Escape From Konoha

Vol 2 Chapter 147: ignite

"Looks like this Mr. Dazner has found something. Would you like to warn him?"

Dazna's appearance of fleeing, was caught by Cardo, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and showed a meaningful smile on his face.

"You don't need to do so much, he is a smart man, he knows some things, and he can't say anything nonsense. And it didn't need any clever means, but it just took advantage of the completely unequal information gap between us and them, It's just a matter of directing these people to where we need them. It's to be expected that Dazner finds some problems."

After all, it is impossible for the country of ghosts to put all the bets on this group of workers in the country of waves with extremely poor organizational skills. They must install their own people in the private sector, and when necessary, they can take the lead.

The composition of the Ghost Country's military is inherently complicated.

Most of the members in it are mainly people from small countries, and many of them are natives of the country of waves. The identity is completely seamless, the origin of workers and peasants.

No matter how shrewd the country of fire is, he will never guess that as early as the third Ninja World War, the country of ghosts has actually extended its tentacles to the country of waves. A group of honest workers and peasants had joined the army of the country of ghosts a long time ago, and now they have returned to the country of waves, and they have naturally become the eyes of the army of the country of ghosts.

It's just that at that time, the power of the country of ghosts was insufficient, and it was far from such a strong international influence as it is today. How to layout in the country of waves, the plan was also very scribbled and not systematic. It was only in recent years that the whole process has been gradually improved and re-rectified.

The manpower involved in the plan, how much funds to start, and how to prevent changes in the plan, etc., were sorted out dozens of times before they finally took shape.

It can be said that all circumstances are taken into account. All that remains is the length of time.

What the land of fire can see is always what the land of ghosts wants them to see.

People like Dazner are, at best, something that people can see on the bright side.

The real lead that detonated the bomb was hidden in a bottomless position.

"However, thanks to the daimyo and nobles of the country of waves, the fundamentals are not right. Otherwise, our plan will not be so smooth."

From this point of view, Kazuhime would like to thank the nobles of the land of waves.

There are many shady high-level officials in the country of waves, and a little exposure is enough to kill.

This also saves the time of the country of ghosts creating black spots for the nobles of the country of waves.

"Then, Miss, don't disturb your rest. It is estimated that this country will soon be in chaos. I have to prepare for it, otherwise there will inevitably be some mistakes. And tomorrow, I will receive the name of the country of waves, too. It takes some tongue-in-cheek."

Cardo bowed slightly, and respectfully retreated.

Kazuhime nodded, indicating that Cardo could leave.

Day two.

Four p.m.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Waves held the invitation in his hand, feeling like a hot potato, with a worried face on his face.

"This guy Kado is not easy to deal with. Backed by the powerful country of the country of ghosts, sigh..."

The invitation was sent by Cardo, saying that he was invited to the banquet, but most of the time, he wanted to ask about the treasure trove that had been exposed recently.

Because the treasury was empty, before, the country of wave had a legitimate reason to default on the debt to the country of ghosts.

But this does not mean that the country of ghosts does not intend to recover this huge amount of arrears.

In addition, the country of ghosts now has a different international status. If it is directly announced that borrowing from the country of ghosts is nothing, then the country of wind is the best example of the country of waves.

The Kingdom of Ghosts directly sent troops to attack the Kingdom of Waves, and even the Kingdom of Fire did not have sufficient excuses to interfere in the actions of the Kingdom of Ghosts.

Although he thought so, the name of the country of waves was still reluctant to make up the arrears.

For him and the local nobles, life, money, and power are equally important things. Giving up any of them is no less than cutting a piece of heart from them. It takes a long time to make up for it.

Previously, it was possible to use the empty treasury as an excuse to owe money, but now that the treasure house is exposed, the name of the country of waves knows that this matter must be explained in the past anyway.

Otherwise, at that time, instead of verbally reasoning with him, the troops from the Kingdom of Ghosts will come and reason with him.

This annoyed Kaisha, who discovered the treasure trove, even though he knew that the other party found the treasure trove, there must be some problems in it.

But the other party gritted his teeth, and would rather accept brutal torture than let go, and yielded under torture, making his name really impossible to start with.

In the past, no matter how hard the bones were, as long as people entered the prison, it didn't take long for them to tell all the things they had concealed and ask for a painful death.

But when it came to Kaisha, the horrific torture was useless.

The famous name of the Kingdom of Wave frowned, but Kaisha had not let go. Cardo has now sent someone over to invite him to the banquet, and the rest of the nobles have almost received the invitation.

In the past, he could resign on the grounds that he was busy with work. But this time, he couldn't refuse.

By doing so, Cardo must have confirmed the authenticity of the treasure's existence.

The reason for this matter is that the Kingdom of Waves suffers first. If a reasonable explanation cannot be given to the Kingdom of Ghosts, the consequences will be disastrous.

He wouldn't think that the harmony before the kingdom of ghosts really wanted the kingdom of waves, but because of the kingdom of fire on the side, he would be a little more polite.

If there is no operational interference from the Nation of Fire, whether it is the closure of the factory or the closure of the worker-civilian cooperative, it will be enough for the Nation of Wave to eat a pot.

The home court is not in the country of ghosts, so the country of ghosts is dormant, negotiating with normal diplomatic means.

But now that the home court has been replaced by the country of ghosts, the daimyo of the country of waves can expect the other party to be tough in the next diplomatic negotiations, and will no longer discuss matters with the country of waves politely.

Rather than inviting him to a banquet, it was a hidden threat. The hidden meaning was that he had to go even if he didn’t go, and he could bargain if he didn’t go.

The situation is compelling.

The big name of the Kingdom of Waves looked gloomy and uncertain, and finally turned into a thick sigh.

Get up from your seat and prepare to go to this banquet.

If you really can't avoid it and you have to replace the arrears, then increase this year's tax by 10%. The big name of the country of waves thought in his heart.

As for how many people will starve to death after the tax is raised, it is not within his scope of consideration.

His daimyo is a bit difficult to protect himself, and as his subjects, he should also consider his situation as a daimyo.

Thinking of this, the big name of the country of waves feels a lot better.

It was about eight o'clock in the evening, and the daimyo of the Land of Waves returned to his mansion with a gloomy face.

The content of the banquet, as expected, was related to the debt.

Although he was already prepared, Cardo's high-spirited attitude still made him very uncomfortable.

However, he did not dare to break out at the banquet. In addition to making people laugh, the debt is unlikely to be properly settled.

In order to show his sincerity, Cardo also told him the decision of the government of the country of ghosts, and only gave the country of waves a week to collect the debt.

If after this time, the country of wave still fails to pay all the debts owed, then the army of the country of ghosts will immediately come to the country of wave, and it is not ruled out that the use of force and other tough means will be used to solve the problem, and it is hoped that The country of waves can put the overall situation first, and don't make some irrational actions.

Originally wanting to reconcile with the country of ghosts, Damei of the Kingdom of Waves also began to consider whether he should completely fall to the side of the country of fire and use the power of the country of fire to contain the country of ghosts.

However, considering the current situation of the Fire Nation, it seems that it is not much better.

Small countries caught in the struggle between big powers are in the most difficult situation.

The daimyo of the Land of Waves deeply felt this sense of helplessness and despair.

The knock on the door sounded, and the big name of the country of the wave said in a bad mood: "Come in."

The people outside pushed open the door and came in. They were two officials of the country of waves, and they were also the nobles of the country of waves who accompanied him to the banquet tonight.

"Your Majesty."

The two officials knelt in front of the great name of the country of waves, and bowed to salute.

"Forget it, if you have something to say, just say it."

The big name of the country of waves sighed.

The two officials glanced at each other, and one of them asked, "What we want to ask is, Sir, do you really want to repay the debt at this time?"

The big name of the country of wave sighed: "Otherwise? Cardo's attitude, you also saw it at the banquet, he has clearly given a deadline, if this time is delayed, then the army of the country of ghosts will be faced. It's overwhelmed. That's the country that defeated the Land of Wind, what can we do to resist?"

The two officials fell silent.

Indeed, no matter how you look at it, there is only one outcome of launching the war, ending with the victory of the Kingdom of Ghosts, and the complete defeat of the Kingdom of Waves.

And the country of waves will be defeated without any suspense.

The Kingdom of Wind, one of the five major countries, was defeated. They were not even big countries, but they did not have the strength to fight against the strong army of the Kingdom of Ghosts.

"Speaking of which, it's too late for the treasure house to be leaked."

Officials complained.

"Humans are not as good as gods. No one knows that at such a time, the treasure house will leak out, and it is still exposed by a fisherman. With such a big disturbance, the country of ghosts will not get to the bottom of it, really... "

The name of the Kingdom of Waves was very annoyed, it was difficult to breathe in pain, and he couldn't go on.

If it weren't for that **** fisherman Kaisha, the treasure house would not have leaked, and they could still use the empty treasury as an excuse to delay the debt for a long time.

If there is no money, the country of ghosts definitely needs to understand and show the demeanor of their own country, so that they will not be pressed too hard.

But things are different now.

This kind of deceitful behavior makes the Kingdom of Ghosts very angry. If it is not for face, it is estimated that even for a week, he would not want to give the Kingdom of Waves grace.

The relationship between the two countries has also dropped to a freezing point.

"Lord Daming, please put that fisherman to death immediately to set an example! Let the people below see what happens when the secret is revealed!"

There was a hint of ruthlessness in the eyes of the two officials, and they did not mean to be soft-handed.

The name of the country of waves shook his head and replied: "No, that fisherman Kaisha can't die yet. Compared with debts, I am more worried that our collusion with pirates will be exposed. This fisherman must know something, and I am sending someone to covertly. Find out who went out to sea with this fisherman that day, find out all suspicious people and monitor them to prevent further information leakage."

He knows that some things can be done, but they cannot be exposed in the open.

Collusion with pirates and killing the people of one's own country is a black spot that must not be exposed. A little carelessness can lead to unrest in the country.

"Lord Damyo is worrying too much, we have the most noble blood to rule this country, even if these untouchables know something, at most, they come over to protest a few useless protests like before, and then they forget it as time goes by. A group of wild people who have not received an orthodox education do not know how to manage a country at all. Neither us nor the rest of the country will allow a group of wild monkeys to come to the stage. Compared with this, the issue of debt is more worthy of our attention ."

The official said confidently.

"However, I'm still a little worried. And the debt issue, we have been completely passive, and it is impossible to delay it any longer. In fact, it's not a big deal when you think about it. We will pay off the debt and then get it from other places. The money is fine."

"Damyo-sama means..."

The eyes of the two officials suddenly lit up.

"I'm going to mention this year's tax, and I won't starve a few people to death anyway. However, in the next few years, the ostentation will be simplified."

The name of the country of waves is very regretful.

For a person of noble status like him, a lot of money is needed for food and clothing, as well as for ostentation on important days.

Otherwise, if the ostentation is small, it will affect the majesty of the daimyo, and there is no way for the people to admire the majestic aura of his daimyo, nor can he distinguish the gap between himself and mortals.

For the famous, this is a matter of face, and it cannot be dealt with carelessly.

But the persecution of the country of ghosts is too tight, and the cost of food and clothing will naturally need to be reduced in the future.

After listening to the two officials, they also sighed bitterly.

Famous families need to be ostentatious to show the status of their masters, and the families they belong to naturally also need a certain amount of pomp to show their corresponding aristocratic status.

Without these, wouldn't it represent their family, just like the commoners?

This is unbearable for the nobles.

"Since Mr. Damyo has made a decision, we will also fully support it. Let's pass the hurdle of the country of ghosts first."

"That's it, it's getting late, you guys..."

The name of the country of waves nodded, and was about to get up when a valet at the side door trotted in, his face panicked, and whispered a few words in his ear.

After listening to what the valet reported, the daimyo of the country of waves suddenly stood up, with a very angry expression on his face.

"Sir, what happened?"

The two officials didn't know what happened, but seeing the appearance of the name of the country of waves, they knew that something big had happened, otherwise they wouldn't show such a terrible expression.

The name of the country of waves said every word: "Someone robbed the prison!"

"Prison robbery? Could it be that..."

The two officials seemed to have guessed something, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"You guessed right, that fisherman Keisha was rescued..."

The big name of the Kingdom of Waves looked gloomy and watery, and there was a bit of icy cold in his voice.

"Now we can't sit still, we must bring people back as soon as possible, we must see people in life, and we must see corpses in death..."

A terrifying murderous intention is brewing in the eyes of the famous name of the country of waves.

Inside the abandoned factory.

The workers who rescued Kaisha laid him flat on a dilapidated bed, took out the healing medicine, and smeared the wound on his body to stop the bleeding and restore the wound.

Seeing the shocking whip marks on Kaisha's body, the surrounding workers were extremely indignant.

Those who petitioned for the people's life were treated unjustly.

In addition, the daimyo of the Land of Waves colluded with the pirates to conduct behind-the-scenes transactions, and the anger accumulated in the heart has filled the chest of everyone present.

After Dazner applied the ointment to Kaisha, he could not help sighing when he saw the indignant eyes of everyone, knowing that some things were probably irreversible.

People have a herd mentality.

A man stood up.

The second person will naturally also stand up.

Then the third person, the fourth person, the fifth person... Then more people will also stand up and gather together.

What's more, they all have a common enemy now - daimyo, nobles.

In essence, there is not much difference between Kaisha and Kaisha taking the lead in making troubles in famous houses.

The only difference is that this time it is not as simple as making trouble, but it will turn the whole country upside down, and it will not calm down by then.

It's not up to them to decide what path this country will take in the future, but... someone has already made arrangements.

A twelve-year-old girl - Chiba Kazuhime.

Or, it was the country she relied on behind her back—the country of ghosts.

It's really a good way to set up a factory at the beginning, and also to accumulate workers in the private sector of the worker-civilian cooperative... Is it also prepared for today?

Dazner felt that his guess might be very close to the answer.

But close to the answer, and only close to the answer. It is speculation after all, and there is no actual evidence.

On the contrary, the daimyo of the Land of Waves colluded with the pirates, and this crime has been confirmed.

All the spearheads have been pointed at the top of the country of waves.

At least in the minds of the workers, this crime is completely confirmed, and there is no room for excuse.

Because of the chaos of pirates, countless young people in the country of waves were killed, and many families were torn apart.

The nobles of the Land of Waves, who colluded with pirates, have a mortal hatred with them now.

Even Dazner had anger in his heart.

His son-in-law also died in the battle against the pirates.

Leaving him, the old man, and the orphans and widow mothers at home, lived a very difficult life.

Although I told myself that I needed reason, the anger of revenge could not be suppressed no matter what.

It is hard to guess what crazy things people will do under such extreme circumstances.

"Da... Mr. Dazner... I am..."

Kaisha's voice sounded weakly in Dazner's ear.

Dazna also came back to his senses and looked at Kaisha who had woken up.

The opponent's body is very weak, and after being continuously tortured for so long, his body has already reached its limit.

Dazner also admired the opponent's endurance. For ordinary people, even if he didn't die, he would not be able to regain consciousness so quickly.

How much suffering he suffered inside was something Dazner could not imagine.

"It's all right, Kaisha, it's very safe here, don't worry about the soldiers from the Daming Mansion."

Before planning the prison robbery plan, they had planned a way out.

In fact, after they made the plan of robbery, whether they faced it calmly or regretted making such an unwise move, there was no turning back.


This kind of thing appeared in the hearts of Dazner and others for the first time.

I don't know what the road is going to be, and I don't know how to do it, but it is their common understanding that they don't plan to accept such a big name that kills the people.

They need a ruler who can really think about his people.

Instead of standing on the heads of the people and constantly sucking blood, squeezing their lives and dignity, and playing them like clowns.

"Sorry, it's all because of me..."

A look of guilt appeared on Kaisha's face.

Even he understands that if Dazner and others do this, they will be detected by the daimyo sooner or later.

The action is too big to hide.

It is only a matter of time before it is discovered.

"This has nothing to do with you, Kaisha. There is one thing you don't know yet. We have already learned from Miss Yiji that our country's big name used to collude with the vicious pirates outside. This is something we can't do. things to tolerate."

Dazner's voice was also full of firmness.

Avoidance does not solve the problem.

Even if you know that this is a situation that Ichiji, and even the kingdom of ghosts, deliberately guides it, so what?

He has no power, only passive obedience. Even the so-called 'truth' may not need to be explored.

Everything is arranged.

Under such a general trend, as the leader of the workers, he could only follow the trend and be drowned out by the voices of the crowd.

"Miss Kazuhime... Has she returned to the Land of Waves?"


Keisha was slightly surprised when Dazna answered affirmatively.

Not only because of Kazuhime's return to the country of wave, but Dazna and others actually knew that the daimyo of the country of wave colluded with the pirates outside, resulting in a sharp decrease in the young labor force of the country of wave in the past. He was also in prison, and after being awakened by the name of the country of waves, he clarified the cause and effect a little.

However, the timing of Kazuhime's return was too coincidental.

The time to return happened just before and after his imprisonment.

Moreover, he also told Dazner and others that the elites of the Land of Waves had colluded with pirates behind the scenes. In other words, the group of pirates was originally another force supported by the powerful.

Thinking of the fact that he was able to find the treasure house, he was very surprised that he was able to come out alive.

It was also revealed that not only the samurai of the Daimyo Prefecture, but also a pirate force were guarding the treasury.

But he and Dazner only saw the famous warriors, not the pirates. After ruling out all the impossibility, there was only one answer left—the pirates near the treasure house have been unknown Unconsciously resolved.

So he and Dazner can come out safely.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Waves also kept him because he did not understand this matter, and did not execute him immediately, firmly believing that he still had his comrades.

been used. Kaisha realized the result and smiled bitterly.

Surprisingly, there was not much anger in his heart.

To explain a little more carefully, it is a little more puzzled and confused.

A person like me would never expect to be 'valued' one day.

It seems that it is necessary to find out the truth of the matter from Miss Kazuhime later. This thought appeared in Kesha's mind.

He needs someone to answer the question that has been perplexing in his mind for a long time.

Whether or not the answer will agree with me, this country is destined to not be peaceful, and it has already begun to rise and fall.

Just lightly ignite the leads and the country can explode completely from within.

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