Escape From Konoha

Vol 8 Chapter 112: progress

Yiji received Dazna, an expert bridge builder, in the lounge, and naturally knew that Dazna was threatened by letters from unknown forces at home.

Looking at Dazna's panicked expression, Kazuki's performance was very calm and calm, no matter whether it was overtly or secretly, this kind of thing had been expected from the beginning.

If the dark forces do nothing, Yi Ji will feel strange.

Now that the opponent has made a move, it means that the opponent is preparing to make a move on the chessboard, officially planning to play a game with the Kingdom of Ghosts behind the scenes.

"I already know about this, Mr. Dazner, you can lead the workers to carry out the normal construction. Then I will send ninjas to keep an eye on the construction site. Nothing will happen."

Ichihime comforted Dazna like this.

However, this little consolation did not give Dazner a sense of security, and he said with a pessimistic attitude: "If they directly threaten our workers' families..."

That's what worries Dazner.

"Please don't worry about this. Although the secret enemy is not yet clear, judging from the fact that they are only threatening letters, it is obvious that they will not fight us in the open. I will send my subordinates to track it down. If necessary , will hinder their actions. For the workers of your country of Bo, this is one of the few jobs that can support your family, isn't it?"


"There is nothing to be ashamed of. The military strength of our ghost country can be compared with that of a big country. Those forces that cannot be put on the table can only make some small moves in the dark. Or is Mr. Dazner planning to breach the contract?"

Although he said this casually, it also meant to warn Dazna.

Sure enough, after saying these words, Dazna was immediately speechless.

Indeed, those who have already signed the work contract have no room for repentance.

Furthermore, when they went fishing in nearby waters, they also had to risk being attacked by pirates. Compared with being attacked by unreasonable pirates, they are protected by ninja power, but it is safer than going fishing in nearby waters.

"Then leave our safety to Miss Yiji."

Dazna sighed in his heart, it was just a normal job commission, why did this happen?

Although he has a lot of status among the workers, he has not yet had extensive contacts, and he doesn't know who is blocking their normal construction, even to the point of threatening with letters.

Now the safety of these workers can only depend on Yi Ji, a businessman lady who came to the country of Waves from a foreign country to invest in the industry.

After all, what the rich and powerful are fighting has nothing to do with ordinary people like them.

No matter what, it's not really possible to take out their anger on these irrelevant people.

After talking about the matter, Dazna got Kazuhime's guarantee and left.

Not long after Dazna left, a Shinobi from the Ghost Kingdom came in and reported:

"Miss, according to your instructions, we have already acquired the newspaper offices in the land of waves, but in order not to attract attention, we have only acquired three, and we have not taken action on the rest for the time being."

After listening to the report from the Jōnin, Ichihime nodded and said: "The three families are enough for the time being. These are our mouthpieces in the land of waves. We must protect them well and don't give anyone an opportunity to take advantage of them."

The Kingdom of Waves is a small country where the people at the bottom live in extreme hardship.

Pirates, the rise of various illegal industries in the country, formed a very terrifying profit network.

To tear apart such a web of interests, one must touch the interests of many behind-the-scenes masterminds.

The isolated island merchants want to make the Kingdom of Waves their second paradise. Although the plan has not yet been implemented, Kazuki does not intend to wait for them to implement the plan before starting to act.

Now that you know the opponent's purpose, then drag the opponent into your own rhythm.

After all, with his own strength, it is obviously not qualified to wrestle with the merchant alliance of the isolated island.

The profit network formed by the businessmen there is intricate and complicated, and it affects the whole body.

If she waited until the opponent's plan officially started, then her actions in the Kingdom of Waves would likely end in failure.

Because once the ninja power is officially involved, the Merchant Alliance is indeed vulnerable, but at that time, the Nation of Fire is bound to be officially involved.

The Kingdom of Waves is an important outpost in the sea area of ​​the Kingdom of Fire. Once the Kingdom of Ghosts touches the bottom line, the Kingdom of Fire will not hesitate to open its fangs and launch an armed counterattack.

Regardless of whether he knows the plan of the isolated island merchant or not, Kazuki is very clear that there is only one enemy from the beginning to the end—the Land of Fire.

"The protection personnel have been arranged. In addition, the Hinata ninjas who followed him continued to survey the treasure locations of the Namiya Daimyo and those nobles, and finally found them."

The Ninja of the Ghost Country continued to report.

Yiji froze for a moment.

"There really are."

"Yes, because we didn't act rashly without the eldest lady's order, and we didn't attract anyone's attention."

"It seems that the merchant alliance on the isolated island, or the land of fire, the daimyo of the land of waves must have contacted. I just don't know which side he took refuge in, was he bought by the merchant alliance with more money, or..."

Yiji's expression became serious.

If the Namokuni roster made a deal with the isolated island's merchant alliance, Kazuhime would at best think it was a bit troublesome.

What she is most worried about is that the daimyo of the Land of Waves secretly defected to the Land of Fire, intending to make the Land of Waves a subsidiary state of the Land of Fire.

Or, the daimyo of the Land of Waves has long surrendered to the Land of Fire secretly, and now there is only one suitable excuse for the successful plan of the Land of Fire.

"What's the next step, miss?"

"Take the initiative to test it out. Those who attacked me a while ago still have a few alive. Bring them along and ask their behind-the-scenes employers to recover their debts."

Ninety percent of the illegal pornography, gambling, and drug industries in the Kingdom of Waves are the products of crowdfunding by the merchant alliance on the isolated island.

Among them, the gang forces are violent organizations that **** these industries.

The person who attacked her a while ago was a ninja among this group of gangsters.

Obviously obeying someone's instructions to test her side.

That being the case, let's simply force the merchant alliance on the isolated island to show up and let them turn from the dark to the bright, and it will be much easier to deal with.


The Kingdom of Ghosts responded with a sigh of relief, and walked out with a solemn expression, mobilizing troops, and officially launched an operation against the gangster forces in the Kingdom of Waves.

isolated island.

In a magnificent city, in the top conference room of a certain building, big businessmen from all over the ninja world hold regular gatherings here.

"Damn country of ghosts, is this going to officially start a war with us?"

After receiving an urgent letter from the Kingdom of Waves, a high-status businessman, his beard trembled with anger, his eyes shone with a cold and fierce light, as if he would choose someone and devour him.

"What happened, to be so angry?"

A businessman who didn't know the specifics of the matter asked.

"The two gang strongholds we set up in the Kingdom of Waves were destroyed by the Kingdom of Ghosts just this morning, and the expansion of some industries was also affected. If we continue to let this situation develop, our plans will also be delayed. .”

The businessman who had spoken in exasperation before replied.

"The country of ghosts? I heard that someone organized an attack before. Why do you have nothing to provoke them?"

Although they are part of the plan of the Kingdom of Waves, some conservative businessmen still don't want to provoke the Kingdom of Ghosts, which is now in full swing.

The only thing they can beat the ghost country is probably the combined financial resources.

"It was just a temptation, and we didn't intend to really turn against them. After all, we don't know what the purpose of the Kingdom of Ghosts is in the Kingdom of Bo, and we always have to throw stones to ask for directions."

said the aggressive businessman.

"Since this is the case, then it is enough to avoid conflict with the ghost kingdom, and this time it will be a loss. After defeating the ghost kingdom of the wind kingdom, I don't want to provoke such a terrifying enemy."

The timid businessman still intends to implement a conservative policy and not provoke powerful or uncontrollable enemies.

"However, if you don't know what the Kingdom of Ghosts is planning in the Kingdom of Waves, what if their purpose conflicts with ours? The Kingdom of Waves is our second 'headquarters'."

"It's a stupid way to use attacks to test, but it's true. If you don't know what the Kingdom of Ghosts is planning in the Kingdom of Waves, it will go against our plan at that time, and conflicts will be very troublesome. At least now we have Preparation time."

"Send someone to negotiate with them, at least let them remain neutral. Or, if the Kingdom of Ghosts is also brought into the alliance of interests, the prestige of our alliance will be more reliable."

A businessman makes a bold assumption.

"The Ziyuan Flower Merchant Guild clearly rejected us in the past. Wouldn't it be bad to invite us again at this time?"

"The situation is different. In the past, the kingdom of ghosts needed to be hidden, so the Ziyuan Flower Merchant Association had difficulty in moving. But now that the kingdom of ghosts has gained a high enough international status, our merchant alliance can obtain more benefits for them. I They don’t trust their country’s high-level officials, and they don’t want to make more money. Our connections are what they urgently need.”

The businessman who said these words immediately aroused the high recognition of other businessmen.

Indeed, the international situation in the past is completely different from the present.

Although the country of ghosts has now gained a certain international status, it still has very few allies in the world, it can be said that there are almost none.

If you want to gain more status in the world, you will definitely need contacts and money.

And these are what their merchant alliance can provide.

At that time, they can also pry open the commercial market of the ghost country by the way, deploy their industries in the ghost country, collect wealth together, and build a huge commercial empire comparable to a big country.

"That's a good idea... but who should go?"

"How about Oya Castle?"

"That guy, he didn't seem to come to this meeting. He left the island in a hurry a few days ago. There should be something urgent to deal with outside."

"What an unreliable guy. He is basically absent from every important meeting. Forget it, as long as he can inject funds in time, it is enough. Anyway, he can only be regarded as a non-staff member."

It's not that Yuwucheng's commercial strength is insufficient, but that the other party is too free-wheeling. As businessmen, they are also troubled by the other party's enigmatic character, and have no idea what the other party is pursuing in their minds.

Therefore, the absence of the other party in every important meeting, as partners in the community of interests, they are also used to it.

If the other party can participate in the meeting normally, it will look a little different.

"Then, since Oya Castle is not here, let me go to the country of ghosts. My company had some transactions with companies under the Ziyuan Flower Merchant Association before, and I can barely talk to their senior management. If there is their introduction, it will be very easy. Easily meet the Minister of Military Affairs of the Ghost Country."

Standing up was a middle-aged man with a slightly bloated body, and said quite dignifiedly.

The current actual ruler of the ghost country, according to the information they have learned, is Chiba Shiraishi, the military minister of the ghost country, and the other party is the actual controller of the military. that power.

It can also be said that he is the most powerful person in the kingdom of ghosts.

Because the witches of all dynasties in the kingdom of ghosts have implemented the strategy of ruling but not ruling.

Therefore, if you want to win over the power of the ghost country and build a stronger business empire, persuading Chiba Shiraishi to join is the key.

He believed that as long as enough benefits were given, it would be a certainty for Ghost Country to become one of them.

Even a big country cannot completely ignore the connections and wealth they have built up, let alone a newly-emerged powerful country called Ghost Country that desperately needs allies to stabilize its position.

Destroyed two gang strongholds and destroyed the profit network built by some illegal industries. Neither the merchant alliance on the isolated island nor Daimyo, who is actually in power in the country of Waves, made any response, even a symbolic resistance. , are not given.

Therefore, after causing a brief disturbance, the incident passed peacefully.

This sort of thing didn't meet Kazuki's expectations, and she was a little confused.

It is normal to say that Namanokuni Daimyo did not respond because of his uncertain position. But the direct damage target was the Merchants Alliance on the isolated island, and there was no sign of it at all, which made Yiji feel a little abnormal.

If a large army from the Oni Land enters the Land of Waves, it is not incomprehensible for the opponent to swallow their anger. However, only a small part of the Army of the Oni Land is concentrated in the Land of Waves.

This kind of confusion didn't last long for Yiji, because then Dazna started to lead the workers to build the factory.

Kazuhime also instructed the Nanokuni Newspaper, which was acquired, to report on the matter within the territory of Namokuni.

However, most people did not respond to the information in the newspapers about helping to boost the industrial production capacity of the Land of Waves. Their only thought was to know whether the Land of Ghosts needed to hire more workers.

Under the suppression of the illegal industry of pornography, gambling and drugs, many local industries in the country of Bora have been severely squeezed. Coupled with the ravages of pirates, countless unemployed people have been created in the country. Many people have the strength to support their families, but they lack ways.

In the future of the country, and their own stomach problems, they readily chose the latter.

For this, Yi Ji also gave enough understanding.

After revealing the news that he would continue to hire workers in the future, he stopped responding and focused his attention on Dazner.

As for Dazna, after the initial panic, he found that no one from the construction site came to interfere. After several days of continuous construction, not only the work on the construction site was not disturbed, but also the threatening letter like before did not appear at his home, which made Dazner feel at ease temporarily and poured all his energy into the construction of the factory above.

The salary is paid monthly, and three meals are provided for free on the construction site every day. Although the food provided for free is not very exquisite, as long as it can fill the stomach, the workers working on the construction site dare not expect too much.

For such a generous employer, although there are some sneaky people, more workers still work with 200% enthusiasm. For those workers who steal, play tricks, or secretly slack off, Yiji will naturally give a stern warning, saying that their wages will be deducted.

It is not enough to blindly give these workers a relaxed environment. No matter how much you praise them, they are now just a group of people who make a living and do not have the power to really change the country.

Most importantly, the time has not come.

Set up factories to drive the industry of the land of waves, buy newspapers, strive to control a certain amount of public opinion in the land of waves, use the mouthpiece to speak out, so as not to fall into the passiveness of public opinion.

The next step is to establish a disciplined organization, conduct ideological guidance, and start to infiltrate from the bottom.

Only after that can we really act.

Whether the power is strong or not depends on whether it is organized or not.

This is the difference between strong and weak.

In this era that only pursues enough to eat, Ichihime is not naive enough to want these low-level people to devote themselves to the same path as the ghost country.

Blind propaganda alone is too pale, and the mobilization ability is also poor. Only after experiencing strong stimulation and resistance, the mobilization ability of the people at the bottom of the country will become active.

"I really want to thank you, miss. Without you, our workers' families will start to starve again this year."

During the lunch break, Dazna ran over sweating and expressed his gratitude to Kazuki.

Yiji waved his hand and smiled at this: "The most important thing for the merchants in our ghost country is an equal and fair contract. This is the labor remuneration you deserve. To be honest, the industrial capacity of this country is too poor. The machinery used for construction They are also very old.”

Pointing to the old-fashioned crane not far away, it is already covered with rust, and there are many inflexible places to operate.

Not only that, but the size of this crane is very large, and many parts are too bloated.

In this way, the construction efficiency of the factory will be affected.

Regarding Ichiji's unhesitating sarcasm, Dazna could only smile helplessly: "It can't be helped, our country of Waves is a small country, and the domestic businessmen are not particularly rich, and the group of pirates outside is even worse. Few people come to invest... alas."

Having said that, Dazna could only sigh softly.

Although life was difficult in the past, it will not be as difficult as it is today.

However, in recent years, with the rampant pirate forces, many illegal industries have been born in the country. Many poor families sell their children and daughters.

This also caused the shrinkage of other industries, causing many people to lose their jobs and sources of income.

Ichiki ignored Dazna's complaints, but remembered something and said: "By the way, I have sent someone to find the person who threatened you with a letter that day. It was a good thing that a group of gangsters hired ninjas to do."


"Well, although I sent people to destroy some of them, those gangsters are not behind the scenes. There are other people behind the scenes, and they are still under investigation for the time being."

Ichiki nodded.

"Why did they come over and threaten me? Usually, I don't get in trouble with those people. Usually when I meet them, I will retreat and avoid them. I don't want to get involved."

The gangs are huge, and Dazner doesn't want to get himself into unnecessary trouble. Avoiding these powerful gangs is his only choice.

"It's aimed at me. They don't want my factory to be successfully built in the Kingdom of Waves and take away the benefits from them. They use intimidation or coercion just to ensure that their own interests are not lost."

Yiji replied.

Dazna didn't ask any more questions. These things cannot be solved by an ordinary person with no power or influence.

If you know too much, you will put yourself in a dangerous He still has a daughter and a grandson to take care of, and the burden of the family is on his shoulders. Being careful is what Dazner has always believed in life creed.

His current job is to lead the workers to build the factory honestly and dutifully according to Yiji's request until the contract is terminated.

After the rest time, Dazna picked up the straw hat, blew the dust off it, put it on his head, and walked towards the construction site.

Yiji watched Dazna leave, staring at the back of the other party, first frowned, then shook her head, as if she was not very satisfied with Dazna.

"Although the mobilization ability and prestige are very good, but due to being too old, I have wasted half my life and lost the aggressiveness of my youth. This is still a problem. After thinking about it, I still think it is not suitable, but Let’s barely put it on the candidate list. Besides, the Land of Fire hasn’t moved yet, so should we deal with the Merchants Alliance on the isolated island first?”

Sitting on the construction site, Yi Ji began to meditate and think seriously.

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