Chapter 40

No one has noticed Peng Peng if he doesn’t speak, after all, most people’s eyes are fixed on Su Ye.

When Peng Peng said so, and then looked at the incomplete pineapple in his hand, everyone couldn’t help laughing.

“Hahahaha, the wild pineapple, worthy of Peng Peng.”

“Is this cutting pineapple or chopping pineapple? I don’t know for a while whether I should feel bad about pineapple or Peng Peng…”

“If I didn’t say anything, I thought Peng Peng was from a primitive tribe hahahaha!”

“This thing has been cut, and it is estimated that there is not enough space left between the teeth.”

“Chong Su Ye, I have to buy ten pineapples!! I also support and support the fruit growers!! Carry forward positive energy!”


While talking, the pineapple in Su Ye’s hand has been cut, crystal clear and glowing, like a perfect work of art that has been processed.

“This pineapple is really sweet. The environment and climate in Manyuan Village are naturally natural. Tropical fruits like this grow well.”

“Let’s count down! When I count to one, I will put the purchase link on it, and friends in need can buy it.”

Everyone in the mushroom house held their breath for fear of missing this miraculous moment.

This will also be the first item sold in Su Ye’s public welfare live broadcast room.

Its sales will also determine the sales of subsequent goods!

A good opening will not only boost morale! It can also give everyone a bottom!

Teacher He at the scene also moved the mouse gently to the link position, ready to go, just waiting for the end of Su Ye’s countdown.

“3! 2! 1! Start!”

As soon as the countdown is over, there is almost a one second interval.

Mr. He, who was sitting in front of the computer, turned his head in astonishment, knowing, “It’s gone…it’s emptied in a second!”

Sister Zifeng’s small mouth opened in surprise, with a look of surprise on her face.

This is too fast, right? !

Only one second! The pineapples are all emptied!

You know, they have 5,000 pineapples on the shelf just now! !

“It’s gone? Did you miss one zero? We have 5,000!” Huang Lei’s eyes widened.

Teacher He glanced at him, then shook his head affirmatively.

It seems that everyone underestimated the purchasing power of this group of netizens and also underestimated Su Ye’s ability to carry goods.

The audience in these live broadcast rooms is really crazy!

The mushroom house was still in a tense atmosphere, and suddenly relaxed.

After all, this live broadcast is really of great significance. It is not an ordinary entertainment live broadcast, but a live broadcast that can really help the future life of Caiyunzhinan fruit farmers.

Seeing such a good result, everyone didn’t feel that they admired Su Ye again.

If it hadn’t been for him to take the initiative, no one would have thought of using this path to help others.

Originally, the mushroom house was worrying about sales, but now it’s about to become the audience’s quick start.

There are also a lot of viewers in the live broadcast room. Those who are still out of the situation have already been robbed before this has started.

“What’s the situation? I didn’t blink my eyes! Just come in and I’ll suffer!”

“Hahaha! As expected of me! I grabbed 20 of them! It can be considered as helping people in need.”

“Dear brothers and sisters, are your hands equipped with engines?! So fast!!!”

“Oh, I didn’t grab it…”

“Damn! This hand speed! I didn’t expect other adjectives except for the awesome!”


Everyone at the mushroom house was also stunned. Although they knew that the sales volume would not be too bad, the speed was too amazing!

one second! A blink of an eye is not enough!

Peng Peng also clapped his hands contentedly, and he completed his task and made a good start.

But Su Ye’s mission has not yet been completed. His request is not only 5,000 pineapples, but also other items waiting for him.

“Don’t be sad for those who haven’t grabbed it. We have other good products waiting for you!” Su Ye said with a smile looking at the frantically rolling barrage in the live broadcast room.

The voice is magnetic and gentle, and with that healing smile, netizens in front of the screen hurriedly called for an ambulance.

Everyone introduced their products once in the live broadcast room.

Without exception, they were robbed almost as soon as they were delivered!

Finally it was Sister Zifeng’s turn, she also appeared in the camera holding the dried banana.

As soon as Sister Zifeng appeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room never stopped.

“Is the man whose sister was photographed really your boyfriend? When will you make it public?”

“It’s not really, right? It must be a paparazzi catching a scene!!”

“Can you be professional? Don’t discuss this, how embarrassing it is!”

“Inexplicably think that Su Ye and sister Zifeng in front of the camera are a good match, does your boyfriend have Su Ye handsome?”

“No! If Teacher Huang knows that sister Zifeng is in love, she can’t cut him off?!”


Su Ye and Zifeng’s sister saw the frantically rolling barrage during the broadcast.

(The humble author Bacteria asks for a wave of evaluation votes to support!!!).

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