Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 179 The Day of Wrath, the End Time

Beep beep! ! !

Suddenly, the voice of artificial intelligence MAGI echoed: "abnormal alarm, the global population has dropped sharply, and now there are only one billion, 950 million, 900 million left."

The extinction of the population at an alarming rate has suffocated everyone in the NERV command room. The scientific prediction that no one believed in the extinction of all mankind has really appeared now.


Ritsuko Akagi smiled happily.

"Look, human beings contribute their nutrients like worms and become the nourishment of 'God'! It's an honor, we will soon be integrated with 'God', what a wonderful process!"


Katsuragi Misato took a deep breath, then watched with cold eyes, and never made any meaningless moves.

In the situation of the end of the world, no matter how inspiring words are, everyone knows that the "end" is coming, but Katsuragi Misato, who used to be very close to death, looks away at this time and observes calmly The reactions of others in the face of the apocalypse.

Fear, despair, powerlessness, anger, relief. In a short moment, she saw all kinds of life, and in the end, Katsuragi Misato raised her head and looked at the screen again.

There, there is no concept of 'heaven' and 'earth' anymore, and the irrepressible light fills the world, merging all things into one.

The EVA No. 1 machine stands in the sky, the light of divinity has already illuminated all things, and the wings of light behind it are also manipulating the torrent of energy. The souls of all human beings have broken away from the shackles of the body, like streams of light, slowly escaping into it. In his body, it must be the 'paradise after death' described in countless myths and legends, right?

The world will be unified, and the 'god' who dominates everything will be born.

Feeling her body gradually disintegrating and her soul coming out of her body, Katsuragi Misato suddenly remembered the doomsday judgment recorded in the Bible.

"The day of wrath, the time of the end. Everything in the world will be turned into ashes. People in the world, even if they are trembling, be prepared. The judge will come!"

Gently reciting this poem, Katsuragi Miri showed regret, shook her head and sighed: "I really want to see with my own eyes what the 'God' who brought us the 'Judgment Day' looks like, what a pity."

After the words fell, her body gradually dissolved into orange orange juice (LCL solution), and her soul came out of her body, becoming a beam of soul light that filled the sky.

"God, you have seen it."

Ritsuko Akagi murmured, and followed Katsuragi Misato into orange juice, and her soul turned into a beam of light and flew to the sky.

In the sky, EVA No. 1, which had recovered all the apostles, curled up its body, wrapped in huge wings of light, like a baby conceived in the mother's womb, the blazing white light radiating from its body began to shrink inward, and finally turned into a A white ball of light.

Suddenly, a tiny hymn sounded from the sky, the voice was like the whisper of a child that he didn't want others to hear, and it was like a hazy oracle that could only be heard in meditation.

A faint vitality suddenly appeared on this extinct planet, it was a delicate little flower.

Unknown when she was teleported to the ground, with an angel halo above her head, Rei Ayanami, who was as sacred as an angel, squatted down curiously. Regardless of the possible danger, she instinctively stretched out her hand and touched the flower lightly.

"Tick tock, tick tock."

The sky began to drizzle. Rei Ayanami raised her head and saw the source of the rain at a glance. It was the EVA No. 1 machine that was gradually disintegrating, and the remains of its core white light sphere.

The disintegrated wreckage turned into rainwater in mid-air, quickly covering the entire planet like a plague, and a new life began to appear on this planet. At first, it was as weak as a candle, and then it burned more and more intensely. Burning like a ball of fire.

Driven by the rich vitality, the dead land began to come alive, the blood-colored ocean began to gradually become clear, the original life began to be reborn, and the entire planet began to be reborn like a reincarnation.

In any corner of the whole world, in various regions, colorful flowers drilled out of the earth like crazy, and covered the entire planet with their own bodies. If there are satellites monitoring the planet from outside the atmosphere at this moment, you can clearly see how the entire planet is slowly being dyed with brilliant brilliance.

Following the incredible miraculous scene, the light sphere in the sky completely shattered, and a sixteen-year-old human boy different from the previous one descended. If that posture can be called a human being.

His long pale hair fluttered behind him like an invisible flame. Unlike the blood-colored double pupils that were as deep as an abyss before, his pupils now became a single pupil, as clear and gray as the sky, revealing mystery in his pupils. The texture seems to have insight into everything in the world.

His skin is clean and fair, his muscles are well-proportioned, and his naked body exudes a strange beauty. Behind him, a huge pure white light wheel rotating clockwise is slowly rotating.

Ge Yue squinted her eyes, feeling her unprecedented strength.

After devouring all the apostles and humans in this world, he finally understood all the mysteries of this world.

A long time ago, the First Ancestors at a certain point in time, their world was facing imminent crisis of destruction, and their own race was on the verge of extinction.

Facing doom, members of the First Patriarchal Nation took steps to ensure their legacy was preserved.

They created the ancestral life form known as the "Seed of Life", and launched it to specific planets in the galaxy to spread their own life offspring.

Each seed was infused with the souls of an ancestor race and placed on a transport ship known as the 'Moon'.

Each Seed of Life is equipped with a Lance of Longinus, which can control and incapacitate the Seed of Life in any emergency.

And this includes the regulation enforced by the first ancestor race that only one Seed of Life can exist on a given planet.

And set a limit, once the lives bred by the two seeds of life meet, they will definitely fight each other until they are eliminated.

But coincidentally, the two black and white moons carrying the seeds of life and wisdom fell to the earth at the same time.

And because of the first impact, the apostles born from the Seed of Life fell into a long slumber, and gave the human beings created by the second apostle born from the Fruit of Wisdom an extremely precious opportunity for development.

Needless to say after that, because human beings picked up the "god" and understood the mystery of the "god", they inevitably developed ambitions, wanting to ascend to the throne during the window of the gods' fall, Be the only god!

Based on this idea, humans formulated a plan to kill the apostles and ascend to the throne of God.

"Tsk, is this accidental chance due to the luck of the humans in this world, or is it the destiny of the first ancestors to return from death?"

Ge Yue squinted her eyes and looked at the boundless starry sky, her gray eyes were full of maliciousness.

The first ancestor nation is undoubtedly a powerful race that can shake the underlying rules, but at this moment they are all dead, and they have turned into life and spread all over the universe.

At this moment, in the state where these ancestors are still dead and the cosmic god seat is vacant, he is the uncrowned king of this world, and it is the absolute truth!

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