Escape From Konoha

Chapter 44: Festival (2)

dong dong!

With the sound of stepping on the floor, someone quickly approached the room along the corridor.

Although his chest was so angry that it was about to explode, he had to try his best to restrain his anger, so as not to accidentally blow the whole house away.

Be mentally prepared before opening the door.

What I thought in my heart was that it would be appropriate to chop the men and women who dared to steal fish without her permission into several pieces.

Whoa—the door was opened violently, and she didn't care whether the material of the door could withstand her strength. In short, when the door was opened, a terrible crack appeared on the wall of the door.

Because of Liuli's rude movement when entering the door, the two people in the room were startled.

However, the unbearable picture in the imagination did not develop into reality. It is better to say that the two of them are very honest in the room.

Ayane just sat on the bed with a chair, she didn't even get on the bed, her clothes were neatly dressed, and there was no sign of mess.

She fed Shiraishi hot rice porridge with a spoon, as if she was taking good care of the patient.

Nothing could be seen on Liuli's face. Rather than being angry, she was using her aura to shock the people in the room.

"I just remembered that Shiraishi-kun was at home alone, so I just came to deliver some lunch. But nothing was done... Are you angry?"

Ayane put down the spoon and the bowl containing the hot rice porridge, and spoke to Liuli calmly.

"No. I just think you can tell me in advance when you come over. And it doesn't take so long to feed."

Ruri also responded in the same tone.

Although it was just a normal conversation, Shiraishi could feel the strong smell of gunpowder in the air.

"Regarding this, it is really difficult for Shiraishi-kun to be kind enough to keep holding me away. I am also very distressed about this kind of thing, so I stayed for a while."

Ayane said with a smile.

"Didn't you just stay here and don't leave?"

"Is there such a thing? Shiraishi-kun, men can't lie to women."

Ayane turned her head sideways with a puzzled expression, not knowing what Shiraishi was talking about.

"Okay, Liuli, nothing really happened to us. Take her out, I want to be alone for a while."

Shiraishi rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a headache from the stiff atmosphere.

The more Ayane described it, the worse the ending felt.

This woman can do it without changing her face in her ability to reverse black and white.

If you are a little ashamed, you will not have a word of truth in your mouth.

Moreover, now that he finally catches a cold, he can relax and rest for a day, but he doesn't want to be unable to rest quietly because of the rigid atmosphere all day long.

Just think about me as a wounded person before you come. Shiraishi looked at Ayane with complaining eyes.

Rather than making Liuli angry, it is better to deliberately let him rest well.

And the source of this resentment, Shiraishi can probably understand.

So, a sense of guilt came over me.

When Shiraishi was thinking about these things, Liuli took a deep breath and said, "It doesn't matter if you continue to chat here alone, I'm not stingy yet."

Abandoning these words, he walked out of the room with the same cold attitude as usual.

But, about ten seconds after Liuli walked out of the room, bang——

The whole room, no, the whole house built on the ground, and the foundations under the house, were hit by an incomparably terrifying shock.

In the panic screaming, the whole house tilted 30 degrees. As the wounded, Shiraishi rolled down from the bed and lay on the ground on all fours.

"What are you doing—"

Before the words were finished, a vibrating sound came from above.

Shiraishi looked over his head in anticipation.

There was a huge crack in the ceiling, and stones fell from above.

The whole house was in ruins.

Shiraishi and Ayane were directly buried by a large number of stones.

Passing by here, the old man walking the dog turned to look at the collapsed house, and then continued to walk the dog forward with a calm expression.

The dog barked twice.

After the cold wind blew all afternoon and moved into a new single-family villa at night, Shiraishi felt that his cold was getting worse.

The plan to take advantage of the cold to recuperate was gone, but after the turmoil in the afternoon passed, I could finally calm down in the evening.

Just take a rest tomorrow, in order to make up for the regret of not being able to take a good vacation today.

However, when he was sleeping at night, Shiraishi found that Liu Li, who was beside the pillow, was staring at him without blinking.

In the eyes like a deep lake, there is an icy color that makes the back of Shiraishi cool.

"Liu Li, what's wrong?"

Shiraishi's heart beat a little.

Because of the deepening of the cold, he spoke with a heavy nasal sound.

"I'm thinking about strangling you with my hands now."

Lucy said in a cold tone.

Don't say such horrible things at night. Shiraishi's heart was even cooler, as if the cold ice and snow had melted into his bones, that kind of cold and bone-piercing feeling.

Just as Shiraishi was about to answer, his waist was suddenly twisted.

"it hurts!"

Shiraishi couldn't help shouting, suppressing his voice.

Shiraishi could feel that it was turning blue-purple even though he was only touching his painfully twisted waist.

It's true.

Just as Shiraishi was about to say something, Liuli's body also moved and sat on Shiraishi's body, the nails of both hands digging deep into Shiraishi's neck.

"Why can't you take care of your lower body?"

"I am sincere to you, you are the best woman."

Shiraishi said quickly.

This is the truth, and it comes from the heart.

"Ayane too?"



But what's wrong with thinking about men being lecherous? I just don't want to live up to anyone's love.

After all, as men and women, they have grown up, and they will not be as secretive about their relationship as they used to be.

They are all unique to themselves.

To die for them, it can be done.

Although I thought the same thing in my heart, but when I said it, I felt that something terrible would happen.

"If you lie to me, I will never spare you lightly. Kill you."

"I did not lie to you."

"What about Ayane?"

Ten fingers are getting harder and harder.

There appears to be blood on the nails.

"It seems that you have no excuse to look for, then I will kill you tonight."

Murder is revealed.

At first, Shiraishi thought that Liuli was joking, but at this moment he realized that Liuli didn't seem to be joking with him, but was really joking.

The blizzard outside seemed to be louder.


When I woke up in the morning, the stove was still burning, and unlike the cold outside, it was warm here.

Shiraishi's cold is still not getting better, and there are very serious dark circles around his eyes.

The woman who was sleeping with him was not wearing clothes. She also opened her eyes at this moment, exhaled a scent of hot air, and asked in his ear, "How many times have you been 'killed' by me last night?"


My body hurts and I don't want to talk.

Seeing that Shiraishi didn't answer, he also knew that he was too overworked at night and had a serious lack of sleep time.

But even so, Liuli did not mean to pity him, but used a ruthless attitude to destroy his body.

"I almost thought I was really dead."

After a long time, Shiraishi sighed wearily.

"It's better for a man like you who has two boats to die."

Liuli glared at him coldly, ignoring the man's complaints.

This man, like the white-eyed woman, couldn't spit out a single word of truth.

They all learn together.

Shiraishi didn't refute, yeah, he's a mean man.

He turned around, hugged Liuli's body in his arms, and stroked her lower abdomen with one hand.

"I didn't take safety measures yesterday, will I get pregnant?"

"Don't worry, the day the child is born, you will kill the man with your heart."

"Don't kill, kill, always say things like this will bring misfortune."

"I hate you."

Shiraishi hugged Liuli tighter in his arms, letting her side head rest on his chest.

"Then hate me forever, but I will love you forever."

Liuli didn't know whether to be happy or angry. If he had been locked in the basement of his home when he was a child, there would not be so many things to do.

So, he opened his mouth and bit Shiraishi's bare arms with his teeth.

The night of the festival.

A new year begins.

The weather gets a little colder in January, but the atmosphere in the city can drive away the cold and bring a warm atmosphere.

Speaking of which, the New Year's Eve festival in the land of ghosts is really very different from Konoha.

Konoha's New Year's Eve Festival, to put it bluntly, there are no special events to be commended.

It's nothing more than going out for shopping, eating, watching some lively events, and some juggling tricks that I don't know from which country. While making others laugh, it also makes Shiraishi feel that Konoha lacks his own cultural heritage.

Even in the land of fire, there are large-scale sacrificial activities. It is a daimyo who specially invites the authentic monks of the fire temple to hold the event in the capital.

In Shiraishi's view, a unique culture is not only to deepen people's belief in a certain existence, but also to strengthen people's cohesion and sense of identity with the "organization".

Although Konoha is the Ninja village of the country of fire, it never holds ritual activities for monks. In a sense, the beliefs of Konoha and the country of fire are not the same.

Not only Konoha, but other Shinobi villages and countries as well.

From this point of view, Ninja Village and the country are a long-term and relatively effective contract, or an alliance of interests, rather than co-governance, and there is no unity of power.

The country of ghosts is an unknown country, and the military power, political power, and economy of the country of ghosts are all controlled by the witch herself.

It can be seen that this country has its own charm for witches, or for mysterious culture, rather than imposing things from other countries on the most important festival of the year.

On the main road of Ziyuan City, in addition to the pedestrians in normal clothes, there are many people in strange clothes, surrounded by the lively atmosphere of the festival.

In contrast, Shiraishi, Liuli, and Ayane, who were only wearing masks to cover their faces, were mixed in the crowd, but they were ordinary images.

The owner of the open-air grilled octopus **** dressed as a ghost.

The front of the clothing store is illuminated with eerie lights, rendering the entrance like a haunted house, attracting curiosity.

There were also little girls in witch costumes who ran by with royal coins in their hands, presumably to slay demons and exorcise demons.

The mysterious culture of ghosts is particularly prominent.

It is the first time to participate in this kind of festival, and it is inevitable that you will be a little curious.

A giant moon in the sky illuminates the snow-covered roads in the city.

Compared with previous years, the road surface is smoother and the city appearance is cleaner, which will also mobilize people's enthusiasm for holding festivals.

Not only the local ghosts and witches cultural activities in the country of ghosts, but also foreign businessmen participating in this festival will also bring the characteristics of their own countries, but they will not overwhelm guests.

"It's much more lively than Konoha."

Wearing a pink yukata with a rabbit mask on her face, Ayane said these words while looking at the lively but orderly festival.

of course. Shiraishi responded silently in his heart.

From the moment he arrived in the country of ghosts, he has continuously invested a large amount of money, invited professional engineers to come over for renovation, and invested a lot of engineering ninjas, so that this year's festival is somewhat different.

Originally, as the capital of a country, Ziyuan City was already considered a relatively prosperous large city. After a new round of renovation, if Konoha couldn't compare, it would be a shame for the large amount of money and manpower he invested in it. .

Liu Li did not speak, but her eyes were also attracted by the dazzling array in front of her.

Unlike Ayane, she wears a moon-white yukata, and wears a brightly colored fox mask on her face to cover her face.

The three of them participated in this kind of festival for the first time, and they didn't have any goals, just hanging out.

When I get tired, I sit on a bench by the side of the road to rest, look at the snow-covered path, and comment on people in fancy clothes.

Continue walking to the center of the commercial street.

There is a huge open space with a very high and gorgeous stage.

Miko, a large number of Miko dressed in red and white and pure white dance on the stage.

The sound of the flute falls into people's ears, which is a lively atmosphere with tranquility.

The whispers of the people were overshadowed by the sound of the flute.

The witches began to dance on the stage, with bright red lipstick on their mouths, jingling ornaments hanging on their heads and clothes, or bells that could ring when they swung their bodies.

The witch in the pure white witch costume stopped dancing and spread out in the outer circle, letting the witch in the red and white witch costume continue dancing in the circle.

They closed their eyes and erected the seven knives in their hands, as if performing a sacred prayer ceremony.

Then the seven knives burned with gorgeous flames, illuminating the surroundings, causing people to cheer.

Their movements are elegant, their expressions solemn and sacred, and their dances are done in one go. They are all excellent witches selected from every shrine in the country of ghosts, and then gather here to perform the annual prayer ceremony for the country of ghosts.

Snowflakes fell in the night sky, and it looked like countless feathers were flying in the air, and then fell silently on the stage.

Snowflake Feather and the dance of the priestesses combined.

Seeing this beautiful scene, people also forgot the cold winter night. The soul and the witches have begun to dance together, praying for a happy and prosperous life in the coming year, reuniting with the family, and then cleaning up the filth and impurity in the heart, and then starting a new year. .

"Baishi-kun, you are stunned. You didn't answer a few times when I called you."

Shiraishi, who came back to his senses, found that both Ruri and Ayane were staring at him with unkind eyes.

"I was praying for you just now."

After all, with so many lovely girls dancing together, he, like the crowd around him, was undergoing a spiritual purification ceremony just now.

Yep, that's what happened. It will never be blinded because it is too beautiful.

"Damn! Is there any other woman in your heart?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!"

Cold sweat broke out on Shiraishi's face. He was just appreciating beauty. Why did Ayane come to such a conclusion?

"Where is this sacred and solemn prayer ceremony, I think this is obviously a seduction ceremony!"

Ayane was even more angry.

Ruri's eyes became even more unkind. Although she didn't like Ayane very much, she thought she was right.

This is not a sacred prayer ceremony at all, but a ceremony to seduce men.

In particular, this kind of man who always likes to be swaying in body and mind, and who is not firm, is more likely to be seduced.


Ayane took Shiroishi's arm and walked in one direction.

"where to?"

Shiraishi was full of question marks.

Ayane pointed to the clothing store beside her.

"Don't you just want to be tempted by a uniform, I will wear a witch costume too!"


What was going on in this woman's head?

Is this the key question?

ten minutes later--

Ruri and Ayane, who had changed into shrine maiden clothes, stood in front of them.

Shiraishi covered his head, looking like he didn't know what to do.

"Sure enough, in this kind of ceremony, wearing a witch costume makes you feel more involved."

Ayane turned around and began to look down at the witch costume she was wearing, as if she was satisfied.

For this, Shiraishi had no choice but to acquiesce.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat something."

Shiraishi said.

Then he didn't dare to turn around.

This is a festival in the land of ghosts. There will be many performances of witches praying for blessings, especially in the center of the commercial street. From a distance, you can hear the melodious sound of the flute everywhere.

The three entered a hot spring hotel, where they could enjoy a hot spring bath after filling their stomachs.

When ordering, I also brought a few bottles of sake along the way.

The sound of the flute can be heard from the outside, and there are still witches dancing gorgeous dances to pray for people.

I closed my eyes and slowly sipped the sake while listening to the sound of the flute, and then imagined Shiraishi who danced the shrine maiden, thinking in my heart.

It seems to feel that life is spent like this, and it is not bad.

But thinking about it, the dancing witches immediately turned into Ruri and Ayane. The cloth of the witches' clothes wrapped their pure bodies and danced beautifully in front of them.

"Cough cough!"

Shiraishi, who choked on drinking, immediately opened his eyes and coughed.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that the atmosphere at the dining table was a little out of place.

I saw Liu Li and Ayane glaring at each other fiercely, several wine bottles had been emptied next to them, and their faces were rosy and drunk.

"Don't drink so much if you don't have enough alcohol, and continue to participate in the festival after that."

Shiraishi looked at the two who were secretly fighting, and thought he could spend today peacefully, but it seemed that he thought too much.

How could these two women coexist peacefully?

Sparks began to explode in the air where the line of sight met.

"Oh, don't worry, Shiraishi-kun, I'm fine. Unlike someone, I'm so good at drinking, I can't pour a thousand glasses."

Ayane held the wine glass in her hand and drank it all at once.

"I've heard that women with heavy **** have poor wine."

"Oh, are you jealous beyond recognition?"

Ayane puffed out her chest, and something vibrated inside the thin fabric.

"You're the one who's jealous. It's me who's victorious. Your ugliness is written all over your face."

With a contemptuous smile on Liu Li's face, she quietly and elegantly raised her glass and drank.

Ayane took a deep breath, her chest heaving up and down, you can imagine how fluctuating her mood was.

Then, she spit out three words from her mouth:

"...teapot lid."

The word 'Well' appeared on his forehead, and this sentence stabbed Liu Li's sore spot all of a sudden.

"Who is lying next to Shiraishi now? Can't your eyes see it?"

"Teapot lid."


"Teapot lid."

White flashes flashed across the sky.

The fork and the knife collided, sparking violently.

"Well, I think you are all a little drunk. Would you like to take a dip in the hot spring and calm down?"

Shiraishi was afraid that the two of them would get angry at such a time.

"Baishi-kun, just sit there."

"Yes, it's not your fault that you can't control your lower body."

"It's been weird since before. It was me who met Shiraishi-jun frankly first, and I was the first to kiss Shiraishi-jun. Why are you the only one with the lid of the teapot, why do you want to seduce Shiraishi-jun so shamelessly?"

Ayane poured her anger on Ruri.

The more I think about it, the more unwilling I become.

He took a hard sip of wine.

"What do you mean by saying that? You **** is the most shameless one."

"Aren't you the first to win love?"

"Even if you win love with a horizontal knife, it will not change the fact that you are weaker than me. The unwilling face of the loser is really ugly."

"Use strength to determine strength. No wonder Shiraishi-kun is still reluctant to part with gentle me. With you, Shiraishi-kun must be under a lot of pressure."

Watching the two confront each other with words, staring at each other without looking aside, the firelight colliding with each other in the air, it is estimated that it can be noisy all night.

Shiraishi sighed softly.

Forget it, drink and drink.

The sound of the flute reached my ears, and the lively festival was still going on.

This year might be a year of peace.

At noon, the sun is shining.

It's a good day.

The lively festival has passed, and the Ziyuan City during the day is quiet and empty.

Something was swaying in the quilt, Liuli got out of bed, pulled the long hair behind her, picked up the clothes on the ground and started to put on.

"Liu Li, what time is it?"

Shiraishi asked in a daze.

Because I drank too much with Ruri and Ayane in the hot spring hotel last night, my brain is a little dizzy now.

The quilt was very warm and I didn't feel like going out very much.

Anyway, it’s Chinese New Year now, so you can take a few more days off and don’t have to be busy with your work.

Liuli didn't answer, but said, "I'm going out to buy a house."

"Buying a house? What are you buying a house for?"

Shiraishi was stunned, isn't the house he lives in the house he just bought a few days ago?

It's only been a few days, why are you still buying it?

"This house is not clean, buy a new one and live happily."

Liu Li walked out with a blank face, her expression still as cold as usual.

"Shiroishi-kun, what's wrong? Do you still want it? Don't, I couldn't do it last night..."

The voice came from the other side, the pure white arm wrapped around Shiraishi's neck, the eyes were half-open with difficulty, and Ayane, who had a drunken red face, let out a giggling laughter.

"Ayane? You..."

It was only then that Shiraishi realized that Ayane was also sleeping beside and her head hurt again.

Think about it carefully, because the three of them were very drunk last night, and then...

Bai Shi's face suddenly turned pale.

"Ayane, get up!"

"Huh? What happened?"

When Ayane heard Shiraishi's panicked shout, she half-supported her body from the bed, wearing half-open pajamas, and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"No time to explain, hurry-"


The foundation collapsed, the entire villa began to tilt 30 degrees due to tremendous force, and the walls cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shiraishi and Ayane rolled off the bed in a panic, and a large stone fell from above.

Liuli stood on the snow-covered road, looking at the ruined house, expressionless.

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