Eternal Burning

Chapter 158

Seeing that he became excited again, at this moment, Shang Yunrou slowly stepped out of the building without warning. When he saw it, he instantly changed from a blown balloon to a leaking balloon, and his voice was a little softer than usual.

Chatting so soon?

His mood changed so quickly that Shang Lu had to praise him for his talent when he saw him.

Well, he is fine, and he will be discharged from the hospital in two days. Shang Yun Judo, the ground is a little wet, it's not easy to walk, go and drive the car over.

Yang Haiyang turned around without hesitation for a second, stopped halfway and dragged Shang Yunrou into the building to a place I couldn't see or hear.

The couple chatted quietly for about five minutes, and then came back to me, Yang Haiyang looked as usual, quite happy, and Shang Yunrou smiled reluctantly.

Then I'll go first. Yang Haiyang waved his hand and quickly ran towards the parking lot.

It wasn't until she could no longer see his figure that Shang Yunrou retracted her gaze. When she looked at me, the inconspicuous curvature of the corners of her lips fell back a little bit and became straight.

Arabidopsis, you didn't keep your promise to me. ' she said coldly.

I didn't promise you anything. I'm not afraid to look at her. I broke up with Shang Muxiao because I wanted to break up. Now I want to get back together. It's also because I want to get back together. It has nothing to do with you from beginning to end.

I promised to break up with Shang Muxiao at the cafe, but it just happened that I wanted to break up with him, and Shang Yunrou found me at that point. I told her to let her feel at ease, but it didn't mean I was really afraid of her.

Shang Yunrou pursed her lips tightly, watching me for a long time without speaking, her expression complicated and indistinguishable, as if she was going through an unknown battle between heaven and man. After a while, she voluntarily gave up the previous topic, and her tone softened.

Can you persuade him to give up racing? Apart from replacing the high heels with flat shoes, she is still the same as before, with a beautiful appearance and neat clothes. Since she is not very pregnant, she is also very slender. Most importantly, she has not lost her old skills as a businessman - as long as They think they can get anyone's favor.

I don't want to persuade. But it may be that I have been with Shang Muxiao for a long time, I already have a certain immunity, and I am completely unmoved.

Why? Didn't you see how he was hurt? She stared at me incomprehensibly. The company at home is just tossing him. As long as you let him go home, I won't be involved in your affairs...

You can't get involved. ' I interrupted rudely.

You come and go, Shang Yunrou starts to speak harshly.

Are you not afraid that I will make you unable to stay in Qingwan University? I donated the money for your refurbishment of the library.

I believe that with her own energy, she can indeed make it difficult for me to live in Qingwan, but at the same time I also believe that my school can withstand her pressure. Qingwan University has a hundred years of history, and it does not lack one person's money, nor does it rely on one person's money.

Can the school still control who I fall in love with? Besides... I took out my trump card, aren't you afraid to let Haiyang know that you did it?

This trick works very well, Shang Yunrou's complexion changed immediately when she heard the words, her hands crossed her chest and said, Do you think he will make trouble for you and me?

You married him because you saw that he would be a good husband and a good father, so how could you not see that he was also a good friend?

Beating a snake and hitting seven inches, she is well aware of the weaknesses of human nature, and I am well aware of her weaknesses.

She was blocked by me so she couldn't say a word, her face was blue.

Suddenly, a car horn sounded outside, and I looked over with her. It was Yang Haiyang's car.

Shang Yunrou said no more, and turned to leave.

Talk to Haiyang about your family well. I turned to her back.

She paused in her footsteps, and quickly picked it up as if nothing had happened, and left without looking back.

go! Yang Haiyang lowered the car window to say goodbye to me.

I waved my hand and turned back into the building after they left.

At the beginning of a new day, Shang Muxiao hung up a new hanging bottle. When I got back to the ward, the nurse who changed his dressing happened to be pushing the cart out.

As soon as he entered the room, Shang Muxiao's gaze shifted from the bottle hanging above his head to me.

Teacher, he pointed to the back of his hand with the indwelling needle, and said pitifully, my hand is so cold and it hurts.

It's not that I haven't had an indwelling needle, and I know that it's basically painless. He said this probably just to make me feel bad.

After being injured, I always felt that he became more and more squeamish, even more squeamish than an egg.

chuīchuī no longer hurts. I stretched out my hand and carefully covered his hand holding the bottle, and put it in front of me and let out a light breath.

Whether he really hurts or not is not that important to me, because I always treat it as if it were real.

On the other hand, Shang Muxiao is well aware of my weakness - I am always easy to be soft-hearted towards him, and I am happy to spoil him.

He squinted his eyes slightly as if enjoying: What did my sister say to you?

Said that as long as I broke up with you, she would give me ten million.

do you want it?

I looked up at him silently.

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