Eternal Burning

Chapter 151

Of course he wasn't really complaining. In the future, he will go to competitions all over the country and even all over the world. This kind of separation is inevitable. Even if he is only in his early twenties, he will not feel that adult love should stick together all the time. He just likes to hear me say this. .

When I got out of the elevator, I stopped in surprise, facing the direction of the office.

I thought that after reuniting with Shang Muxiao, maybe Shang Lu would come to me, and Shang Yunrou would come to me, but I never thought that Fang Qinian would come.

He leaned leisurely against the office door, staring down at the toes of his shoes, hitting a beat only he knew on the ground.

As soon as I got closer, he stopped and looked up.

You are finally back. He smiled and greeted me like an old friend.

I stepped forward to open the office door and asked: why are you here?

Come to think of it. He was vague, going around in circles, not telling the truth.

After that, he seemed to take root on my sofa, sitting there for an afternoon. He didn't say what he wanted, didn't say when to leave, and even learned to make tea by himself.

I sent a message with Shang Muxiao to explain the situation, but he might be training, his phone was not around, and he didn't get back to me for a long time.

When it was time for me to get off work, Fang Qinian glanced at the time, got up and said that it was getting late and we could go to dinner.

I don't know how he could say this so naturally.

how? Fang Qinian has no self-consciousness at all, aren't you hungry? Let's go, let's go eat something delicious, I invite you.

I was noncommittal about his invitation and asked: What the hell are you doing with me?

He hooked my shoulders and walked out: Oops, talk while eating.

There is a street behind the school that is full of restaurants. I randomly chose a stir-fry restaurant where my family didn't seem to have many, and took Fang Qinian to sit by the window.

I said that I had a treat. How did you choose to be here? I could see that he was holding back his disgust, and he kept wiping the table in front of him with a tissue, and wiping his tableware and chopsticks again and again.

This store tastes good too. I was talking nonsense with my eyes open. In fact, don't talk about this store, I don't come to this street very often.

I brought him here, but because it is close, I want to make a quick decision and get into the theme as soon as possible.

After ordering, the food was served quickly because there were not many people.

Fang Qinian and I moved chopsticks at the same time, took a bite, and put them down at the same time.

There is a reason for the lack of guests, and it is too bad.

Yes, it tastes good, and it feels like...home. Fang Qinian commented.

I smiled, raised my teacup and took a sip of water to dilute the saltiness in my mouth.

Can you say why you came to me now? ' I asked, putting down the cup.

He nodded, his face was still smiling, but he didn't give people a lot of happiness, as if he just mechanically moved the corners of his lips.

I had a fight with Mr. Shang. Can I come and stay with you for two days?

When I heard this, I was a little embarrassed.

I do have a bit of love with him, but these love together are only enough for us to sit here and eat a meal that is obviously unpalatable but has to boast a delicious meal against our hearts. It’s far from being able to borrow Degree.

Besides, his status in the business is delicate, and I always have to consider Shang Muxiao's mood.

I can lend you some money first and let you stay in a hotel. I said.

I'm not short of money, I just don't want him to find me. Fang Qinian pouted.

I am a little surprised: are you leaving?

I danced with him at Shang Yunrou's wedding before, and he advised me not to come back after leaving, and said that no one would want to take away the things that he caught. The words are still in my ears, I thought he would not want to leave Shanglu in a short time, but after only two months of work, he came to me to borrow.

It doesn't count. But I do...don't want to be a stand-in forever. With his fingertips rubbing the mouth of the cup, he lowered his eyes and said, I'm already thirty this year, how long can I pretend to be a woman? How many people can I kick out who want to replace me? Yes, it's still here... He put his five fingers on his heart, raised his eyes to look over, and said with a slight smile, this is a dangerous move, but I think it's worth a try.

He and I have always had a deep conversation with each other. I know his life experience, his relationship with Shang Lu, and even his life plans, but I really don't know how to evaluate it.

Everyone can only point fingers at their own life, and can't overrun other people's lives.

Just then, my phone rang. Picking it up, it was Shang Muxiao calling. He estimated that he would finish training at this point and saw my message.

What is he doing for you? As soon as he picked it up, he asked eagerly.

I glanced at Fang Qinian on the opposite side and said, He had a quarrel with your father and wants to stay with me for two days...

Before I could say that I didn't agree or not, Shang Muxiao interrupted me by raising his voice as if he was blown away: No way! You are not allowed to let him in, this house has him but not me!

Fang Qinian should listen

When I hear the movement on my phone, I hold my chin, look like I'm watching a good show, and it's bright on my face that you're still back. A few words.

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