Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 924 They are all assassins!

Are you here to laugh at me?

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Rotten asked coldly.

Until the end, the battle he expected did not really come. With the blessing of 149 fragments, he did set foot in an unprecedented field. This once made him believe that even if he fought against the seniors he respected in the past, he might not be defeated.

But it was precisely because of this that he truly felt the gap between the two.

For the seniors, defeating him seems to be just a convenient move in the process of repairing the oasis.

Even after setting foot in that field, he still couldn't clearly see the distance between himself and the other party.

More mysteries enveloped him.

The erased era, the whispers of the disappeared upper world, the reason for the disappearance of the predecessors, and the stamp collecting mentioned by the person in front of me.

His guess was wrong. The separation of consciousness and power of the God of Life was not caused by luck or fate. Everything was going according to the other party's plan.

Perhaps, this plague raging in the oasis was also expected by them.

No, because this is the natural result.

Lu Xiang shook his head, The 149 fragments plus your original spiritual power do make you qualified to go to the upper world.

For a believer, this is quite an achievement.

At least in the past, going to the upper world meant ushering in a new life, allowing them to completely get rid of their identity as puppets of fate and firmly hold the threads of fate in their own hands.

But that's all.

There are also differences in the strength of spiritual energy in upper-level beings. Even in the past, Corruption could only be regarded as an intern at best before he truly controlled the nature of spiritual energy and created his own path. Role.

What he challenged in the battle was the devil who had personally brought the upper world to destruction.

In order to defeat the devil, the entire upper world united together, but in the end they could not escape the fate of destruction.

What exactly does he mean by the new era? What happened in the upper world?

'Corruption' asked eagerly.

The man in front of me is one of the few who can answer these questions.

You will next be sent to a maximum security prison in the coalition.

What did you say?

Rotten couldn't believe his ears.

The coalition's maximum security prison?

This title only applies to mortals, to whom any prison built by humans is no different than a back garden.

The most severe prison has ever appeared. It was a place specially built by the coalition government in collusion with the remnants of the church to imprison consciousness, but it was destroyed by someone's own hands not long ago.

There is no place in this world that can contain them.

That prison is said to hold the most evil prisoners in the history of the coalition government. Being sent there is equivalent to a one-way ticket with no return.

I'm really looked down upon.

Corruption admitted that his defeat was very complete, but that was only when the opponent was Song Lan, an existence that even the whispers of the upper world were afraid of, and they did not hesitate to describe him as a devil in the classics.

No one else would have been able to prevent the oasis from being destroyed.

Haven't you ever thought about what kind of people the 'most evil criminals in history' refer to?

What exactly do you want to say?

Don't you want to know about the 'old times'? If you can survive in that place, you might be able to find the answer.

There were footsteps outside the door again.

There seemed to be two people, and they stopped at the door.

The person responsible for escorting you has arrived.

Lu Xiang opened the door, and the light that shone into the room made Corruption squint his eyes.


When he saw the true faces of the two humanoid creatures, he was stunned for a long time.

Not just robots, but also old models from decades ago. Although he had only left prison not long ago, he was gradually aware of the changes in the world.

Today, this type of robot has long been discontinued, and today's artificial intelligences are becoming so similar in appearance to humans that manufacturing companies have to mark their temples with numbers and highlight their pupils to distinguish them.

It looks much better, but its combat effectiveness has dropped too much. Compared with their opponents at that time, the current artificial intelligence is no different than a child playing house.

This old style from decades ago seemed to vaguely remind him of a certain memory. The memory was revealed from the fog, but he still seemed to be on an island shrouded in fog.

The erratic figure of Corruption stood up, but the mechanical arm of the old robot pressed on his shoulders, as hard as twisting a prisoner away.

At the same time, the remaining spiritual energy seemed to be sealed by some invisible force field.


How can this be.

One of the costs of reaching this point is to abandon one's body. At the end of the Dark Age, each of them became a consciousness. Even the Emperor, the remnants of the church, could not find a way to completely get rid of them. It can only be temporarily imprisoned in the prison of the conscious body.

Psychic suppression force field?

He had indeed heard that the coalition government had developed similar technology, but he personally verified the technology as soon as it came out. It turned out that those who could be affected by the psychic suppression force field were only half-time psychics. Then The so-called seal is no different from child's play in front of them.

That's him, take him back.

Lu Xiang said.

The pupils of the ancient robots were flashing red, and their voices were cold and dull. They had not changed in the past few decades. The prisoner has been received and is on escort duty.

They faithfully carry out their assigned missions.

Just as they walked to the door, one of the robots suddenly stopped and said in that cold mechanical voice, Director Lu Xiang, mother says hello to you.


The past few days have not been easy for Song Lan. The incident in Root City had an immediate impact. Almost in the afternoon, his mobile phone with few contacts was filled with all kinds of text messages. Now it seemed that the whole world People are looking for his whereabouts.

Whenever the TV is turned on, the news is talking about him, and this has been going on for three days.

In the end, the resourceful Song Lan found a way to solve the problem once and for all.

Turn off your cell phone and TV, and the world suddenly becomes peaceful.

The Chamber of Commerce provides them with a secluded safe house, which allows them to temporarily stay away from the intrusion of the world.

This is perfectly normal. You just set time back a week.

The only dissonant thing is that there is still a gloating voice in the safe house.

After the TV was turned off for two minutes, Nothingness turned it on again on the grounds that it was too boring.

I didn't expect your abilities to have grown to this extent.

There was no need for Song Lan to explain himself. As long as he watched the news on time, he would be able to understand the impact his ability would have on the world.

During these three days, countless people in the world were studying this matter at every moment.

Those who were resurrected were not only the residents who lost their lives due to infectious diseases during the plague, but those who lost their lives due to various reasons in different areas were given a chance to start over again.

The impact on the physical level is particularly obvious.

During these three days, countless protesters appeared. When they were looking for documents, they were shocked to find that a week of hard work had been in vain. This was tantamount to a blow to the hard-working workers.

Traveling back in time isn't always perfect.

Many people hope to get rich overnight through the Second Weekly Project, but they soon discover that if everyone retains the memory of the next week, the ability to predict the future will be invalid. What they are experiencing seems to be similar. , but completely different lives, and stimulated by the ability to regress time, the game between different forces has become particularly fierce.

The reborn members of the Brotherhood gave up their plan to go to the desert to find the artifact, but before they could enjoy the joy of surviving the disaster, the heavy hammer of the resistance fell on them first.

On the first day of the mutation, the Brotherhood became the organization that was wiped out twice in a row in the shortest time.

As for nothingness.

He had to spend a whole day heading to the desert to rebuild the kingdom for the Death Crabs.

Nothingness has never stopped fanning the flames. Destruction, interference, support, measured by the template proposed by the Psychic Research Institute, your abilities have no dead ends.

He really didn't expect that Song Lan's control over spiritual energy would still have room for growth, but all this came from Lu Xiang's words, Take the fragment, treat it as a gift to you.

In her words, the Sea of ​​Souls, the Deep Web Chip and the power of the Devourer were enough for her to study for a long time, and the fragments were regarded as Song Lan's replacement for her in completing the epic task line of Saving the Oasis. award.

This reward that countless people dreamed of made Song Lan frown like an old man on the subway.

There's a reason why I didn't study support psychic powers in the past.

Song Lan put on a straight face and said solemnly.

In the past, besides Lu Xiang's ability being too easy to use, there was another more important reason.

The Salted Fish Code shows that there is no more demanding profession in the world than doctors.

Regardless of war or peace, support psychic abilities are undoubtedly the most in demand. Even in the upper world, the God of Life was once the person everyone wanted to focus on building a good relationship with. It is precisely because of this that there is no one more suitable than her as a person. It's time to introduce people to the promotion.

Once the age of peace comes, the destructive and disruptive psychics will be able to retire as a matter of course, but what about the supportive psychics? Have you considered their feelings?

biopharmaceutical company,

Psychic Research Institute,

As well as the countless prosthetic hospitals of the coalition government, once they know the existence of the God of Life, they will definitely rack their brains and try every means to win over the God of Life to become their advisor!

Intimidation will not lead to inducement, otherwise you will just play the emotional card.

Although he is not afraid of coercion and inducement, the emotional card always hits his weakest point.

“Can you imagine a tearful little girl hugging your thigh on the way home from get off work, crying and begging you to save her mother?”

Song Lan felt uneasy when she thought that something like this might happen on her way to get off work in the future.

And after Lu Xiang handed over this trouble as a gift to him, what he could do was no longer limited to treating terminal illnesses.

The resurrection of the dead is the benchmark for the power of the God of Life.

At this moment, TV news hit this topic accurately.

——Recently, large companies led by Yungang Biopharmaceutical Company held a joint meeting. The meeting called on the Council to make an exception and grant the position of consultant to Mr. Song Lan. They firmly believe that with the assistance of Mr. Song Lan, biopharmaceutical technology will continue to advance. One leap at a time.”

Of course the Senate also wants to pass this bill.

Different from the half-baked cloning technology, three days ago, they witnessed the miracle of the resurrection of the dead with their own eyes. The former council members who had long retreated behind the scenes felt their blood boiling after a long absence.

This gave them a real sense for the first time that immortality was possible.

There is no need to replace their bodies, place their brains in cold instruments, or use cloning technology to create spare bodies, but to truly realize this ultimate dream that countless people dream of.

The only problem now is that Song Lan and Lu Xiang have disappeared since that day. The dispatch department turned Lute City upside down but could not find any trace of them.

Turn it off, turn off the TV!

Song Lan picked up the sofa cushion, aimed at the back of Void's head, and issued an ultimatum.

The TV is full of assassins!

I seem to understand a little bit.

Nothingness thought deeply, and then he realized that it was no wonder that Song Lan had to create so many false identities to confuse the public. It seems that there are many things in this world that are much more troublesome than the revenge of the enemy.

In the era he was familiar with, there were not so many concerns. The upper world was too far away from people. Most people would never be able to truly interact with the gods they believed in throughout their lives, and there would not be any life in the upper world in the past. Experience how much you have to do for the crickets.

For them in the past, let alone destroying the entire oasis, even if someone provoked the fourth war, they could still reap the benefits from behind the scenes.

Not long after, Lu Xiang came back.

The handover is complete.

She stretched and suggested, Let's have potato stew tonight!

Everything seemed extremely natural, as if the three of them were just tourists visiting the oasis.

This completely returned to the way she and Song Lan got along in the past, which made Nothing dissatisfied. He also hoped that after Lu Xiang remembered something, he would re-examine the relationship between himself and Song Lan - such a situation Come on, he can at least eat more rice and less dog food in his daily life.

that is it?

Finally, Nothingness couldn't help it anymore, Don't you have anything to say to him?

say what?

Lu Xiang tilted his head, looking confused.

Of course it's your relationship, you have now become lovers!

Oh, I did think about that.

For example, people often say, I treat you as a comrade, but you want to attack me!

But soon, she discovered a problem.

Judging from the relationship development trajectory, the truth seems to be closer to the fact that Slowbird regards her as the leader, but she conquers him.

Well, that's good.

There is nothing to correct the discussion.

Instead of worrying about this kind of thing, it is better to consider some more practical issues, You have to keep an eye on Lao Xu for a while. You see that he is stimulated and wants to take revenge on society. I suspect that he is planning to put it in the pot while you are not paying attention. Cast Shakeela!”

Thanks to Ghost Dream for the 100 starting coins!

Two hundred and ninety-two of the small theaters:

A certain day of a certain year, a certain day, a Wednesday, in the morning

Hannah became Little Potato's fourth favorite person. After returning from a trip to a neutral country, Hannah would go to Song Lan's house every three days on the pretext of visiting, and then have a meal as a matter of course.

Facts have proven that sugar-coated bullets are extremely effective for children.

She showed the characteristics of a rich woman as always. Within a few times of her visit, all kinds of novel toys were piled up in the living room, and even Ye Lu and she got a lot of new toys.

Among them, the most favorite thing among Yelu children is the bone stick that is said to be “unbreakable no matter how hard you bite it”.

Every day when Song Lan was cooking, Hannah would move up to a chair and sit by the crib to tease Little Potato with a cat-like toy.

People who don't have to go to work are happy.

In the field of fishing, Hannah was already considered to be better than her master. Song Lan had never seen her go to work in all these years.

And occasionally he had to put on a show to show his face in the department.

By the way, where do you plan to send Little Potato to school in the future? I know the principals of many schools.

In Hannah's view, Song Lan and Lu Xiang's family education can only be described as freedom, and each child's growth path is unique.

Anfiya became the president of the student union as soon as she entered university, while Almon specialized in physics and spent time in the laboratory day and night.

Ye Lu fully inherited Song Lan's mantle and became an out-and-out homebody.

Second District Noble Cooking School.


Lao Lu thinks she has talent in this area.

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