Los Santos, next to the Griffith Observatory.

This is a unique dating mecca belonging to Xu Can and Emma Stone.

Now it has been crowded with crews, cameras, makeup, lighting, field work......

A group of people gathered on the slope and did not start working,

Or look at Los Santos in the distance, or chat in twos and threes, or hide in the corner and play with your phone.

Xu Can and Emma Stone sat side by side on the bench, each silent.

Assistant director Damien Chazelle couldn't help but come to Xu Can's side.

"Director, when is it? It's been a day...... Otherwise, we shoot first, and the background can be graded later. "

"Wait, the actual scenery can't be adjusted. "

"However, the conditions were too difficult, and it was a bit difficult for us to shoot just an hour before sunset......

"Strive for a pass, and get it done today. "


Damien Chazelle's whole body is numb, although he is not a director, at least he has been in Hollywood for several years.

How can a 5-minute-long literary drama and a pas de deux dance scene be repeated?

Even if it is controlled at its best, I am afraid that it will have to be NG a few times, and the shooting will be at least two hours or more.

With just a few minutes of footage, it's possible to shoot for days on end.

It is rumored in the Hollywood industry that Xu Can likes to "gamble", and he is the most radical adventurer in making movies, and he really deserves his reputation.

There are often two extreme consequences of this, either success or instant death.

Damien had to admire him, was it luck that he could win every gamble? I'm afraid it wasn'......

"It's coming, it's coming!"

The cameraman who was smoking a cigarette on the side suddenly shouted in surprise, and everyone looked up to see that the distance was indeed dyed blue-purple by the last rays of the sun.

The whole Luo Sheng is like a dream, and it is indeed really beautiful as Xu Can said.

"gogogogo! All units are moving, let's work harder, fight for it all over again!"


Xu Can "four, three, three" got up to motivate the crew members and let everyone get ready, and then he reached out and pulled up Sister Shi next to him.

"MyLady, a11-we?"

Sister Shi smiled sweetly: "My-1ord, it's an honor." "

The "Best Screen Couple of the 21st Century", Spider-Man % Gwen CP, finally continues to give candy to everyone in the new film.

The female employees of the crew all had gold stars in their eyes, and they knocked on the spot.

However, those who have read the script and know the ending are sighing at this time.

"Scene 31, Shot 3, Shot 1!"


In the evening night, Xu Can, who is wearing a white shirt and tie, is a little more handsome and gentlemanly than the original Ryan Gosling.

Under the streetlight, he looked deeply at Emma Stone.

“...... We came across this stunning view, but unfortunately these two people are you and me. "

“...... You're not my favorite type, and you can't catch a spark in your eyes, but it's a pity that this beautiful night is beautiful. "

Originally, this lyric was the first acquaintance of the two,

The lyrics of the male protagonist Seb deliberately say that he has no feelings for Mia.,

Mia echoed with a singing voice, and the two were in a state of joy for the time being.

It may be that Xu Can is in the god-level acting state of soul fusion, and he is simply Seb himself,

The emotions he expressed were so real that Sister Shi herself was a little upset.

Do you really like Taylor Swift and don't like me at all?

With this emotion, Mia, played by Sister Shi, is also three points into the wood at this time, and her singing voice is slightly unconvinced.

"Wearing a cheap suit, I think Yushu is in the wind......"

"You're right, I'll never fall in love with you!"

"Maybe this night scene can charm the girl who fantasizes about romance, but I don't have any waves in my heart. "

The two sang as they walked side by side to the bench.

The kind of taste that obviously has feelings for each other, but the taste of arrogance and mutual hatred has broken through the sky.

The crew was stunned for a moment,

Especially the assistant director Damien, when he first saw the script, his mind was filled with the current scene.

As a result, Xu Can and Emma Stone perfectly reproduced this scene!

"Wow my God, it's worthy of the two of them, the cooperation is too tacit!"

Later, on the bench, the two of them shot the tap dance footage in one shot, all in one go!

There was nothing wrong with it!

You know, the two have only rehearsed once in the dance studio!


Damien couldn't help but whistle, and the rest of the crew applauded and congratulated.

This means that they don't have to work overtime, and after this complex long shot, the blue-purple night scene has not disappeared!

"Good work, everyone rest for 15 minutes!"

Xu Can also breathed a sigh of relief, and completed a set of 5-minute long shots without NG, which was very easy for him to master.

But Sister Shi doesn't have god-level acting skills after all, she can cooperate with herself so perfectly,

It seems that there is indeed a tacit understanding between the two.

"Is what you just said true?"


Xu Can was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

"That's the lyrics in the script, how can it be true?"

"But I feel like you're sincere. Sister Shi looked into the distance, feeling a little depressed.

"Follow me. "

Xu Can was caught off guard and picked up Sister Shi and trotted all the way to the Griffith Observatory viewing platform.

This was the first place they had been there before they had even dated.

"Sure enough, the night in Los Santos is beautiful. "

"Emma, I've never brought anyone here, it's your night. Do you understand?"

"Huh?" Emma Stone covered her mouth in disbelief.

"What do you mean......"

"That's right. "

"Baby ......"

Emma Stone's big eyes were already a little foggy.

Before Xu Can could say anything, she had already hugged Xu Can excitedly and buried her head in his chest.

It seems that she has been fooled, and in the eyes of Sister Shi, Xu Can has already given her a promise.

As for what to do in the future, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth, and they can always find a solution.


After the two confirmed their relationship, the film happened to shoot Seb and Mia officially dating.

That kind of warmth and sweetness can be noticed by everyone in the crew from a few hundred meters away, and it is already impossible to tell whether it is real or acting.

"It can only be said that they became popular so quickly, which is a reflection of their strength. "

"That's right. Assistant director Damien nodded.

"I think both of them have a chance to win an Oscar. Xu has already been nominated, and Emma also has hope with this movie. "

"Yes, no problem. I'm very confident in our films. "

The crew's chief cinematographer, Linus Sandgren, is quite optimistic about "La La Land",

Only he knows best, when he raises his camera to shoot those long shots,

I don't know how much elaborate design has gone through behind it.

As a rookie director, Xu Can's control of the lens language is no worse than that of a world-famous director!

In addition to his acting skills, movements and dances, he can also play various instruments, and he can also compose......

It's a monster!

In the past few days when the filming of "La La Land" started, Hollywood's most influential film festival, the Oscars, has officially announced the nominations for the 80th Academy Awards.

The biggest hits were the Coen brothers' "No Country for Old Men" and Daniel Lewis' "Blood and Gold," which received eight Oscar nominations.

Films such as "Gangsters of North America", "Wilderness Survival", "The Dark Knight" and "Atonement" have all been nominated for some awards.

Among them, "The Dark Knight", which was pinned on by fans, still failed to be recognized by the academic judges.

This movie is obviously powerful enough, but unfortunately because of the comic factor, coupled with Xu Can's debuff as an Asian, it is not very popular with the old-fashioned judges.

The nominations did not include Best Director, Best Picture, Best Actor, or Best Adapted Screenplay.

There are only a few technical awards for Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Sound Effects, Best Visual Effects, etc.

The only commendable is Best Supporting Actor, (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Can was successfully shortlisted for the Oscar with his uncontroversial performance!

No matter how biased the academic judges are, they can't ignore Xu Can's role of standing out from the crowd - clown!

With just over a week to go until the Oscars, Hollywood has already begun to warm up.

These days, almost all the media news in the entertainment industry is related to the Oscars.

One will be when the Coen brothers, the directors of "No Country for Old Men", announced that Javier Bardem will defeat Xu Can in Best Supporting Actor to reclaim the Oscars.

He lost to Xu Can in the Golden Globe Award, and he will definitely win this time.

After a while, the self-proclaimed Oscar Organizing Committee insider broke the news:

"Xu Can is an excellent actor, and the role of the Joker has also received unanimous praise, and "The Dark Knight" still surpasses "The Godfather" and ranks first on the IMDB list......"

But the judges weren't interested in him, preferring to award the prize to Javier Bardem, deliberately serious about the film, rather than a superhero in a straitjacket. "

This revelation was quickly dissatisfied by North American netizens. []

"Isn't 'The Dark Knight serious enough? It's so much better than some mythical dramas!"

"The Oscars have become a joke, a product of zzzq, and the awards have long lost their fairness. "

"The judges are suspected of discrimination and recommend calling the police. "

"Tell a joke, Oscar judges"

"Have you seen this movie?

In short, the movie was not nominated for it.

Now that Xu Can has been shortlisted, most people think that he is expected to win the award.

A clown deserves a little golden man!

Hollywood was in an uproar, and the news spread to North America through the Internet.

"Chinese actor Xu Can has been nominated for an Oscar, and he is expected to become the first mainland actor to win an Oscar!"

"The Oscar nominations have been announced, the competition for Best Supporting Actor is fierce, and the Chinese rising star is expected to win the little golden man!"

Xu Can is afraid of being accompanied, and seven reasons why he can't win the award. "

The domestic media also have different opinions about this news, and netizens who don't know about it can see it in a fog.

"How can a foreigner's award allow a Chinese to win an award?"

"Don't think about it, it's all shady. "

"Xu Can won the award steadily, and the strength of other competitors is not good. "

"What kind of movie is this, why haven't you heard of it?"

"Is Xu Can the one who plays Spider-Man? How did you play Batman?"

"Asking for resources, where can I watch the movie?"

Most domestic netizens have not watched "The Dark Knight", and the release in the mainland is far away. 0

The few netizens who watched it through pirated resources or genuine CDs have blown Xu Can into the sky.

"The first villain in film history!"

"The ugly man is the protagonist of the movie, and he should be awarded the Best Actor Award. "

"Who said that Chinese actors don't have acting skills? Let Xu Can show what acting skills are!"

"Seriously, Neiyu should really learn from Xu Can, why didn't he return to China to act?"

"It is said that offending the big guy was banned......"

"Outrageous, internal entertainment deserves it!"

"It is said that Spider-Man 2 is about to be released, and it will inevitably contribute to the box office at that time. "

Although he is not in the East, the legend of Xu Can has gradually spread in the East.

However, the mainstream media chose to turn a blind eye, as if this person did not exist at all, and only fans who had seen his works were spreading the word.

The media has been cut off from netizens.

"Honey, I'll accompany you to the Oscars this time, right?"

"Baby, Oscar, let's walk the red carpet together!"

Approaching the Oscars, Mildew and Sister Shi invited Xu Can to walk the red carpet together almost at the same time.

Fortunately, Xu Can had already thought of a countermeasure.

"The company was going to promote the new movie, so this time it was me and Emma walking the red carpet together. My dear, I'll accompany you when the Grammys arrive. "

"Okay...... But you and Emma really don't have anything, right? ...... been watching the news lately."

"Little fool, don't look at the tabloid news, those photos are stills from the set. You know, we're still playing as a couple. "

"I know, it's just uncomfortable. "

Mildew sighed lightly, "I also want to film with you, can you let me play the heroine?"

"There will be a day when there will be a chance to write a script for you alone, and we will play it. "

Xu Can doted on her beautiful face and painted the cake seriously.

Mildew has indeed starred in some movies and TV series, "Valentine's Day", "Jessie Arrives" and so on.

These are all soy sauce or tricks,

Mildew's talent is used to write songs, and her acting skills are in the MV line, which really can't support a movie.

Xu Can can only draw the cake first, and then talk about whether he can shoot it later.

Mildew is very happy, and is already looking forward to playing a screen couple with Xu Can.


As the time came to the end of February, Hollywood's annual Oscars kicked off.

The Kodak Theatre was star-studded, and Hollywood celebrities all walked the red carpet and scratched their heads in front of the camera.

When Xu Can and Emma Stone appeared, they received no less flash and attention than those superstars who have been famous for a long time.

"Xu, are you and Emma in a formal relationship?"

"May I ask Xu, do you have the confidence to win the little golden man today?"

"Can you tell us about the filming progress of the new film?"

"When will the Spider-Man sequel start filming?"

A group of reporters surrounded Xu Can, and the two of them struggled to get out of trouble.

"It's hard to imagine that we have such treatment. "

Emma suddenly sighed.

When she and Xu Can first acted in "Spider-Man", no one recognized her when they walked on the street.

If you don't drive out now, you will inevitably be surrounded by fans.

"When you become a movie, you will be more famous. "5.8

"You always say that, how can I take the little golden man?" Emma was a little embarrassed.

Because Xu Can is radiant, she always feels that her performance is not so good.

"Trust me. "

Xu Can looked at her firmly and led Emma into the Oscar venue.


The Oscars have just begun, and it is customary to be a video clip or a spoof shooting, which summarizes the films of the past year.

As a result, each character in the opening credits wears a clown mask, recreating highlights from different films.

When the host Joe Stewart came to the stage, he was still opening with this meme.

"Wow, this opening animation just now is all clowns. Where's Christian Bale? Where are you?"

"Oh my God, man, why are you still sitting in the audience and not changing into a batsuit?"

"Forget it, you've been suppressed by the clown in the movie, I guess I can't count on you ......"

Christian Bale smiled helplessly, obviously he is the male protagonist of the movie, and Hollywood always talks about this.

He is simply the worst male protagonist.

"I have to say that there are really a lot of perverts, perverted killers, and perverted villains in this year's Oscar finalists, no wonder those Hollywood screenwriters went on strike for three months and doubted their mental state......"

Before the awards, the host routinely spoke stand-up comedy on stage, ridiculing the Hollywood strike that caused a stir some time ago.

"No Country for Old Men", "The Dark Knight", "Sweeney Todd", "Blood is Coming", ...... Oh Maiga, relatively speaking, the teenage pregnancy in "Juno" seems so small and fresh. "

At this time, the heroine of "Juno" Alan Page was still a cute girl, who knew that she would later choose to become a man.

After ridiculing the Oscar-nominated films, the host finally got to the point.

"Well, thank them for bringing us so many great works!"

"Let's see, who can hold today's little golden man!".

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