
Chapter 301 Shelter from the Wind Chapter 301 Shelter from the Wind

Chapter 301 Sheltered Place

The situation of the third car was a little different.

I saw that more parts of the car were sunk into the sand than anywhere else.

At this moment, it was about to flood the car door.

Once the position of the car door is exceeded, it will not be so easy for the people inside to get out.

After all, their car windows are bulletproof.

It’s almost impossible to break the glass and get out.

Inside are the four-character brother and Liu Tianxian.

The two of them also realized the crisis of their situation.

At this moment, he actively wanted to run out of the car.

However, because the wind outside was too strong.

They tightly pressed their car doors.

With their own strength, they couldn’t push the car door open at all.

The two of them were in the car, and they had tried their best, but they still couldn’t move the door even half a inch.

At this moment, both of them were desperate.

At this moment, Su Mu and the others appeared.

The appearance of Su Mu and the others was like a ray of light.

Let them see the hope of life.

“Woooooooo, help Su Mu, we are going to die from suffocation in the car!” Liu Tianxian slapped the car window and shouted outside.

But she also knew that people outside were destined not to hear it.

Her weak voice was drowned out by the howling wind outside.

But being able to see Su Mu and the others already made her feel safe.

Wu Jing and the others tried to pull the car door, but only then did they realize it.

The car door was so hard pressed by the wind that it was beyond their strength to shake it.

However, when I saw Su Mu opening the car door just now, he was so relaxed.

Su Mu stepped forward and pulled gently, and the car door was opened instantly.

He first pulled Liu Tianxian out.

Then, he went to open the car door in front and pulled out the four-character brother.

The moment the four-character brother came out, his goggles were blown away by the strong wind!

When he was in the car just now, he felt that his goggles were too obstructive in order to open the door.

So I pushed it up and didn’t put it on properly.

But after seeing Su Mu and the others coming over, he was so excited that he forgot about it.

So, as soon as I got out of the car, my eyes were blown out.

In such strong winds, it is very dangerous without goggles.

Because the sand swept up by the strong wind can blow people’s eyes out in a matter of minutes.

The four-character brother felt sharp pain coming from his eyes at this moment.

It was as if there were countless small blades scratching on his eyeballs.

It’s like there are countless needle points pricking intensively on the eyeballs.

“Eyes! My eyes!” The four-character brother covered his eyes with his hands and shouted in pain.

At this moment, Wu Jing and the others were also in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, Su Mu moved very quickly and pulled out a face towel from behind him.

He quickly gathered around the four-character brother’s eyes.

The face towel blocked most of the sand, and the four-character brother felt much better.

But the price is that he can no longer see the road ahead.

In the current situation, these people cannot stay in this place for long.

You have to find a place that is sheltered from the wind.

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Otherwise, even if they escape from the car, the strong wind and gravel outside will still kill them.

Under such strong winds, the human body will lose water quickly.


Eventually he died due to lack of water.

The other party cannot hear what you are saying and cannot communicate verbally.

Su Mu could only wave his hand and motion for them to follow him.

However, he and Wu Jing, each holding the four-character brother’s arm, walked forward.

No one knew where Su Mu was going, but they trusted Su Mu.

They all braved the strong wind and moved forward step by step with difficulty.

Yang Mi, Reba and Liu Tianxian supported each other and moved forward.

Only then could he barely be blown away by the strong wind.

I don’t know how long I have been walking in the strong wind.

Just when they felt that all their strength had been exhausted, Su Mu in front stopped.

Wu Jing looked around and saw that there was no difference between this place and other places, and he didn’t see any shelter from the wind.

He just wanted to gesture to ask Su Mu what was going on.

Then he saw Su Mu push his four-character brother down the sandy slope with a strong force!

Wu was startled, and before he could react, he felt a strong push on his back.

Then he lost control of his body and slid down the sandy slope.

Wu Jing didn’t have time to think, and his body went down the sandy slope.

Not long after, he felt his body hit something, which was quite soft.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the “thing” let out an ouch.

This voice sounds familiar.

Isn’t he the four-character brother?

The next second, Wu Jing was surprised to find that the wind sound was gone!

Has the wind stopped?

I rolled down a sandy slope, and the wind suddenly stopped?

Su Mu’s push towards them wouldn’t have directly lifted them into another dimension.

Otherwise, why would the wind stop so quickly?

Thinking of this, Wu Jing turned over and sat up, looking around.

At this glance, he understood.

This is not a different dimension, but a sand depression under the sand slope.

This is just the right place to isolate yourself from the wind outside.

It’s almost a natural typhoon shelter!

Wu Jing was complaining in his heart at this moment that he really thought too much.

I also thought about going to another dimension.

But what surprised him even more was that Su Mu could find such a safe haven with such accuracy.

It’s really incredible.

He just looked at it and saw that it was just an ordinary sand dune.

I can’t see what’s going on down here at all.

Su Mu must have clairvoyant eyes.

“Brother Jing Jing, can you get up first? You’re crushing me to death!” The weak voice of the four-character brother came from below at this moment.

Only then did Wu Jing realize that he was sitting on his four-character brother.

“Oops, sorry about the land, I was still thinking about why the sand here is so soft!”

“It’s quite comfortable to sit on!” Wu Jing said as he quickly stood up and helped his four-character brother up.

The four-character brother took the towel off his face and saw that his eyes had been blown red by the sand.

He was still crying and looked very scary.

Wu Jing was startled.

“I’ll go, Si Zi!”

“Your eyes are too scary, you won’t go blind!”

Brother Si Zi’s eyes were already uncomfortable, but when he heard Wu Jing’s words, his heart suddenly dropped!

“Brother Jing, can you hope that I will be better!”

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