Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 730 Does she like me?

After hanging up the phone, Jock told the other people in the High Council the heavy news.

The senior councilors who were overwhelmed by this change invariably put down what they were doing and started the last meeting of the day.

Although they consider themselves devout believers, they have never completely opened their hearts to God. Their faith is closer to the movement of power, so deep down in their hearts they are not willing to let God get involved in this world prematurely.

But now, they have no other choice.

The last meeting went extremely smoothly. Everyone quickly reached a consensus and quickly moved the work to the next stage. The topic also shifted to how to deal with these psychics.

Jock, contact them. It's time to ask them to do something.

Not surprisingly, this burden finally fell on Jock. Since the death of the Secretary-General, he has become the new talker of the Fishing Boat Club. Jock is not opposed to this, and the direction of the meeting is consistent with his. As expected, before attending the meeting, he had already dug out those long-dusted contact information.

Because of Jasmine and Akon's obstruction, the company and family have lost the trust of the candidates. Of course, they cannot willingly become tributes to the gods, so they need some real experts to persuade them.


This is a secret organization that disappeared in name more than ten years ago.

There is only one requirement to become a member of this organization - to kill at least one psychic.

Although its existence was extremely short, it was fruitful and many schools under the coalition government still use the teaching materials they compiled.

The most famous among them is the How to Kill a Psychic series of books, which have become a required course for the new generation of the coalition government. However, few people know that this widely used textbook was actually first compiled by a private organization. of.

A fanatical civil society organization.

After the Dark Ages, these awakened civilians spontaneously formed an organization targeting psychics from all over the country and launched a Witch Hunting Movement in 2166.

As history has proven countless times, such extreme organizations usually cannot survive for long.

At first, the targets of the hunt were the remnants of the Dark Ages, those who used psychic powers to do evil, but later the movement gradually evolved into a war against psychics, and even ordinary people suspected of being psychics were also targeted by them. Strangled in the cradle.

This grand Witch Hunting Campaign eventually got into trouble with the rescuer department. Under the encirclement and suppression of the six-star rescuers, these civilians fell apart and gradually headed towards destruction... However, these are all recorded by the coalition government. But in fact, their talents have been appreciated by many people, they are reunited through secret means, and a fund is allocated every year to fund their activities.

Jock is one of them.

His idea at the time was very simple - there will always be a need.

And now is just such a time.

'Aerial Barrier'?...Okay, I need his information, the more detailed the better.

The person on the other end of the phone agreed very decisively and didn't even discuss the reward part with Jock on the phone.

The legal killing of a Coalition government six-star rescue candidate.

For a waker, there is no reward more tempting than this.

What's more, they have a long-standing feud with the rescuer department. At that time, they were chased by the six-star rescuers and came to an end.

However, this does not mean that they will never recover.

On the contrary, after witnessing the six-star psychics, they strengthened their belief - as long as they are given enough intelligence and preparation time, even those who stand at the top of the coalition government's psychics are not invincible.


Late that night, a text message made Yacon sit up straight from the bed.

Although the health practice was good, its drawbacks gradually became apparent. He took too long a nap during the day, which led to a sharp decline in sleep quality at night. After all, it takes skill to sleep for more than 20 hours a day, and he is not a hardcore person. It is difficult for a health master to do this.

Yakong felt that if the path of health cultivation also had a title, he should only be in the state of taking a first look at the door now, and there is still a long way to go before Mr. Lu Qi, a health master who has reached the pinnacle.

The person who sent the text message concealed his number information, but as smart as he was, he could tell the other party's true identity at a glance.

A former agent of MI7, the hero who saved his life in the sewer.

Unfortunately, after negotiating, she still could not eliminate her wariness towards MI7 and the higher-ups. After reporting the information she had investigated about the Tree of Sin to the Chairman, she left on her own.

Ya Kong was very sorry, but there was nothing he could do.

The former agent said that she had found a place to settle down temporarily in the past few days, and also told her the results of the recent investigation in a text message.

There are more and more cases of missing persons.

The Tree of Sin's eating frequency has increased several times, and the entire underground waterway has become a breeding ground for its growth.

It would be difficult for her to continue the investigation with her own strength, and Akon was the only person she trusted at the moment.

Only and trust.

Yakon noticed these two keywords at a glance. He felt that these words should be marked with wavy lines. This was the first time in his life that he wanted to know more about someone of the opposite sex.

Although many people complained that he looked like a bad boy, in fact, his relationship with the opposite sex was very bleak. The courage he once finally mustered up ended in failure. Over time, Yakong also lost interest in the opposite sex.

But now, in the dark night of this moonlit night, the former MI7 agent actually invited him to the secret residence he had found.

What kind of trust is this?

It's a pity that Sister Jasmine is not with him now, otherwise he would have to consult the other party. Is this text message hinting at his affection for him?

Maybe this is the beginning of a love affair.

Before setting off, Yakong felt that he must carefully think about some important issues.

For example, where is the best place to hold the wedding? By the way, there are also the names of the children.

These must be thought out in advance.

He held the phone in his hand for a long time, eager to share his mood at the moment with others, but since this set of text messages related to the former agent's secret residence, he sent a consultation to Jasmine in a vague tone. Short message:

Sister Jasmine, you said that if someone of the opposite sex stays up late at night and sends you a text message asking you to come out to meet, what does that mean? 』

It means he may be tired of living. 』

Jasmine also became a victim of health practice. She moved a chair and sat in front of the window at night, feeling no longer sleepy.

Not long ago, her sister had severely criticized her regarding her health practice, so she naturally had no good attitude towards Ya Kong's harassing text messages with unclear meaning.

Ya Kong did not reply to Jasmine.

Because he suddenly remembered that Sister Moli had always been single, maybe this text message stimulated her.

Yakong stood up and carefully arranged his appearance in front of the mirror for nearly twenty minutes. He put on the suit that he usually disliked wearing the most. After much hesitation, he sprayed some men's perfume - these were prepared by the company for him. He said it helped his personal image, but he always believed that only sissies wear perfume.

It was not difficult to avoid the violent terrorist mobile teams and law enforcement officers patrolling the streets. It only took Yakong less than twenty minutes to arrive at the date location half a city away from the Galaxy Transportation Company.

This is one of the few old residential areas in the first district. It is a remnant that has not yet been demolished. It is said that the company is preparing a reconstruction plan. Most of the residents inside have been cleared out, and now only one or two are left. The children of those households who are unwilling to move out work in the rescue department, and the company has never dared to use force to solve the problem.

According to the information given in the text message, Yakong quickly arrived at the meeting place.

He stood at the door for a long time, adjusted his hair, and then took out a plastic rose from the inner pocket of his clothes, which he entrusted other MI7 staff to find for him.

After adjusting his image to the best state, Yacon knocked on the door of the apartment.

But when there was a knock on the door, he discovered that the door to the apartment was unlocked. Almost at the same time, a rapid Woo sound came from the apartment.

The former agent did appear in his sights.

She was just tied to a chair in the middle of the living room of the apartment. Electronic handcuffs fixed her hands and feet to the stool, and a dirty rag blocked her mouth. When she saw Yacon entering the door, she widened her eyes nervously. eyes.

Yacon also noticed that there was a countdown device tied to her body.

Almost instinctively, he walked towards the former agent and tried to help her undo her electronic harness.

Mr. Akon, if I were you, I wouldn't do this.

An electronically processed voice came from the phone on the coffee table next to the former agent, If you do this, these bombs will be detonated immediately.

who are you?

It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I want to play a game with you. This game has corresponding rules. If you untie her body, the bomb will explode; if you try to take her away, Get away from this room and the bomb will explode; if you try to notify others to come here, the bomb will explode; if you let her talk, the bomb will explode... and what you have to do is to use the room before the numbers above run out The tools in it make it stop.

Another bomb!

Yakon gritted his teeth. This was the second time he encountered a bomb since he came to the first area, and some bad pictures appeared in front of his eyes.

Last time he failed to save the maintenance man who had a bomb planted.

Mr. Yakong, this is a fateful encounter.

The person on the other end of the phone continued, I thought it would take a lot of effort to find her, but I didn't expect that fate would bring her to the door on her own... You can also refuse this game and just walk out of the door, just like Nothing has happened. Of course, the moment you step out of this door, you will hear an explosion from behind, but I believe that with your ability, an explosion of this magnitude cannot hurt you.

I'll find you.

Then we'll see.

The person on the phone smiled, But before that, time waits for no one, and it's time for you to deal with the problem in front of you.

Thanks to book friend 20221124040726003 for the 1,000 starting coins!

Thanks to Si Zhi'an for the 100 starting coins!

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