What Xu Can imagined did not happen. During the few days on vacation in Hong Kong Island,

Swift and Emma Stone seemed to have reached some kind of agreement.

Whenever Xu Can made a move, one of them would be with them to guard against Xu Can alone. Can.

Sometimes they even team up to defend together.

There was also Christine on the side to help out, not giving Xu Can and Scarlett Johansson a chance to be alone together.

He is simply better defensive than Van Dijk and Leonard.

Ten Hag should sign Taylor Swift and Emma Stone to replace the injured Varane and Lindelof, so that the record will not be so bad.

In addition, the two people also put aside their past feud and took turns consuming Xu Can’s energy.

Xu Can could see that in order to reduce their love rivals, Sister Shitou and Swifty were really willing to go all out.

Even if they didn’t deal with each other before, they are now able to deal with each other unanimously

“No, when did your relationship become so good?”

“We’ve always had a good relationship, right, Emma.”

Taylor Swift is tall, hugging Emma Stone who is 1.6 meters tall, and has the aura of a copycat king.

Sister Shitou glanced at her helplessly and disgustedly, and slapped Swift’s hand away.

“No, we are only temporary”

“Eh? Swift looked a little disappointed,”I thought I could become friends with you.””

“Who wants to be friends with you, Xu Can is obviously me first……”

“Yes, we are competing fairly.”That’s when Swifty remembered

“I really lost to you.”Emma Stone sighed.

After getting along with Swift for a long time, she really didn’t hate this carefree silly girl, but actually liked it.

So Emma Stone was able to put aside her prejudices and deliberately drag her into the game.

Soon, 3 days Time, the short vacation in Hong Kong Island is over.

In the three days, apart from watching 5 big stars in swimsuits playing in the water at the beach, I just applied sunscreen to each other with them, or took a bath in the bathtub, it was ordinary and nothing.

Xu Can is coming back. Exciting work is in progress!

“So, you still have to take Scarlett Johansson to the set alone?”

“Nonsense, she is my heroine, who can I take with me if I don’t take her with me?”

“Then I’ll give you the starring role.”

917″The actors have already been decided. Wouldn’t it be child’s play to change them at will? What’s more, you don’t fit the role, and it’s not easy to be an Oscar-winning actress.”

“All right.”

Emma Stone is helpless.

She knows very well that she can make jokes about Xu Can in other places, but in the field of film creation, this is the territory he controls, and no one can interfere with him.

Xu Can is very concerned about every step of the film shooting. It is an absolutely professional attitude.

Since he said that Scarlett Johansson is suitable for the role, he must have a reason and will never make nonsense of this kind of thing.

Indeed, Xu Can did consider all factors and believed that Scarlett Johansson was suitable for the role. The heroine.

But this does not prevent him from flirting with the widowed sister.

After filming the movie, he is not allowed to communicate and connect with each other.

This will make it easier for the male and female protagonists to become more involved in the drama.


According to Xu Can’s plan, the filming of”Pacific Rim” will be completed within three months, so that it can be in time for the release of”Interstellar” during the prime summer season at the end of July.

After”Inception” and”Captain America”,”Iron Man 2″ will also be released at the end of June.

By then,”Interstellar” will be able to take over perfectly and form Xu Can’s film’s monopoly on Hollywood!

Paramount, Fox, Disney and other companies want to compete with Xu Can, but they have not prepared many movies for this summer.

The only one that can compete with Xu Can is the S-class IP,”Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”.

The last”Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” took in a global box office of US$896 million.

This time Warner has high hopes for Harry Potter, hoping to exceed US$1 billion and compete with Xu Can’s Marvel movies.

Recently, due to the failure of”Batman Wars”, Warner Bros. suffered serious losses!

The investment cost of nearly 300 million US dollars was only 290 million in box office!

Big loss!

This caused Warner’s stock to fall by 10% for several consecutive days, and its market value evaporated by US$4 billion!

《The reputation of”Batman” has dropped seriously, with imdb falling from 5.8 to 4.5, and the Rotten Tomatoes index also dropped to 28%!

This also caused Warner executives to directly cancel the plan for”Justice League”.

Director Joss Whedon even summoned the crew and immediately disbanded them.

The DC universe plan, which was originally intended to compete with Marvel, was over before it even started.

Faced with this dilemma, Time Warner chairman and CEO Dick Parsons held a press conference to answer questions about the DC movie universe plan.

“DC comics are too profound and dark, which runs counter to the movies that the public loves to see, and it is difficult to produce the desired effect.”

“Unlike Marvel, DC characters are not suitable for the big screen”

“It’s not that our team is not good enough. We have found excellent screenwriters and directors, as well as outstanding Hollywood actors.”

“It’s a pity that due to the special nature of DC comics, the movie effect is greatly reduced.”

“Therefore, we suspended the DC movie universe plan and focused on developing IPs that are more worthy of development, such as Harry Potter.”

The media below quickly laughed.

“May I ask Mr. Parsons, why Can Xu and Nolan were able to create the”Dark Knight” trilogy?”

“Mr. Parsons, the sixth”Harry Potter” film has been filmed, and there is only the last one left in the original book. How long can it be developed?”

“Mr. Parsons, do you think Xu Can is more suitable to create a live-action comic book movie? Would you consider inviting him to co-write?”

Parsons was offended and furious in front of many reporters present.

“It’s useless even if Xu Can comes! He can’t make DC movies either!”

“《”The Dark Knight” is just a separate chapter, not the Justice League!”

“Don’t myth that Oriental!”

After saying his angry words, Dick Parsons left the meeting angrily, leaving behind a group of Warner promotion executives with embarrassed faces.

No, boss, who are you questioning? Who dare to question that person?

Who doesn’t know in Hollywood? Chan is a professional face slapper.

He has been questioned all the way from the time he auditioned for Spider-Man until now.

People who doubted him at the beginning were either slapped in the face so badly that they jumped into the river fruit swimming. (Read the cool novels and go online. Lu Novel Network!)

Or turn around and become Xu Can’s biggest fan.

So now no one questions Xu Can, isn’t it asking for trouble?

It’s better to wave the flag and shout from behind, anyway, his movies have not lost money.

Sure enough, On the second day of Dick Parsons’ press conference, Hollywood once again revealed a shocking news!

Xu Can’s Galaxy Entertainment has officially launched an acquisition of Time Warner!

They plan to acquire Warner’s DC Comics!

All characters are packed away!

Not only Hollywood, but the whole world was shocked!

No, did Xu Can really do what he said? He had just been questioned about making DC movies, so he bought DC?


“Xu, are you really planning to acquire DC?”

“That’s right, how about giving you a promotion and a raise when the time comes, not just at Marvel, but as the CEO of Galaxy Comics?”

“Wait, I-need-a-break, let me slow down.”

Kevin Feige was confused, what kind of thing is this? []

He was in charge of Marvel, gearing up to fight with the DC movie universe, but in the end he came to buy the competitor back and became his own.

I didn’t know for a moment You should still be happy.

From now on, Marvel and DC will be as close as each other, and they can do whatever they want with comic-book movies.

Even making an Iron Man vs. Batman movie is not impossible.

Born from two companies, fans will question who is the better hero from both sides. They kept arguing.

Now I can finally watch Thor playing the Super League, how exciting…

No, no, no, no, Kevin Feige quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and returned to business.

He was almost led astray by the inconsistent boss Xu Can

“What about the funds? Acquiring DC is not cheap”

“You don’t have to worry about this. I just want to know if you can grasp the merger of the two comic companies when the time comes?”

“No problem, if you really have had enough”

“Okay, as long as you say this.”

Hang up the phone, Xu Can is indeed seriously considering the plan to acquire DC.

This is not a simple counterattack by the Warner CEO to criticize him.

This is just a trigger, the real idea of acquisition, which has been going on since the last time he filmed”The Dark Knight” It exists.

If the acquisition of Marvel is for the tens of billions of movie box office behind Marvel, the acquisition of DC is purely for Xu Can to make up for his regrets. No matter how much money he makes, it is already a number to him.

He took out The income from investment and financial management will not be spent by the family in several lifetimes, so no matter how much it is, what is the use.

My parents used to own a Mercedes-Benz, but now it has become a Cullinan.

Housekeepers, servants, and caregivers are on call 24 hours a day, and there are all luxuries in the cloakroom at home. It was so full that the hundreds of thousands of bags that my mother carried to the vegetable market to buy food were worth 10 cents in plastic bags.

Even to my cousin Xu Yuling’s birthday party, she could invite her favorites like Da Tong, Xu Song, Soda Blue, Liu Yuetian, Chen Qizhen, Tian Fuzhen and other singers gave her a solo concert.

More than 30 students in the class were stunned and followed Xu Yuling to enjoy this luxurious performance.���VIP performance allowed.

Therefore, Xu Can’s current pursuit is not only to make original movies that he did not have in his previous life, but also to make up for the regrets of his previous life.

DC’s”Justice League” universe could actually do better, but unfortunately everything came to nothing in the struggle between Warner executives and Director Zack.

The most helpless person is Henry Cavill. He became a victim of Warner’s struggle. He originally hoped to become Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans of the DC universe, but he was screwed and his youth was ruined for many years. waste.

In Xu Can’s view, the DC universe can completely dig deeper and create a movie universe that is not inferior to the MCU.

In addition to the Justice League, Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, and the Anti-Monitor, these villains are also worth digging into.

What’s more, there are super popular villains like the Joker who can return and join in at any time.

The Joker played by Xu Can has only appeared in”The Dark Knight”.

More than a year later, there are still countless fans who are willing to hope that Xu Can can appear in the movie as the Joker again.

There are even crazy movie fans who have created a website specifically to time how long it has been since the Joker appeared.

This shows the world’s love for Xu Can’s portrayal of this character.

Therefore, Xu Can’s acquisition of DC was not a whim, but a well-thought-out plan.

Rather than letting Warner waste such a large amount of IP, it would be better not to give it to itself.

As for acquisition funds, the box office split between”Source Code” and”I’m Not the God of Medicine” has already entered the company’s cash flow.

The total is almost 500 million U.S. dollars. Adding in the remaining box office of previous movies, Xu Can can roughly make up 700 million U.S. dollars.

He is not worried about the company’s capital flow being cut off.

When the box office revenue of”Inception”,”American Team” and”Iron Man 2″ arrive, Xu Can will be able to come up with at least another 1 billion in cash.

As long as he keeps making movies, the company’s cash will The flow is simply more water than the Amazon River, and it’s endless!

After intense negotiations between the negotiation teams of both companies, Time Warner and Galaxy Entertainment jointly held a press conference!

Galaxy Entertainment officially acquires DC Comics for US$1 billion!

At this point, Xu Can not only has the creative team of editors, artists and other DC Comics departments, as well as comic sales channels, but also owns DC Comics’s top brands including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Joker, etc. Thousands of character IPs!

Marvel and DC, the two ace comic companies that have been fighting for decades in North America, are now one company under Xu Can’s operation!

The whole world was shocked!.

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