Originally, with Su Ye's heart when he first crossed over, he didn't plan to touch the Internet outlet.

Without it, it's too tiring!

Because the Internet outlet is different from the real estate outlet, real estate is very simple, you buy a house, put it there and ignore it, it can go up there all the time.

With the skyrocketing domestic housing prices for the entire thirty years from the nineties to the later generations, anyone who doesn't need any intelligence, no effort, no operation, as long as you buy a house around 2000, can easily lie down and become rich...

And what about the Internet?

An tuyere is an tuyere, yes.

But it is also a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood!

Ahri Baba, Pain News, Jingdong, Wangyi, Pendu, iQiyi, etc... Which family was not killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood?

More of them are corpses that have cooled down in pools of blood.

And in this industry, you can't just buy shares, and the actual controller of modern business has too many ways to empty and dilute your equity.

For example, AB shares, such as the equity structure of the manager, such as private placement, such as shell change, the person who actually controls the company can casually give 690 to death, a shareholder who only spends money to buy shares, but does not interfere in the company's affairs.


When the scale of a company is billions or tens of billions, if you are not specifically responsible for the company's business, then you can't even see the financial report, too much!


Su Ye's previous idea was not to buy shares, but to buy some shares when these companies were listed, when the initial stock price was still relatively low.

At all, it can have an increase of more than ten or twenty times.

But there's also a problem here.

That is, Internet companies generally go overseas to list, the most common are the NASDAQ exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.

If Su Ye wants to buy stocks, he has to go to the United States.

The assets you hold are foreign capital, and you can't get U.S. stocks from China, so you can only be a free person, first exchange your assets for U.S. dollars, store them in your account in the United States, and then buy U.S. stocks...

If it's so troublesome, wouldn't it be over if I just bought Coca-Cola or Apple stock?


Speaking of which, when did Apple's stock begin to skyrocket? If I remember correctly, it was in 2010, with the launch of iPhone4, the epoch-making concept and design of mobile phones directly shocked consumers around the world, and since then Apple's mobile phone has become a giant in the mobile phone industry, which has lasted until Su Ye crossed...

"In 2010, don't forget the outlet of the iPhone 4, remember. "

Su Ye hurriedly took out a small notebook and made a note first.

After coming back from this life, he came into contact with the bulky big brother, which made Su Ye forget about the field of mobile phones for a while.

Not only Apple's iPhone4 but also later Android, are all world-class outlets!

However, the mobile phone industry is still a little far away, before the iPhone4 came out, Su Ye did not touch this industry, he was used to using smart phones, back to the non-intelligent era, and he really didn't want to play such a backward mobile phone...

For now, let's keep our eyes on the Internet.

In 2001, the domestic Internet has begun to be popularized, of course, not in the form of broadband, but ADSL dial-up Internet service, which has been popularized in coastal provinces to the town level.

The Internet speed at that time can only be described as turtle speed, only 14.4K-56.6K, which is unimaginable in 20 years...

However, back then, there were only words and pictures on the Internet, not even videos, so at least it was possible to surf the Internet.

In 2001, Internet cafes were a novelty in big cities in China.

Online games are also already available.

"Stone Age", "King of Kings", "Millennium", "Dragon Family", "The Legend of Jin Yong's Heroes Online", "Legend of Blood", "Journey to the West Online"... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you've ever played any of the above games in 2001, congratulations, you're the legendary old hardcore gamer.


Have you played two, or even more than three, at the same time?

Then you must be a super networm!

At that time, it was also the era when the huge domestic game army began to sprout. []

Of course.

The output value of the game industry, in the face of the Internet outlet, can really only be regarded as a little brother.

But there's something awesome about it.

That's cash flow...

In the Internet industry, most of them are "losing money and making money", and before unifying the market and squeezing out competitors, most Internet companies are not profitable, and they can't even find profitable projects.

But the number of users is everything.

As long as there is traffic, making money is a matter of how you want to make money...

This point is very clear to people in the traffic era twenty years later.

The gaming industry is different.

It is pure cash cows.

Although the scale of the industry cannot be compared with the Internet, its profitability is beating that of Internet companies at that time.


The development of online games and the Internet, their rhythm is the same, they are all developing with the development of domestic Internet speed, but the game industry has an upper limit, and the upper limit of the Internet industry is...

The country's population is 1.4 billion!

This time, since Su Ye decided not to continue salting fish, he wanted to meddle in the Internet outlet.

Then the Internet and games, both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be hard!

First things first.

Su Ye set his sights on the game that will sweep the entire country in the future and set off a long-lasting craze for one or two decades - "Legend"!

Do you spend money to play games?

And me.

Spend money on games!.

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