Time flies, Yang Xuan wakes up again and again, sinks into it again and again, watching, trying to figure out, and comprehending, and his own understanding of sword dao has become more profound. He has a feeling that perhaps he will soon understand the sword intent.

Two hours passed, Xia Yuwei and several people arrived at the agreed place, but they waited and waited, but Yang Xuan did not show up.

“Didn’t you say that you will meet here after two hours? Yang Xuan shouldn’t be a punctual person!” Cheng Shaofeng frowned.

“Senior Sister, Yang Xuan, is something wrong?” Liu Yueer looked at Xia Yuwei worriedly.

“Hehe, rest assured, that kid will have a big life and nothing will happen.”

Xia Yuwei said with a smile, her eyes looked towards the palace in the distance, she knew Yang Xuan must have entered the palace of horror boldly. As for life or death, I don’t know.

“What shall we do now, just wait for Yang Xuan here?” Lu An asked.

“You have the ability to walk through the bloody ruins, just leave.” Xia Yuwei said indifferently.

“I…” Lu An was speechless, he was also the cultivation base of 3 Heavenly Layer, and he was still wounded on his body. How can a person go out without the ability to go out? Walking through the bloody ruins is violent death.

“Well, Lu An, don’t say anything too much. Without Yang Xuan’s care along the way, we would have died long ago. Now that Yang Xuan’s life or death is uncertain, how can we abandon him?” Zhou Hu said solemnly.

“Yes, I don’t expect any ancient god inheritance anyway, just wait here for Yang Xuan, and you haven’t found it safe? There is no ancient heritage that dares to approach here.” Cheng Shaofeng said.

“It’s true, it should be that terrifying sword dao aura that shocked the ancient relics in the scarlet ruins.” Xia Yuwei nodded and said.

“Well, let’s wait for him here.” Lu An gritted his teeth, and followed Yang Xuan all the way. He also got a lot of good things. I won’t talk about the Treasure Item. There are only two Spiritual Artifacts, and it is worthwhile to leave the ancient god secret realm in this way.

“There is a building over there, let’s go there, otherwise martial artists in the past will see us, and they will inevitably cause trouble.” Xia Yuwei pointed to a dilapidated attic not far away, and then a few people prepared leave.

“haha, Yuwei Junior Sister, we are really destined. I didn’t expect to meet you here.” Suddenly, there was a loud laughter from behind, a group of more than ten people came over, the leader was Handsome young man.

This person has a cultivation base of 8 Heavenly Layer in the realm of truth, and he is about the same age as Xia Yuwei. He is dressed in brocade flowery clothed and long sword. He is proud of his appearance and looks out of the ordinary. His eyes were slightly narrow and long, which made him a bit more sullen.

“It’s you, Jiang Fei.” Xia Yuwei turned around and looked around, her expression changing.

“Why, Yuwei Junior Sister looks a little unwilling to see me?” Jiang Fei raised his brows and laughed, a pair of eyes staring at Xia Yuwei and looking up and down, the more I look at it, the hotter my heart becomes. , The more I look at it, the more itchy.

“Senior Sister.”

Liu Yueer pressed her mouth tightly, clutching Xia Yuwei’s arm tightly, as if she was a little afraid of the opposite Jiang Fei.

At this moment, Cheng Shaofeng, Zhou Hu, and Lu An also changed their faces, as if they were extremely afraid of Jiang Fei.

“Don’t worry, he dare not mess around.” Xia Yuwei reached out and patted Liu Yueer’s shoulder and was comfortable.

“haha, it might be possible. There is no one here. Even if I mess around, no one will know.” With a big laugh, Jiang Fei turned and asked the person behind him: “You said yes No?”

“Senior Brother Jiang said yes.” A group of more than a dozen people said in unison. They are all gods Roaming Sect Inner Disciple. The lowest cultivation base also has 2 Heavenly Layer, high It reached the 5 Heavenly Layer.

However, in front of Jiang Fei, everyone did not dare to show disrespect.

The reason is very simple. Jiang Fei is one of the most outstanding disciplines of the God Roaming Sect Inner Sect. The most important thing is that Jiang Fei has always been vicious and merciless. Once he offends him, he will never die. skin.

“Jiang Fei, we hope that Moon Sect and the god Roaming Sect form an alliance outside the ancient gods’ secrets. If you mess around, I hope Moon Sect Sect Master will never let go.” Xia Yuwei coldly said .

“Junior Sister, Junior Sister, haven’t you figured out the situation yet, I’m not talking nonsense with you, if you promise to be my woman and comfort me, then everything is easy to say, if not Promise, then don’t blame me for using strong.” Jiang Fei said indifferently.

“You are shameless.” Xia Yuwei scolded angrily. Jiang Fei had pursued her more than half a year ago, but she knew what Jiang Fei’s character was, so she naturally didn’t agree. Who knew Jiang Fei would visit them every other time. Moon Sect pestered her, annoying her.

Jiang Fei was not ashamed but proud, and said: “Shameless, wait until I peel you clean and press down under my body to behave, and you will know what real shameless is.”

After that, to Zhou Hu, Cheng Shaofeng, and Lu An beckoned: “The three of you, come over to me.”

“I wonder why Senior Brother Jiang asked me to wait for the past? “Zhou Hu asked calmly. He is also the god Roaming Sect Inner Disciple, so he naturally knows that Jiang Fei is a stubborn stubborn.

“Damn it, Senior Brother Jiang just let you come here, what are you talking about nonsense.” A young man with a thin body and a sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks yelled. He seemed to be at odds with Zhou Hu, so he talked about it. The words are also very rude.

“Yao Yifeng, Senior Brother Jiang haven’t spoken yet, what are you eager to cut in?” Zhou Hu coldly shouted. He defeated the god Roaming Sect Inner Sect more than half a year ago. Yao Yifeng, who knew that after such a long time, the other party still held a grudge against him.

“What did you say?” Yao Yifeng was furious, his murderous intention flashed wildly in his eyes.

“I told you to shut up, why, do you think that the cultivation base of the 3 Heavenly Layer is my opponent?” Zhou Hu looks honest, really ugly and domineering, one Pull out a golden long knife from his waist and point it at Yao Yifeng.

Chapter 180 Let me give it away

“Spiritual Artifact!” Jiang Fei’s eyes lit up, and his face was slightly surprised. Didn’t expect Zhou Hu to be in the ancient secret A Spiritual Artifact long knife was found in the territory.

“Not good!” Xia Yuwei complexion greatly changed, and she felt bad, knowing that the Spiritual Artifact long knife in Zhou Hu’s hand had caught Jiang Fei’s prying eyes.

Sure enough, Jiang Fei pondered for a moment. Blunt opened the mouth and said: “Junior Brother Zhou, your this Long Blade should be a middle grade Spiritual Artifact, right? Where did you find it? “

“It’s in the Scarlet Ruins.” Zhou Hu said, with the long knife in his sheath.

“Oh, Junior Brother’s luck is really good. We also searched the Scarlet Ruins for a long time, but unfortunately we didn’t find any treasures except some broken copper and iron.”

After that, Jiang Fei paused and said: “Junior Brother Zhou, throw your knife over to Senior Brother, can I appreciate it?”

It looks like a question, but it’s something that cannot be refused. In a tone, he had secretly decided to take Zhou Hu’s Spiritual Artifact long knife as his own. This is a valuable middle grade Spiritual Artifact. Even if he doesn’t use it, he can get a large amount of precious stones if he takes it out.

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