Ye Feng:“……”

“Do you really understand what I mean? ”

Ye Feng looked at her as if she had seen a ghost.

He clearly taught her just now to do her best, and she looked like she had a thorough understanding. Why was she still trying to get into trouble at the critical moment?

This plot is wrong!

Reba smiled and put his hands away. He stood behind him, straightened his chest, and whispered: “I know I won’t always win, but I don’t want to lose either!”

“Let’s find a way to make money! ”

Compared to some moments ago, Reba is much happier now, jumping forward.

Ye Feng was very surprised, but soon understood, and shook his head helplessly。

“This girl… really doesn’t listen to advice! ”

But Ye Feng knew that Reba had already listened to what he said, otherwise he wouldn’t be as free and easy as he is now. Doing something even if you know you can’t do it, and

accepting it even if you fail, this kind of mentality is the healthiest!

” Okay, since you want to win, then I will help you! ”

Hearing this, Reba paused, turned around, and smiled brightly at Ye Feng.。

“Thank you!”


half an hour later……

“Ye Feng, what are we going to do to make money? We’ve been wandering around for a long time.……”

Reba followed Ye Feng, swaying as he walked, obviously very tired.

The photographer also had to carry a heavy camera, and he was still panting at this time.

They have been following Ye Feng around the market for a long time, and they still haven’t figured out what Ye Feng wants to do.。

“Ye Feng, are you planning to earn money by taking prestige steps? ”

The photographer asked cautiously.

Reba’s face suddenly turned pale.

She knew the prestige steps, and 10,000 steps seemed to be rewarded with a dime.

If you want to earn 100 yuan this way… In fact, it doesn’t seem to matter if you lose.

Reba Suddenly I had a profound enlightenment, and the obsessions in my heart became much lighter.。

“What are you thinking! ”

Ye Feng looked at the two of them speechlessly, looked around carefully, and frowned slightly.

Although Bihai City is developing well, it is not a big city after all. Young people have not yet reached the end of work, so they cannot expect to earn anything from them. Money.

As a result, the best place to make money now is this market.

There are many people, and they are all old men and women. The target users are single, so it is the only place where you can make money quickly.

But here comes the circle . , there is no suitable way to make money!

How can this happen…

When they walked to a canteen, the three of them bought a bottle of water each. Before leaving, the female boss stared at Reba for a long time and said: “Little girl , you really look like a star。”

“Yeah? ”

Reba was a little excited. He didn’t expect that the female boss would know him even at such an old age.。

“yes! The female boss nodded repeatedly, ”

You look very much like that Nazha, so handsome!””


Reba was instantly petrified。


Ye Feng laughed mercilessly。

“Ah, dead Ye Feng, why are you laughing? ”

Reba bared his teeth and pounced on Ye Feng. Ye Feng ran away quickly, and the two started chasing him.。


The photographer sighed helplessly, raised the camera and chased after him again.

The program team asked the star not to reveal his identity. In order to not attract attention, his camera was specially wrapped in clothes, making it heavier than before.

Running like this, when will it end?……

“Humph, you can’t run away! ”

Seeing Ye Feng suddenly stand still, Reba quickly ran forward and grabbed his arm, saying excitedly。

“How dare you laugh at me and see how I deal with you! ”

As she said that, she stretched out her small green hands and pinched Ye Feng’s face.。

“Be good, don’t move. ”

Ye Feng didn’t eve

n look back. He patted her hand away lightly and patted her head to comfort her.。


Reba was stunned, and her pretty face suddenly turned rosy.。


Different from his usual tomboy temperament, Reba nodded shyly and stood next to Ye Feng obediently.

And this scene was recorded by the photographer who arrived belatedly.。

【Ahhhh, it’s so sweet, I finally have some candy to eat!】

【I noticed that Ye Feng’s unintentional behavior was very A, and he felt like a domineering president!】

【Yes, yes, he is handsome and sassy sometimes, completely different from the feminine feeling before!】

【Reba is so well-behaved too. The two of them look really good together when they stand together.~】

【Get married, get married, say important things three times!】


“Ye Feng, what are you looking at? ”

Reba curiously approached Ye Feng and looked towards where Ye Feng was looking.

It was a very ordinary grocery store, but there were speakers and some musical instruments stacked at the door. There was also a motorcycle tricycle parked next to it, and a middle-aged man with a full face looked at it. He bowed and apologized to a plump woman with a restrained face, but the woman still refused to give up.

The voices of the two people also came over.。

“Get out of here, don’t disturb my business, old songs from eight hundred years ago are still being sung at my door!”

“Boss, please let me sing two more songs. I will leave after singing.……”

“Go away, don’t force me to knock down your stall!”


Reba was filled with indignation and took the initiative to argue, but Ye Feng didn’t even stop him.。

“Why is your boss so cruel? Didn’t everyone apologize? Hearing this

, the female boss squinted at Reba and said in a strange tone, “Who are you? Do you have anything to do with the beggar I chased away in front of my shop?””

“They didn’t recruit you, but they even helped you sing and promote, so why are you chasing them away? ”

Reba was not afraid at all and retorted.。

“Dogs meddle in other people’s business, who are you, and you’re talking about me?”


“Forget it, girl, it’s indeed my fault. ”

The middle-aged man stopped Reba and bowed humbly to the boss, “Boss, I’m really sorry. I delayed your business. I’m leaving now.……”

“snort! ”

Seeing that the middle-aged man had already said this, the female boss didn’t say anything more. She glared at Reba angrily, turned around and walked into the store.。

“Thank you, little girl, you are such a good person! ”

The middle-aged man smiled at Reba, turned around silently and began to clean up the instruments on the ground.

Reba didn’t know what to say, so he could only silently knelt down to help him clean up, in exchange for the middle-aged man’s constant thanks.

Ye Feng also came forward with the photographer.。

“Uncle, are you not a local? Ye

Feng asked softly.

Reba quickly introduced, “Uncle, these two are my friends!” Hearing this

, the middle-aged man nodded politely towards them and said, “My name is Zhang Fa, and I am from Montenegro Province.”。”

“Montenegro? so far! ”

Reba was shocked.

There are thousands of kilometers between Montenegro Province and Bihai City. Even if you are a down-and-out singer, you shouldn’t come here.。

“Uncle, did you come here in a tricycle? ”

Reba’s face was filled with disbelief.。


Zhang Fa smiled plainly and said, “I have been driving for many years, but I have only been to Bihai City in the past two days. ” ”

Hearing this, Reba became more and more confused.

This is not a concert tour, it’s just a street stall selling songs. Why do you have to travel so far?

Reba wanted to ask more, but was silently stopped by Ye Feng.。

“Just look at the poster next to the tricycle and you will understand. ”

Ye Feng’s face showed a rare seriousness.

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