Era of Disaster

Chapter 86: Magic poo

There are no stairs to walk down, yes, not all buildings need stairs, and there is no one here. In fact, when the building was first built, no one had ever thought of running down on foot. Everyone looked at Bai Yi as they looked at the demon serpent, who was only a few hundred meters away, with a huge head stretched out, and other fusion beasts that were still running around in that direction to find a way out.

"Go down!" Bai Yi said.

Everyone is a little puzzled, knowing to go on, but how to go on? Soon everyone understood how Bai Yi went on. Bai Yi came to the elevator that had cracked a gap because of the destruction, and then pressed the button. The elevator opened slowly, but Bai Yi did not go in, but looked up through the elevator.

Is it!

Everyone guessed how Bai Yi wanted to go down. Instead of sitting in the elevator, I was afraid to go down the elevator cable. Really, compared to the qualities that have been greatly increased by everyone now, instead of sitting in the elevator and worrying, it is better to grab the elevator cable and slide down. But first of all, you must let the elevator box fall first, otherwise in the middle, such a big iron box fell on it, it is estimated that no one can carry it.

Bai Yi looked at the elevator and was thinking about what to do. If it was a broken elevator, it would not be so troublesome for everyone.

Just as Bai Yi thought, several fusion beasts rushed towards Bai Yi. These fusion beasts will not recognize people, of course, will not specifically let Kai Baiyi them. After seeing Bai Yi and some fussed fusion beasts, they weighed them and found that the other party seemed to be not powerful, and immediately rushed over.

Really troublesome!

Looking at the five-headed fusion beasts, Bai Yi also had to interrupt the thinking in his mind, and immediately proceeded to deal with the four-headed fusion beasts. Their strength has not yet reached the point of killing any one head, and any one of them is more difficult to deal with.

Woolf and Helois stopped them, Shapi and Poo stopped them, Mavis and Warner stopped them, and Bai Yi greeted the last two. Halfway through, Bai Yi's eyes looked toward one of the monsters on the opposite side, and then his pupils shrank suddenly, but the pattern in his eyes was as blooming as incomparably gorgeous.

Mimic pupil!

Confused hypnosis!

The fusion animal's wide open mouth froze in the air directly for a moment. The guy turned his head and slammed toward the side of the fusion animal that had come together.

Why do you suddenly feel that the meat next to this guy is more delicious?

And after being attacked by the original ‘partner’, the other end would of course not stop, immediately struggling and starting to resist, the two guys immediately wrestled together, blood and muscles splashing.

By this time, Bai Yi had suddenly jumped from the ground, leveraging on Shapi's tail, and suddenly flipped from the air and flew over Shapi's opponent. When the body was flying in the air, Bai Yi's eyes met the pair of eyes on the top door opposite the guy. The eyes of the two sides crossed, and the guy's movement suddenly became a little dull, and behind Bai Yi, Shapi's new scorpion-like tail suddenly blasted out, and stabbed **** the guy's head. .

When Bai Yi fell to the ground, Puff suddenly looked at Bai Yi, and then fell to the ground with a cry.


Strange, did I hypnotize this guy?

When Bai Yi was puzzled, Shapi suddenly screamed fiercely behind Bai Yi. Then Bai Yicai discovered that in the other direction, a fusion beast that seemed to be powerful was directly entangled by a huge demon serpent, and then there was a clicking sound throughout the body, and almost all muscles and bones were twisted and broken by a powerful force. Then this guy's head was bitten fiercely by the demon snake, and the sharp giant teeth directly twisted the head of a full car head, and then grinded and bitten hard.

The demon snake raised his head and screamed, looking fierce and terrible.

It turned out that this poo po this guy saw the demon snake, and then pretending to die... pretending to die!

Even if I knew the puffy cleverness and laziness during this period of time, at this time I saw the puffy look and couldn't help jumping my brows. This thing, what to do to die, the demon snake did not come over here, come over... Bai Yi suddenly turned his head again and looked over, only to find that the devil snake seemed to be attracted by this place, and really moved towards this place come.

Damn it, this poo this guy didn't pretend to be dead, did he find that the demon snake was coming early?

At this time, Bai Yi didn't have the mood to think about why Puff Puff judged that the Devil Serpent would come over earlier than anyone else. At this time, Bai Yi's mind tightened incomparably, and then began to quickly think about how to deal with this demon snake. Even, even with Woolf and several of them, Bai Yi didn't help in the past, but looked back and forth in the surrounding environment and on the demon snake.

Come on, come on!

While Bai Yi was still thinking, the demon serpent had already climbed over, then raised his head high. As a result, Bai Yi's head didn't turn fast enough. After such a short time, he really didn't know how to deal with this guy.

When the demon snake rushed in front of him, Bai Yi's mind was still empty. Damn...Bai Yi can only open his eyes again, and the mimic pupil's power is maximized. The demon snake has no eyes, but there are micro-photosensitive organs on the tentacles next to his head. Bai Yi hopes that the power of his eyes will be useful to this guy.

The demon snake stopped, raised his head, and paused for a moment. While Bai Yi was still glad that it seemed useful, the Devil Serpent suddenly opened his mouth and bit him fiercely. But this time, Bai Yi's use of mimic pupils had no effect at all, and the Devil Serpent was unmoved at all.

Puff, who was still pretending to die, suddenly rolled, running faster than anyone else, and immediately hid to the end. However, when he passed Shapi, Supi was suddenly swept hard by Shapi's tail and rolled a wheel on the ground. Puffy looked at Sapphire after he got up, and Sapphire opened his grim mouth to Puffy, and howled. Seeing the fierceness of Shapi, Puff came back with a sudden fear and stood behind Shapi. It can be seen that Puffy is a little afraid of Sharpy, or Sharpy is the puffy boss.

By this time, Bai Yi had suddenly slashed across his chest with a straight knife, and resisted the teeth of the demon snake, and then the whole person was hit by a huge force and flew out.

After Bai Yi was knocked off, Shapi immediately greeted the Demon Serpent, and Puffy hesitated for a moment, and followed, but it seemed that there was no motivation.

At this time, when I saw the appearance of the demon serpent, I was still fierce. How many fusion beasts I originally wanted to run towards here, how far I ran. Even if there is not much wisdom, the biological instincts have a more obvious sense of strength, and it is obvious that the Devil Serpent is the kind they absolutely cannot afford. Even the two fusion beasts who were still fighting Woolf and Mayvisi had involuntary fear, and then they were seized by several people and took the opportunity to beheaded.

Bai Yi bounced on the ground, then was pushed by that huge force and hit the wall.

Woolfley and Helois had just resolved their opponents and immediately went up against Shapi to top the demon snake. At this time, Bai Yi looked at the elevator that had opened the door, and the wall that had gradually cracked, and an idea suddenly rose in his mind. Sure enough, what kind of method still needs a certain chance.

"Lead the demon snake into the elevator, and then close the elevator, be sure to shut this guy inside. This guy will definitely be destroyed inside, and then the elevator will definitely fall." Bai Yi loudly faced everyone Said. Anyway, the Devil Serpent can't understand human language. Bai Yi said so loudly, not afraid of the Devil Serpent hearing.

Others suddenly heard that this is indeed a useful method, but coming up with a method does not mean that it can really be done.

Everyone is now threatened by demon snakes, and the passage itself is not a spacious place. It is better to say that, thanks to the fact that this place is not spacious, the Devil Serpent cannot fully unfold itself, or even change its direction well. Every time the demon snake turns around slowly, otherwise the huge head will hit the wall of the passage. And it is the buffer of this moment that Woolf and their talents can get enough dodge time.

At this time, after a few ups and downs, Woolf and several people have already hid in the middle of the body of the demon and then started full attack.

Perhaps, this method can be solved without Bai Yi's method.

But obviously, everyone’s thoughts are a little too good. The body of the demon snake does not know how it was formed, and it is extremely hard. The attacks of several people can’t even cut the skin, only Woolf’s heavy cuts. Only by chopping down can one leave a deep wound.

A few times down, the demon snake also learned well, even if his head could not be turned for a while, his body could be swayed and milled in the passage. Woolf hadn't cut a few knives yet, and the huge body was suddenly bounced by the demon snake, and then hit the passage. Before waiting for Woolf to evade, the body of the devil's serpent squeezed on Woolf's body, and then dragged and rubbed against the wall. Woolf didn't mention raising his knife, it felt like his bones were crushed.

It's not a feeling. Woolf's bones were really crushed, and the walls of the passageway began to crack.

The demon serpent seems to be fierce and playful, these guys are always unable to kill, and it makes his body hurt. The fairly solid walls of the entire passageway suddenly began to crack, and all were tossed by demonic serpents.

Bai Yi was looking for Momo, and he found Momo crouched carefully at the angle of the wall of the passage. It seemed that Momo was the safest for a while under the attack of the demon snake, but it was only for a while. Between.

Everyone was evading in embarrassment, and at the same time thought that I would still use Bai Yi's method.


Regarding the closing of the host and the opening of the door of the detention room, I really did not consider it. However, I don’t plan to modify it now, so I’ll just read on.

Well, actually the goblin is lazy, and I can't think of a better reason.

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