Escape From Konoha

Vol 4 Chapter 146: the eve of the turmoil

The latest website: In front of the mansion of the Daming Mansion in the Land of Waves, because of the noise of the people, this place, which was originally solemn and majestic, became chaotic like a vegetable market.

"Damn it! Hurry up and let the daimyo come out and explain it to us!"

"That's right! Don't be a turtle at this time, what's the matter with the treasure house on the island?"

"Aren't you coming out yet? You actually took our hard-earned money and hoarded it privately! What an unforgivable lord! It's because we trusted you so much before!"

Such questioning voices came one after another, like cannonballs, hitting the daimyo who hadn't shown his face one by one, tearing his hypocritical face apart.

They had no reason to ask about the private property of big names.

However, before that, the Kingdom of Waves was often attacked by pirates, leading the Daming Mansion to organize militias several times to crusade against the pirates in the surrounding waters, but each crusade failed.

In order to solve this problem, the famous family and other nobles at that time donated their family wealth to appease the pirates who invaded the border of the Kingdom of Waves.

Also because of such actions, big names and nobles won a large part of the hearts of the people.

Therefore, a large number of workers who built factories lost their jobs collectively a few years ago, and the workers' and civilians' cooperatives were shut down a year later, and even this year's tax was increased by 10%. They didn't complain too much. Life is a little bit harder, eat a few meals less, and there will always be a day to get through.

After all, they heard that the daimyo and the nobles also had nothing to eat every day because of the empty treasury.

Such aristocrats who can share weal and woe with the people feel trust from the bottom of their hearts.

Each of them is poor, endures the tax increase year by year, and dare not starve the daimyo and nobles who succumbed to pirates for the survival of the country.

However, it turns out their trust was worthless and they were fooled like fools.

They didn't believe it at first, but after Kaisha took out the evidence—one of the treasure chests in the treasure house, which was engraved with the family crest dedicated to famous masters and a lot of treasures, they couldn't help but believe it.

The thrifty nobles who are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the image of simple tea and light food are richer than they imagined. Maybe in a place where they can't see, they spend their days drinking and drinking, eating delicious food and drinking spicy food, and secretly laughing at their ignorance and stupidity.

So what's the deal with crusade against pirates and pacification of pirates?

Isn't it a blatant deception?

Once such doubts arise, it will be like a snowball, and the momentum will become stronger and stronger.

Coupled with the fact that the workers lost their jobs and the grievances of the worker-minor cooperatives being shut down, they were vented all of a sudden.

Protests and dissatisfaction also arise at this time.

Kaisha was at the forefront of the crowd and was quite satisfied with the effect.

After all, this kind of thing, no matter how you look at it, is the fault of the Namikoku daimyo. Even if they don't spend money to avoid disasters in the future, they will at least use that money to restore people's livelihood and development.

Almost all industries in this country have stopped functioning, and most migrant workers have been completely unemployed.

If this continues, it is estimated that many people will not be able to survive next year, and even the cruel phenomenon of selling their children and daughters will appear.

Take it from the people and use it for the people, this is the truth that Kaisha has realized in the books.

The wealth of the daimyo and nobles was originally obtained from the people. Only by circulating up and down and regulating it with the power of the state can the state machine be revived, instead of running half-dead.

People pay taxes, daimyo and nobles are in charge of governance, making the country more prosperous, this is the most obvious truth.

And now in the Land of Waves, the only one who can do this and can still play a leading role is the daimyo of the Land of Waves.

Just when Kaisha fantasized about such a beautiful vision, a group of warriors suddenly rushed out from the gate of the mansion of the Daming Mansion.

Everyone saw that someone had finally come out, and wanted to continue speaking, but the commander of the samurai scanned the surrounding area with a cold gaze, and said in a cold voice, "Suppress all the lowly criminals below, and wait for their release!"

Under the command of the warrior commander, the rest of the warriors were like wolves in a herd of sheep, showing very ferocious faces.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't mess around!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, a samurai pulled over with a scabbard forcefully. A man's teeth were knocked out, he spat out a mouthful of blood, let out a shrill scream, and passed out on the ground.


Seeing that the group of warriors began to beat people without listening to any excuses, the people in the crowd suddenly panicked, realizing that staying here would be dangerous, and began to run away in a panic.

However, it was still a step too late. This group of warriors moved faster than them, and formed an encirclement net in advance, punching and kicking the people in the encirclement until they vomited blood and fell to the ground, unable to stand up again.

This scene happened so suddenly that Kaisha was also stunned on the spot.

He didn't know why things turned out like this?

It was completely different from what he had expected.

"Wait, stop fighting! Where are the daimyos? I have something to say to your daimyos!"

Kesha stepped forward to stop the group of warriors.

However, Kesha's words did not stop the cruel acts of violence committed by the samurai.

The samurai only obeyed the order of the samurai commander, and suppressed all the rioting people here by force, so that they could no longer spit out any remarks that were not good for the famous masters.

"Damn it!"

Keisha also knew that his prediction was completely wrong.

The daimyo didn't care about their protests and dissatisfaction at all, and didn't even give them a chance to negotiate.

In other words, in the world of the nobles, they didn't have much thought to explain to the civilians below.

Hundreds of people gathered in front of the daimyo's mansion were all violently suppressed.

Except for a few fish that slipped through the net, all the people fell to the ground and howled, and were brutally beaten, and some were even dying.

A samurai who resolutely carries out his orders is merciless.

After all the commotion was over, the Namonokuni daimyo slowly walked out from the main entrance, looking at the rioting civilians who had been suppressed in front of the mansion, with a look of incomparable satisfaction on his face.

The body of the attendant who followed beside him trembled slightly.

At first, he thought that the daimyo came out to stabilize the emotions of the rioting civilians through verbal explanations, but he didn't expect that the 'explanation' the other party said was to use force to solve the problem.

This also made the servant understand that the daimyo didn't pay attention to this group of people from the beginning to the end, and didn't even bother to open his mouth.

"My lord, this is Kesha, the fisherman who took the lead in making trouble."

The warrior leader grabbed Kesha by the hair and slammed his head on the ground, letting out a groan of pain.

His body was covered with bloodstains, and it was obvious that he had been taken care of by the warriors in every possible way.

"Make him look up."

The Nami country daimyo ordered lightly.


Without hesitation, the warrior leader grabbed Kesha's hair and forced his head up.

Blood was constantly flowing from his forehead, causing most of Kaisha's face to be stained red with blood, the bridge of his nose was also swollen, his nostrils were still bleeding, his lips were slightly opened tremblingly, and he lost the strength to speak.

Only a pair of eyes showed unyielding stubbornness, glaring at Naomi Daimyo, as if he was questioning the other party, why did he do this?

Naomi Daimyo covered her mouth and nose, and took a step back in disgust, as if she felt that being in close contact with such a person would stain her body with something dirty.

"Put him in a cell and give him a good whipping. I still have something to ask him. Just don't let him die."

"Yes. What about the rest of the people?"

asked the warrior commander.

"Throw them all away and let their family members come and lead them."

After finishing these words, the daimyo of the Nami country turned around slowly under Kaisha's angry eyes, and returned to the mansion.


In the dark and damp cell, Kaisha's whole body was fixed on a wooden frame, and his limbs were tightly bound with ropes.

The venomous whip kept calling on his body, his skin was ripped apart, and then cold water poured over him, causing Kaisha to suffer in endless pain.

From the moment he was locked in the cell, Kaisha didn't know how long time had passed, but he only knew that the guards in the cell kept whipping him, and every time he passed out in pain, he would be immediately woken up by the cold water , iterates over and over again.

Just when he was in a daze, he heard the jailer call out respectfully, "Master Daimyo", and he barely raised his lowered head, and saw a well-dressed middle-aged man with a majestic face under the protection of two warriors. Down, into the cell.

It is the name of the land of waves.

The Namanokuni daimyo waved his hand, and the jailers nodded sensibly, and all exited the cell, giving up the space.

Behind the daimyo of the land of waves, there are only two trusted samurai left to follow.

Naomi Daimyo came to Kaisha and looked at the tortured man in front of him. There was no mercy in his eyes, but endless coldness.

Keisha gritted his teeth, and did not give in to Namanokuni Daimyo's superior gaze.

And this kind of look in his eyes made Namanokuni daimyo instinctively feel disgusted.

But thinking of the purpose of his coming, the Namiya Daimyo asked, "Your name is Kaisha, right? Let me ask you, besides the treasure house, have you found anything else?"

"Anything else?"

Kaisha was a little puzzled by the words of Daimyo of the Land of Waves.

"Do you still want to play tricks? How did you solve the pirates on the island? Don't tell me that you solved it alone. Who else is your party?"

pirate? solve? Party?

Kaisha felt even more inexplicable at the words of the name of the land of waves.

"I don't know what you're talking about...I discovered the treasure house of the great masters by myself."

Kesha took everything towards himself.

The daimyo of the Land of Waves sneered, he didn't believe that Kaisha alone could deal with the samurai and pirates there.

Even if they accidentally broke into it, they would be killed by the guards on the spot, and there would be no chance of escaping and causing public opinion.

"Are you really not going to tell me? Tell me, and I can spare your life."

The daimyo of the land of waves gave his own conditions.

Kaisha didn't speak, but kept thinking about the meaning of the words of Namiya Daimyo.

That day, in order to save Dazna who was swept away by the vortex, he accidentally discovered a cave entrance on the seabed. Through the cave entrance, he discovered the treasure house of the famous master hidden inside the island.

He fought a battle with the samurai guarding there, and risked his life to kill the samurai back.

Other than that, he found no signs of piracy.

However, the Daimyo of the Land of Waves asked so clearly that there would be pirates there.

Samurai...pirates...protecting the treasure house of big names?

Kaisha's body trembled violently as if struck by lightning, and endless turbulent waves emerged in his heart, his eyes suddenly widened, and the eyes that looked at the Daimyo of the Land of Waves were full of shock.

Great masters... colluding with the pirates who invaded the border of the Kingdom of Waves! ?

What happened to the militia organized by the daimyo generals in the past to fight against pirates?

If at that time, the daimyo was joining forces with the pirates, or it was originally a force raised by the daimyo mansion...

Kesha shuddered.

I seem to have missed some extremely important information from the very beginning.

If it was as he had guessed, then the existence of the treasure house was a matter of course.

The so-called appeasement of the pirates is just a wealth transfer game between the daimyo and the nobles.

"The pirates who have harassed the border town these years... have something to do with the big names?"

Keisha asked this question with difficulty.

I guessed wrong from the beginning.

That treasure house is not a private possession, but a property that was transferred out in the name of appeasing the pirates in the past.

He thought he was arrested for interrogation and torture because he gathered a crowd to make trouble.

In fact, no, the daimyo of the wave country didn't care about the farce he led at all. What the other party cared about was whether the secret of the collusion between the daimyo and the pirates had been leaked out through some channels.

He was regarded as the first suspect of leaking information, so he was imprisoned, not because of the ridiculous reason that he led the people to make trouble.

It can even be said that Namanokuni Daimyo didn't care about his behavior of leading people to make trouble. In the eyes of the other party, it is tantamount to a childish way of throwing a temper tantrum.

On the contrary, he exposed himself to a very dangerous situation.

"do not you know?"

Now it was the turn of Namiya Daimyo to be surprised.

After discovering the treasure stored there, and killing all the samurai and pirates guarding it, on the contrary, asking such a question at this time made Namanokuni's daimyo doubt whether his actions were superfluous.

"Why? As a daimyo, why did you collude with pirates? You are the daimyo of the Land of Waves! How can..."

Kesha gritted his teeth and questioned aloud, the anger in his tone could be heard.

He didn't know what the daimyo of the land of waves was questioning, but this behavior of the other party touched the bottom line of Kaisha's heart.

Colluding with pirates and harming the people of one's own country, what good is it doing to the other party? It is not beneficial to this country at all.

Due to the lack of young people, the economy of the Kingdom of Waves retreated rapidly. Then the black industry became popular, a large number of workers lost their jobs, coupled with heavy taxes, many people could no longer support their families, and were even bullied by gangsters, many families went to a dead end.

And all of this was caused by the daimyo of the land of waves in front of him.

He is the chief culprit for the country's decline!

"Why not? Who told the debt collectors in the Kingdom of Ghosts to be so persecuted at that time? As long as you 'disappear' the money in your hand reasonably, you don't have to rush to pay back the money. This method is indeed very effective. The debt collectors in China are also not in a hurry to collect debts, and let this place go."

The Namanokuni daimyo has been proud of his wonderful idea more than once.

And this kind of reason is obviously not acceptable to Kaisha.

"Then there is no need to organize the militia to hunt down pirates and die..."

Kesha widened his eyes angrily.

"If you don't play the trick more realistically, how can you fool those shrewd debt collectors? Facts have proved that my decision-making is correct. The debt collectors in the Kingdom of Ghosts dare to collect debts even from the Daming Mansion in the Kingdom of Wind. It's a ruthless character."

Speaking of this, the daimyo of the land of wave is somewhat lingering, and he also feels prescient for his cautious actions in advance.

Although there is also a part of the Lone Island Merchant Alliance cooperating in it, but being able to use the pirate forces organized by these merchants to transfer their wealth reasonably can be regarded as taking advantage of the other party.

If there is really no money, the Ghost Country can't keep an eye on this country all day long, right?

The only pity is that the Merchant Alliance was destroyed not long ago, and their plan to build a second isolated island was shattered, and the benefits of selling national interests to the famous families and nobles of the Kingdom of Waves were naturally lost. Disappeared with the elimination of the Merchant Alliance.

This annoyed Daimyo of the Kingdom of Waves very much, but he was also glad that he abandoned the Merchant Alliance in time, otherwise, if he was liquidated by the Kingdom of Ghosts, the consequences might be more troublesome than debt collection.

However, there is no need for the daimyo of Namachi to explain this kind of thing to a prisoner under his rank.

He just wanted to know if anyone else knew the information about his collusion with the pirates outside.

If there is, it is necessary to kill and silence as soon as possible, and wipe out all the insiders.

This matter is much more serious than after the treasure house was leaked.

A single carelessness will cause violent turmoil in the Kingdom of Waves.

"For this reason..."

The anger contained in Kesha's eyes seemed to swallow up the name of the land of waves.

I feel unworthy for the group of young people who died in the conspiracy of the Namiya daimyo, because of such a ridiculous reason, they fell into the trap of pirates and died.

Even the people were completely fooled, believing that the daimyo of the Kingdom of Waves spent money to avoid disasters, allowing the ruined Kingdom of Waves to rest and recuperate, and even labeled the other party as a "sage".

Keisha couldn't understand the behavior of Namiya Daimyo. What did he regard as human life, and what did he regard as his own country?

With such a person leading the destiny of the country, will the people living in this country really look forward to a better life?

The country and the people are just tools used by the other side for profit and betrayal.

Why is this kind of guy becoming a famous name in the country? Instead of letting truly wise people guide this country?

Kesha had such a question.

Then the answer points to one point—the other party has the most orthodox bloodline in the Kingdom of Waves, so he naturally took over the daimyo's position from the previous Daimyo of the Kingdom of Waves.

No matter how strong or weak his ability is, no matter what his character is, as long as he has this karma of bloodline, the other party will be the righteous daimyo of the Kingdom of Waves, which cannot be changed.

The sad thing is that such a name is justified, but it has never been questioned. Among the bottom, they also think that this is an eternal truth. The blood of the nobles is nobler than that of the common people. correct.

Why are daimyo and nobles so unscrupulous, playing with the country and the people in the palm of their hands?

Kesha suddenly understood the answer to the question that had troubled him for a long time.

I, or other people living at the bottom, have too many beautiful and naive longings for things that should not be fantasized.

Without a sufficiently independent consciousness, the 'truth' that has not changed through the ages is reversed, and the 'bloodline' that should be like this is refuted.

People have to pay the price and sacrifice for their ignorance.

Thinking of this, Kesha's eyes darkened.

It's too late to understand.

If I could have understood earlier, I would not have chosen to lead the people to protest against such a naive and stupid approach, and even included myself in it.

With such a naive idea, I am really an out-and-out fool.

The answer Miss Ichiji wanted to tell me that day was probably this. Kesha gave a wry smile.

Just to understand the answer to the question, the price is a bit too heavy, it is his life.

"Aren't you still refusing to tell who your accomplices are? You are really tough, you have been beaten like this. But I don't believe that your bones are really made of steel."

Seeing the scars on Kesha's body, Naminoko Daimyo knew how harsh the torture this man had been through before.

But the other party's firm will did not attract his appreciation, but he found it ridiculous.

He didn't know that he had reached this point, what else could he hold on to, pointless stupidity.

He does not believe that human will can overcome the instruments of torture here.

"Whether my bones are made of steel, don't you know if you come and verify for yourself?"

Kesha raised his head and smiled with difficulty.

This smile, in Namanokuni's eyes, is full of irony, as if implying that he can increase the intensity of torture.

"There are accomplices and so on. I don't know what you are asking. I discovered the treasure house alone, and I killed the guards there. No one else helped."

Seeing that Kaisha is so reticent, the Namiya daimyo also seems to know that he won't ask anything useful in a short time.

This was the first time he had seen someone as tough as Kaisha.

"Come on!"

The voice of Namiya Daimyo spread far away.

Several jailers entered the cell and came to the Namiya Daimyo, waiting for orders.

"Torture him for me. You must ask him to beg for mercy within two days! As long as you don't die, you can do anything!"


Several jailers showed piercing smiles.

Kaisha also laughed along with the group of jailers, his smile was full of calmness willing to die.

As a result of going to the famous family to protest, no one expected that it would end like this.

Kaisha, who took the lead, was arrested, and his life and death are unknown.

The rest of the people were violently suppressed by the warriors, and then thrown out, taken back by their families, and there was a lot of medical expenses for the treatment of injuries.

Dazner House.

Dazna naturally also heard about this matter, and the result of the matter was beyond his imagination, and it was completely different from Kesha's initial conception.

In the fantasy, the daimyo's compromise did not happen, but suppressed the turmoil with an extremely tough attitude. Even Kaisha's life and death are now uncertain, which made Dazna very panicked.

Therefore, after Kesha went to prison, Dazna has been fidgeting at home, not even drinking his usual wine, thinking about what to do next.

Just as he was thinking, there was a sudden commotion outside.


Hearing someone calling his name, Dazna raised his head and looked at the door that had been pushed open. A group of people came in one after another, aggressively.

The leader is friend Keech, who is smiling wryly.

Compared to Kiki, the people who surrounded him had indignant faces, many of them were still gnashing their teeth, and their eyes were red, making Dazner confused.

"I'm sorry, Darzner, but I let the matter out."

Keech came to Dazner and apologized.

"Things? What things have been said? Also, what are you doing together?"

Dazner was confused, unable to understand what Keech was talking about.

"It was the anecdote that I overheard by chance when I accompanied you to meet Miss Yiji a few months ago."

Keech said cautiously.

A few months ago... I went to see Miss Yiji... I heard the secret by accident... three key pieces of information were chained together, and Dazna also understood what news Kiki revealed, and his face changed slightly.

As for the so-called secret, Dazner naturally knew that it was not something that could be revealed casually.

A few months ago, because of the construction of the factory, business negotiations were required, so he took Kiki to negotiate some business matters with Yi Ji. Halfway through, a ninja from the ghost country rushed in and accidentally revealed The extremely confidential information that 'the daimyo of the land of waves and the pirates who attacked the border of the land of wave's collusion' came out.

Because it was a one-sided rhetoric, Dazna did not delve into this matter, and gradually forgot about it later.

Telling things that have no basis will cause a lot of trouble.

But he didn't expect that Keech would reveal this matter at this time.

"Dazner, is what Keech said true? We need an answer!"

A man about Dazna's age asked with red eyes.

He was also a worker in Dazna's work group. His two sons died at the hands of pirates, leaving only women and children in his family. The family situation was quite similar to Dazna's.

He knew that this old man had always hated the pirates of the Kingdom of Bo.

If there is a daimyo behind this, it is not difficult to imagine what crazy things this old man will do.

Because this old man is just a microcosm, and there are more men from the family who died in the process of fighting the pirates.

They have an unresolved hatred with pirates!

If everything points to the daimyo, it will not be as simple as a protest march, the land of waves will usher in unprecedented riots and chaos!

Dazna, who was questioned like this, was a little at a loss.

"Tell us, Dazner, is what Keech said true?"

The rest of the workers also started questioning.

They want to know the answer.

Their family members died during the crusade against the pirates, and they must ask clearly, their family members cannot die so unclearly.

Dazna faltered and stood up.

"I, I don't know either."

Dazner's answer was unsatisfactory.

"Why don't you know? You and Kaisha were the ones who discovered the treasure house in the first place, right? At the beginning, I wondered why the famous masters who had spent all their money on pacifying the pirates could still hide so much wealth. Now Come to see, this is a trick between them! Not only were we sidelined, but many people died!"

A worker had a fierce look in his eyes, as if he was about to kill someone.

"Yeah, why was only Kaisha arrested among all the troublemakers in the past? Probably because the daimyo had a ghost in his heart, so he did this. Darzna, now is not the time to hesitate, we must reveal the truth of the matter Find out, if the daimyo acts faster than us, all of us will have to wait to die! Because we were the first to discover the treasure house!"

Another worker spoke up, explaining the stakes.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Dazna knew that he couldn't hide it, and the fact was true, he was also worried about this matter.

He gritted his teeth and replied: "I don't know exactly what happened, but what Keech said is right, Miss Ichiji's subordinates did say at the time that our daimyo had colluded with the group of pirates outside . just because of the lack of evidence, so I don't want to make it big."

"That's enough. Next, let's go to the branch of the Aster Flower Merchant Association in the Land of Waves to verify! No matter what, this matter must be investigated!"

A worker clenched his fist and made the suggestion.

"Yes, go to Mr. Cardo to verify the answer! The news came from them, and they must know more inside information!"

If it wasn't for Baoku and Kaisha's affairs, they wouldn't do such an irrational move.

However, whether it is the treasure house hidden by the daimyo of the wave country, or the arrest of Kaisha, there are many doubts.

Seeing the excited workers, Dazna knew that things had really gone wrong.

Just after dinner, it was completely dark.

Cardo personally received the menacing group of workers.

Dazna was among them, but compared to the rest of the workers, he was the calmer one.

"It's so late, what's the matter here, everyone? We are negotiating with the officials of the Land of Waves about the workers' cooperatives, and we will have a result soon."

Kado's eyes behind the sunglasses stared at the group of workers, not showing a superior attitude, just a businesslike look.

"Mr. Cardo, this time we came to visit so late, not because of the workers' cooperatives, but because of the daimyo."

Dazna sighed, stood up and spoke on behalf of the workers.

"It's about daimyo? So, what do you want to ask?"

Kado showed a dubious tone, and led the topic down.

"Um...Mr. Cardo knows about the pirates near the waters of the Land of Waves, right?"

Dazna asked cautiously.

Kado pondered for a while, and then said: "Are those pirates doing anything wrong? I really know that when they first came to this country, they caused us very little trouble. But after showing their force, they didn't You dare to come here and trouble us. What, why are you asking this?"

Dazna continued to ask: "We want to know, is there any ulterior transaction between the daimyo of our country and those pirates? Please, please tell us the answer. It is very important to us." important!"

Saying that, Dazna put on a requesting attitude.

The same goes for the rest of the workers, and I hope Cardo can tell them the answer.

Kado looked at the workers with the same attitude, just stood there motionless, except for a slight change in his expression, but soon disappeared.

But such a subtle expression change still failed to escape the eyes of the workers and was noticed.

"About this matter... because it involves some private matters of your country, according to reason, our country of ghosts has no reason to intervene in it. In addition, the country of fire has been putting pressure on our side... at my level, I can't I have revealed too many things on my own initiative. How about I let the eldest lady come out and answer for you?"

Kado frowned in embarrassment, and finally said this sentence.

"Miss Yiji?"

"Yes, because of the closure of the worker-minor cooperative, the eldest lady was forced to return to the Kingdom of Waves ahead of schedule, and is negotiating with the officials of the Kingdom of Waves. Forget it, if you have any questions, it's better to ask the eldest lady."

Kado clapped his hands, and asked the servants in the mansion to invite Ichihime, the principal, to come over.

The workers stood in the living room and waited.

In less than a minute, Yi Ji, led by a servant, came to the living room and saw the workers group headed by Dazna.

"Mr. Dazna, long time no see. I heard that you have something to do with me? If it's because of the worker-minor cooperative, there's no need to be so anxious. Negotiations with the Bozhi Kingdom officials are very smooth. In half a month, almost It can be unlocked."

This is the first sentence Yiji came here, which is the same as what Kado expressed.

Apart from this, there must be no other reason to come here to mobilize the crowd.

"It has nothing to do with this matter. The purpose of our coming here is to know whether the daimyo is in collusion with the pirates who attacked the border of the Kingdom of Waves. Because the fact that the daimyo still has a treasure house has been revealed, and Kaisha is now arrested, We seriously suspect that those big names and nobles have done many shameful things behind our backs."

Dazna and the rest of the workers looked at Kazuki expectantly, hoping that the other party would give them an accurate answer.

"Didn't expect Mr. Darzner to remember that."

Yiji looked a little surprised.

"Because it's too amazing, even if it's been a few months, it's impossible to forget. But it's just a suspicion."

Dazna smiled wryly.

"That's it."

"So, Miss Ichiji, can you tell us the answer?"

"Although I don't really want to expose this kind of thing, but since you have come here, you must go back like this, and you won't let it go... Besides, I have heard a little bit about Mr. Kaisha, which is really a pity. That's good. Well, I'll tell you the truth about this matter, it's true."

Kazuhime nodded earnestly, admitting that the Namikoku daimyo had colluded with the group of pirates outside, and the situation was true.

All of a sudden, the pot exploded in the workers' group.

But Dazna remained calm and said, "This matter is of great importance, Miss Yiji, do you have evidence to prove it?"

"There are witnesses, and only part of the physical evidence has been collected. The other part of the evidence is probably hidden by the famous family. However, it is very simple to prove the authenticity of the matter. Mr. Sha is detained, then, as long as Mr. Kaisha is rescued, you will know by asking him face to face. But it is best to act quickly, if you are slow, Mr. Kaisha will be in danger."

Yiji analyzed rationally.

Sure enough, upon hearing Kazuhime's words, the workers were ready to move.

"But to put it bluntly, with your abilities, it is very difficult to rescue Mr. Kaisha from the prison. There are a large number of guards and guards in the prison of the Daming Mansion. Rescuing people from it is not an easy task. matter."

Yiji poured cold water on the workers to calm them down.

At this time, Dazna took a deep breath, bowed to Yiji, and solemnly asked: "Although I know it's presumptuous, can I ask Miss Yiji to rescue Kaisha? Please!"


The rest of the workers also followed suit, with a sincere attitude.

Seeing the workers' sincere request attitude, Yiji's face remained unmoved, she just rubbed her brows, and said softly: "Sorry, although I personally appreciate Mr. Kaisha very much, but if I do this, it will destroy the two countries. Diplomatic relations between the two. Well, I can provide you with an opportune time, and it’s up to you to rescue Kesha.”

"Create an opportunity?"

"Yes. Tomorrow, I will ask Kado to ask the Namyo Daimyo out. By then, the defense of the Daming Mansion will be weak, and this is your chance to rescue Kaisha."


"We will provide maps and weapons. But let me state in advance that if there is an accident, we will not admit that we will subsidize weapons and maps for you. You will bear the consequences yourself."

Kazuhime's face was serious, indicating that the Oni Kingdom would stay out of the matter and would not interfere openly.

Even if there is a problem, he will not admit that such a prison robbery has something to do with him.

Many workers nodded and began to discuss in low voices to explore the feasibility.

Dazner felt something was wrong.

But he couldn't tell what was strange about it.

"Well, that's it. Everyone, please go back and discuss tomorrow's rescue operation. I will send people over the map and weapons later."

"Okay, thank you very much, Miss Yiji."

The workers turned around and left honestly. Although many people had doubts in their hearts like Dazna, they had no choice but to leave together when they saw someone taking the lead in leaving, thinking that the rescue of Kaisha was more important now~ Dazna looked at those workers who took the lead and left obediently, and suddenly felt chills in his heart, and suddenly understood something.

Turning around, I happened to see Kazuki's eyes, looking straight at herself.

In the depths of the bottomless eyes, something extremely terrifying was brewing, as if a ferocious monster was grinning at him, Dazna's scalp went numb for an instant.

"Mr. Dazner, is there anything else I can ask? If there is anything I don't understand, I can explain it in detail."

A faint smile appeared on Yiji's face, as if seeing through Dazna's inner thoughts, she said these words.

Dazna's body trembled.

"No, it's fine. Then I'll take my leave too, Miss Yiji."

Dazna said this in a panic, turned around and fled.


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