“When Cao Gong was at home, did you always cook?”

While eating, Teacher He took the initiative to find something to chat with.

“Our family? Men cook.”After Cao Gong said this, Yang Mi looked at him in surprise.

“Don’t the women in our family have to cook?”Guan Xiaotong also asked expectantly.

“There is no rule that a man must cook or a woman must cook.”

“Whoever has time cooks, but during the New Year and holidays, my uncle and I do the most cooking.”

“My grandma also said that when my uncle was young, it was my grandpa who cooked a lot.”

“During the New Year and festivals, or when friends and relatives come to visit us, my grandfather, uncle, and us men in the family cook, and then my grandmother, aunt, and my mother are responsible for entertaining the guests outside.”

“Now my uncle doesn’t cook anymore. The reason is that my cousin is in college and has grown up.”

“When I return home during the Chinese New Year and holidays, my cousin will be the chef in the kitchen, and my uncle will be there to help cook.”.

Cao Gong laughed and shared this with his girlfriend.

After Yang Mi found out, she still laughed:”Mom doesn’t know how to cook?”

“Yes, everyone in our family can cook. Grandpa, grandma, uncles and aunts, my mom and I, cousins, everyone can cook.”

“On weekdays, whoever has time cooks”

“This is also for convenience. One day the adults are busy at work and can’t go home to cook. We children can also cook by ourselves without going hungry.”

Regarding this point, Cao Gong felt that he was right. It was indeed the case.

In his family, there was no such thing as a woman having to cook.

“So in your family, who cooks well?”Now that I’ve asked, Teacher He asked

“As long as you don’t let me 507 cook it, it will be delicious.”

“Haha~” Cao Gong’s answer expressed everyone’s thoughts.

Zhang Yixing and Peng Yuchang worked hard and talked as little as possible.

Eat more, such delicious dishes, but even Teacher Huang still refused It’s better.

Although when I usually eat, I always say that the food made by Teacher Huang is delicious.

It’s delicious, but Huang Lei always has moments when he overturns.

It’s either too salty or the taste is a bit strange.

But in the program With so many people watching, exaggerated praise is still necessary.

But the food made by Cao Gong has a completely different taste.

This taste is indeed more delicious, and the taste is just right.

Such a delicious meal , so that Peng Yuchang didn’t even think about talking and just focused on cooking.

Even Zhang Yixing thought this was the case. Although most of these dishes were not spicy, these dishes made by Cao Gong had a special taste. Okay, he thinks he can accept it without pepper. If he really wants to eat spicy food, isn’t there fried snails?

Fried snails are spicy, so he can eat this.

However, there is still a voice in his heart saying: Black bean paste Duck, oyster baked chicken, honey sauce barbecued pork, if you add chili, it will be spicy.

“This Honey Sauce Barbecued Pork is so delicious, it’s just right as a side dish with wine.”Huang Bo thinks this barbecued pork is delicious.

“After simmering for two hours, the flavor is just right.”Huang Lei also thought this honey-glazed barbecued pork was delicious.

But Guan Xiaotong said with a smile:”It would be better if it was left for a few hours to cool down.”

“Now that the barbecued pork is still hot, the honey on the surface has not dried yet, so the texture will be a bit different.”

“The barbecued pork will taste better as it cools down.”

Because of her speech, Huang Lei and Huang Bo both looked at her.

“It can be seen that Xiao Tong often eats this dish when he is drinking.”

“Ha~” Guan Xiaotong felt embarrassed when he was teased.

Cao Gong smiled after hearing this and filled a bowl of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall soup to drink.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand the world, but to be honest, Huang Lei made it This Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, tsk… is too strong in taste.

It was originally a very good dish, but Teacher Huang added too many seasonings.

There was too much pepper, MSG, etc.

This resulted in the taste of the ingredients. It covers up the taste of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall itself.

Moreover, the soup of this chicken dish is not fresh enough, and the chicken is not good chicken.

After taking a sip of the soup, Cao Gong can tell the problem with this dish.

But also, make it yourself The chicken used in the oyster baked chicken pot was not fresh chicken.

The ingredients he chose were not good enough, and there was nothing he could do about it.

He originally wanted to have a bowl of soup, but after taking a sip, the soup was full of seasonings, and I won’t drink it.

But it’s not good to pour out the soup in the bowl, so I can only leave it there.

Yang Mi, who was eating, saw her boyfriend put down the bowl. There was still so much soup in the bowl.

I understand Cao Gong She knew that her boyfriend thought there were too many seasonings in the soup and didn’t like to drink it. If the soup had no seasonings and it was a delicious soup, and he filled a bowl of it, he would finish it first and then put the bowl down. ; Even if it is the lightest bowl of vegetable soup, he will finish it.

But if the soup is too unpleasant or has too many seasonings, he will not like to drink it.

Yang Mi, who realizes this, He said,”I can’t finish the meal. You help me eat and I’ll drink the soup.””

Cao Gong, who was chatting, listened to his girlfriend’s words and took the rice bowl from her hand with a smile.

He knew that Yang Mi had noticed that he didn’t like the bowl of soup and deliberately changed it with him.

Otherwise, she would How could she stop eating after only half a bowl of rice?

Ever since she started dating him, Yang Mi would never eat less than one bowl of rice in one meal.

Sometimes, she would even eat two bowls of rice, which was not enough at all. He would say that after eating half a bowl, he couldn’t finish it.

After the two of them changed bowls, they both understood each other and naturally became sweet to each other.


Everyone can eat and drink snails.

Especially snails. For Huang Lei and others, this is a delicious snack.

The snails fried by Cao Gong taste pretty good. They have been blanched and have less umami flavor. Half of it, but without the muddy taste, which was good.

But because it was too spicy, Cao Gong didn’t like to eat it, so he didn’t eat it.

“Cao Gong, eat more, you have worked hard today.”Seeing Cao Gong eating a bowl of rice, Huang Lei said to him

“Um.”As he said that, Cao Gong served himself another bowl of rice.

After two bites, he ate with a piece of duck meat.

Seeing that his appetite was so good, Zhang Yixing was worried:”Is it really okay for you to eat like this?”

“Yes, you eat so much, do you really don’t need to exercise restraint?”Teacher He asked him the same question.

Regarding their worries, Cao Gong just smiled:”I don’t want to follow your style of Yi Xing.”

“I don’t need to suppress my appetite or go on a diet to control my weight or anything like that.”

“I act like a muscular actor, so I don’t need to worry about eating and drinking when I need to.”

After Cao Gong answered, Zhang Yixing sighed:”I really envy you for being like this.”

“What are you envious of? If I eat a lot and exercise a lot, I will lose my sense of youth.”

“As for you, you eat less, exercise less, and maintain a youthful look.”

“You were 27 years old in 1991, and I was 22 years old in 1996.”

“If you don’t mention my age, just looking at my appearance, everyone would think that I am older than you.”

“Haha~” Zhang Yixing agreed with what he said. Cao Gong is right.

This does not mean that Cao Gong looks older, but that Cao Gong’s appearance is more resolute, handsome and mature.

He has exercised more and his male hormones have increased, which has improved his appearance. Looks tougher.

A tough look will give���A sense of maturity, which does not mean looking old

“But that’s how I like it.”Yang Mi immediately expressed her position, saying that she liked this

“Do you dare not to like it?”Cao Gong asked Yang Mi with a smile.

“Haha~” Yang Mi smiled sweetly, she really didn’t dare

“Are you gaining weight again?”Guan Xiaotong was eating and asked her boyfriend if he was going to gain weight.

“You don’t need it now, but you should gain weight after next year.”

“why?”After learning that he was going to gain weight again, Huang Bo asked him how to use

“Next year I will be filming”Spiritual Cage 2″, so I have to gain muscle back.”

“It must be at least 170 pounds, or 180, or even 190 pounds.

At this point, Teacher He, Peng Yuchang and the others widened their eyes:”Build muscle to 190 pounds?”!!!”

Cao Gong nodded helplessly, because in”Spirit Cage 2″, Mark will transform into a beast.

He has gained 190 pounds of muscle. In fact, he also has this consideration.

“How much do you weigh now?”Teacher He felt terrible.

“Is it just 155?”Cao Gong thought for a while and said that his weight was probably like this

“God, you want to gain about 30 pounds of muscle after next year?”Huang Bo felt terrible

“Yes, you need to gain about 30 pounds of muscle, and it’s not just about gaining weight or gaining weight.”

“It’s about building muscle, it’s about gaining muscle”

“If you don’t have a small frame, but a large frame, you don’t need to gain muscle like this.”

“Because of my small frame, I look too thin when wearing clothes, so in order to become stronger, I can only gain muscle.”

“Gaining 20 or 30 pounds of muscle gives me a headache.”Cao Gong himself was helpless.

“Do you have a headache? Are we better?”Yang Mi and Guan Xiaotong complained about him in unison.

“Haha~” Cao Gong, who was complained about, could only smile.

Apart from this, what else could he say?

“If you gain muscle, aren’t we the ones who will suffer in the end?”Guan Xiaotong’s muttering excited the audience.

The audience watching the show immediately understood, what does Sister Guan mean?

Does it mean that she will face a muscular man weighing 180 pounds in the future?

Thinking of this, The audience friends were particularly excited. It seems that Guan Xiaotong has been nourished.

But they also discovered that since last year, Guan Xiaotong has become more and more attractive.

At the same time, the audience and fans also thought of a possibility , then it should be because Cao Gong is so outstanding in some aspects that they are willing to be with Cao Gong?

Although not sure, this statement makes sense.

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