said yesterday that everyone's expenses would be charged to your account, but the gentleman's bill has already been paid.

Thanks to Crimson Starfish for the 100 starting coins!

Thanks to Ah Wang 122700 for the 500 starting coins!

Thanks to Oh Oh Pu Pu for the 500 starting coins!

Thanks to Dreamonlys for the 500 starting coins!

Small theater its one hundred and twenty-five:

A certain day of a certain year, a certain day, a Monday, in the morning.

In recent days, Song Lan has realized the fear of being discovered by his girlfriend in the second grade setting, and he is not immune to it even when working in the department.

Every time the two of them met in the corridor, Lu Xiang would wink at him mischievously, and then silently say the skill name of the Invincible Universe series. Song Lan also noticed how many times the other party was wandering in the corridor near his department. There are more, probably on purpose.

However, true warriors dare to face the bleak life.

This was the reply given to him by an enthusiastic netizen.

His question was: Urgent! What should I do if my girlfriend discovers the collection of settings I wrote for myself when I was in my second year of high school? 》

Lao Lu, give me a good time, what do you want to do?

Now that Lu Xiang had the handle, Song Lan's momentum naturally weakened.

bribe me.

The sinful Lu Xiang did not care about her status as head of the counter-intelligence department and openly engaged in bribery in her office. She took out the electronic price list she had prepared in front of Song Lan. What happened next It's time for her to stop harassing Song Lan.

Hug, 1 hour.

Kiss, 3 hours.

Feeding, 5 hours.

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