Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 693 Special Prisoners

Don't shoot, don't shoot, don't shoot!

The moment she heard Song Lan speak, the captain of the enforcer team waved her hands desperately and shouted. She even broke her voice due to her excitement.

She carefully studied the strange surveillance video.

Repeating it again and again, she realized that during the leap of time, people would still complete their inertial actions unconsciously, which explained why cars on the road suddenly deviated from the trajectory and walking commuters crashed into them. Telephone poles and the person operating the drone rolled down the stairs...

Under the current situation, the entire street would stage a free shooting without aiming.

The law enforcement convoy and the terrorist mobile team are just within the range of each other's crossfire!

The captain's pupils shrank.

When she discovered these details, she had a deeper understanding of what Song Lan just said.

Once the other party takes action against law enforcement officers, it is tantamount to declaring war on the entire judicial system of the coalition government, thereby convicting him of planning and participating in terrorist attacks.

However, if they were allowed to die under their own crossfire, it would become a command accident during the arrest operation.

What's worse is that a listening device is installed on her body, and the other party's questions have been completely transmitted to the director and others.

She could only continue to raise her voice, Don't shoot, once you shoot, it will...

Panic gripped her.

There was no sign of the time leap. She didn't even remember what she had just said. When the brief blank period of consciousness ended, she desperately reached out to her body - she was in the crossfire between two groups of people. In the center of her body, although she had a body armor underneath her uniform, the weapons equipped by the violent terrorist mobile unit were powerful enough to penetrate the body armor and beat her into pieces.

But the expected pain did not come, and there were no wounds on her body. Only the two people beside her were missing.

The suspects Rob Luqi and Mo Lian... chose to escape?

But this may be the best outcome for them, the law enforcement officers on the front line, to return to the station to announce the two people's escape, and then completely withdraw from this troublesome matter.

Just as she was making this calculation, a scream of extreme horror came from behind.

That's the director's voice!

Something happened to the Director!

The captain looked around, only to find that the director was not lying in a pool of blood as she expected. He just fell to the ground and moved back several meters on his hands and feet. His eyes seemed to have seen an extremely terrifying scene, and his mouth opened wide. , unable to speak a complete sentence for a long time.

Even the colleagues around him felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. They hesitated again and again, but in the end they did not dare to raise their guns.

The captain quickly ran to the director, and then he saw clearly the reason for their fear - after another leap in time, nothing happened on this street. The two suspects actively cooperated with their investigation and sat on the Song Lan got into the back seat of their car, and Song Lan, who was in the back seat, was looking helplessly at the director who was huddled in the corner and pointed at him.

The colleagues in District 1 don’t seem to be very courageous.

This was the first time he saw a law enforcement officer being frightened because of the prisoner's active cooperation.

Seeing the captain running over, he said, Let's go back to your station first.

No one thought that this arrest operation would end in this way. After experiencing the strange ability with their own eyes, no one was willing to sit in the same car with them. The captain of the enforcer had to take over the task and make a guest appearance. took the driver's job.

The current situation once made the director very embarrassed.

They were not prepared from the beginning to actually arrest the two men.

As the vehicle slowly passed the members of the Terrorist Mobile Team, she observed them curiously through the car window.

It was understandable that her colleagues in the bureau did not fire after hearing her warning, but why could those former cybermaniacs resist the urge to fire? Although they are nominally in the same department, their offices are located in different buildings and their work content is also different.

But they have all heard of the bad reputation of the Terrorist Mobile Team. Someone has calculated that once they are dispatched, the death rate of suspects is as high as 93.2%, and the remaining 6.8% are seriously injured and hospitalized. They survived because of their strong health and good fortune. .

It stands to reason that when faced with a suspect who threatens them, they should instinctively pull the trigger, which is somewhat different from their usual operational style.

And she may never know that in the compartment of the armored hover vehicle, the members of the violent terrorist mobile team also started an internal meeting one after another.

The firearm was damaged.

All firing components of the exoskeleton armor transmitted damage messages.

This would cost the department a lot of money, and the error messages reported one after another made these former cyber lunatics fearful.

This is what happens during the time leap.

When they heard from the monitoring equipment that the suspect was about to take action, they followed their instincts and opened fire.

However, their firearms failed to fire a single bullet.

It is much easier to kill them directly than to destroy firearms and exoskeleton armor. The message that the other party wants to convey to them through this moment has been imprinted deep in their hearts.

They didn't understand why the suspect let them go.

Also confused was the captain sitting in the driver's seat. After driving the car a certain distance, she asked, Mr. Lu Qi, can I ask your reason?

Before this, she had never used the polite term sir to address a suspect.

But all of them knew that the other party could leave this neighborhood during the time leap, or even kill them all directly.

Reason? It is the duty of citizens of the coalition government to cooperate with law enforcement officers in their investigations and clarify misunderstandings.

Song Lan said.

As a law-abiding citizen, he has the need to defend his reputation. He has never participated in any terrorist activities, let alone assassinated the chairman of the committee.

As for the Secretary General...

He probably died because he was too tired from work and accidentally tripped over the edge of the table when he stood up.

This kind of thing is too common in the coalition government, so he has always called for improving the Labor Protection Act and reducing people's overtime hours through mandatory measures.

I mean, it should be easy for you to escape or kill us, right?

She asked, Aren't you angry that they accused you of participating in terrorist activities?

The longer she stayed in this position, the less valuable her life became.

These days, there are too many legalized killing methods, and rescuers themselves enjoy such privileges. She has handled many cases in which rescuers intentionally killed people but were ultimately acquitted.

Why are you angry?

Song Lan asked instead, I just think there is something wrong with their understanding of terrorists. What do you think real terrorists are like?

This... I don't know, there are very few real terrorist attacks in District 1.

The captain was a little embarrassed and answered truthfully.

Many colleagues say that the law enforcers in District 1 are the happiest.

They are equipped with the most sophisticated equipment in the law enforcement system and have undergone the most professional training, but they fight against some petty thieves who have no chance to stand up to the table.

These remarks once made it impossible for them to refute, because most of the people who caused trouble in the first area were ordinary people who wanted to take revenge on society because they were frustrated at work. They were unorganized and undisciplined, and even their shooting skills were hard to describe.

Maybe that's the problem, they seem to think that taking out one or two law enforcers and then being chased around the world makes you a terrorist, but that's gangster level at best.

In Song Lan's view, real terrorists would not kill ordinary people as a means of showing off. Even when they boasted about their glorious past, they would not always mention how many civilians they had killed. He always talks about how many buildings he has destroyed.

Mr. Lucci, what do you mean...

Now I'm going back to the bureau with you, and you can announce this news, but I hope you can let those who claim that we are terrorists come to see me in person.

Song Lan said, They will have one day to clarify the misunderstanding between us.

I'll pass them on.

The captain responded reflexively, but after she finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the car. The two people sitting in the back seat did not seem to be suspects, but the leaders who were conveying the work content to her.

At the same time, the High Council was also caught off guard by the sudden news.

They had notified the media and were prepared to publicize Rob Lucci's involvement in terrorist attacks, the assassination of the chairman and secretary-general of the Senate, and the blatant killing of coalition government law enforcement officers on the street. But just now , they received a report that the two suspects were very cooperative with the actions of the law enforcement departments and actively wanted to clarify the misunderstanding.

That Rob Lucci...

Don't you have a little temper?

Now this has become a thorny problem for them.

They have not yet had time to think about who to send to talk and how to talk, and all of them know in their hearts that they cannot provide legally effective evidence at all, and all doubts come from far-fetched guesses. , they urgently need Rob Lucci to do something illegal and indiscipline.

Drag them first, and then send them in and lock them up after the counter-intelligence department stabilizes.

Discussions went nowhere and they were left to try to adopt their original plan.

But something is wrong now.

what is the problem?

Hogg-Foster wants to take on the case.

They didn't know where the old man with half his foot in the grave heard about this incident, and he had already sent a document to the council through his family as soon as possible.

What's worse is that as a representative of the judicial system of the coalition government, his reason is reasonable and legal. Even the Council has no power to prevent the reasonable requirements of the tribunal.

However, this is not an opportunity for the High Council.


Everyone's eyes turned to someone in the council, You and Hogg are old friends who have known each other for many years. Go and communicate with him and make this case a solid case. It is best to prove that they participated in the terrorist attack. of attacks and assassinations.

Jock's expression was a little strange.

Because just last night, he and Hogg broke up on bad terms.

As a friend for many years, no one here understands Hogg's character better than him.

He is a very vindictive person, and he will definitely not be able to swallow this breath.

Hogg wishes to join the High Council.

Jock thought for a moment and proposed Hogg's request, even though it was contrary to their original choice.

But, he is not our member.

The councilors fell silent, but soon they thought of a solution, Jock, you go and convince him to become a member of the club.

One hundred and twenty-six of the small theater:

Monday, a certain day, a certain year, a certain month, in the afternoon.

As the saying goes, there are policies and countermeasures. Song Lan quickly discovered the loopholes in this price list. As a clever chef, he could divide an after-dinner snack into several portions. As long as he took out one of the For a small amount, you can get 5 hours of harassment-free time!

What's this?

Lu Xiang took a look at the exquisite gift box handed over by Song Lan, which contained a peach egg tart.

During the cooking process, Song Lan fully developed the standard of a certain tire rating. Although the quantity was small, she made some fancy packaging, which made the grade seem to go up all of a sudden.

As agreed, you can't mention those things from now until 9 p.m.

Wait a moment.

Lu Xiang stopped Song Lan and said, Don't you think it's too cheap for you to exchange one egg tart for five hours?

She is no longer the little girl who just left school, and she will not be bribed by a mere egg tart.

“But there is no explicit provision on the price list.”

It says feeding.

Lu Xiang is not afraid of playing word games. She has long expected that Song Lan might cheat and play tricks, You still have to feed me.


If your hands don't work, try something else.

What are you using if you don't have your hands?

Didn't I teach you the last time you did the questions?

Lu Xiang stared at Song Lan's lips, his intention was obvious.

No! That's not mentioned on the price list!

Song Lan frowned, looking unyielding.

Seven hours.

...At least 8 hours.

Deal, come here.

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