Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 957 Sincerity is a must-kill skill

Food can always bring people closer. Sitting around the table in a fast food restaurant, Devin Horner gradually became good at talking.

After a glass of ice-cold drink, she made another unexpected friend.

Qi He, I knew something bad was going to happen when I met him in Ward B.

Huo Na mistook the drink in the cup for wine. Ever since she was sent here, let alone wine, even alcoholic beverages were out of their reach.

Although District B provides food every day, it is only bread with no taste, which can only guarantee their survival to a certain extent. From this point of view, although District D is full of dangers, the supplies are much richer, and the quality of beef It's even top quality.

After more than two years, Devine Horner once again deeply missed life outside.

Qi He? What is he doing here?

Lu Xiang was a little surprised - in this way, Song Lan had almost all the good friends she had made some time ago.

Who knows? It is said that they offended the Ragus Foundation and were plotted to get in. But I have never seen anyone come to the station with bodyguards by their side.


A young girl, not much older than she looks.

Huo Na pointed at RT6 who was concentrating on enjoying lunch. For the sake of this rich table of dishes, RT6 had already forgiven Song Lan for betraying him just now.

In her opinion, the owner of the arena should feel lucky. The only reason why he can survive until now is because Song Lan is too busy cooking to get away, otherwise his fate will be the same as the ink on the wall.

Song Lan and Lu Xiang naturally guessed the identity of the young girl. Before they were transferred to the first district, An Jing was recalled to Qi He, saying that the Ragus Foundation had arranged a secret mission for him.

But they didn't expect that this secret mission would send them directly to the highest-security prison of the coalition government.

Qi He is a smiling tiger. From what I know about him, the foundation probably sent him to this ghost place just to let him have private contact with a prisoner in D area.

Where are they now?

Block C, or he may have sneaked into Block D. If he hadn't dug a hole in Block B, it wouldn't have been so easy for the prisoners outside to get in and kidnap me to a place like this.

This name made Devin Horner a little depressed.

She admitted that when she met Qi He in Ward B, she did have a somewhat unrealistic hope in her heart. Horna very much hoped that Qi He's appearance here was arranged by the Ragus Foundation, because it also meant that the Foundation A way out of prison would be arranged for him.

She tried her best, even using the beauty trap, but Qi He didn't waver at all.

Huo Na could only lament that in the eyes of the other party, a former unified military industry executive who had no real power was no different from garbage on the roadside.

She added, Nominally Qi He must come here as a prisoner. If I guess correctly, the conservatives and the reformists are still at odds with each other outside. If the enemies of the Foundation find out about this, It will be publicized widely and eventually everyone will know about it.”

Although the residents of the Union Government knew nothing about the conditions inside the prison, everyone had a vague idea that it housed the most unforgivable criminals in the history of the Union Government.

If a current spokesperson of the Foundation meets with these criminals, he can imagine with his fingers the serious public opinion disturbance it will bring to the Foundation.

In my opinion, Qi He is also an idiot. He actually came to a place like this for the foundation's decision. The prisoners here will not give face to the company. If he says the wrong thing, he may be killed...

Speaking of this, Huo Na suddenly thought of something and explained, Don't get me wrong, I'm not mocking you.

On the way to the restaurant, she roughly figured out Lu Xiang's identity.

She didn't expect that the current head of the counter-intelligence department would be so young, but to be fair, there was no difference in nature between the two matters, and even the status of cop was even more unpopular in the prison area.

To put it bluntly, Huo Na felt that death stars were flashing above the heads of everyone sitting at this dining table at this moment, including herself. Maybe they would die in some unknown accident before long. Among them.

By the way, I haven't asked you yet, has the Council told you how to leave this hellish place?


Lu Xiang thought about Huo Na's question and realized that the council had not arranged a detailed departure plan for them. Due to Song Lan's presence, everyone seemed to have actively ignored this serious issue.

Even she didn't think about it carefully.

Slowpoke can choose to leave quietly, or kill everyone and flee the scene.

According to experience, events handled by him usually only have these two outcomes.

Lu Xiang blamed herself. Unlike Song Lan, it was not her style to slide on the watermelon rind wherever she went. However, after living with him for a long time, she began to subconsciously ignore failure or escape. possibility.

Before this lunch, what she was thinking about the most was how to use the latter's authority to meet the real ruler of Area D after killing the judge in the arena.

And the judge has always responded to them with practical actions.

The ubiquitous patrol teams and the freezing atmosphere seemed to convey to them, You can't leave my territory until you kill me!

Although what follows may be a little hard to accept, you are likely to be sold out by the Council. Maybe they never considered your evacuation plan from the beginning.

Huona said, If I were you, I should put the tasks assigned by the Council behind me, and then think about how to survive here, and gather the abilities and wisdom of all of you, maybe you can stand firm here. heel.

While speaking, she kept staring at the Emperor.

The key to the problem lies in the former strongest six-star rescuer of the coalition government. The winning rate in the arena is enough to prove that he is much stronger than most prisoners in the D Ward. In this complex team, he One person accounts for more than 99% of the team's combat effectiveness.

Although the Emperor could not guess what Huo Na was thinking, the latter's earnest eyes made him extremely ashamed.

More than two years in prison kept the former unified military executive separated from society for too long. As a result, after meeting him, the other party kept looking at him as if he were the core of the team, as if he had high hopes for him.

But in fact, the only thing he has to do in this terrifying team is to serve as a mobile refrigerator to deliver ice-cold drinks to the real combatants after some not-so-fierce battles.

Dewen Horna, I must correct you. In fact, Mr. Song Lan is the strongest in the coalition government...

Needless to say, I think Ms. Horna has already figured out that, yes, I am the youngest super chef.

Song Lan interrupted the Emperor.

He really didn't want to hear such inexplicable titles as the strongest and invincible again. Every time he went to H1, the names of employees from other departments made his scalp tingle. If people who didn't know him heard it, he might still be hurt. I thought he was the kind of fighting maniac who would go find someone to discuss swordsmanship when he had nothing to do all day long.

But in fact, everyone around him knows that he is a good man who loves life and pursues peace.

...Special chef?

Huo Na stared blankly at the tableware that had been cleared away on the table. Song Lan's cooking skills were indeed better than those of the chefs at the high-end restaurants she had been to, but before she was sent in, the coalition government did not have any special chefs. Honorary titles like that.

After nutritional injections replaced food, chefs gradually became a group serving the upper class.

Many wealthy people regard excellent chefs as collectibles or pets as a means of showing off.

I heard that the judge appreciates people who are proficient in cooking. If you show your skills in front of him, he might let you run a restaurant, so that other prisoners in this area will not come to trouble you again.

Huo Na suggested, unexpectedly, this unpopular skill can actually be effective in this bad land.

Yes, I am also planning to meet the judge after lunch.

He must point out to the judge that the patrols have seriously affected their daily lives.

Then... I wish you good luck.

Huo Na hesitated to speak. She was really worried about Song Lan in her heart.

Her suggestions are the most ideal results, but the prisoners in the prison area cannot be measured by common sense at all. These lunatics may do anything that ordinary people cannot understand.

To make matters worse, the death of the anglerfish made the judge furious.

She could only wish in her heart that Song Lan would return safely after meeting the judge.

After lunch, Song Lan once again adopted the strategy of splitting up. RT6 wanted to repair the Emperor whose refrigerator function was damaged during the battle. By the way, they also bought the remaining drinks from the fast food restaurant to expand their inventory. Here, they must thank The generous Mr. Anglerfish.

The heroic Mr. Anglerfish paid for all the expenses of their stay in Ward D.

The teams of Song Lan and Lu Xiang shoulder a heavier mission.

We must meet with the judge as soon as possible before more innocent victims appear.

Lu Xiang followed Song Lan, but hesitated to speak.

It's obvious that this stupid bird is the culprit responsible for the surge in innocent victims, but his tone and demeanor are like a righteous mediator.

If only this guy could extend his shamelessness to love situations.

Once again, they passed by a patrol team made of shadows, and once again they came to the entrance of this majestic arena.

Judging from their appearance alone, no one would regard Song Lan and Lu Xiang as the ruthless characters who killed Angler Fish.

Lao Lu, I've been feeling a little weird since just now.

The ingredients were not properly prepared and you are feeling hungry?

Lu Xiang tried to integrate himself into Song Lan's thinking, but this time Song Lan looked at her with strange eyes, No, why do you think so? I mean these shadows, don't you think there are too many of them? What?

Wait a moment.

Lu Xiang made a pause gesture. She was extremely surprised and said, You are talking about business.

if not?

I would rather believe that you have a bad stomach.

...What image do I usually have in your mind?

No one can have a stomachache after eating bad food.

After going back and forth, Lu Xiang calmed down his shocked mood and brought the topic back on track, You said these shadows, what happened to them?

There are more of them than those imprisoned in the Black Pyramid. δ mentioned that most of the same kind are imprisoned with her, so where did these consciousness bodies come from?

It was in prison that they became what they are now.

Lu Xiang understands the process of transformation. Shadow is the form of consciousness. It is proof that they have abandoned their weak body and exist in the world with pure spiritual power. However, because the passage to the upper world is blocked, they have lost the possibility of going further. , they can only stay in the lower realm in this way for a long time.

Our fellow villager not only created Area D, but also transformed the prisoners here into his followers.

The judge they are about to meet is the best among believers. In the dark age, these elites selected from many believers may become bishop-level figures.

And now, the judge is angry.

This can be seen from the distorted space in which the upper level of the arena falls. Only when the strength of psychic energy reaches a certain level can the space be changed. Considering that this is caused by anger and not deliberate action by the other party, it is enough to see the judge's spirit. How terrifying has the energy intensity reached?

Song Lan somewhat believed what the judge's minions said when they provoked the Emperor.

Regardless of the new technology developed by RT6, the Emperor cannot be a match for the Judge in its current state.

Before entering, Song Lan felt troubled, How should we persuade him after we meet him?

He was really not good at dealing with psychic people, especially the indigenous people of the upper world. Looking back suddenly, he had failed all the negotiations so far, and finally had to use physical means to calm both parties down.

This scene is touching.

It was probably the same scene when I rushed to the Hongmen Banquet with Lu Xiang in the upper world.

A consciousness that was extremely angry, and its surging mental power shrouded the sky above the neighborhood like a dark cloud.

Sincerity is a surefire skill, isn't that what you said?

Lu Xiang said.

You mean that we should take the wrong approach and take the death of the anglerfish on ourselves, and then tell him the truth and tell him that I did it out of self-defense? There is no resurrection, since both parties are responsible , why not take a step back, come out of sadness and anger, and welcome a new life?

Don't you understand this very well?

But I think he might not accept this rhetoric.

I feel so too.


But just say it, I think it's feasible.

Lu Xiang smiled.

The sweet smile made Song Lan unable to tell for a moment whether it was due to her true thoughts or her weird thoughts.

you sure?


Lu Xiang, who knew Song Lan too well, decided to give up those useless efforts, Anyway, disputes are inevitable, so it is better to skip the dialogue stage and start fighting directly.

Small theater its three hundred and twenty-five:

Thursday, a certain day, a certain year, a certain month, in the evening

In order to prevent herself from falling further, Lu Xiang decided to start a round of self-cultivation practice. She spent a whole day sorting out the information.

First, a diversion:

I get up at 5:40 in the morning, arrive at the department before 6 o'clock to go to work, and work overtime until after 10 at night. The counterintelligence department always has endless documents to process.

The second is to actively participate in outing activities:

From now on, we can arrange 1-2 business trips per month.

The next step is to adjust the environment:

According to statistics, the counterintelligence department is one of the most pure departments, because department employees usually have no time to care about themselves - this is enough to show how much a work environment that is so busy that there is no time to think about personal issues can play a role in self-cultivation. s help.

Aside from being a little busy, this plan is pretty good.

Song Lan commented.

Oh, the one you're looking at is an abandoned case.

Lu Xiang glanced at him and said, I have given up on this plan.

Why, Lao Lu, you are not a person who gives up easily!

Because the information says that compared to the above, the most important thing is to avoid contact with related content.

That's right. You should hand over the confiscated CDs and targeted websites to your subordinates.

I'm not talking about websites and CDs. The problem lies with you.


You hang out in front of my eyes every day, how could I not be exposed to relevant content?

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