When the World Stone was about to collapse, the entire world was shaking.

The earth is cracking, the water of the Three Ways River is rushing to the shore frantically, the dark clouds in the sky are spinning like a whirl, lightning flashes and thunder, a doomsday scene!

Earth Palace shrine also began to shake, big chunks of rocks dropping from the sky, the rocks here are not ordinary rocks, with great density, and under the ble ing of gravity, falling like a meteor Many people were too late to dodge and were stoned to death on the spot.

But many people still rushed towards Universe Crystal crazy and made up their minds to get one piece and ran away, but often when they got the first piece, they wanted to take another piece easily, but they thought that after taking two pieces It should be too late to get three yuan.

I was stoned and killed by the people around me. At this moment, the scene was extremely chaotic and casualties increased suddenly.

Looking at the charge ahead of the people around him, Lin Zhen stood there without moving.

“Chri y, calculate how long does it take to go out without loop?”

“Master, without loop is a long and slender pa age, you are now moving at full speed without obstruction You can get through in five minutes, but there are so many people here, and its fast to get out in ten minutes under crowded conditions.”

Lin Zhen nodded: “It seems that I only have ten minutes at most. Fight.”

At this time, the dwarf Nicole looked extremely ugly: “Lin Zhen, I seem to be over. Speed is my weakness . Just now my intelligent life calculated for me, even if I am the fastest Going forward, it takes 25 minutes to get out of no loop. I’m too late.”

Speaking, the dwarf regretted it, and regretted why he didn’t leave earlier.

Human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, he was cautious until now, and he finally lost here.

Lin Zhen glanced at the dwarf and took a deep breath: “Nicole, if you want to live, then close your eyes now and I promise to take you away.”

The dwarf’s eyes lit up: “Can you really do it?”

“You can try, but you can’t have a memory during this time.”

Nicole Hastily nodded: “Okay, I understand, you can do it.”

Lin Zhen raised his hand and cut a hand knife on the back of his neck. The dwarf groaned down and fell into a coma.

He threw the dwarf into the dark star space. The dark star is Lin Zhen’s secret, and he can’t let anyone know.

Lin Zhen then mentioned yin and yang long spear, thoughts move, and Avatar also appeared at the same time.

“The last ten minutes, take good control!”

After shaking her figure, Lin Zhen rushed towards the Universe Crystal boulder.

At this time, Universe Crystal has been dropping small pieces continuously, and the people below are almost crazy. Any Universe Crystal is like a big rock, even if it is the size of a small rock, there are some Thousands of them, when replaced with Qilin coins, it is hundreds of millions to 1 billion, and when replaced with Sanjiang coins, it is hundreds of billions, or even trillions!

You can buy small galaxies when you take it out. Faced with such wealth, who can give up!

Lin Zhen came up and stared at one piece, which is as tall as one person. This piece of Universe Crystal definitely exceeds two million pieces!

“This is Lao Tzu’s!”

“Whoever robs me will kill whoever!”

“Fuck~! I discovered it first, not afraid Let me come here for Self-destruction!”

Seven or eight martial artists rushed to this Universe Crystal at the same time, and the battle became fierce in the air.

In an instant, the blade light and sword shadows, murderous aura is vertical and horizontal, and people head down from time to time, and they die on the spot!


Lin Zhen raised his hand at a distance of 100 meters from the Universe Crystal. The powerful gravitational force came first, and it enveloped this large area. Incoming Dark Star Space!

“Kill this guy!”

“He grabbed a big chunk and killed him!”

Six or seven people rushed over from all directions, Lin Zhen stabbed when he raised his gun without saying anything!

Meteor falls~~! !

This kind of battle skill of mass destruction has infinite formidable power at this moment, and the meteorite exploded in the air, killing several people easily.

Only one black hole, Early-Stage, didnt die. Lin Zhens Avatar quietly covered him from behind, thrust out a spear in the corner of his hand, and stabbed him who had escaped by chance. Heart is cool.

Lin Zhen’s body drew an arc in the air, and the gravity of both hands was activated at the same time, pulling a large piece of broken Universe Crystal on the left and right sides directly into the dark star space.

Looking from a distance, Lin Zhens situation is like a long whale sucking water. A large number of Universe Crystals have long eyes and went straight to his palm. The speed of collection is incomparable.

He is mixed among martial artists, and the people around him are not organized. There is really no big threat to Lin Zhen.

On the other side, when the women from Azure Phoenix were competing for the Universe Crystal, Qionglou at the center of the earth suddenly came over from behind.

Tianci led several black hole experts under his team. Suddenly attacked and immediately killed the three black hole experts of Lv’er, Qing’er and Zi’er in Azure Phoenix’s four beauty schools!

And the ordinary female martial artist of Azure Phoenix Club suffered even more heavy lo es. She was ma acred when she was attacked by the enemy. There were originally more than 200 people and a dozen people left in one minute.

A beautiful vanished fragrance and crumbled jade fell into the World Stone.

Female martial artists are not easy to cultivation, and the number is much smaller than that of men. Most of these women are cultivated to the sidereal, and they are still under a hundred years old. It can be said that they can be called out at random. They are all ten thousand li. One, million li, one, millions and millions li, one of the female heroes!

But within the stone of this World, the ones with no difficulty were almost completely slaughtered. It must be said that it was a tragedy.

“Godsend! You despicable villain, kill my sister, are you not afraid that we will go out and tell Azure Phoenix elder sister?”

Hong’er is full of tears, angrily toward Godsend Roar.

“hehe! Since I did it, I am not afraid, Feng Azure Phoenix wants to come to us to settle the account, we will naturally have someone to deal with her, as for you… you should go down with your sister at ease!”


“Sister Hong’er, go away, our things are with you, you can’t do anything!”

Azure Phoenix will have more than a dozen women coming from around, crazy The attacking godsend group of people, hesitate to use Self-destruction to protect their last leader.

Hong’er bit her lip, turned and rushed towards Wuhuan.

“If you want to go, it’s not that easy!”

He waved the long sword several times in a godsend hand, easily beheading the four women, and then he was about to chase Hong’er.

The speed of the godsend is extremely fast, almost in a blink of an eye close to Hong’er, the difference between the middle of the black hole and the late stage of the black hole is still not small, Hong’er can’t escape it.

“It’s over! Azure Phoenix sister, I’m sorry.” Hong’er turned desperately, wanting Self-destruction, she would rather Self-destruction, and don’t want all the gains this time to be delivered to Godsend .

At this moment, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed!

A dark starry sky shrouded a space of 100 meters, and dozens of planets were quickly generated.

“This is…the realm! Who is opening the realm?” Godsend turned his head back in shock.

Lin Zhen’s body stood in the starry sky and waved to Hong’er: “Thank you for saving me once, but now it’s back to you. When will I not leave at this time?”


“Ah! It’s you….”

Hong’er only had time to say such a sentence. Lin Zhens Avatar shrouded Hong’er in the distance and directly moved Hong’er away Threw away the Earth Palace shrine.

Hong’er is not a fool either. Knowing that he can’t say any more at this time, he immediately plunged into No Loop.

“Follow me!” God gave yelled, before the voice fell, dozens of planets around began to explode.

Anyone who approached this area was almost immediately detonated to pieces by Lin Zhen’s Heavenly River Star.

For a time, no one can approach Wuhuan.

“Lin Zhen…you bastard!”

The godsends eyes spit out fire, avoiding twisting left and right, and then it is considered safe under Lin Zhens Heavenly River Star burst Down.

At this time, there are only a hundred people in the entire world Shinei!

There are still fifteen minutes before the world collapses.

The remaining people are still madly competing for Universe Crystal, but some people already want to leave.

The God-given plan was disrupted at the last moment, making him hate Lin Zhen to his bones. At this time, he completely ignored the surrounding Universe Crystal falling like raindrops, but swung his sword straight to Lin Zhen to kill!

“Lin Zhen, I dare to spoil the good deeds of Lao Tzu, then you will stay here to die for that woman!”

Lin Zhen is not afraid of him, and is promoted to the seventh satellite level. Since then, his strength has improved a lot compared to the time of the Xuanzhu Apollo battle. He has been able to resist the late stage of the black hole without relying on Avatar, relying solely on the strength of his body!

Although this godsend seems to be stronger than Xuanzhu and Apollo, it is still impossible to defeat his body in a short time.

The two people fought fiercely in the air, full of vigor and energy, and the surrounding area was 100 meters, and no one should get close. It became the exclusive battlefield for two people.

The collapse of the World Stone has become more and more serious. The stone pillar in the Earth Palace temple has begun to collapse, and a corner of the temple has completely collapsed.

And a huge ground fi ure spread directly into the temple from a distance, the underground lava surged crazily, the smell of gunpowder and sulfur filled the temple, the temple has become a hell on earth!

The people from the Dimensional Universe Company packed up their things and quickly left the Earth Palace temple.

They came here to do busine , and now they cant do busine , so naturally they should leave.

However, they do not count the rankings, nor dare to embarrass them.

With the retreat of the Dimension Universe company, the martial artist on the scene finally couldn’t hold it anymore. No matter how much money, he had to spend his life.

“Retreat! Heavenspan Pagoda is still breathing, if you have, follow Laozi!”

“Dragon Totems brothers, open the Divine Dragon innate talent, heres The gravitational field has disappeared, and there is no more forbidden air, fly!”

“Hurry up, hurry up, no matter how slow you can go!”

“Don’t stop anyone Lao Tzu…er…!”

Some people were killed during the retreat, and the space ring was snatched away. The scene was chaotic to the extreme.

People flocked to Wuhuan, and in this Earth Palace shrine that was about to completely collapse, under the huge Universe Crystal, Godsend is still fighting Lin Zhen!

“ji_ ji_ ~~! Lin Zhen, do you want to go? Unfortunately, you cant go. Every piece of Universe Crystal around here is worth at least tens of millions of Qilin coins, but unfortunately it doesnt belong to you. Now you, do you regret your stupid and rash actions just now?”

At this time, there are still 13 points before the complete collapse of the World Stone!

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