Chapter 1324: Ignore

The old man suddenly felt a little embarrassed, so he planned to push the dishes to others. Everyone suggested that the old man add some to his bowl!

Seeing how everyone insisted, the old man added a little to each dish and put it on his own plate.

At this time, the parents also added some, and this time it was finally Mu Han and Long Xiaoyun’s turn!

Long Xiaoyun was okay. Because he came for lunch at noon, he didn’t feel very hungry, but Mu Han was already too hungry. When he turned around, he moved with a spoon and chopsticks!

He filled his own plate and ate it on his own. Long Xiaoyun looked hungry when he looked at him, so he also added some!

But I didn’t eat much, I only ate two bites. Mu Han kept putting it in his mouth, never shutting up, which made Long Xiaoyun feel that Mu Han should have not eaten at noon!

So he married him with what was in his bowl, and Mu Han glanced at Long Xiaoyun or she knew him.

When everyone was eating, Long Xiaoyun’s father suddenly felt that there was something wrong with it, so he asked Long Xiaoyun if he didn’t ask for wine?

Long Xiaoyun suddenly realized that he had ignored this point, but in Long Xiaoyun’s mind, he still hoped that everyone would drink less.

Of course Long Xiaoyun’s father knew what his daughter was thinking, so he told Long Xiaoyun to ask for a small bottle. How could he get less wine on such occasions?

Long Xiaoyun naturally called the waiter very obediently and ordered a small bottle of strong wine, because for a family like them, wine is just a foil!

In fact, parents seldom drink alcohol at home, but it is true that there is no wine at the table on such occasions, and soon the waiter brought the wine!

Because everyone on the table has a wine glass and a wine dispenser, everyone only fills the wine dispenser so that it is not easy to get drunk when drinking!

Because Xiaocheng doesn’t have a lot of wine compared with the wine dispenser, today is the night of the full moon sound.

After pouring the wine, Mu Han got up and picked up the glass. This first cup of wine is considered to be a respect for everyone, and being able to get together is also considered a fate in this life and this world, and this fate is also the love of this life!

After speaking, Mu Han drank it all in one shot, and everyone drank it. The old man felt that he had a deep understanding at this time, so he had to drink this glass of wine.

The waiter pushed the door in when a few people were busy, and this time he brought a super large one, and the fire was still lit below. It is said that this is their specialty grilled fish here!

This dish has to be simmered in advance, so it can be served so quickly, thanks to Long Xiaoyu’s foresight!

Otherwise, take a look at the restaurant upstairs and downstairs. There is no vacancy. If you come and order food, I don’t know when you will wait.

The taste of this dish is very unique, and it is sour and refreshing. Everyone added a bit and tasted the dragon. Xiaoyun especially likes it!

Naturally, Mu Han liked it very much, but for his parents, it seemed that these smells seemed a bit too opposing.

But what is very strange is that the old man is actually used to this taste, and he keeps complimenting that it is delicious, which makes parents feel uncomprehending.

Because in the eyes of Mu Han and Long Xiaoyun, the old man and his parents are about the same age, so they should also be about the same in terms of eating!

I didn’t expect things that my parents don’t like, but the old man enterprise is very fond of it. It is like Mu Han and Long Xiaoyun, who like to eat snail noodles, like durian and stinky tofu are the same!

Later, they each talked about their hobbies. Not only was the old man the same dish as them, but the food was basically the same. Although the old man had never eaten snail powder durian, he also liked stinky tofu.

When they talked about this, they were disgusted by their parents. Long Xiaoyun is the same as Mu Han, and I don’t know if all young people are like this, or only Mu Han and Long Xiaoyun are two special freaks!

Anyway, I just eat some messy things, which makes it difficult for my parents to accept, and I feel that both of them are stinky.

What they didn’t expect was that the old man had the same smell as them. Perhaps it would be too exaggerated to say that!

But it was true that only a short while after seeing the three of them, half of the fish was eaten in their stomachs. The parents who watched it all felt a little unhappy!

They really can’t accept these strange smells and the like.

Just as several people were watching Mu Han and the others eating fish intently, it was the waiter who served two more dishes.

One dish is similar to steamed pot meat, and the other is Mapo tofu that big guys like to eat. This is the most home-cooked dish, so Long Xiaoyun thinks this dish should be liked by many people.

Just when everyone was about to start, the waiter came in again, and this time they brought them a pot of meat and another dish.

It is the most commonly eaten big pot dishes. It seems that these dishes ordered by Long Xiaoyun are relatively economical and affordable, and big pot dishes are also the favorite for parents!

Because in their minds they always feel that they are not full of other dishes, but the big pot dishes are their favorite, and they rarely eat with one dish after another at home every time!

Basically one dish and this big pot dish is done, and the whole family is full. Look at Mu Han at this time, there is no time to speak at all!

He kept stuffing her mouth, Long Xiaoying felt a little embarrassed when she sat on the side, you said that this is a few meals, but there are no outsiders in this room!

Because they could see it too, Mu Han seemed to have been busy without eating at lunch, but now it’s fine, and all the dishes are here. Eat hard.

This is Long Xiaoyun bringing the kettle from the side and pouring a glass of water for Mu Han, by the way, to his parents and grandfather. At this time on the road, does Long Xiaoyun’s father still have any dishes for Long Xiaoyun?

Long Xiaoyun seems to be two dishes short of counting, but because there are so many dishes, he has forgotten what it is. No matter what it is, there are already a lot of dishes on the table anyway!

It’s enough for them to eat, wait for the waiter to serve it while eating.

At this time, Mu Han found that the old man had not eaten too many times and found it to be unqualified. For the old day, he had eaten a lot of this fish!

So the appetite is a bit small, it’s not that I don’t want to eat it, it’s just that I’m almost full, plus I drank a few more glasses of wine.

The old man’s appetite was also really small. Looking at Mu Han again, it felt as if he couldn’t eat enough. The parents just watched her and stuffed her mouthful.

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