Escape From Konoha

Vol 2 Chapter 208: pure land

On the second day of Yagura's revival, there was an announcement regarding the alliance of the Five Kages Convention a few days ago, led by the five major nations other than the Oni Country, which had been officially announced to the ninja world.

It also means that the outbreak of the Fifth Ninja World War is an unchangeable fact.

It's just different from the previous three ninja world wars, in which the traditional five major powers attacked each other, competed for territory and resources, and launched military contests. In this war, the ninjas from the five major countries who attacked each other in the past formed an alliance army, and jointly declared war on the Akatsuki organization born in the country of rain.

Although all countries knew that after the Five Kages Conference, the major powers made a certain decision, which was probably related to the Fifth Ninja World War, but when this fact was officially announced, the countries still fell into unspeakable panic.

A big country with strong comprehensive strength is fine, but a small country with a small territory and insufficient military power will bear the brunt of the victims every time a war breaks out. If you are lucky, you can linger on your last breath, but if you are unlucky, it is common for the country to be ruined and the family to perish.

Such words are not alarmist. After the Warring States Period, the number of countries has decreased, and there have been no emerging countries. In the era of one country and one village, the power of big countries is increasing day by day, and it is irresistible. Small countries counterattack and become big countries. In the past few decades, there is only one example, the country of ghosts. For example, some small countries with strong ninja armed forces, such as the country of Taki and the country of rain, all fell tragically on this road to a big country, and there were countless victims.

In every war, the position of the big country becomes more stable, and the small country becomes poorer, which has almost become a tacit fact.

And this time, the Fifth Ninja World War has not officially started, but judging from the declaration of war made by the five major powers, its scale far exceeds any other Ninja World War.

The only good news is that the outbreak of this war will not be as abrupt and direct as previous wars, allowing some preparation time to reduce the impact.

The ninjas also deliberately avoided irrelevant personnel, and tried to ask all countries to evacuate the war zone as early as possible for all people who might become war zones.

At this time, inside the administrative building of the Oniji Police Precinct.

On the desk in front of Baishi, there is a declaration of war and an agreement to participate in the war jointly by the five major powers.

—Since the establishment of the One Country One Village era, the ninja world has been able to enjoy a more stable and peaceful international environment than in the Warring States Period. The five major countries have contributed a lot to the achievement of peace.

But now there is the Kingdom of Rain that connives and shelters the international criminal organization Akatsuki in order to plunder the tail beasts of other countries, attempting to use "Infinite Tsukiyomi" to control all human beings, in order to achieve the evil ambition of ruling the ninja world. Some countries use the anti-one country, one village era as an excuse to provoke troubles and collude with the terrorist organization Akatsuki, intending to disrupt the balance of the international order, fan the flames and create wars in various parts of the ninja world. Warnings should also be given to such countries In name, be restricted.

If not, they can also be regarded as outlaws who destroy the peace, and they will be listed with the Akatsuki organization, and they will be given a justified military blow.

Finally, I call on all Ninja people who want peace in their hearts to join us and the five major power alliances to strongly resist these lawless countries and organizations.

Fight to the end for a happy and peaceful tomorrow in the ninja world. --

At the end of the declaration of war, the family crests of the great masters of the five great powers and the joint signature seals of the contemporary five shadows are also attached.

After scanning the declaration of war jointly issued by the five major powers, Shiraishi also knew what kind of uproar the announcement of such a declaration had caused in all parts of the ninja world.

Moreover, although the lawless countries mentioned in the declaration of war were not directly named, anyone with a discerning eye would know which country the lawless countries mentioned in the declaration specifically referred to.

It's really like swearing at people without uttering a dirty word, and poking at the kingdom of ghosts with a hidden knife in the words.

Although the influence of the ghost country has surpassed any other big country, if the five major countries adopt the form of an alliance and join forces, then the accumulated prestige will inevitably far surpass that of the ghost country.

The resulting instigating force is also unprecedentedly powerful. The alliance of the five major powers has never happened in the past history, and it is undoubtedly a precedent.

And compared to the fourth

Shiraishi knew very well that the attitude of the five major powers in this war was very serious and resolute.

"The declaration of war was well written."

Baishi put down the war declaration document in his hand, without any worry on his face, even in the face of the alliance of the five major powers, he could show a relaxed and comfortable attitude, and praised the content of the war declaration document without hesitation.

Although the five great powers united, the ghost country would indeed feel tremendous pressure, but as the leader of the military, he could not show his timidity at any time.

Even if you are afraid, you must show an attitude of absolute confidence, so that the people below can feel at ease.

If the top is messed up, the bottom will be messed up too. vice versa.

The most important thing is that there must be close communication and connection between the top and bottom. "How is the arrangement of domestic people's emotional comfort work?"

Shiraishi looked at Ayane who came to his office. The other party was in charge of the garrison of Oni Land, and had a deeper direct connection with the people.

"Most people are relatively stable emotionally, and only a very small number of people express panic and worry about this, and they still have an indifferent attitude."

Ayane told the results of the investigation by the security forces.

"Compared to the small countries that we ally with domestically, they are easily disturbed by external factors."

Liuli, who also came to the office, sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, and spoke her opinion.

"That's right. At a time like this, it's clear at a glance who is an enemy and who is a friend. The five major power alliances issued such a notice to stimulate our allies and change their positions. Even if they don't take refuge in They, too, have to keep them neutral in this duel."

Shiraishi nodded, he also saw this.

But he has no good solution, and can only let the government start negotiations, and try to appease them.

Before the results of this war were born, some allied countries could easily fish in troubled waters and become existences like weeds.

Except for some allied countries that have in-depth cooperation with the ghost country, they expressed their support and actively provided various resources for the ghost country. In their view, the Oni Country, which won the Fourth Ninja World War, defeated a powerful ally of the Four Kingdoms Alliance. Even if the Alliance added a Thunder Country at this time, the Oni Country is not without the power to fight.

Moreover, they have cooperated too closely with the Kingdom of Ghosts, and they have already put this label on it, and it is very difficult to take it off again. After receiving it, Baishi looked at another agreement that was sent along with the declaration of war.

It indicates the location of the war zone and non-battle zone. Ninja battles can only be carried out in the specified war zone.

If you attack people in non-battle zones, you will be targeted by all countries.

It can be said that reducing the damage of the war to a minimum is very different from the previous ninja wars.

Shiraishi looked at the war zone divided on the map. Almost half of the ninja territory will be reduced to a war zone, where they can fire and fight at will.

The land of wind and the land of earth, two big countries closest to the kingdom of ghosts, will contribute more than half of their territory as a battlefield.

The same is true for the Land of Fire. The population is mainly concentrated in the north and northeast, and most of the territory can be directly used as a war.

Baishi didn't think much about it. This form of war is good for any country.

After all, the scale is so huge, if it is not restricted, the population of the ninja world may shrink greatly in this war.

So, he signed it, which also means that the kingdom of ghosts will officially intervene in this war and become a third-party group.

In addition, there are several other insignificant regulations, which Shiraishi didn't care about.

In order to deal with this war, like other countries, he began to transfer the population on the border of the ghost country and cleared a battlefield.

Although I don't think that the Ghost Country will be directly captured by others, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

"Yakura is resurrected now, and Kirigakure will stabilize. Next, it's time to consider the second pair of eternal kaleidoscopes. Regarding the operation, I will wait until I get it from the wet bones."

Lin came back and said, Liuli, you should prepare first. "

Baishi paused, and said to Liuli. "Wet bone forest?"

Liuli and Lingyin frowned, not understanding why Shiraishi was going to the wet bone forest suddenly at this moment.

"There are some things about the pure land, I want to learn from the live slug."

Baishi remembered the psychic scroll that was suspected of signing the contract. After leaving the Pure Land, he had not used it outside once, mainly because of this unknown thing, which made him doubtful. OK.


Baishi came to the Wetbone Forest through reverse psychic technique.

It is still the same as in the past, no matter how long the scenery here has passed, it has not changed in the slightest.

And the body of the live slug is also very shocking no matter how many times you look at it.

"Master Shiraishi, what can you do for me?"

The living slug lowered its gaze, its vision was very good, and it suddenly found the white stone that was the size of a bean in its eyes.

Generally speaking, Baishi would not come directly to find its main body for nothing. On the contrary, if he came in person, he probably had something important to explain to him.

For this kind of thing, live slugs are not dissatisfied.

In this long life with no end in sight, although it likes to be quiet, it doesn't dislike excitement.

After all, staying alone in the wet bone forest all year round, it will also feel bored, so occasionally separate some clones, go to the ninja world to go on an "expedition" quietly, observe the various states of the world, and watch the changes and development of the world.

Compared with its unchanging spectator life, observing human beings can bring it more fun.

Baishi didn't hide it either. His relationship with the live slug was both a teacher and a friend.

"That's right. I'm here to ask you, what do you think of the Pure Land?"

Shiraishi asked unhurriedly, and looked up at the live slug. "Pure land?"

Huolu's tone was full of doubts, and he didn't understand why Shiraishi suddenly mentioned the Pure Land.

"It's not a nice place.

Even though he didn't know, Huolu still dutifully answered this question and expressed his own opinion.

"Huh? Live slug, have you ever been there?"

Baishi noticed the tone of the live slug, and concluded that the pure land is not a beautiful place. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be impossible to have such a place.

of perception.

"In the past, there was a clone that was accidentally involved in a chaotic space-time and fell into the pure land, so I have some understanding of the situation there."

Live slug explained. "?" Is that okay? Shiraishi was taken aback.

"Master Shiraishi, the world in the past was not as 'stable' as it is now, especially in the hundred years before and after the spread of Chakra, countless strange creatures and phenomena were born due to Chakra. The boundary between death and death is not very clear either. I think Mr. Shiraishi, who has come into contact with the secret of the soul, should have a deep understanding of this."

The words of the living slug caused Shiraishi to think deeply.

Indeed, his understanding of the past is all from books, and what he understands is fundamentally different from that of a person who has experienced it personally.

On this point, live slugs also have more say.

"Pure a mutated existence born in nature after the appearance of Chakra. That place is full of lifelessness. If the soul of a living person is not strong enough and accidentally falls into the Pure Land, he will be killed by the people there. "Rules' assimilation, become a part of it. Lord Shiraishi asked, probably because he has been to that place before."

Having said that, the live slug is certain of something.

With Baishi's soul strength, he can survive even if he leaves his body.

Although the so-called long-term vision cannot be achieved, the vitality of the soul, which lasts for hundreds of years, is not a problem in the eyes of the living scorpion.

Such a ninja, in ancient times, many people could do it.

It's just that with the development of the times, ninjas pay more and more attention to killing

, for its deep meaning, but not to explore, only to explore the outermost things. It can be said that the techniques of ninjas using Chakra are very rough, with only their shape but no charm.

"Before performing reincarnation ninjutsu on a dead friend, I happened to sense some fluctuations in time and space. I took a look over there out of curiosity."

Shiraishi nodded without hiding anything.

"That's right, the pure land is the same as the different time and space created by the kingdom of ghosts to seal monsters and monsters, but the different time and space created by the witch is to suppress monsters and monsters, and has a terrifying suppression force on evil souls. And the one constructed by the pure land Different time and space are used to place souls that have nowhere to go, and to wash away their resentment, so as to achieve the effect of purification.”

"Why do you want to do this?"

Baishi had a clear understanding, but there were still some parts that he didn't quite understand. "Before the energy of chakra was born, the soul did not actually exist. The appearance of chakra endowed creatures with such characteristics. Because chakra can carry consciousness, in many classics, chakra is regarded as spirit Some kind of continuation of the pure land. The birth of the pure land is also a choice made by nature. Since the soul exists, it needs a device to manage it and draw a clear boundary. After all, if the boundary between life and death becomes very blurred, it will lead to many Unforeseen disasters occur."

"Divide the boundary between life and death?" Shiraishi thought of something.

"Thousands of years ago, due to the sudden interference of Chakra, the boundary between life and death was blurred, but after that, as the pure land grew and evolved, the boundary became more and more clear. The living has a world of the living, and the dead also has a world of the dead. , bringing the integrity of the world one step closer. As for why the pure land washes away the grievances in the soul, I think it is mostly related to Chakra...Master Shiraishi knows the existence of tailed beasts, they have extremely powerful Chakras, but these chakras cannot be used directly and effectively. It is because of the chakras in them that they contain strong negative energy, which can change a person's temperament drastically."

The living slug took the tailed beast as an example, Shiraishi felt that the matter was much simpler.

When the soul goes to the pure land, it will carry negative energy more or less, and these negative energies will cause huge damage to the pure land, and may even lead to the destruction of the pure land.

After all, the pure land accommodates the dead of the whole world, and it has to continuously receive a large number of souls carrying negative energy every day. Once such negative energy accumulates, Baishi dare not imagine what kind of result it will be.

After Chizi absorbed the soul, Baishi also eliminated the resentment in the soul before he could use the energy of the soul body to improve his own soul.

If he absorbed pure natural souls, Baishi thought about it for a while, and knew what the result would be.

From this point of view, Pure Land is under greater pressure than him.

It's just that he absorbs the soul power of the soul body to strengthen himself, and the pure land purifies the soul for what?

In order to stabilize the integrity and order of the world?

Thinking of this, Shiraishi took a deep breath, and took out a black scroll from his ninja bag.

Open the scroll, there is only his lonely name on it.

"Master Shiraishi, what is this scroll..."

The live slug's tone became surprised. On the scroll, it sensed the breath of the pure land.

"It was obtained from Pure Land, and it signed a contract with me."

Huozhu silently put a question mark on his head.

"Master Shiraishi, you always find some strange things."

The tone of the live slug was still surprised, and he continued: "However, I never thought that the Pure Land would have its own consciousness and be able to communicate."

After all, the ability to make a contract means that the Pure Land is not completely dead, but has the existence of wisdom.

When it was in the Pure Land, it never noticed this kind of thing.

Of course, maybe at that time, the Pure Land did not have the concept of consciousness, but it was born later.

"Before this, I didn't dare to imagine that there would be consciousness in the Pure Land."

Shiraishi shakes his head bitterly

laugh. It's scary.

Baishi doesn't know how big the Pure Land World is, but since it can hold the souls of all the dead in this world, even if it is not as good as the world, it is definitely an exaggeration.

But such a world gave birth to its own consciousness.

This also means that when necessary, Pure Land will not operate according to rigid procedures, but will flexibly adjust its own rules of conduct.

"Then, what is the reason for the contract?" "I purified a soul just to test it out, and then the contract was sent to me."

Shiraishi spoke to the live slug in a negotiating tone. "Purify... the soul?"

"Chakra can be used as the carrier of consciousness. Rather than saying that the soul is stained with resentment, it is better to say that the remaining chakra in the soul is entangled with the negative energy received during life. To transform the essence of chakra, to eliminate the negative energy above. San, it’s not difficult for me. If I am a Jinchuriki, if my body can support me, the moment I seal the tailed beast inside my body, I can directly become a perfect Jinchuriki.”

Shiraishi said so.

"I see. Is it because of this reason that Pure Land fell in love with Lord Shiraishi and signed a contract with you?"

The living slug feels that it has been a long time since I saw him. But it makes sense when you think about it carefully.

The Pure Land is responsible for purifying the souls of the dead, and Shiraishi also has similar abilities. In the eyes of the Pure Land, he may regard Baishi as his "kind" or "clan member". "That's the only reason."

Shiraishi didn't deny it.

"So, in other words, according to this contract, Shiraishi-sama, you can summon the Pure Land, right?"

Live slug asked curiously. "Uh....."

Baishi fell into hesitation, then shook his head decisively.

"Impossible. I don't know how big the Pure Land is, but it's impossible to summon all of the Pure Land. However, it should be possible to summon a part of the Pure Land."

Shiraishi is not particularly sure.

He couldn't even use psychic techniques to summon the body of a living slug, let alone a pure land equivalent to the world level.

That's definitely not something human can do.

"Can I have a try here, slug?" Shiraishi asked the slug for his opinion.


The living slug thought about it, and then agreed to Baishi's request. It is also very interested in the existence of the Pure Land.

I also want to know if Baishi can summon the Pure Land through psychic techniques.

This is the first human being who signed a contract with the Pure Land. Let the live slug sigh again, Shiraishi is really a maverick ninja.

Seeing that the living slug agreed, Shiraishi turned around and walked back for a distance before stopping, lest the next psychic spell affect the living slug.

"It's almost here."

Looking at the large open space around him, Shiraishi nodded.

Baishi first bit his finger and let it bleed. As the initial summoning medium, he quickly completed the seal, and pressed his hands against the earth covered with rich natural energy.

The moment he pressed it down, Baishi's face turned pale, and the chakra in his body seemed to be bitten hard by someone suddenly, and immediately bottomed out. It was quiet all around, and nothing unusual happened.

The live slug kept its probe posture, looking forward curiously. "coming....."

Sensing something, the live slug murmured. Shiraishi also sensed it and looked forward.

A pitch-black crack, like a black lightning bolt, suddenly split the barrier of the world.

Immediately, the crack was torn open to the limit like the mouth of a huge monster suddenly opening.

Gusts of wind blowing from the open crack made Shiraishi, who felt the wind, stiffen.

On the opposite side of the crack is a vast land that is desolate and inhabited. The sky is dark and dark, filled with death, decayed and desolate. Looking at the huge ferocious mouth that was suddenly torn open in front of it, the width of its opening might be able to swallow a tailed beast.

After the basically understood the posture of the summoned Pure Land, Shiraishi let out a sigh of relief, stood up from the ground, and began to release the psychic technique.

As a result, the crack appeared in the void intact, forming a **** joint with the Wetbone Forest.


not to go?

Baishi froze for a moment, then thought of something, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

The dragon vein spar hanging under the neck began to flow out the celestial chakra. Bai Shi took out a ball and transformed it into a kind of energy with vitality, like feeding a child, and sent it to the crack.

Satisfied, the crack began to heal.

The time and space of this land, with the departure of the pure land space, regained its stability.

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