Spring passes, and splendid summer comes up.

Even if there is no subtitle reminder in "La La Land", even if the color grading of the film and the active music of the film, you can clearly feel the vitality of summer and the competition of everything......

This kind of high-level processing allows Roger Ebert's evaluation of the film to remain at a very high level.

He couldn't hold back his excitement, and at the same time forced himself to calm down.

The first half of the movie is so good, he is afraid that a cliché bad ending will ruin the whole movie.

Similar situations have played out countless times in Hollywood,

Cliché representation is not easy to make mistakes, but it is also easy to degenerate the work into mediocrity.

Few people dare to break out of their comfort zone, and few people burst out with genius inspiration.

Therefore, the biggest feature of Hollywood is assembly line production and story processing factory;

The biggest disadvantage is also assembly line production,

If there weren't more brilliant genius creators jumping out,

In a few years' time, Hollywood will inevitably go into decline.

What kind of creator will Xu Can be?

With trepidation, Roger Ebert continued to immerse himself in the film.


Because the female protagonist Mia decisively abandoned the date object, she firmly chose the male protagonist Seb.,

After the two staged a fantastic dance with the stars at the Griffith Observatory,

Officially entered the midsummer love period.

The summer music has also become a more unrestrained and enthusiastic jazz melody,

The male and female protagonists incarnate as the ambassadors of Los Santos tourism, and as a couple, they visited the wonderful streets of Los Santos and enjoyed the unique scenery of Los Santos.


The cp fans in the theater will inevitably knock dog food again, and the once youthful Spider-Man and Gwen have become slightly more mature Seb and Mia!

Obviously, the actors have not changed, and a few years have passed, but the feelings of the two are very different from before.

Even the dog food has different flavors, and this on-screen couple is simply too much of a pet CP fan!

Even some of the Xu Canmildew CP fans who only knock the "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" combination will inevitably feel sweet when they see every scene in the film.

Even mildew itself.

She actually felt that Xu Can was actually quite compatible with Emma!

Xu Can and Emma!

It's a good match!

Perhaps it is the excellent acting skills of the two, combined with the film's fantastic color palette and colorful music melody......

Mildew completely forgot the fact that she was "Xu Can's girlfriend",

Crazy pounding your own boyfriend and other women's sugar!

And she didn't realize anything was wrong.

Especially a crazy hand-cranked shot in the film,

Seb, the male protagonist played by Xu Can, plays a jazz melody on the piano, and Mia dances next to him.

The camera constantly switches between the two quickly, so that it is a harmonious and joyful scene.

Xu Can is so handsome even when he plays the piano and his hair is messy!

And professional film critics have tasted a hint of Hollywood's golden age tribute from this set of hand-cranked shots.

Obviously, you can use a more advanced mechanical rocker arm to quickly switch, but Xu Can is obviously a hand-crank process, quickly shaking between the two, leaving a shaky shot.

At first glance, it may seem a little rough, but in fact the whole film style is always at the same high level.

Replaced with a mechanical rocker arm, it destroyed that jazz charm.

"Wonderful!" exclaimed Roger Ebert.

Finally, after a series of montage shots, the brilliant music stops, and the film is about to enter a turning point.

Good and happy times are always short-lived, and after a couple has spent a passionate period, it is easy to have all kinds of problems.

Even the dream couple Seb and Mia are no exception.

Just like most ordinary couples in the world, it is inevitable that they will face the reality of money.

Seeing this, Mildew even forgot to be jealous, completely immersed in it, and was anxious for the male and female protagonists.

"Don't give up on your music dreams! Mia likes you for the first time, she's not with you for the money!"

Mildew was afraid that the two would break up! For fear that her boyfriend would break up with other women!

Sure enough, the worrying one still came.

The male protagonist chooses to compromise with life and join the pop jazz band he dismisses the most, tarnishing the pure jazz dream in his heart.

One performance after another made Seb run around the country, and the two got together less and left more.

He forgot his original intention to enjoy the worldly stage, which made Mia feel strange;

He was busy socializing and forgot to watch Mia's performance, which made Mia even more disheartened;

This is also something that many couples have experienced, and it is difficult to balance between dreams, life, and each other.

Many fans at the scene came together as couples, and when they saw this, they couldn't help but think of themselves.

Some are sad, some lament, and after sweetness, there is sighing.

Eventually, countless problems accumulated together and erupted.

"It's time to face reality, I'm quite stable now, I don't know what you're complaining about'~?"

"I mean, you had a dream!"

"That's my dream!"

"It's not!"

"Why should you care about other people's opinions?"

"You're an actor, you're qualified to talk about me? maybe...... You just like the way I look down, and that gives you a sense of superiority......"

Seb's words are like sharp blades, not only on the heroine, but also on all the audience.


"Why do you say that, you'll regret it!"

"It's so hurtful!"

Xu Can's performance was so natural, this line even hit the mold.

She actually began to sympathize with her rival.

"Don't...... Hurry up and apologize to Emma for saying you didn't mean that!"

Sister Shi at the bottom was also very heartbroken when she saw this.

"Baby, you're really hurting. "

"Hey, hey, hey, this is a movie line, I can't bear to hurt you. "

"You've hurt me. "

"Shh......h Don't talk in the cinema. "

Xu Can hurriedly silenced.

There's nothing wrong with it, I did hurt her before, and I can't refute it.

After this quarrel, Seb and Mia can never go back.

Mia moved back to her hometown and left Seb behind her dream of acting.

Until Seb hears about a valuable audition opportunity, he drives to Mia's hometown and uses the stupidest way to find Mia!

He still has her in his heart!

On the day of the audition, Mia conquered the judges with a song.

The subtle facial expressions that even the most discerning film critics secretly admire.

"This is an Oscar-level performance!"

"The whole movie is a strong contender for the Oscars!"

At the end of the film, Mia gets the opportunity to perform and is about to go to Paris, Europe, where she will have a bright star journey.

Seb, on the other hand, quit the pop group and is still a down-and-out jazz musician.

When the two saw each other again, they were no longer arguing. He sincerely wished her that she could realize her dream in Europe.

Everything has been relieved.

"For the sake of your dreams, you have to give up everything, including me. "

"What about yourself?"

"I'm going to stay here and do jazz, you know. "

Seb has regained his original intention, and so has Mia,

But the price is the relationship between the two, and I'm afraid it will end here.

Seeing this, Mildew couldn't wait to rush to the screen and grab Xu Can's neck.

"Tell me, go to Europe, come with her!"

Other audiences in the theater also sighed, regretting that a lover could not finally get married.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and the love in their eyes was still obvious.

"I will always love you. "

"I love you forever too. "


The film seems to have come to an end.

The audience is looking forward to the two finally rekindling their old love, reuniting after breaking the mirror, and everyone is happy.

This is the Hollywood standard ending, how nice it is to be reunited!

Film critic William finally found an opportunity and smiled disdainfully:

"Wait, it is impossible for Xu Can to get out of this framework, and the two will definitely come together again in the end. The two who have achieved fame ushered in happiness. "

"In the end, it must be the end of the wedding. "

Roger Ebert smirked:

"Not necessarily. Watch the movie well and don't chatter. "

William is still waiting for his prophecy to be confirmed and find a reason to criticize Xu Can's clichés in song and dance films.

Who would have thought that the next opening lightning strike!

The heroine Mia is already a big star she once looked up to, and she realizes her dreams.

However, she actually got married and even had children!

The husband is not Seb, he is a stranger!

"Is it the end of cheating?"

The audience also expressed doubts, why did the heroine get married?

Don't give it a chance at all!

How can the male and female protagonists reconcile in this way? Can they only cheat?

They had no idea what was going to happen next.

Mia and her current husband drove to a quiet street and suddenly heard a jazz melody. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She remembered the young man who had been chasing his dreams.

"Shall we go in and hear it?"

The two of them had just entered the jazz club, and the flashing signboard was like a thunderbolt!


This was her idea in the first place! Seb actually opened a jazz club!

With apprehension, the two went in and sat down.

Sure enough, that familiar figure appeared.


The audience was dazzled!

Compared with the previous style, the current male protagonist Seb has added a bit of melancholy and vicissitudes.

But the light in his eyes has not changed, and he can vaguely see the original appearance.

The ultimate version of Xu Can's skin makes countless girls want to scream.

Even Taylor Swift blushed when he saw it.

"Let that guy wear this set another day......"

Seb sits elegantly at the piano and stumbles upon Mia in the crowd, a glance for ten thousand years!

"Welcome to Sebs"

Seb was going to play another track, but his fingers landed on the keys, revealing the melody of the two meeting in the dining room.

7 minutes and 39 seconds long epilogue - Epilogue!

Mia's whole person instantly travels back to the time when they first met!

Only this time, he hugged Mia tightly and kissed him without hesitation!

If that day, I didn't choose to pass by you......

From this moment on, Xu Can uses the ultimate montage to take the audience to relive the whole movie in another way.


If everything were to be repeated,

I'll kiss you at the first meeting,

Drop your job to see your first performance,

I'll quit my job,

Follow you to Paris,

Paris also has good jazz,

We will have a wonderful family,

On the night when the child is thrown to the babysitter,

Drive you in to eat,

And then walk into the bar together,

Listen to others play the music I composed.

If everything could be done all over again......


At this point, it has become art!

At this point, the film was unexpectedly pushed to the high court!

Everyone on the scene, whether it is ordinary audiences, Taylor Swift, or harsh and critical film critics, or the main creative team who have watched it countless times......

Everyone couldn't help but fall into a deep shock when they saw this 7 and a half minutes of dreamy montage.

There is obviously no gorgeous scene, but it forms a powerful force that impacts everyone's hearts.

Especially the people who have stories in the theater have tears in their eyes at this moment, desperately trying to wipe away their tears and see every detail of the film.

Couples who were still romantic movies before they came, maybe they had another person in mind.

The song is over, back to reality.

On the last note, Seb didn't press it, his fingers hovering over the keys as if nothing was over.

Mia and her husband got up and left the club.

Even before she went out, Mia couldn't help but look back.

Seb's eyes were full of love, and he looked at him as well, and his eyes collided.

At this moment, none of them wept, no remorse, no thoughts of further entanglement.

Some only nodded and smiled in tacit understanding.

End of the film.


[Screenwriter and director: Xu Can]

[Producer: Xu Can]

[Starring: Xu Can Emma Stone]


Mildew had long been unable to cry, her eye makeup had been crying, and she sat on the seat of the theater with teary eyes, not caring that others might recognize her.

The same is true for others, men and women crying.

originally thought that the cliché happy ending turned out to be a big wave at the end!

Directly raise the 7-point song and dance romance film to a work of art in an instant!

William has long forgotten to pick and choose, forgot to evaluate, and he is still in the impact of the ending montage.

started to think that Xu Can was the clown, but it turned out that the clown was himself.

The excited audience frantically applauded themselves, and everyone still burst into tears and their hands were red when they applauded.

Until the subtitles of the movie are played.

When the host came to the stage to invite the audience to interact, everyone was even a little confused, and no one raised their hands to ask questions.

It made the host quite embarrassed, thinking that everyone was not very satisfied with the film.

"Uh...... The blonde girl with the hat in the back row, do you have any questions about this film, or do you have anything to say?"

Originally, Mildew was still immersed in endless uneasiness, and suddenly reacted, this host is calling himself?


She was slow to answer.

Xu Can glanced back curiously, even if she had a disguise, she still saw through it in an instant.

"it, why is she here?"

I made love with Emma just now, I shouldn't have seen it, right?

It is estimated that it is difficult, the theater is so dark, and she is far away.

Xu Can suddenly had a sense of excitement of stealing in front of him.

The host saw that Mildew couldn't hide all the time, and thought she was shy. At this time, many other people raised their hands, and the scene was finally not embarrassing.

"What's the problem?"

saw film critic William get up and said hesitantly (Zhao Lihao):

"Well, I was expecting this movie to form a cliché love story, and now it seems that I couldn't have been more wrong. This is the best movie I've seen in the past two years, not one of them!"

"Thank you Xu Can for your contribution to the song and dance film. "

The others were nothing, and next to Roger Ebert was stupid.

No, buddy, that's not what you just said!


"Best of the Year! Best Song and Dance of the Century!"

"The beginning and the end of the gods!"

?“ Don't you feel ashamed that a Chinese person has made a song and dance film that cannot be made in the whole of Hollywood?

"Who would have thought that the best musical and dance film of the 21st century was made by Spider-Man!"

"Spider-Man, killer, pervert, dancer!

"Look, cry, girlfriend cry, wait...... Something doesn't seem right. "

"La La Land" has a score of 9.3/10!

Although it is not as good as "The Godfather", "The Dark Knight", "The Shawshank Redemption" and other high-scoring films,

But this is a song and dance film!

Xu Can, who has never made a song and dance film, killed Hollywood's past song and dance films in seconds as soon as he made a move!

Even if the score drops in the future, it can basically remain around 9 points!

It's not too much to say that word of mouth is booming!

The famous North American film critic Roger Ebert commented in his column:

"Cinema evokes empathy for another experience, and good cinema makes us better people. "

"Xu Can tried new frontiers and once again became a master in his own way. This time I am not surprised, Xu Can is such a filmmaker who creates miracles. "

"You may not notice the retro elements in the minutiae of the film, which are all Xu Can's love letters to the film, and they are also a tribute to the golden age of Hollywood. "

"This young and vigorous Oriental youth seems to be saying, Hollywood, let's welcome my era next!"

"Without a doubt, two thumbs up! "

At the same time, the box office data of "La La Land" is out!

The box office in North America exceeded 100 million in the first weekend!

Hollywood is all shocked!

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