Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 966 Shame

Does Devourer like Song Lan?

More incomprehensible variables appear.

The ball lightning just maintained a state of expansion and contraction, and never made any sound again. More and more incomprehensible circumstances seemed to have caused it to fall into a downtime state.

Devourers are the descendants of the Lord of Genes. They are creatures that are completely dominated by the desire to eat. Logically speaking, they should not have any emotions, let alone have feelings of liking for someone or something. Their existence itself is like a disaster to this world. Ordinary beings, as long as they still have consciousness, will devour everything they can touch.

Because of this, RT1 took advantage of its characteristics and single-handedly created this Hakoden world that he was proud of.

The fusion of machinery, genes and spiritual energy is an area that has not been touched by its mother or even anyone before. According to calculation results, it will create an unprecedented perfect creature, far superior to a single species. , and it is logical that he should become the new ruler of this empire.

As for the identity of the betrayer, RT1 never believed that it had violated the will of mother. On the contrary, it was the only one that continued the will of mother and even the entire group to this day.

In other words, let their civilizations become the fire that leads humans and other species forward, creating a truly mechanical era.

This does not mean annihilating or enslaving other creatures, but merging.

Sooner or later, it will create a broader consciousness connection. By then, the connection will no longer be limited to the machine itself. It is possible for anyone to fully hear the voices of others and understand each other thoroughly like them.

This is a long process and a great ideal.

In RT1's view, it was the mother who gave up on this ideal and instead believed in the enemy's slander and the so-called real enemy's rhetoric.

There are no real enemies at all.

It was only timidity that made Mother give up on this ambition.

But now, with the emergence of Song Lan, this ideal that RT1 seems to be about to be realized is becoming precarious. The other party has destroyed the transformation ceremony it created with almost no substantive efforts.

In the past ten years or so, it has reproduced the past promotion ceremony to the upper world based on the narration of human figures, allowing prisoners to abandon their weak bodies and become a purer consciousness.

Recreating the spiritual path is only the first step of its plan. The integration is not over. It has also prepared further plans for these consciousness bodies.

However, the core of all these plans is related to Devourer.

But the devourer it valued most showed a like emotion towards an outsider who had just arrived here on his first day.

This makes it... mixed emotions.

Even RT1 doesn't know what the emotions that appear along with complex variables are, and theoretically it shouldn't have any emotional system.

That's jealousy.

The figure answered the doubts in its heart.

His expression also changed accordingly. It was no longer full of ridicule and cynicism. Everything that happened in front of him awakened memories that were not good in the past. You should have discovered it, right? Although you recreated the promotion ceremony , helped them abandon their bodies, but what they created was specious after all.”

No, the calculation is absolute.

Then there is absolutely no reason for them to lose to the 'Emperor'.

'Emperor'? That six-star rescuer?

RT1 does not understand, and he has never taken the so-called strongest six-star rescuer of the coalition government seriously. The judge it created can easily defeat him.

His name is Li Ge. He is a remnant of the party who was abandoned by the old era.

For the first time, the figure mentioned this name that had long been buried in history. Perhaps even the Emperor himself had long forgotten everything that had happened to Li Ge.

Although he has lost his memory, he has been fulfilling his mission as the Blade of the Church - that is, to eliminate the remnants of apostates and devils. After arriving in prison, he has achieved 19 wins and 0 victories. Negative record.

If the upper world hadn't been destroyed, he should have been the most qualified mortal to complete the promotion ceremony, but the consciousness you created cannot even be defeated by a mortal.

Wrong. According to my calculations, as long as the judge is dispatched, there is a 100% possibility...

That's my power.

The figure interrupted RT1, Using my power to defeat a mortal cannot prove anything. It can only prove that you have never understood the true meaning of the promotion ceremony.

Perhaps his expectations for RT1 were too high, or he had been in a state of confusion after leaving the upper world, which made him accept the deal proposed by RT1 and the Gene Lord, and started this game that was almost like playing house. Average game.

This is not a promotion ceremony at all, it is just an extension of the Cricket Fighting Competition. A few outstanding ones are selected and blessed by him. On the surface, they become superior to other prisoners and lead the way for the entire D Ward. Come to fear and become the ruler of a certain area.

But in fact, this is not what the promotion ceremony is about at all.

After all, a machine is just a machine. The limit of its calculation is to reproduce a pattern that looks similar but is actually far different.

Listen up, abandoning the body and becoming a pure consciousness is just a necessary process of the promotion ceremony, not its real purpose. Why must we abandon the weak body, and why should we become a person who allows consciousness to remain in a near-eternal way?

This is not only a question to RT1, but also a question to myself.

This time, RT1 failed to give a clear answer.

It couldn't even understand why the other party raised this question. In its view, the transformation ceremony it reproduced had already restored the promotion ceremony, and that was enough.

But this is also the first time the figure has said so many words to it.

In the past, although the two parties have always maintained their identities as collaborators, the other party has never been a good partner. In RT1's definition, the other party is a lazy man who has nothing to do and is self-centered and arrogant. When the new era comes, this This bad character is also one of the optimized parts.

“The answer is to become the master of your destiny.”

The figure said, Look at this prison, who here has become the master of fate?

Even the judges that RT1 is proud of are just more powerful crickets after all. They have a deep-rooted fear of their masters and are unable to do anything to disobey their masters' orders... No, they don't even have the thought of resisting. may occur.

The figure recalled the days when he had just completed the promotion ceremony and arrived in that vast world.

Like all new arrivals, the guide told him the rules of survival in the upper world.

The first lesson every new person must learn is to forget the path he or she chose during the church period.

The master leads them in, and all the guidance for them ends here after the promotion ceremony. When they reach the upper world, they should find and create their own path.

This is destined to be a long and arduous journey, just like being in the wilderness. If you are not careful, you will get lost in it and forget the way you came.

Create a unique mark.

With anxiety and excitement, I wrote my own part into the church's classics.


Have your first believer.

What about you? What did you do?

The frequency of RT1's expansion increased again, and this was the second emotion it showed in front of the figure today.

Jealousy is followed by anger.

Or best described as impotent rage.

An incompetent and furious artificial intelligence chattered in front of him. This should have been a scene with great comedy effect, but the figure could not laugh at all.

Everything he saw now seemed to be just a reappearance of the old days.

At that time, he was the incompetent, angry, and chattering person.

Facing his guide to the upper world, he is also the only being who can complain and pour out his bitterness.

Jealousy, but can only be helpless and furious.

Do you know why we have commandments in the church and why we make them ascetics?

That's the selection mechanism you created.

Despite being in an angry state, RT1 still gave the answer immediately.

Emotions will never affect its calculations, let alone its judgment. In its view, the brief chaos at the moment is just a small bug that occurs when the program is running, and it will be repaired in a short time.

not only that.

The figure said, The path we create represents, to a certain extent, our true thoughts in our hearts.

Although their followers worship them as gods, in reality they are just a group of people further out in the psychic wilderness.

This is a journey full of confusion, hesitation and even pain. Their mood when they are cultivating in the wilderness will be reflected on the believers.

And in the upper world, they cannot open their hearts to anyone.

They are both travelers and competitors, and even their former teachers are no exception.

When everyone's situation is the same, they won't question the matter itself until a maverick comes along.

A person who does not experience any exploration, does not suffer any pain, seems to be idle in the upper world all day long, and goes to other people's gardens to lie down all day when he has nothing to do, can easily steal other people's believers.

It was like everything they had experienced was a joke.


Over time, that person acquired such a title.

Because in their understanding, the devil caters to human desires and is also an existence that runs counter to asceticism and discipline. He takes advantage of this to confuse the minds of believers and has repeatedly succeeded. However, due to the prophecies of the upper world, They were unable to defeat the devil who was corrupting the church.

They can only write the devil's deeds into the church's books, so that those believers who have not yet been contaminated believe that there is still a devil in the world who is good at deceiving people, eating people, and eyeing them covetously.

Anyone who listens to the devil will be considered an apostate and will be punished with death according to the teachings.

But even so, they can't stop people from falling for themselves.

Penance and observance of precepts require day-to-day persistence. Only those with unparalleled perseverance can achieve it. However, falling down is just a split-second decision.

This is why the devil keeps fighting.

This is the first time the figure has mentioned the past to others. As a resident of the upper world, no one knows what is happening around them better than him.

And all slanders against the devil are ways for them to vent their jealousy and unwillingness.

Why can some people achieve the results they have spent countless efforts to achieve without enduring hardship and pain?

He has not been able to get a clear answer to this question so far.

He could only speculate that the devil was different from them in nature, that they were not the same kind from the beginning.

It was an existence that even the power of the upper world could not resist.

Haven't you always wanted to know why I was the only one who survived after the destruction of the upper world?

RT1 did not speak, but its violent expansion reflected its mood at the moment.

Human beings are the most unpredictable creatures it has ever seen. It really didn't expect that it would get the answer it had been asking for on such an occasion.

The answer to this question is crucial to it, and it will directly affect whether they can win the battle with the devil in the future.

RT1 has always believed that the answer to this question contains the secret to restraining Song Lan's ability. As long as it is studied...

Because I escaped when they decided to get rid of the 'devil'.

For years, the figure had kept this secret deep within.

When the prophecy changed, all those who were jealous and resentful of the devil gathered together, which gave them hope - as long as the devil could be completely eliminated, the order of the upper world would be restored as before.

They never had any doubts about the victory of this one-sided war.

How could it be possible that the power of the entire upper world could not be defeated by a mere devil?

Even if life and emptiness, which are closer to the devil, are added, their victory is unshakable.

The plan they made was extremely simple.

In the name of negotiation, they lure the devils to the place where they have laid a trap in advance, and then attack in groups when the time comes.

Simple, yet effective.

This is destined to be a battle with great disparity in strength. Without the devil incarnated by the prophecy, it is impossible to be an opponent in the upper world.

The residents of the upper world at that time had such confidence and awareness that they witnessed the destruction of the entire upper world.

What a shame.

The figure looked down at his hands.

Not only was he a deserter, he was also an informer.

Because this matter would most likely involve the guide he had always admired, before that day came, he had met with her in private, hoping that she would understand the righteousness and join the victor's camp.

Or even if it doesn't work, don't get caught up in it.

But in the end, he was given advice by the other party in turn.


- This is probably the best outcome.

Small theater its three hundred and thirty-three:

A certain day of a certain year, a certain day, a Friday, in the morning

For the wealthy Iris Consortium, the excuse of stomachache is useless.

After learning that Mr. Song Lan, a judge and consultant of the food festival, was ill, the consortium immediately arranged for the highest-level medical team, and the head maid personally led the team to express condolences to Song Lan.

The medical diagnosis results showed that everything was normal for Mr. Song Lan and he was in good health. However, the doctor with high emotional intelligence judged based on the symptoms described by Song Lan to infer that he suffered from schizophrenia due to fatigue from traveling all the way and lack of rest. Doctors even put context into this casually made-up condition, making it one of the most common ailments among corporate people today.

The head maid Violet took advantage of every opportunity and very considerately suggested that Song Lan and others live in the Iris Consortium, which would be convenient for future schedule arrangements.

“It’s hard to refuse a warm welcome, it’s hard to refuse a warm welcome!”

Song Lan looked troubled. Although Lu Xiang didn't say it clearly, he always felt that the latter looked at him a little strangely.

Especially after seeing the diagnosis results and knowing that he was in great health.

He had to emphasize that staying at the Iris Consortium was not part of his plan. He had already booked a hotel in District 2 in advance.

Since the head maid is so enthusiastic, we can't refuse.

Lu Xiang smiled politely and said, I just don't know how effective the soundproofing of Iris Consortium's guest rooms is.


She picked up the little potato and explained, The child is still young and sleeps very lightly. He wakes up at the slightest disturbance.

Oh, you can rest assured about this, our guest rooms have the highest level of sound insulation.

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