Eternal Burning

Chapter 107

Four questions, don't you deduct money? I reminded him.

When Shang Muxiao gritted his teeth, he was completely arrogant and unreasonable: I will deduct the money only if I am satisfied, and I will deduct the time if I am not satisfied now. He thought about it and said, deduct for a week.

I was about to laugh at his attitude. I answered five questions, and now the debt has been reduced from 200,000 to 190,000, and the repayment period has changed from one month to three weeks?

Going further, I guess he should urge me to change the money tomorrow.

You're not trying to play games with me at all, you just want to know who I've given your money to. I said bluntly.

So who did you give it to? He doesn't deny it.

After I tell you, you let me down.

He didn't answer right away, he stared at me for a moment, then caught me off guard in the next second and pulled me closer to him, almost touching my chest.

I was startled, raised my hand against him, and at the same time, the man leaned back and leaned against the mirror behind him.

Look at my mood. He curled his lips into a smile, making no secret of his wickedness.

I endured the itch and said, My former roommate's father was seriously ill and needed a lung replacement. He was short of 300,000 yuan. I lent him the money.

A former roommate's father? Shang Muxiao frowned again, the father of one of the other three people in the car accident?

I lowered my eyes and nodded.

Shang Muxiao didn't say anything, just fell silent.

Time passed by every second, and after about a minute, he suddenly sighed, and his words were full of rudeness: Are you stupid?

Just one sentence I knew, he did not agree with my approach.

When I looked up, he froze and smiled, completely wanting to knock open my head to see if it was empty inside.

You yourself... a person who has nothing to do with you, can you save him by selling iron? Do you feel that you are the only one who survived, so you are obliged to honor your parents for the other three, and give them the best of luck? are you tired? He grabbed my hand on his chest and pulled the wrist bone to one side. Dead people should look like dead people. They no longer have any connection with this world, and living people don't need to live for them.

It's not what you think... I struggled, but I didn't, and his wrist tightened.

His words are too harsh, I want to refute and argue with him, but my mouth is like a knot, and I can't say a decent word.

Not what I thought? Aren't you just squeezing your life for moral fulfillment? They die, only you survive. You feel guilty, you blame yourself, you feel unworthy. Now there is finally a chance for you to atone for your sins. You desperately raised money to keep him alive, so that it would be as if his son had survived, right?

No... I don't look at him, denying defensively, looking around for a way to escape.

You don't even dare to look at me and talk!

He called me out of nowhere, played some damn game inexplicably, and now, inexplicably, had to make me admit that I was just a dumb-headed idiot.

He has the final say in everything. It was like this when we were together, and now it is still like this after we broke up. I can only passively be led by his nose.

It's not fair.

And what qualifications does he have to speak of me? Isn't he still deeply immersed in the shadows his mother brought him, and can't get out of it for so many years? If he can really look down on life and death, and the grudges are all over, why bother to draw Mei Zixun's painting?

wrong! I'm totally out, I'll lend him money, not only because he's my roommate's father, but also because your telescope is far less valuable than a human life!

The strength on his wrist suddenly increased, and Shang Muxiao's expression was terrifying.

I glared at him and said word by word: It's worth 200,000 yuan and you should be happy, so... at least you're not useless in this relationship. If I recall what happened with you after a few years, I can at least feel a little gratified instead of being completely disgusted.

Shang Muxiao suddenly opened his eyes, his face turned blue, his cheeks were tensed, as if he was going to come up and break my neck in the next moment.

I looked at him without any fear, and I endured the pain on my wrist, realizing that I couldn't take advantage of my body, and I could only use verbal force.

The small space, the uncomfortable posture, and the repeated questions, like pieces of flint that collided, finally set the explosive barrel buried deep in my heart on fire.

When I was in love, I indulged him, but now that I broke up, should I still indulge him?

It was because he was too indulgent in the past that it made him even more aggressive and lawless.

This one, goddamn son of a bitch!

What other questions do you have? I asked.

He didn't speak, just let go of his strength a little bit and took two steps back.

I quickly withdrew my hand and rubbed my numb wrist. I was ready for his revenge, including being thrown here directly, or threatened by him with an IOU or something.

But to my surprise, he didn't act more aggressive, except that his face was a little dark, and he looked on the contrary.

Like my words calmed down, or... I was shocked.

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