Three s cards!

All given to Lam Yip! .

Chapter 4

this moment.

The whole place is boiling.

All the audience cheered, after all, such a scene is really rare for them.

of course.

It's not surprising that an actor gets an s card based on his strength.

However, it is really shocking that such a young actor has directly won the favor of the three mentors!

Dapeng stood aside with a full smile on his face, and said, "Congratulations to Lin Yi, for being promoted to S-class! Now go say hello to the directors!"

Lin Yi walked towards the mentor and shook hands with the mentors one by one!

"Great performance!"

Director Cheng Kaige said with certainty.

Lin Yi bowed humbly and said, "Thank you Director!"

Seeing Lin Yi's actions, Cheng Kaige was even more satisfied.

It is indeed a rare talent for such a young actor to have such strength, and to be able to do so without being arrogant or impetuous!

without any exaggeration.

This child will become a great weapon in the future!

Zhao Wei also said directly, "If there is a chance, I sincerely want to cooperate with you!"

Lin Yi didn't seem to expect that the tutor would be so direct, and was a little stunned for a while, then said with a smile: "Thank you Director Zhao Wei, there will definitely be a chance!!"

Director Er Dongsheng was so excited that he couldn't speak, he just squeezed Lin Yi's hand hard!

As for Guo Jingming.

He nodded lightly, but did not speak.


Three days later, the show officially aired.

Because of this period of publicity, netizens are particularly looking forward to what to see in this issue of "Actors Please Be in Place".

It is said.

A young actor named Lin Yi, who took several s cards, was highly praised by several directors.

But not many people want to believe it.

After all, the news on the Internet is always true and false.


The performance of young actor Cheng Youwei in the last issue made the audience even more disappointed.

as predicted.

When everyone saw He Changxi and Zhang Yijie's "Chen Qingling", they were speechless on the spot, and it was even more incredible that such acting skills actually got an s card.

what is this?

Unspoken rules?

Director Guo likes this actor?

Did you really use the s card as a room card?

In an instant.

The barrage rolled in.

"I remember someone once said that anyone can play Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan, but it doesn't seem to be the case now!"

"What is this acting? A knife has been stabbed into the body, but he is still reciting his lines!"

"That's it? It's better for me to act!"

"It's really convincing!"

"Do the young people today think that they are handsome enough to film? This kind of actor really wants to make a TV series. I will smash the TV in minutes!"

"How come we He Changxi can't act well?"

"Do you know how hard he works? Why do you judge him like this?"



for a while.

Audiences are particularly repulsive to young actors.

The show continues.

Next on the stage, it is the God of Medicine played by Lin Yi.

After seeing Lam Yip's posters and materials, the audience lost interest on the spot!


"Young actor again!"

"This show only knows about gimmicks? Does it only know about traffic?"

"This actor is so handsome, his acting skills are definitely not good, why should he ruin a good drama like "I'm Not the God of Medicine"!"

"Yes, this play is too classic!"

"The difficulty is also outrageous!"


Netizens made a series of comments.


What they don't know is that the law of true fragrance is about to appear.


Accompanied by the sound of slaps.

The performance on stage officially started.

For an instant.

That's right.

Just a moment.

So people are attracted by the performance on stage.

All viewers are taken to the plot.

No matter the lines!

Still acting!

All impeccable!

his dynamics.

his eyes.

his language.

his tears.

Every detail can easily impress them.

Just a few minutes of performance.

But it made countless audiences cry.

Until the show is over...

The scene was silent.

The same is true in front of the screen.

After a few minutes.

There was applause at the scene.

The popup appeared on the screen again.

"This show is amazing!"

"I take back what I just said, this young actor, did a great job!"

"The key is that he is also very handsome!"

"Has good looks! And acting skills!"

"It's great, He Changxi can't compare!!"


The ending was pretty much what everyone expected.

The only surprising thing is that Guo Jingming actually gave He Changxi an S card!

And the audience exploded!

"I want to know what Director Guo thinks!"

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