According to Qin Chuan’s plan, he needed to draw up a complete banquet list first, and then send emails in a unified manner.

After that, Qin Chuan would call one by one to notify him, and then add the invitation.

It may seem like a small thing, but it must be done quickly.

Because the banquet is basically celebrities, the schedule is full, and it is indeed difficult to make time on a certain day and participate in the small full moon banquet.

Now ten days’ notice, it’s already very late.

It stands to reason that this plan should have been formulated when Xiao Xuan was born.

“Okay, if there’s nothing to do, I’ll go back to the company to deal with things first, and you guys have fun at home!”

Han Xuanxuan said with a faint smile.

After all, her current identity is only an employee of Qin Chuan, and without the relationship of a wife, she cannot be on an equal footing with them.

Since they are all taking care of Ju Jingyi and Xiao Xuan at home, the company’s affairs can only be taken care of by themselves.

“Okay, then be careful on the road, don’t get too tired.” Yang Mi instructed.

“It’s Ah Xuanxuan, now the company’s affairs are dependent on you, don’t overwork, we will help you share it soon!”

Di Li Heat Fence also exhorted with concern.

According to the plan, they planned to resume normal work when Ju Jingyi came out of confinement and ate full moon wine.

All you need to do every day is one or two sisters left to take care of them.

What’s more, there are Ju mother and confinement sister-in-law, nannies, assistants, etc., which can be dispatched at any time, there is no need for everyone to stay at home every day, it is indeed a bit too wasteful.

“You guys play with Xiao Xuan first, me and Lao… Qin Chuan still has something to discuss! ”

Han Xuanxuan almost said the word husband, but fortunately dragged the word “old” very long, and almost made a slip of the tongue.

This slip of the tongue is no small matter.

“It’s good that I didn’t say it…”

Han Xuanxuan let out a long sigh of relief in her heart.

Qin Chuan was also puzzled, but he still followed Han Xuanxuan to a room.

The seventh girl has the heart to take care of the two of them, they are accompanying Xiao Xuan, making her happy in all kinds of ways.

Coming to the room, Han Xuanxuan closed the door.

“Why, what can’t be said outside?” Qin Chuan frowned and looked at Han Xuanxuan.

And she covered her mouth and snickered: “Of course, some things can’t be said outside, because it’s body language!” ”

In a word, Qin Chuan immediately understood.

Before Qin Chuan could react, her whole person hung up and began to heat W.

Qin Chuan went up and down his hands, swimming in the softness.

“Okay, okay, the current situation is not very suitable, point to point, point to point…”

Seeing that Qin Chuan planned to use weapons, Han Xuanxuan immediately ordered him to collect his troops.

After all, this is at home, and once the war breaks out, it will inevitably hurt the innocent.

“Aren’t you all teasing me? Okay, then let’s have time to talk again! ”

Qin Chuan patted Han Xuanxuan’s face, and then let her go out first.

“Xuanxuan, why are your hair whistling, what did you just do?”

Seeing Han Xuanxuan’s appearance, Di Li was a little curious.

She panicked a little, waved her hand, and said: “It’s nothing, I almost fell while walking just now, but fortunately Qin Chuan helped me up, it’s okay, I’ll go first.” ”

Han Xuanxuan pretended to be calm, breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly walked out of the door.

After Han Xuanxuan left, Qin Chuan picked up his mobile phone and prepared to call the people on the list.

At the beginning, of course, Ma Yun and Xu Zheng and others.

Ma Yun is currently his biggest partner and the richest man in China, of course, the most important.

Although I think that Ma Yun probably doesn’t have time to come to participate in the little full moon wine, the phone still has to be called, and the number of gifts must be in place.

Xu Zheng, Huang Bo and others are their friends, and of course they must be the first to notify.

After making more than a dozen calls in one breath, Qin Chuan got the reply that was basically the same: he would definitely go.

In this way, Qin Chuan could deduce that about 90% of these people would attend.

Qin Chuan still has a lot of face, not to mention that there is a background of Tanuki Entertainment behind, and everyone wants to sell Qin Chuan a face.

They will try to adjust the schedule to make time.

But it’s inevitable that there will be one or two who really don’t have time, and that’s normal.

Even Qin Chuan, if he receives an invitation from someone else, it will be difficult to free up free time if he does not advance a month or two.

For a whole day, Qin Chuan and the seventh girl finished the call.

Next, the company makes the invitation and prepares it to send out.

At this time, “Great Han Tianzi” is in full swing.

Penguin has launched the VVIP strategy in advance, and sure enough, it has been overwhelmed.

But because “Dahan Tianzi” is so popular, there are still tens of millions of users who are willing to pay and advance on-demand.

So penguins can be said to have made a lot of money.

Scolding and scolding, watch or watch, who makes the plot too exciting, Qin Chuan is too charming?

For this situation, Qin Chuan did not express his position.

Although Penguin has made a lot of money, he also knows that all paying users are coming for himself, and Qin Chuan is the absolute leader.

In the future, if their own video website can be established, this group of users will move to their own position, obviously will not stand on the side of Penguin.

At the same time, after two weeks of broadcasting, the plot is nearly halfway through.

Liu Che had become knight, and his regime had stabilized, and he was ready to send troops north to attack the Xiongnu.

It is the most bloody and majestic plot.

On Weibo, the popularity of “Dahan Tianzi” is high.

Almost every day, one or two topics are on the hot search.

In the few days of broadcasting, there will even be four or five hot searches on the topic, and the popularity is unprecedented.

On major media platforms, there are countless viewers discussing this drama, and most of them are praised.

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