Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 164 Twelve o’clock at the same time

Chapter 165 Twelve o’clock at the same time

Everyone was full after a meal of dumplings in the evening. But in fact, people who rarely eat enough for a long time cannot experience the feeling of fullness. Let them continue eating, and they can still eat. They will only say they are full when they can no longer eat.

This is just like when Luo Cheng arrived in the future era. He ate a lot but didn't feel anything. He couldn't eat anything he had to eat. When a person is full, he has to spend time to digest his food. Luo Cheng now feels full. He doesn't want to eat when he is full, but in fact he can still eat a lot if he really wants to.

People in this era may not feel full several times throughout the year. They really only feel hungry and full, not full. Then when I eat, everyone is more exaggerated.

Most of them were full and left. After eating, everyone's dishes and chopsticks were also put away. Luo Cheng's mother had been chatting with Luo Cheng, talking about this and that, until there was no one around Luo Cheng. Finally it got down to business. It was the same thing we talked about at noon, about wanting one more person to help Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng's mother was also the one who asked her parents to arrange for someone to follow her sister to help. She felt that it was nothing for her sister-in-law to work in the fields with the production team a few years ago to earn work points. At most, Luo Cheng's mother, her grandmother, would take the children and bring them to Luo Cheng's place every day, so that they could at least eat better.

Now when someone comes to help, it's not like calling his sister-in-law, but calling Luo Cheng's father to help. In terms of age, Luo Cheng's parents are definitely not old in the future era, they are only in their early forties. But in Luo Cheng's own time, many people became grandparents at this age. Moreover, hunters who roam in the mountains all year round often have physical problems.

So Luo Cheng's father really didn't want to work in the fields. He wouldn't go hunting in the mountains, but if he went to the fields to catch eels and loaches, he would feel more energetic than working in the fields.

It doesn't matter if they are partial to his parents. After all, Luo Cheng was raised by them. If he asked his brother and sister-in-law to help with the work, Luo Cheng would definitely not agree because his father couldn't get used to working in the fields. Luo Cheng really couldn't bear not to take care of her, so he promised his mother to arrange an errand for his father to fish for snails in the ditches and ditches, which were actually used to feed chickens and ducks.

Small snails can be eaten by ducks in their shells, and large snails can be fed even if they are broken into pieces. But Luo Cheng asked his father to fish them out and throw the small ones directly into the pond. There are ways to eat the small eels. The big ones are brought in barrels. In the future, there will be night snack stalls selling fried snails, and there will be a lot of demand every day.

The snails also come in different sizes. Small markets sell them for four to five yuan a pound, and late-night snack stalls sell them for about fifteen yuan a piece. Large snails can be sold for seven or eight yuan per pound. There are not many pieces per pound, some individuals or restaurants will buy them. A serving of snails in a restaurant costs at least twenty or thirty, and the big ones can be sold for a lot of money in good restaurants.

Luo Cheng felt that it would be good to add a variety to the store in the future era, and sell it by the way anyway.

Anyway, things were arranged. Luo Cheng asked his mother to tell his father that if she wanted to do it, she could do it. In addition to snails, she could also fish for small fish and shrimps. Once she caught it, she could just pour it into the pond.

The eldest sister and brother-in-law also arranged to catch some small fish and shrimps to feed the eels and loaches. Dad was going to catch snails, so he might as well go over there together and ask the eldest sister and the others to bring the big snails they caught to Luo Cheng's side, and the others would also go there. Fell in the pond.

The goal was achieved, and Luo Cheng's mother left. Now the commune has directly formed a team to catch eels. More importantly, people working in the fields in the entire township will also cooperate in catching eels. The amount of eels and loaches here in Luocheng can be sold until the weather is cold, so there is no need to worry about the quantity.

Luo Chengde has rapidly expanded its market in the future. On Guanglao Street, if it weren't for the word-of-mouth sales, people from far away places would also come to buy. This business is good, but it’s impossible for many people to buy it every day. Because of word-of-mouth, it would be good to maintain a stable volume every day without declining.

In order to develop new markets in the future, there is also a problem, that is, Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei have to liberate themselves from the old street. For this matter of killing eels, just hire more employees, even if it means that the employees have time to rest, hire one more person.

But in terms of collecting money, if I arrange for other people to do it, I'm afraid something will go wrong. There are a lot of uncles and aunties buying vegetables in the morning when selling eel. There are also many people who give cash. It is not necessarily safe to collect money with this payment code, not to mention there are many people who give cash. If you encounter someone with unclean hands and feet, put it in your pocket every day and you won't be able to find it at all.

But if we want to develop and get more markets, Laojie can only find a way to free itself. Luo Cheng couldn't think of any good solution, so he planned to go back to the future to see if Liu Xiaofei could do anything.

At night, Luo Cheng brought the eels and loaches that had been installed in the kitchen into the inner room. The large wooden basins were stacked high. When it comes to taking things to another time and space, you can't do whatever you want. There's no way around it.

If you want to control what you take with you, you have to stay up until twelve o'clock without sleeping before you can have some independent control.

Maybe it was because I wanted to enter the future time and space as soon as possible today. When I opened and closed my eyes, it felt like I was just dozing off several times. When I woke up, I found that I had not reached the future time and space. I looked at my watch in the dark and saw that it had not reached twelve o'clock.

You can't go to the future era before reaching twelve o'clock. This was confirmed by the fact that I was woken up by mosquito bites several times while sleeping in the city last time.

When he found that the watch time had reached eleven o'clock, Luo Cheng was not going to sleep. Prepare to be in your own time for the first time and stick to twelve o'clock to see.

Simply persisting until twelve o'clock, Luo Cheng actually had nothing to look forward to. My current self in the future era actually returns to my own era by falling asleep at twelve o'clock through external forces.

But Luo Cheng had a doubt, whether he was still in another era when he traveled back and forth. Because I was forced to stay up until twelve o'clock, every time I woke up, it would only be a few minutes. It's not certain whether these few minutes are time for traveling, it could be a buffer for waking up.

Then if both sides choose to force the time travel at twelve o'clock, Luo Cheng doesn't know if anything new will happen.

Waiting until it was almost twelve o'clock, sleepiness came over me forcefully, just like in the future time and space. He simply gave up resistance, and not long after, he 'woke up' in another form.

Some things in contact with the body can be seen directly. But a more magical scene appeared. He could see another space. Not only the space, but also himself in another space.

And with the help of will and thinking, an even more magical scene appeared. Luo Cheng discovered that he could control things around him and directly enter the future time and space. Perhaps this was originally a way to bring things from his own time and space into another time and space, and what's even more amazing is that two spaces appeared at the same time. Luo Cheng found that he could now control things in his own place in the future era and forcefully pull things with his will. Come to your own space.

In the space, Luo Cheng can also directly place everything according to his own thinking. But I don’t know if such operations in space will become reality when I wake up in the future space.


The vision of his own time slowly disappeared, and Luo Cheng found that his thinking did not stop, but he could feel that he was about to wake up in another time and space.

Opening his eyes, Luo Cheng found that he was indeed in a shop in the future era. And the things brought over were actually placed according to the will in the space.

Luo Cheng immediately looked at the time, and it turned out to be two minutes past twelve o'clock. If I hadn't been stunned for a moment when I woke up, I wouldn't have looked at the time directly. I'm afraid the time may be exactly twelve o'clock, and the time on both sides will not affect the other side at all.

The large wooden basins that used to hold eels and loaches stacked one on top of another in my own time are now arranged one by one. Luo Cheng only needed to arrange the loaches in the wooden barrels and pour them into the plastic basin.

After sorting everything out, Luo Cheng looked at the time and saw that it was much faster than before. You can quickly go back and get under Liu Xiaofei's bed. When you wake up during the day, you can discuss recruitment with her.

Back at the community, it was only half past twelve when Luo Cheng entered the room. The temperature of the air conditioner was really comfortable. Compared to my own time when I didn’t even have a fan, it’s really cool. I don’t know if people from the future era can sleep well if they go back to that era, where they don’t even have a fan at night and have to feed mosquitoes.

After going to bed, Luo Cheng habitually hugged Liu Xiaofei to him, holding her from the back of her shoulder to the front with one hand, and using the other hand to explore a certain part. But halfway through, he thought of something, so he changed it to Rock climbing mountains.

Liu Xiaofei's skin was very smooth and she was very comfortable to hold. Luo Cheng quickly fell asleep.

In the early morning, Luo Cheng woke up and found that Liu Xiaofei was really a fucking female gangster. Luo Cheng didn't even know when Liu Xiaofei put her hand in, and Liu Xiaofei was still asleep.

But Luo Cheng was not at a loss, he was outstanding. Luo Cheng caught two, and she only caught one.

Looking at Liu Xiaofei's delicate little face, according to northerners, this must be classified as Xi chan. Northerners have gone south many times in history, and many men just want to have a taste of the fine chaff from the south.

Luo Cheng let go of the hostage in his hand and went to break Liu Xiaofei's hand. Woman, when we first met, I really thought Liu Xiaofei was like this.

Get up, Xiaofei, it's six o'clock. Don't stay in bed today. I'll tell you something later.

It's boring~~Yangqi, hold me up, I want to take a breath.

Don't play like this every day, let me pick you up.

Baby, be good, mommy feeds your grandma.

Liu Xiaofei was picked up, her legs were clamped around Luo Cheng's waist, and then she hugged Luo Cheng's head, playing role-playing house early in the morning.

Luo Cheng muttered in his heart that Xiao Fei was getting nervous, but he still cooperated and took two mouthfuls. The fine bran is like this. I feel tired after eating too much, but I still want to take a bite from time to time.

After a little flirting, they both got dressed and got up. However, Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei are not well educated, and Liu Xiaofei has only graduated from junior high school. I don’t know if this is a minor flirtation. For educated people, the mood is candlelight dinner and romance by the sea. Their sentiments always feel a bit unsightly, at least not suitable for children.

Today I rode an electric bike to the store, with Luo Cheng riding and Liu Xiaofei sitting behind and holding him. Liu Xiaofei said that after her aunt left, she would ride the electric scooter and Luo Cheng would sit behind. Luo Cheng was a little confused when he heard this. Is it so serious when the aunt is here? If he wants to ride an electric bike, he has to wait for the aunt to leave.

But on the way, Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei were still talking about business. His friend was going to increase supply. This eel and loach are so easy to sell, and if we open and expand new markets, we can make more money. In addition, people sent over a hundred kilograms of snails this early in the morning, which means the store has added new varieties.

Liu Xiaofei heard Luo Cheng say that in addition to hiring more employees, it would be best to hire a cashier. Not only could Luo Cheng be liberated, but Liu Xiaofei no longer had to get up early every day to collect money, but the money collector must find someone reliable.

Call your besties to help? No, there are several of them, but they are too emotionally confusing. There is no one who is not perverted. What if a man like Luo Cheng, who looks thin in clothes and takes off his clothes and has muscles, seduces him? How about calling him When a cousin comes, it’s actually easy to do the cashiering. It’s from about 6:30 to 10 in the morning, and from 4 to 6 in the afternoon, so you only work six hours a day. I can definitely provide food and accommodation for my cousin.”

When it comes to inviting cashiers, Liu Xiaofei’s first thought when riding on an electric car is to invite relatives. Although there is no guarantee that the cousin will do anything, it is at least better than inviting an outsider whom he does not know.

In addition, if you use someone else to collect cash, you will need to reconcile the accounts. Just get a computer that can collect money to make orders, and then calculate the goods in the store. Weigh the eels and loaches of each size, and take stock of the rest in the evening. In this way, except for the occasional zero error for customers, the total number will be roughly correct.

However, Liu Xiaofei didn't tell Luo Cheng immediately what she was thinking. The distance to the store wasn't far, so she didn't have time to tell her. This matter can be discussed after we finish our work in the morning and then go home. As for recruiting another eel-killing employee. In fact, you can first ask Aunt Liu, an employee with the same surname as Liu Xiaofei. She has worked as a fish killer before, and she might be able to recommend a suitable candidate.

When working in the morning, Liu Xiaofei asked like Aunt Liu. Aunt Liu heard that the young boss lady wanted to recruit people, and asked her if she had any suitable people. By hiring one more person, the young boss would not have to work. Aunt Liu was interested as soon as she heard it, because Luo Cheng was the boss after all and she was young. She worked like this and liked to chat and work at the same time. Find someone of about the same age, work and chat together, and have a companion, then the work will be more interesting.

So when she was not busy in the morning, Aunt Liu hurriedly called people she knew before and asked them if they were suitable to come here. Finally, I asked an aunt who used to remove chicken feathers in the same market as Aunt Liu. She has nothing to do now. Although she has never killed eels, her hands and feet are very convenient.

Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei agreed to let each other try it for a few days. Killing eels is actually very simple, and those with quick hands and feet can become proficient in it in just a few days. The cashier hasn't been recruited yet, so Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei still have to come to the store and practice with each other for a few days to see if they can get up to speed, then there will be no problem.

Closing the stall this morning, Luo Cheng didn't go to deliver the goods. Because of Liu Xiaofei's customer base, many people are talking about the big eel that the boss makes. If the eel grows to more than two or three kilograms, it will take a long time. In fact, eels weighing about one kilogram are very rare, not to mention wild ones, just farmed eels. eels grow well before half a kilogram, but when they reach about half a kilogram, they start to grow slowly.

From an economic point of view, it is most cost-effective to start selling eels that have been cultured for about half a year and weigh only three to half a catty. Because you may be able to raise half a catty in half a year, but in one year, it may grow to seven ounces, and the feeding amount is larger than if you raise it in half a year. Even if you sell it for five yuan per pound, it’s not as cost-effective as selling a smaller one.

Therefore, it is very rare to find eels weighing more than one kilogram in the market. Luo Cheng didn't bring many big eels this time, and many of them were dumped into the pond.

Anyway, it was Liu Xiaofei's little profiteer who turned his head again. Since you all said that big eels are rare, you then carefully checked various information on the Internet. We came to the conclusion that we should reduce the number of large eels sold, first create a buffer, and then increase the money as a matter of course.

If everyone can't afford it, there is nothing they can do. Food is hard to come by, goods are starting to run out, and some people are paying more to buy it. Selling eels is a business, not a favor. It makes no sense not to sell eels at high prices, so we should sell them at low prices.

Today's snails are also selling very well. According to Liu Xiaofei, if her aunt hadn't come, she would have disapproved of selling them all. Big snails are delicious to eat, okay? The ones selling fried snails at late night snack stalls are really pitiful. But just because it’s small, one plate lasts a long time.

But the big field snails, seasoned with chili pepper and stir-fried, are really delicious. But Aunt Liu Xiaofei is here and she cannot eat spicy food, and the snails have no soul if they are not stir-fried.

After closing the stall in the morning and returning home, Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei each held half a watermelon and ate it with a spoon.

Luo Cheng, if you want to recruit a cashier, I'll call my cousin. At least since we were growing up, relatives have known about character. We don't want people with bad character.

Your cousins? Aren't you only eighteen years old yourself? How old are they?

Luo Cheng has been in the future era for such a long time, and he knows that young people in this era, under sixteen, are considered child laborers. Liu Xiaofei is only a few months over eighteen years old, so don’t get a cousin who is too young.

Another point is that most people these days are at least a high school graduate. Because high school is very easy to get into, it is rare that many of Liu Xiaofei’s cousins, like her, did not go to high school.

She is younger than Liu Xiaofei and can still go to work. She is almost not old enough to graduate from high school.

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