Enter the Room

Chapter 324:

  Chapter 324

  Song Jiyun told Zheng Quan: "Let's go!"

   Zheng Quan still hesitated, fearing to offend King Ning.

  Song Jiyun said: "This is not Nanchang Mansion."

  Zheng Quan let out an "eh" and jumped into the carriage.

   King Ning was trembling with anger, looking at Song Jiyun like a poisoned knife: "You'd better ask Bodhisattva to bless you and never step into Nanchang Mansion in your life."

   Who can say big words.

  Song Jiyun sneered, and said: "It's not too late to speak harsh words to me after you go back to Nanchang Mansion."

   "You!" King Ning showed a ferocious face, and he was about to grab Song Jiyun, but he was stopped by the people around him, and tried to persuade him, "My lord, the emperor is still waiting for your Buddhist scriptures!"

   King Ning obviously hasn't lost his mind yet, but he still endured the twitching veins on his forehead.

  Song Jiyun took the opportunity to leave Zhengyang Gate.

  When King Ning and the others were no longer visible, she asked Wang Hua: "What's the matter? I heard his tone, why does it seem that everyone knows that the impeachment of Wei Wei is your son's idea?"

  Wang Hua jumped out of the carriage and said, "Miss, don't worry, I'll go and find out right away."

  Song Jiyun nodded, and went to Ertiao Hutong with Zheng Quan.

  Some of the biscuits have been fired over there, and they are waiting for her pattern to start firing porcelain for the Kunning Palace.

  Song Jiyun first went to see the blank of Avalokitesvara.

  The facial features are clear and lifelike, but they are too beautiful.

She said to Zhou Zheng, who was in charge: "This has to be changed. One of them was burned for Concubine Fan. It stands to reason that with her status, she didn't go out of the palace and go to her son's fief to guard the mausoleum of the late emperor. She can still stay in the palace. In the palace, by the side of the Empress Dowager, it can be seen that either the relationship with the Empress Dowager is very good, or the Empress Dowager likes it very much. Now Baoguang Xianjun can’t help us, and we don’t know that the Compassionate Ning Palace is What do you think of us? The Avalokitesvara is extremely important."

  Zhou Zheng immediately understood, and said, "Are you saying that you want to make sculptures according to the preferences of those older people who have been worshiping Buddha all the year round?"

"Yes!" Song Jiyun said, "I talked to the nanny who came out of the palace to teach me the rules before. I told you what standards your palace has for selecting maids. She once told me that both the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager like faces. A round woman feels blessed, and she feels happy when she sees it. The empress likes to be calm and quiet. This Guanyin's expression is too lively."

  Zhou Zhengdao: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

  Song Jiyun went to check the cup and saucer again, pointed out some small places, and then began to discuss the pattern with the master chefs.

   Hong Xi came to the door.

  The two discussed for another afternoon about opening a shop. Before leaving, Song Jiyun talked to Hong Xi about buying shares.

  Hong Xi thought for a while, and said: "Everything is a double-edged sword. There are advantages and disadvantages. It depends on whether the advantages are greater or the disadvantages are greater. When you see it, you can make a decisive decision and turn the crisis into safety."

  After the confiscation of Hong's family, Song Jiyun felt that Hong Xi was more calm and introverted.

   "So as soon as you talked about the partnership, I immediately agreed." Song Jiyun smiled, "I believe in your ability."

  Hong Xi smiled bitterly, and said with emotion: "I just want to live a more stable life, and I just want to beg for food."

   "In the current situation, it is a great blessing to be able to live a stable life and be able to earn a living." Song Jiyun was also quite emotional.

  The two were silent for a moment, but it was Hong Xi who broke the silence with a smile, and said, "Look at how many people want to buy shares, and I'll figure out a way when the time comes."

  Song Jiyun also thought of the holding company in his previous life, and told him in words that Hong Xi could understand, and said, "This is all I can think of right now, see if you can use it."

  Hong Xi's eyes lit up, and he said, "I have to go back and think about it carefully."

   "Then it's hard work for Young Master Hong." Song Jiyun joked with him a few words before sending Hong Xi out.

She stayed in Ertiao Hutong for seven or eight days. In one kiln, all the porcelain pillows, tea sets, and hanging screens that the empress wanted were fired, but there was something wrong with the Avalokitesvara. It is not clear enough.

Master Xiao Guo looked at it again and again, and said: "The one we fired for the imperial kiln before is not as good as this one? The master has sharp eyes. If you don't point it out, I won't be able to see it. Moreover, sometimes there are few masters who make good bricks." There is such a sum, and there is no one who stipulates how many folds must be in this Avalokitesvara."

  Most of the people showed expressions of approval.

"This was sent to the palace for proofing." Song Jiyun said, "We have to be stricter with ourselves. If others can't do it, I can do it. If others can do it, I can do it better than others .”

She asked several masters: "If I ask that the folds of every garment be burned clearly and clearly, can you do it?" She also said: "If you can't do it, we will start with technology , readjust. If you can do it, I will reopen the kiln and burn it again."

  Everyone looked blankly, thinking of Song Jiyun's talent in porcelain, no one dared to question her decision, and they all said, "Let's fire another kiln."

   It's just a pity that such a thing is fired in one kiln, and the cost can't be calculated.

Song Jiyun took the opportunity to burn some of the four treasures of the study, sweet white porcelain, and said: "Longquan Celadon Jijia burns monochromatic porcelain, which is unpredictable only in color, but white is their blank, we have to find a way to fill it, maybe can gain something.”

"Exactly." Zhou Zhengdao, "I've been inquiring about the market these days. Originally, the sales of Longquan celadon were far inferior to that of our Jingdezhen porcelain. After a lot of publicity, it is hard to find a piece of porcelain for their family now, and the order has been queued for three years. I think we have suffered because we have not had our own shop, and it is no wonder that we all rely on the reputation of the imperial kiln factory. When others talk about porcelain, they only know that it is cheaper than ours, not a little bit of Dehua porcelain, not Jingde porcelain.”

   "Take your time!" Song Jiyun has always believed that business opportunities are very important, but accumulation is also very important.

  She stayed in Ertiao Hutong for almost half a month.

  Yuan Yunzhong came to the door.

  He muttered and said: "Yun Duo, let Shao Qing follow you wherever you want to go during this time. I'm going to Mount Tai."

  Song Jiyun was stunned: "What are you doing on Mount Tai?"

  Yuan Yunzhong was troubled: "I want to go to Mount Tai to worship the heavens on behalf of the emperor."

   "Ah!" Song Jiyun heard that it was such a thing, she wondered, "This is a good thing, what are you worried about?"

   Those who can represent the emperor to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to heaven are all favored ministers.

  Yuan Yunzhong said vaguely: "Aren't I afraid that something will happen to King Ning again?"

  Song Jiyun didn't believe it, and said: "You tell me clearly, what happened to you and King Ning? Don't tell me anything under the banner of doing my best. I didn't take any precautions, but fell into his way."

  Yuan Yunzhong coughed uncomfortably when he heard the words.

  (end of this chapter)

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