this chapter)

Chapter 445 The gift of nature Chapter 445 The gift of nature

Chapter 445 The Gift of Nature

“According to the past rules of this program, this village will definitely not be simple. Please be prepared!” ”

Upstairs, why did you ask me to say this? This program seems to have a script. Stop spreading rumors!”

“It’s really not spreading rumors. Think about it, no matter where they go in the past, terrible things have happened. This time will probably be no exception!” ”

I think so. Anyway, I’ve already covered my eyes. My little heart can no longer bear the slightest fright!”

At the same time, the plane crashed not far away.

Li Zhi and others have already set up camp.

Looking at the direction Su Mu and the others were leaving, Li Zhi was thoughtful.

It has been more than half a day since they left.

Judging from their footsteps, they should have at least climbed over the mountain in front of them.

I just don’t know what they have experienced along the way and what they will encounter.

At this moment, Li Zhi couldn’t see the live broadcast because he was in the mountains.

We can only occasionally get an idea of Su Mu’s current situation through news coming back from the headquarters.

But he can’t ask questions all the time, after all, resources are not allowed to be wasted like this.

But he comforted himself that no news was the best news.

I just hope that Su Mu and the others can have a smoother journey!

At this moment, Su Mu and the others were heading towards the village ahead.

By the time they reached the entrance of the village, it was already dark.

Fortunately, the moon is relatively round tonight and the moonlight is very bright.

Let them see the situation in the village clearly through the moonlight.

Under Su Mu’s command, none of them turned on their flashlights.

After all, in such an environment, if there is an ambush in the village.

Then they were like living targets with their flashlights on.

A few people sneaked into the village quietly in the dark.

Only then did I realize that this village was a little unusually quiet.

“This village is so quiet, there seems to be no one around!” Wu Jing whispered from behind.

“The more people there are, the more suspicious we are. Is it possible that they have discovered our existence and ambushed us?” said the four-character brother.

“It is indeed possible, but fortunately there are not many houses in this village, and the surrounding trees are not high!” ”

Let’s be careful. If they have an ambush, if they find out, shout out and everyone will lie down on the spot!” Wu said in surprise.

“Brother Jing, when did you become a commander? You are planning to seek Su Mu’s power and usurp Su Mu’s position!” Lu Han said half-jokingly.

Wu Jing’s face turned red.

“What nonsense are you talking about? I’m just seeing that Su Mu is not interested in telling you this, and I’m worried that you fools won’t understand what’s going on!”

“Forget it if you don’t appreciate it, you still dare to complain about me!” Wu Jing retorted.

However, just when they were cautious and bowed forward.

Su Mu, who was walking at the front, suddenly stood up straight and walked swaggering towards the room closest to them.

He pushed the door straight open.

His action left everyone stunned and unable to react.

By the time everyone came to their senses, Su Mu had already approached the house.

“What’s going on!” the four-character brother said blankly.

“I don’t know, come and have a look!”

Several people followed outside the house and looked inside.

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The display in this room is very simple and can almost be seen at a glance.

“Su Mu, why did you come in so arrogantly? Isn’t there any danger?” Wu Jing asked outside.

“Don’t worry, there is no one in this village!” Su Mu replied calmly.


“No one? How can you be so sure that there must be no one?” Wu Jing asked in confusion.


Su Mu answered simply as always.

For his keen intuition, there is no living thing within ten miles.

He can feel whether the living creature is a human being or something else.

Although I feel that these two words are too general for other people.

However, they still blindly trust Su Mu.

Since he said there was no one, there was nothing to worry about.

So, they all walked into the room swaggeringly.

“Is this village a yellow village?” the four-character brother asked while looking at the furnishings in the room.

“It shouldn’t be… the room is very clean, there is no dust, it doesn’t look like no one lives in it!” Su Mu said.

“Let’s go and check out other rooms!”

Several people followed Su Mu to several other houses and checked them one by one.

I saw that the displays in this room were all very similar and very simple.

After all, in this place, they had to cut the wood and build all the furniture by themselves.

It doesn’t get much complicated if it wants to be complicated.

There is a large house in the middle, which looks more luxurious than the other rooms.

This should be the house of the leader of this small village.

Next to the house, there is a small room with a wooden stool in the middle.

There are also some tools hanging on the wall.

As several people approached the room, they smelled a strong smell of blood.

At the same time, I saw a large pool of blood on the wooden bench and on the ground.

This scene immediately frightened Yang Mi and the other girls into screaming and hugging each other.

“W-what’s going on!”

“Isn’t this blood from a murder?” Lu Han said in panic.

At this moment, Su Mu calmly walked to the pool of blood, stretched out his two fingers, and touched some on the ground.

Put it to your nose and smell it.

“It’s not a human. It smells like a large animal!”

“It should be a beast in the mountains!”

Hearing this, everyone breathed a deep sigh of relief. It’s better if it’s not a human!

“It scares me to death. Such a big pool of blood. If it was human, how many people would they have killed?” said the four-character brother, patting his chest.

“Don’t be too happy too soon!” Wu Jing poured cold water on his brother.

“It can be seen from here that these people should make a living by hunting!”

“Although the blood on the ground is not human, it is because there are very few people in this deep mountain!” ”

So they only Can feed on wild beasts!”

“If they see so many outsiders like us at once, there’s no guarantee they won’t…”

Wu Jing didn’t say the rest of the words, but everyone could already guess a bit.

The people in the village may have gone hunting at this moment, and they don’t know what the harvest will be like today.

But no matter what, when they came back, they found…

Hey? There are actually several fair and white human beings in the house.

This is literally food delivered to your door.

Thank you for the gift of nature!

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