Eternal Burning

Chapter 156

When are you going to be rational? You are so scared.

Shang Muxiao was full of food and drink. He lay down and talked to me for a while. Knowing that Shang Lu had been here, he watched him for a long time, sneered, and declined to comment.

No matter how mild the concussion was, it still belongs to the category of brain damage. As he spoke, his face became paler and paler, and finally he closed his eyes and lay on the bed, saying that he was dizzy. I was busy calling a nurse, but he wouldn't let me. He patted myself sick and asked me to go up and lie down with him.


For a moment I didn't know if he was really dizzy or pretending to be dizzy.

I glanced at the door of the eye ward: it's not good to be seen by the nurse and doctor...

He turned to his side, vacating the seat next to him, leaning on the pillow and looking at me like a puppy.

I sighed inwardly, knowing that I could not refuse, so I stretched out my hand to him and asked him to pull me up.

He smiled and hugged me, put his hands under my armpits, and dragged me onto the bed.

Taking off our shoes, Shang Muxiao and I squeezed sideways on the small sick room. I leaned on my head and didn't lie down completely, but Shang Muxiao lay down completely, hugged my waist, and buried his face in my stomach.

I patted his back lightly, coaxing him like a child.

He breathed slowly and didn't make a sound for a long time. I thought he was asleep, so I closed my eyes and took a break.

Teacher, they all thought it was slipping on a rainy day. Not really, I was scared. I'm afraid of the rain... He said suddenly, his arms hugged me tightly, I was afraid of the feeling of raindrops hitting me, afraid of thinking of being thrown into the rain, the day my mother died. Teacher, what if I'm afraid for the rest of my life? What? What if they know I can't play in the rain?

I opened my eyes and looked at the hill-like bulge under the quilt on my waist and abdomen. He held me so tightly that I could clearly feel the slight trembling of his body.

There was no way I could get him to quit racing, it wasn't a rational victory, it wasn't that I wasn't selfish enough, on the contrary, I couldn't say it out of a different kind of fear of losing him.

I'm afraid he will hate me one day. Hate me for ruining his life. Just like his mother, he lost his dream, lost the career he loved, no matter how much love there is, he will eventually go to a dead end.

There is not only love in this world.

At my age now, and having read philosophy for more than ten years, I have been able to fully understand this truth.

The death of the body is not the real death, the annihilation of the soul is the real death.

Will not. I comforted him, touched his head and said, let's go to a psychiatrist for psychological counseling, and you can join a mutual aid group with me. It will be fine, you can definitely compete...

He didn't speak for a while, and just held me quietly, as if immersed in his own world.

I stopped talking, just quietly accompanied him.

After a few minutes, he muttered: Beidou, will you stay by my side all the time?

I didn't pay much attention to it before, but today I suddenly had an epiphany and figured out the rule for him to call me Teacher and Arabidopsis.

When you call me teacher, he is about to act like a spoiled child; when you call me Beibei, it is he who needs love.

Yes, I will.

With my assurance, he gradually let go of his embrace, as if he had finally come out of his emotions.

I will definitely give you more and more trophies... His voice was drowsy, a little bit softer, and let you... be proud of me.

it is good. I respond to him, and he responds to what he says.

I fell asleep unconsciously, but because of the awkward posture, I didn't sleep much, so I woke up at about six o'clock.

It's not that I haven't tried to go back to the wheelchair, but Shang Muxiao kept holding me and didn't let go, and I couldn't bear to wake him up, thinking about waiting, waiting... Just like that, Shang Yunrou and Yang Haiyang came.

The two entered the ward one after the other, and when Shang Yunrou saw me, she immediately stopped, staring at the lump in the quilt with a very bright expression. Yang Haiyang followed behind her, holding a big bag and a small bag in her hand, because she stood still and almost bumped into it, but fortunately she stopped in time and took two steps back.

gān what is standing here? Fortunately, I didn't hit... He saw me in a blink of an eye, the last word stuck in his throat, and it took a long time to spit it out with difficulty,

The three of them stared at each other, and no one spoke for a long time.

Yang Haiyang still has a trace of fantasy at this moment, and his expression is very naive: Beijiao, why are you...why are you here? coincidence.

I sighed secretly, and lifted the quilt, revealing Shang Muxiao's messy head, so that he could wake up and not make unnecessary struggles.

Yang Haiyang stared at the man stuck on me, the fruit drink in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, and the corners of his mouth were twitching.

Ah, Shang Muxiao... This one is also here.

It seemed that he had completely forgotten who he was visiting today.

Chapter 70 Teacher, my hands are so cold

The rain outside had stopped, but the ground was still wet. Yang Haiyang was sitting on the steps outside the hall of the inpatient building, his brows furrowed tightly, a cigarette between his fingertips was smoking silently, and he did not speak.

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