Eternal Burning

Chapter 118

what happened?

How are you coming?

We both spoke at the same time, and at the same time froze.

Nearly molested by someone who considers himself a friend. This is a bit hard for me to talk about, and more importantly, it's frustrating, especially in front of Shang Muxiao.

Shang Muxiao was still breathing a little. Seeing that I didn't answer, he copied his hair with an ugly face, leaned against the door, stared at the water marks on my pants and said again: Do you like him?

I don't even know how he jumped from the thinking in the last sentence to the fact that I like He Weizhou.


What were you doing before I came in?

He was completely questioning, giving me the illusion that I was being interrogated by the police at this time.

I answered patiently: I accidentally overturned the tea and burned my leg, and he said he would help me deal with it...

So you let him deal with it? ' he questioned aloud, taking two steps towards me.

The brain is like a beehive that has been punctured, and a large number of bees rush out in an instant, and each one is buzzing.

if not? Can I refuse? He suddenly said that he likes me, the way I look in a wheelchair, the beauty of being incomplete, and touching my legs like a pervert. I can't even go to the living room to answer the phone, what do you want me to do? Stand up and fight him?

He raised the volume and so did I. This seems to have become a curse between us, and every time we talk, we can't calm down.

Shang Muxiao was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: You shouldn't let him in.

If I could, I wish I could stand up and fight him. It's true that bào force can't solve any problems, but bào force can make this little bastard shut up honestly.

Yes, I don't know people well, and you're right. I don't even want to know why he appeared in my house because of anger. I just want him to get out of here. Is there anything else? Please leave if you have nothing to do.

He didn't speak for a while, just stared straight at me, as if this was not my home, but his home, and my request was rude.

Looking at me for a moment, he lowered his eyes, swept across my exposed calf, and said: Your skin is very red.

I looked down, and the pale skin on my legs was scalded bright red. If I felt pain, it must be burning hot right now.

Shang Muxiao came to me, squatted down halfway, and reached out to push my pants up.

It's a bit hypocritical to cover up now, but I don't know what he's going to do, so I can only hold down his hand to prevent him from moving.

He didn't move, but didn't withdraw his hand.

how? Can others touch me? ' he said in a cool tone.

I was taken aback for a moment, and my hands unwittingly loosened a little. He quickly took my hand away and rolled his trousers completely above his knees.

Seeing the injury on my knee, he frowned and tutted lightly, stood up, and pushed me to the bathroom involuntarily.

I watched him take off the shower and began to adjust the water temperature, knowing that he was going to cool down my wound, and reiterated: you don't have to worry about me, I can handle it myself, you can go.

He turned a deaf ear, squatted down in front of me again, held my ankle and lifted it gently, pouring cold water on the scalded area.

Although it is the chūn season now, the temperature is still very low. It may be because he ran from home. He only wore a short-sleeved white T, which made me feel cold.

The bathroom was filled with the sound of water, and Shang Muxiao's eyelashes were long and thick. From my point of view, it was amazing. Yu Xixi is right, it is indeed a pity that he does not enter the entertainment industry.

Lift the trouser legs up with your hands, otherwise you will get water.

I stared at his eyelashes, not moving.

Shang Muxiao looked at me suspiciously, I quietly looked away, and followed his instructions, grabbing the trouser legs and keeping them away from my knees.

Under the white light in the bathroom, the already pale legs appeared even whiter, almost blending in with the white tiles on the floor. His hands were already wide, and he easily encircled my ankles. The contrast between the dark and the light skin was very striking, which was especially visually striking.

After hiding for so long, he finally met Shang Muxiao under such circumstances. If I knew now, why did I bother to even turn on the lights in the first place?

Facts have proved that some hurdles are only discovered at the moment when they crossed over. They were not heartbreaking or shy, and some were just calm and relieved, like a fast and accurate desensitization therapy.

How are you coming here? As the water couldn't stop scouring the wound, my anger and irrational emotions seemed to be extinguished little by little, and I began to pick up the theme again, wondering why Shang Muxiao appeared.

Shang Muxiao moved the shower carefully to ensure that all the reddish areas could be drenched with water.

I was going to call and tell you the bank card number, but you can't get through. I saw that the lights in your house were on. Anyway, the teacher and students had a fight, and you still owed me 200,000 yuan, so I wanted to come and take a look.

Hearing his words at first glance seems to be nothing wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, there are omissions everywhere.

Generally, you need to check if someone else has an accident. At least knock on the door first. If there is no response to the knock on the door, you will use other methods to break the door, right? And what if I don't answer the phone because I'm in the shower?

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