Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 778 Netizen Meeting

An expected answer.

Song Lan has recently become accustomed to not being able to get the answers he wants directly. He can only vaguely guess that in the dark age defined by the coalition government, the psychic camp and the God of Machinery believed in by the King broke out due to unknown reasons. A war that nearly overturned the coalition government.

The man behind the war is suspected to be a whisper from the upper world.

This is the information he got from these little black men, but even they don't seem to know the truth of the war.

After the meal, he and Yelu rated the learning results of King, and King finally received unanimous praise with a high score of 8.5.

He felt that it was much better to let this artificial intelligence focus on the trivial matters of life, rather than just thinking about how to rush into their bedroom. For some reason, no matter whether it was the King or the Devourer, who were under the banner of learning, All seem to have a strong interest in their bedrooms.

In this regard, they should learn from the night heron children.

Yelu's children have a simple mind and are satisfied if they have something to eat every day. They never have any strange ideas.

But as Animal World said, when spring comes, animals, humans and machines all become ready to move.

Even the Emperor, whose prosthetic body has been transformed to more than 99%, and only the original brain is left in his body, started dating. Of course, the identity of the person he was dating was as special as him, so that Song Lan was very I’m curious about how artificial intelligence talks about friends.

It's a pity that Diego didn't follow.

The young man stayed at Omero's home and worked conscientiously to spread the belief in God the Father to the historians of Atlantis.

Song Lan had never made such a request to him, and even because the information he provided was so limited, most of what Diego said came from his original work. However, it has to be admitted that Diego seemed Inheriting his talent for talking, his ability to tell lies with his eyes open is top-notch.

Even the well-informed Omero was stunned by him.

On the other side, the Emperor has arrived at the meeting place provided by RT6 as agreed - the scrap processing plant outside the royal capital. Not only are there a large number of mechanical parts and debris there, but they have also been completely controlled by RT4's mechanical army. Here No one will ever disturb them.

Although the genius mechanic is very confident in his aesthetics, the Emperor has doubts about it.

His prosthetic body was completely completed by a talented mechanic. While it is powerful and has excellent performance, it also has the effect of making children cry when walking on the street.

This is one of the reasons why he doesn't like staying in big cities.

Even a mere encounter can cause great trouble to ordinary people.

The Emperor also doesn't like the feeling of being noticed when walking on the street.

However, when he met the genius mechanic, he discovered that his judgment had been seriously wrong. He thought he would be meeting a Transformers-style mechanical creation, but what finally appeared in front of him was a A girl who was just above his waist and dressed very fashionably.

With her long blond hair, exquisite makeup, and five-pointed star-shaped contact lenses, her first impression is exactly the same as that of the eldest ladies from executive families in private schools.

The genius mechanic seemed a little nervous. Although the two had communicated in their heads countless times, they fell silent when they met.

She fiddled with the bangs on her forehead several times uneasily, and after a long time she asked, Why are you staring at me?

In fact, she is not good at meeting netizens.

The otaku's social circle is all completed on the Internet. Not to mention the emperor who is a netizen, she usually doesn't even see her brothers and sisters, RT4 and RT5.

She has a comfortable secret base in each city of the coalition government, where she can complete all the study and research tasks she needs without leaving home.

...I find that your aesthetic is indeed at the forefront of fashion.

Of course, this is one of the topics I usually study. The current image is the most popular style of the coalition government recently.

The content of her speech was no different from the communication in her head, but her tone was a little weaker than before and became much more polite, Besides, I have a makeup artist who works with many big stars in Kolo Films. Coming and going.”

This is in line with the Emperor's label of a nerdy girl from the Genius Mechanics Club.

She will be domineering only when she is not typing on the keyboard in person, and she may even be a good girl in the eyes of acquaintances.

Is this also the style that has become popular in the coalition government recently?

The Emperor who has traveled almost half of the outside world has never been afraid of society. He comes into contact with strangers with different beliefs and living habits almost every day. He pointed at his image that is comparable to Frankenstein. Franken is He acquired a pseudonym based on his own image.

In order to make people in the outside world accept his appearance, he even made up the tragic past that he suffered third-degree burns on his skin in a fire in his early years, so that he had to be transformed into a machine to survive.

...No, the coalition government has been trending recently in a minimalist style.

RT6 is not unconscionable and answers truthfully.

The current image of the Emperor has made all the believers in the Mechanicus look upon him with admiration. The only person in the coalition government who can rival him in appearance is probably the Desolate Bones.

After a long pause, she added, But don't rely on me. I asked for your opinion when I remodeled you for the first time. You said at the time that you didn't care about your image and let me express myself freely.

So she modified the Emperor according to her own ideas.

This is her unique work. Compared with the recent minimalist style prosthetics of the coalition government, she feels that Emperor interprets the beauty of mechanical.

Unfortunately, this aesthetic seems to be a bit ahead of the times for ordinary citizens, who still find it difficult to appreciate the beauty brought by machinery.

“If you want to change to a minimalist style, that’s not impossible.”


The Emperor shook his head, I believe in your level.

You should believe me.

RT6 felt that his mood suddenly became much more relaxed, and his tone of voice became lighter, After all, I am a genius mechanic two levels higher than you. You believe me, I am right!

Want to take a walk in the royal city?

'The Emperor' asked.


RT6 declined. For her, going out to meet people is the best effort she can make. She still prefers to stay in familiar places.

This is the private territory she temporarily asked RT4 to come to. Before the arrival of the Emperor, she transformed this place into her secret stronghold in the city of Atlantis. I can show you around my house and all the equipment here. They have all been transformed by me!”

I've had a cold for the past two days and I'm feeling a little unwell, so I'll take a break from writing 4,000 words.

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