“No matter what, I really have to thank you, now you are so red, if you really bring Brother Jing, then you are our great benefactor!” Xie Nan smiled.

Now Wu Jing has been looking for opportunities to try to climb the road to superstardom.

Because he is no longer young, if he can’t find the right opportunity, he can only be a mediocre actor.

You can’t even become a big star, let alone a superstar.

In this case, being able to climb the high branch of Qin Chuan is definitely a godsend.

“Well, in that case, then it is settled, and I will give the contract to Brother Jing later.” Then I will also notify you later on the specific entry time and other matters. Qin Chuan said.

After reaching a consensus, Qin Chuan rehearsed all the complete set of martial arts movements he had pondered to Wu Jing, wanting him to make some references.

After all, Wu Jing is a national martial arts champion.

Although in terms of martial arts attainments, he is a lot worse than Qin Chuan, but he is definitely an insider and very discerning.

However, after watching a complete set of movements practiced by Qin Chuan, the whole person was dumbfounded.

As a practitioner, he had never seen anyone with such profound martial arts attainments as Qin Chuan.

In the film and television dramas, the invincible Huo Yuanjia, Huang Feihong, and Ip Man are alive at the level of grandmasters!

But the real strength of those people was not as strong as Qin Chuan.

“This action is also too beautiful, right? There are a lot of difficult moves in it, and if I want to learn it, I’m afraid it will take a lot of effort, but I am willing to try. ”

As a star, what kind of suffering has Wu Jing not suffered?

Now just practicing these difficult movements, of course, nothing.

“That Brother Jing should be careful, there are many movements in it, there is a great risk of muscle damage, be careful not to get hurt!” Qin Chuan smiled.

The most feared thing in action scenes is injury.

In particular, if the injury is serious, it is likely that the shooting will be delayed indefinitely, or even completely stopped.

Of course, there are many props in the system to repair injuries, and Qin Chuan can redeem them.

Injuries are not a big concern in this regard.

But he and Wu Jing, as the starring actors, can not be injured, naturally try not to get hurt.

“It’s okay Director Qin, I understand all this, don’t worry, I’ll start practicing right away.” When it comes to shooting, even if you can’t practice your standards, at least you can have seven or eight points. I estimate that if you can reach seven or eight points, the effect is already exciting enough to put it in the movie! ”

Wu Jing knew that his body was not as standard as Qin Chuan, nor did he have as high attainments as Qin Chuan, and he could beat martial arts movements so smoothly and open and close.

But Wu Jing is also considered to be the top in the martial arts circle.

If you practice diligently, it is still okay to imitate the shadow of seven or eight points.

To be able to do this level and show it in the movie is definitely shocking enough.

He would not take Qin Chuan’s standards to demand himself.

What is completely impossible, why should he force it?

“If that’s the case, then I won’t delay you.” Qin Chuan turned around and was about to leave.

Wu Jing and his wife hurriedly went out to see each other.

After the three left, the emotions that Wu Jing had been suppressing instantly burst out.

He closed the door, jumped a few times in excitement, and began to yell and shout, extremely excited.

“How’s that, happy to be happy, huh? After waiting for so long, finally waiting for an opportunity, Qin Chuan can be said to be your nobleman! ”

Xie Nan crossed his waist, looked at Wu Jing, and smiled.

“Of course, I don’t have the opportunity to prove myself now, and I will follow Qin Chuan in the future. If I really don’t fight and can’t be red, then I will take my life. But now without trying, let me take my life, it is impossible! This film may be my turning point! ”

According to Qin Chuan’s plan, there are mainly two important female characters in “Taiji Zhang Sanfeng”.

One is a small winter melon and the other is autumn snow.

The role of the little winter melon is not of much use, and there are no action scenes, so it is not very important.

So Qin Chuan let Chen Yuqi play.

But the role of Qiu Xue is more important.

She and Zhang Junbao have no obvious emotional line, but they are life and death partners, and there are many fights in it.

The autumn snow in the previous life was played by Yang Ziqiong, but in this world, Qin Chuan could not find a star of that level.

Therefore, I can only choose Tong Liya from my own wife to act.

Originally, I planned to let Yang Mi play, but Yang Mi has been vomiting recently, is unwell, and I don’t know if she is really pregnant with a second child.

Qin Chuan did not dare to take this risk, so he could only let Tong Liya replace him.

As Qin Chuan’s wife, Di Li Zheng and Gu Li Nazha were very aggrieved.

They have been waiting for the opportunity to work with their husbands.

However, their exotic looks really have a big impact on shaping the characters, and this movie is really not very suitable for them.

Qin Chuan agreed, in the later publicity of this movie, if he was on a variety show, he would take the two of them to play.

Half a month before the official start of shooting, Tong Liya was busy.

She went into the room at night and practiced the host’s homework.

During the day, under the guidance of Qin Chuan, he practiced a series of martial arts moves.

Although she is not a professional star, Tong Liya’s learning ability is fast and her figure is also good.

Coupled with the guidance of a top master like Qin Chuan, the progress is rapid.

It can’t achieve the professional effect of Yang Ziqiong, but it is definitely qualified.

Besides, female stars are always just foils in movies.

The main selling point of this play, of course, is Qin Chuan, and most of the fighting scenes are also concentrated on Qin Chuan and Wu Jing.

As for Tong Liya, as long as she can achieve above the qualified line, it is completely enough.

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