Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 196 Zhou Meng

Chapter 196 To integrate into the future era

Luo Cheng woke up in the future era and looked at his girlfriend Liu Xiaofei beside him.

She looks very delicate and has a good figure, but the two of them rarely kiss. Luo Cheng lay on the side and silently calculated that it had been nine months since the two had known each other.

When they first got together, Luo Cheng was still working as a steel bar worker on a construction site, while Liu Xiaofei also failed to set up a street stall because of poor work.

Now my life is better, my savings have already exceeded seven figures, and I have bought a car. But Luo Cheng felt that he and Liu Xiaofei didn't have the same feeling as before. It was because he had changed his mind. He asked himself that Liu Xiaofei's appearance and figure were all based on his own aesthetics.

But recently the two often quarreled and sometimes disliked each other. Lying beside the bed, Luo Cheng lit a flower and quietly thought about why. Logically speaking, he should have no reason to dislike the other party.

This is not the first time Luo Cheng has thought about this issue, but today he seems to have realized that people will eventually grow up. People are often easily satisfied with themselves, but when it comes to their partners, after a long time, they always like to compare.

Luo Cheng's aesthetics are old-fashioned, somewhat macho, unfashionable, sloppy, and unsentimental. This is what Liu Xiaofei likes to criticize about him, but there is no harm without comparison. Luo Cheng was not the only woman with Liu Xiaofei, he also had a wife in his own time.

In Zhao Qian's eyes, his aesthetics are fashionable and discerning. Luo Cheng's aesthetics was ahead of his time, but it has failed to keep up in the future. In terms of male chauvinism, if a woman asked Luo Cheng to do housework, she would be beaten. Although I don’t do it now, if I am told, I will take the initiative to do it. In Zhao Qian's eyes, this was already particularly good.

In terms of slovenliness, Zhao Qian was always neat and tidy even when she was pregnant. She was absolutely neat when she went to work. In Zhao Qian's opinion, it is normal for men to be slovenly, otherwise what would they do to women? Finally, there is the aspect of romance. In the courtyard where she lives, many neighbors envy her and find a man with romance. Occasionally we would go to see a movie together and occasionally give her something.

Other men just work and live every day, and they really have no emotion at all.

So when Luo Cheng was in his own time, his wife treated him completely as her own fate. But in the future, when he was with Liu Xiaofei, he had no worries about money and no bigger goals.

Luo Cheng broke out when he was scolded again and again. During the previous scolding, although Luo Cheng did not quarrel, he agreed in his heart that he was comparing Liu Xiaofei with others. Luo Cheng didn't know any higher-level women, but he knew how to view videos on his mobile phone. What kind of women are not in the video? This needs to be compared. Liu Xiaofei’s level of education and experience.

You have to be well-educated and have no connotation. In addition to being good-looking, you can also cook. Everything else is useless. When it comes to cooking, we now hire a cooking aunt to cook for the employees, and she is no longer allowed to do it.

Moreover, Liu Xiaofei looks like her mother, which is a good aspect of inheritance. But after living together for a long time, the bad aspects were exposed. Her mother likes to play mahjong, and she also likes it herself. It’s just that I used to have fun during the New Year, but now I play mahjong when I have nothing to do. In addition, when he gets really angry and curses people, he also has a somewhat inconsiderate temper and likes to expose his shortcomings. Swearing.

But in front of outsiders, she still looks like a lady, and even starts to pretend to be tasteful in some aspects that she is not good at.

When a cigarette was burned out, Luo Cheng actually didn't take a few puffs. When he first came into contact with cigarettes, he just pretended to take a puff. Without inhaling it into his lungs, now he really knows how to smoke, but he smokes less.

Luo Cheng slowly came back to his senses. Once one of the lovers started to compare the other with others. In your eyes, the other person will always have shortcomings. In Luo Cheng's era, when men and women were together, no matter whether they were good or bad, they would just accept their fate. Once they were together, that would be the case for the rest of their lives. Therefore, even if there are disagreements, we will only discuss the matter without exposing the other party's shortcomings.

But in the future era, almost everyone has a mobile phone, and there are countless instructions on what kind of men's chicken soup women should look for. And I agree that there are chicken soups that teach men what kind of women they should look for, but the goals are almost always excellent. How can ordinary people find it, but for those who have extraordinary self-esteem, they will really take it seriously.

Luo Cheng felt that he had found the contradictions between the two. In fact, he did not dislike Liu Xiaofei for anything. He was actually a person who was easily satisfied. But people are like this. When they are left out, they will also refute in their hearts, so what do you mean? After some emotions accumulate, they turn into arguments.

Luo Cheng doesn't know where he will go with Liu Xiaofei in the future. After living in the future era for a long time, his thoughts have also changed a lot. From the moment I got Liu Xiaofei's body, I thought she was my woman, but now I have the thought of breaking up if we can't live together in the future.

The emergence of this thought made Luo Cheng himself panic. How could he have such irresponsible thoughts. After sleeping together, people actually thought that it was okay to separate, and now I feel relieved. This is the case in this era and this society. What's the use of him even if he still adheres to traditional conservative ideas. What if Liu Xiaofei doesn't want to live with him? What can he do to her in this era?

I already have a legal identity in this era, and perhaps I should integrate into this era more deeply. I can no longer just be an outsider. Maybe Liu Xiaofei is right. She is just backward in thinking and has an indifferent attitude towards many things. I really want to change, but not for anyone, but for myself.

After thinking everything through, Luo Cheng looked at Liu Xiaofei next to him, with only his face exposed outside the quilt. Luo Cheng knew her condition inside the quilt very well.

Luo Cheng got under the quilt. The couple had become so familiar with each other that some parts were no longer particularly sensitive when touched. Under Luo Cheng's touch, Liu Xiaofei fell asleep.

Luo Cheng, don't make trouble. Get up if you want. Let me sleep more~~~, um~~.

Gentle caressing will only make Liu Xiaofei sleep more comfortably, even on sensitive parts. In the past, when Luo Cheng got up, he would often touch a few things before getting up and going out alone. It's just that today Luo Cheng is not as simple as touching two handfuls. If he used to touch two handfuls, now he touches many two handfuls.

Liu Xiaofei was still very sleepy, but her body already had needs. Outside the quilt, she still looked like she was sleeping soundly. But inside the quilt, she was already in a posture to be fed.

Luo Cheng rarely handed over food in the morning, but today he thought a lot and wanted to indulge.

Soon Liu Xiaofei was still sleeping with her eyes closed, but even with her eyes closed, the expression on her face showed comfort and contentment. In a way, Luo Cheng was still very proud, because he checked the Internet and found that many men were not very good at it. If it is a one-turn system, whether it is Liu Xiaofei or Zhao Qian, Luo Cheng has never lost.

But when a woman becomes crazy, she can withstand several beatings. It takes a lot of time and energy to beat him down once, and his legs will become weak and shake after two times. So when fighting with women, Luo Cheng still feels that he should be gentler and just beat her down once.

After easily beating Liu Xiaofei to the ground, Luo Cheng got up and went out, panting without even being covered by the quilt. He had nothing to do in the morning and had to go to a driving school to learn how to drive. After signing up for the driving school, he gave the driving school instructor a red envelope. When he had free time, he would look after him and let him practice more.

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