Chapter 1298: Foreign Aid

After they came back from the old man’s house, Long Xiaoyun and Mu Han went to work each day.

On the other hand, Long Xiaoyun’s parents are planning to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in addition to helping Long Xiaoyun with his housework!

Mu Han came to Long Xiaoyun’s home newspaper every day to report that the Mid-Autumn Festival everyone was looking forward to was finally here, and Mu Han’s parents were also coming tomorrow!

This made Mu Han also feel particularly happy, because his parents seemed to be here for the first time for the Mid-Autumn Festival. When they thought of these Long Xiaoyun and Mu Han, they felt particularly excited.

Long Xiaoyun asked Mu Han if there was anything to tidy up and tidy up. Mu Han thought about going and felt that there was nothing to tidy up. Later, the two of them went to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities and food for use!

Everything is ready, everyone is only waiting for the arrival of Mu Han’s parents, which is also very exciting for Mu Han, because he will be able to see his parents tomorrow.

In fact, everyone is the same. Only when they are in front of their parents, no matter how old they are, they always feel like a child, because to be honest, parents can have a home.

In the evening, Mu Han ate dinner at Long Xiaoyun’s house. After dinner, a few people chatted for a while. Mu Han came back early because he was going to pick up his parents tomorrow!

But when he got home, Mu Han didn’t know what he was doing, and he didn’t know whether it was because of excessive excitement or pretentiousness that made it difficult to fall asleep, so he couldn’t fall asleep over and over again.

I kept thinking about things from my childhood, because Mu Han has always been a very sensible and very distressed little boy at home, so everyone likes him very much!

But like to like, after all, it is a child, and sometimes it is very naughty. I remember that once Mu Han and the neighbor’s little brother did not know the reason, they fought!

At that time, Mu Han’s parents were cooking at home. Later, they heard the sound of beating, scolding and the child’s crying and they ran out, and found that Mu Han was fighting with the neighbor’s child!

I saw that they started arguing in the house, and then they ran into the yard and the two started fighting, and no one felt that they were reluctant to admit defeat!

And when fighting, Mu Han’s parents felt like they were fighting to death, children, if the fight is not bad, let them toss!

At the beginning, Mu Han’s parents didn’t care too much, only saw them hit from the yard again. At the gate, Mu Han warned that little brother was not allowed to come to their house, so he locked him outside.

Mu Han yelled inside the door, and the little brother outside the door was even more unconvinced.

So they pushed hard, wanted to open the door, tried to climb up if they couldn’t open it, wanted to climb up, and the two of them went over the door and continued to fight!

But Mu Han didn’t let him open two people, one in the door and one outside, continuing to hold on to the battle of tongues.

Seeing Mu Han, both parents thought it was funny. It felt like a scolding of two rural women. This made them very helpless, so they shook their heads and went into the house again!

I saw the two children pushing the door to each other, but the little brother outside was very strong after all, he pushed the door open with a violent effort, and then ran in and the two of them fought together again.

Because Mu Han was relatively small at the time and didn’t have any strength at all, soon Mu Han was pushed to the ground by his younger brother and couldn’t move!

At this moment, Mu Han’s crying parents didn’t bother to let them toss. Anyway, it wouldn’t be broken. At this time, Mu Han saw that there was no external source.

He stopped howling and crying, and pushed the little brother hard on his body with the energy he saved, and soon pushed the little brother aside!

At this time, Mu Han took the opportunity to get up and ran to the house frantically. The little brother also chased after him. The two were chasing and fighting each other on the house!

At this time, Mu Han’s mother felt that this was too dangerous, so she ran out and yelled at them in the room to get them down quickly!

Because this is too dangerous. If you don’t pay attention, it will be dangerous. It’s not a joke. The children didn’t listen at all at first, but when they found out that their mother was really tantrum!

Although both of them had great grievances in their hearts, they still climbed down obediently. Because Mu Han has been passive from beginning to end, and it seems that he did not take advantage of 1 point!

Many times he was the target of beatings, which made him feel very unconvinced, and he also felt very wronged. After being yelled at by his parents, he felt even more unconvinced in his heart.

To be honest, Mu Han couldn’t beat the little brother at all, so his anger hit his mother, and her mother was even more mad at the time. Don’t find someone else to come and let it go.

So he gave him two slaps again, and the little brother stopped making noise when he saw that Mu Han had been beaten, and ran out obediently!

At this time, Mu Han looked at him and felt as if everyone was bullying him, and started crying. His mother looked at Mu Han’s stupid look, but she didn’t continue to yell at him!

He stared at him and went to work on himself. How could Mu Han bear this grievance in his heart, I saw her crying and ran into her room!

There was an electric fan in the room at that time, which was bought for him by his parents, Fear Muhan, when it was too hot in the summer.

At that time, the electric fan was relatively traditional. It was a vertical and very old configuration. Mu Han cried in the house for a long time, but the grievances in his heart could not be dissipated!

So he moved the fan over and pressed the upper gear hard, pressing “1234, 1234” back and forth more than hundreds of times!

Later, a button of the electric fan was not returned to the stage by Tower A recently. Although Mu Han felt that he had made a mistake again, he still felt wronged in every way!

He didn’t care about it, and continued to press, until the entire fan button was broken by him, Mu Han stopped.

In his opinion, this is the end of others who provoke him. At that time, because they were relatively small, they were incompletely considered. Who would let others provoke him? Wouldn’t they not be able to provoke electric fans?

In this way, a good electric fan was destroyed by him. At the time, his mother didn’t know, and Mu Han, who had finished spreading his breath, felt a lot of joy in his heart, so he fell asleep unknowingly while lying on his shoulder! It’s night when I wake up!

Mu Han wiped his eyes and suddenly remembered the mistake he had made, so he glanced at the electric fan. Indeed, none of the 4 buttons were on the surface, and he pushed them inside!

Mu Han was afraid that his mother would lose his temper, and then lifted up all the pieces with a wire, so that watching the TV on the surface was intact, when he thought that all of Mu Han’s anger here was gone.

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